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Last modified: 21 May 2007
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Apply an ACIS Gain Map

[CIAO 3.4 Science Threads]


Last Update: 21 May 2007 - need to set stop=none if aspect solution is not provided


The gainfile is used to compute the ENERGY and PI of an event from the PHA value; see the PI dictionary entry for more information. Each of the values is stored in a column of the same name in the event file. Using the correct gainmap is especially important if one is interested in ENERGY, PI, or the data is for a grating observation. Later in the analysis, the FEF and OSIP files that correspond to the gain map should be used to create an RMF for the data.


To generate a new level=2 event file with the proper gain map applied. If you have already run the Apply the ACIS CTI Correction thread, the newest available gain map has been to the data; it is not necessary to run this thread as well.

Read this thread if:

you are working with any ACIS observation (imaging or grating) that is affected by the Calibration Updates.

Note: if you are working with imaging data, it is important that the calibration applied to the event file is consistent with the RMF tool chosen. Specifically, a different gain file must be used when running acis_process_events; more information is available in the Creating ACIS RMFs why topic. It is recommended that users apply the default gain file to the data, and use mkacisrmf to create the imaging RMF file.

Calibration Updates:

Get Started shows how to check the CALDBVER and temperature of your observation.

  • CALDB v3.3.0 (18 Dec 2006): A new set of gain files for -120 data have been added to the CALDB. Only calibration for the BI chips (S1, S3) has changed in this file; calibration for the FI chips is identical to the v5 file. The How CIAO 3.4 and CALDB 3.3.0 Affect Your Analysis section of the CIAO release notes explains how the files will affect your analysis.
  • CALDB v3.2.1 (15 Dec 2005): The gain for the back-illuminated (BI) chips - ACIS-S1 and S3 - has been upgraded to match the BI gains from the acisD2000-01-29gain_ctiN0005.fits file. See How CALDB 3.2.1 Affects Your Analysis for details.
  • CALDB v3.2.0 (21 Nov 2005): New gain files for -120 data have been added to the CALDB; see the CIAO 3.3 release notes for information on how they will affect your analysis.
  • CALDB v3.0.0 (15 Dec 2004): New default gain file (acisD2000-01-29gain_ctiN0003.fits).
  • CALDB v2.7 (7 Aug 2001): New gainfiles for analyzing -120 degree observations taken on the S3 chip.
  • CALDB v2.2 (15 Feb 2001): All the gainfiles were updated in this release.

Related Links:

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Get Started

Sample ObsID used: 1838 (ACIS-S, G21.5-09)

File types needed: evt1; flt1; bpix1

If you created a new bad pixel file by running the Create a New ACIS Bad Pixel File: Identify ACIS Hot Pixels and Cosmic Ray Afterglows thread, use that file in this analysis. Otherwise, use the bpix1.fits file from the Archive.

Check the CALDBVER keyword in the header

unix% dmkeypar acisf01838_000N001_evt1.fits CALDBVER echo+

Also, determine if this is -120 degree S3 data (as explained in the Overview):

unix% dmkeypar acisf01838_000N001_evt1.fits FP_TEMP echo+

unix% dmkeypar acisf01838_000N001_evt1.fits DETNAM echo+

See this FAQ for more information on checking the temperature of your observation. The S3 chip is ccd_id=7, as shown in Figure 6.1 of the POG.

Since this is -120 degree S3 data which was processed with a CALDBVER lower than 3.2.0, complete this thread in its entirety.

Related acis_process_events threads

There are other threads that should be considered, since they may affect how acis_process_events is run. The Create a New Level=2 Event File thread shows how to combine all of these options into a single run of acis_process_events.

Generate A New Level=1 Event File

Determine the eventdef parameter

The eventdef parameter specifies the names and data types of the columns in the output event data file. Four predefined strings are included in the parameter file for acis_process_events:

READMODE DATAMODE event mode eventdef string
TIMED (V)FAINT timed exposure (very) faint stdlev1
TIMED GRADED timed exposure graded grdlev1
CONTINUOUS CC(33)_FAINT continuous clocking (3x3) faint cclev1
CONTINUOUS CC(33)_GRADED continuous clocking (3x3) graded ccgrdlev1

If you are unsure of the event mode of your observation, the information can be found in the READMODE and DATAMODE values stored in the file header:

unix% dmkeypar acisf01838_000N001_evt1.fits READMODE echo+

unix% dmkeypar acisf01838_000N001_evt1.fits DATAMODE echo+

This is a timed exposure faint observation, so the proper eventdef parameter is "stdlev1." The full parameter syntax of each eventdef string may be found in plist acis_process_events.

Run acis_process_events

Running this tool with the SDP level=1 event file as the input will produce a new level=1 event file that has the latest CALDB applied, meaning that the newest gain map will be picked up. Since the CTI and Time-Dependent Gain corrections are on by default, they will both be applied (when possible).

unix% punlearn acis_process_events
unix% pset acis_process_events infile=acisf01838_000N001_evt1.fits
unix% pset acis_process_events outfile=acis_1838_new_evt1.fits
unix% pset acis_process_events badpixfile=acis_1838_new_bpix1.fits
unix% pset acis_process_events eventdef=")stdlev1"
unix% pset acis_process_events stop=none
unix% acis_process_events
Input event file or stack (acisf01838_000N001_evt1.fits): 
Output event file name (acis_1838_new_evt1.fits): 
aspect offset file ( NONE | none | <filename>) (NONE): 

It is important to note the unusual syntax of the eventdef parameter; the tool will not access the predefined string if the leading ")" is missing (see example 6 of ahelp parameter).

The content of the parameter file may be checked using plist acis_process_events.

You may see a warning about the number of event islands that contain one or more bad pixels:

# acis_process_events (CIAO 3.4): The following error occurred 26941
  times: dsAFEBADPCNTERR -- WARNING: Event island contains 1 or more bad pixels.

It is explained in this FAQ and may be ignored.

Generate A New Level=2 Event File

If you are working with grating data, you should proceed to the Obtain Grating Spectra from HETG/ACIS-S Data thread or the Obtain Grating Spectra from LETG/ACIS-S Data thread at this point to generate the correct level=1.5 and level=2 files. For non-grating data, continue with the following steps.

Apply grade/status filters

Filter for bad grades (using ASCA grades) and for a "clean" status column (ie all bits set to 0):

unix% punlearn dmcopy
unix% dmcopy "acis_1838_new_evt1.fits[EVENTS][grade=0,2,3,4,6,status=0]" \

Apply GTI filters

The Good Time Intervals (GTIs) supplied by the pipeline now need to be applied. Simultaneously, an unnecessary column is eliminated from the output:

unix% punlearn dmcopy
unix% dmcopy "acis_1838_flt_evt1.fits[EVENTS][@acisf01838_000N001_flt1.fits][cols -phas]" \

Be sure to include the @ symbol in the filter expression; the command will not be executed properly if it is omitted.


This thread is complete; the new level=2 event file is named acis_1838_evt2.fits.

Parameters for /home/username/cxcds_param/acis_process_events.par

#  acis_process_events.par- Parameter file for acis_process_events program
        infile = acisf01838_000N001_evt1.fits  Input event file or stack
       outfile = acis_1838_new_evt1.fits Output event file name
    acaofffile = NONE             aspect offset file ( NONE | none | <filename>)
    (apply_cti = yes)             Apply CTI adjustment?
  (apply_tgain = yes)             Apply time-dependent gain adjustment?
(alignmentfile = )acaofffile -> NONE) sim/fam alignment file ( NONE | none | <filename>)
      (obsfile = NONE)            obs.par file for output file keywords ( NONE | none | <filename>)
      (geompar = geom)            Parameter file for Pixlib Geometry files
      (logfile = stdout)          debug log file ( STDOUT | stdout | <filename>)
    (gradefile = CALDB)           grade mapping file ( NONE | none | CALDB | <filename>)
     (gainfile = CALDB)           acis gain file ( NONE | none | CALDB | <filename>)
   (badpixfile = acis_1838_new_bpix1.fits) acis bad pixel file ( NONE | none | <filename>)
   (threshfile = CALDB)           split threshold file ( NONE | none | CALDB | <filename>)
      (ctifile = CALDB)           acis CTI file ( NONE | none | CALDB | <filename>)
    (tgainfile = CALDB)           gain adjustment file ( NONE | none | CALDB | <filename>)
     (eventdef = )stdlev1 -> {d:time,s:ccd_id,s:node_id,i:expno,s:chip,s:tdet,f:det,f:sky,s:phas,l:pha,l:pha_ro,
f:energy,l:pi,s:fltgrade,s:grade,x:status}) output format definition
   (doevtgrade = yes)             Determine event flight grade?
 (check_vf_pha = no)              Check very faint pixels?
(calc_cc_times = no)              Estimate the times of arrival for CC-mode observation?
        (trail = 0.027)           Trail fraction
     (spthresh = 13)              Default split threshold level (overridden by values in threshfile)
  (time_offset = 0)               Offset to add to event time field to synch w/ fam data
   (docentroid = no)              Determine pixel centroid for coord. conversion?
 (calculate_pi = yes)             perform pha->pi conversion? (requires gain file)
 (pi_bin_width = 14.6)            Width of Pi bin in eV
  (pi_num_bins = 1024)            Number of values to bin energy into
 (max_cti_iter = 15)              Maximum iterations for the CTI adjustment of each event
 (cti_converge = 0.1)             The convergence criterion for each CTI-adjusted pixel in adu
       (tstart = TSTART)          header key containing start/default time value
        (tstop = TSTOP)           header key containing time of last event
      (clobber = no)              Overwrite output event file if it already exists?
      (verbose = 0)               level of debug detail (0=none, 5=most)
         (stop = none)            end transformations at [chip,tdet,det,tan,sky,none]
     (instrume = acis)            axaf instrument- used for instrument parameter file
    (rand_seed = 1)               random seed (for pixlib), 0 = use time dependent seed
     (rand_pha = yes)             Randomize the pha value used in gain calculations
(rand_pix_size = 0.5)             pixel randomization width (-size..+size) 0=no randomization
      (stdlev1 = {d:time,s:ccd_id,s:node_id,i:expno,s:chip,s:tdet,f:det,f:sky,s:phas,l:pha,l:pha_ro,f:energy,
l:pi,s:fltgrade,s:grade,x:status}) TE faint modes event definition string
      (grdlev1 = {d:time,s:ccd_id,s:node_id,i:expno,s:chip,s:tdet,f:det,f:sky,l:pha,l:pha_ro,s:corn_pha,f:energy,
l:pi,s:fltgrade,s:grade,x:status}) TE graded event format definition string
       (cclev1 = {d:time,s:ccd_id,s:node_id,i:expno,s:chip,s:tdet,f:det,f:sky,f:sky_1d,s:phas,l:pha,l:pha_ro,
f:energy,l:pi,s:fltgrade,s:grade,x:status}) CC faint event format definition string
    (ccgrdlev1 = {d:time,s:ccd_id,s:node_id,i:expno,s:chip,s:tdet,f:det,f:sky,f:sky_1d,l:pha,l:pha_ro,s:corn_pha,
f:energy,l:pi,s:fltgrade,s:grade,x:status}) cc graded event format definition string
         (mode = ql)              


03 Jan 2005 updated for CIAO 3.2: minor changes to parameter files; new default gain file (CALDB 3.0.0); use ACIS bad pixel file (badpixfile parameter); removed reference to running on a level=2 event file
01 Feb 2005 added note about "Event island contains 1 or more bad pixels" warning
20 Jun 2005 CIAO 3.2.2 patch: minor acis_process_events parameter change (default value of threshfile is CALDB instead of NONE)
12 Dec 2005 updated for CIAO 3.3: new gain files in CALDB 3.2.0; output filenames include ObsID
14 Jun 2006 late update: new gain files in CALDB 3.2.1
18 Dec 2006 updated for CIAO 3.4: new calibration files in CALDB 3.3.0; removed use of "rand_pha=no" in acis_process_events, as most users should keep the PHA randomization (see the Apply/Remove PHA Randomization thread); CIAO version in warnings
21 May 2007 need to set stop=none if aspect solution is not provided

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Last modified: 21 May 2007

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