The talks are in the same order as the Program Schedule.
Ghosh, P. - Cosmic Star Formation History and Chandra Deep Field Studies
Garcia, M. - The Chandra M31 Campaign: Some Surprises and M31*
Gilfanov, M. - Populations of Compact X-ray Sources in Galaxies
Branduardi-Raymont, G. - XMM-Newton Observations of X-ray Emission from Jupiter
Douglas Swartz (USRA NASA/MSFC)
Ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) are non-nuclear point-like sources in
external galaxies with apparent luminosities ergs/s. Their nature
is still a mystery: If they are accreting sources at the distance of
their host galaxies, then their high luminosities require either beamed
emission geometries, or super-Eddington emission rates, or accretion
onto compact objects more massive than predicted by stellar evolution
models. I will present the evidence for and against a unique
classification for ULXs, describe theoretical models for the formation
of ULXs and their emission mechanisms, and demonstrate the importance of
multi-wavelength campaigns to understanding the ULX phenomenon.
Pranab Ghosh (Tata Institute), Nicholas White (NASA/GSFC)
We discuss how recent CHANDRA deep-field surveys bear on the question of cosmic star-formation history. We show that our current understanding of the evolution of X-ray luminosities of normal/starburst and Lyman-break galaxies is qualitatively correct, while quantitative details need to be clarified. We explore the role of X-ray logN-logS plots in this context, which indicate that, while the power in the X-ray background is dominated by AGN, the number density of sources is dominated by normal/starburst galaxies at faint fluxes. We discuss various schemes currently employed to discriminate between AGN and normal/starburst galaxies, and we summarize the correlations between the emissions in the X-rays and in other wavebands -- optical, IR, submm, and radio -- which emphasize the diagnostic value of X-rays as a probe of star formation.
Michael Garcia (SAO), Ben Williams (Penn State Univ.), Francis Primini (SAO), Lorant Sjouwerman (NRAO), Steve Murray (SAO)
Chandra has been monitoring M31 nearly monthly since A01, with a few
interruptions. This nearly 6 year long dataset has allowed the X-ray
variability of hundreds of sources in the bulge of this galaxy to be
studied in unprecedented detail. In addition the summed exposure on the
bulge is 0.5 Msec, allowing very faint sources to be studied. Here we
will highlight some of the surprises that this study has revealed, which
include an unexplained association between nebula and X-ray binaries.
The nuclear supermassive black hole (M31*) has proven to be one of the
most secure cases for a radiatively inefficient accretion flow, and
bears striking differences to Sgr A*. Preliminary results from our AO6
campaign on M31* will be presented.
Marat Gilfanov (MPA, Garching)
We will discuss several aspects of populations of compact X-ray sources in galaxies. Among other topics we will compare luminosity distributions of low- and high- mass X-ray binaries in nearby galaxies as observed by Chandra and XMM-Newton and discuss use of compact sources as proxies for the stellar mass and star formation rate of the host galaxy. We will also consider the dependence of the HMXB population on the stellar age and constrain parameters of the binary evolution based on observations of high mass X-ray binaries in other galaxies.
M101 is a nearby face-on Scd galaxy that is small enough in angular size to allow complete coverage with a limited number of Chandra observations. Thus, the campaign to accumulate a 1Ms exposure of M101 allows thorough study of the point source populations; the combination of depth and coverage allows a more detailed study of the luminosity function as well as a spatially resolved study of luminosity functions. I find that 1.) about a third of the sources have hardness ratios typical of thermal sources rather than X-ray binaries, 2.) the radial distribution is more centrally peaked for dimmer sources, suggesting that the brighter sources are more strongly correlated with the younger stellar populations, and 3.) the surface density of sources is correlated with the UV surface brightness.
Anil Bhardwaj (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center), Ronald F. Elsner (Presenter, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center), J. Hunter Waite Jr. (AOSS, Univ. of Michigan), G. Randall Gladstone (Southwest Research Institute), Graziella Branduardi-Raymont (MSSL, Univ. College London), Thomas E. Cravens (Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Univ. of Kansas), Peter G. Ford (MIT)
Saturn was observed by the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer on the
Chandra observatory in two exposures on 20 and 26-27 January 2004
respectively; each continuous observation lasted for about one full
Saturn rotation (about 10 hr). These Chandra observations have detected
an X-ray flare from Saturn's disk seen in direct response to an M6-class
solar X-ray flare emanating from a sunspot that was clearly visible from
both Saturn and Earth. The observation showed that the Saturnian X-ray
emission is highly variable: a factor of 3 variability in brightness
over one week. The spectrum of Saturn disk X-rays is quite similar to
that of Jupiter's equatorial emissions. In addition, there is a hint of
auroral emission from Saturn's South pole. But unlike Jupiter, X-rays
from Saturn's polar regions appear to have characteristics similar to
those from its disk and vary in brightness inversely to the FUV aurora
observed by the Hubble Space Telescope. These Chandra observations also
discovered atomic oxygen
X-rays from Saturn's rings. The X-ray
spectrum of the rings is dominated by emission in a narrow (
130 eV
wide) band centered on the atomic oxygen
fluorescence line at 0.53
keV. These exciting results obtained from Chandra observations will be
presented and their production mechanism will be discussed. XMM-Newton
observed X-rays from Saturn during 2005 April 21-22, for about two
Saturn rotations. Another observation, of similar duration, is scheduled
for early November 2005. These observations are planned to take
advantage of in-situ measurements being conducted simultaneously by the
Cassini spacecraft. Preliminary results from the April XMM-Newton
observations will also be presented and compared with the Chandra
Graziella Branduardi-Raymont (Mullard Space Science Laboratory, Univ. College London), Anil Bhardwaj, Ronald F. Elsner (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center), G. Randall Gladstone (Southwest Research Institute), Gavin Ramsay (Mullard Space Science Laboratory, Univ. College London), Pedro Rodriguez (XMM-Newton SOC, Vilspa), Roberto Soria (Mullard Space Science Laboratory, Univ. College London), J. Hunter Waite Jr. (AOSS, Univ. of Michigan), Thomas E. Cravens (Univ. of Kansas),
Two XMM-Newton observations of Jupiter were carried out in 2003 for 100 and 250 ks (3 and 7 planet rotations) respectively.
X-ray images from the EPIC CCD cameras show bright emissions, modulated at the planet's rotation period, from Jupiter's auroral spots. Their spectra are well modelled by a combination of emission lines, including most prominently those of highly ionised oxygen (OVII and OVIII). Emission from the equatorial regions of the planet's disk is also observed: the spectrum, displaying FeXVII, Mg XI and SiXIII line emission, is consistent with that of solar X-rays scattered in the planet's upper atmosphere. Spectrally resolved EPIC images, using narrow bands centered on the brightest lines, clearly resolve the different emission areas. Remarkably, in November 2003, a large solar X-ray flare on the Sun's Jupiter-facing side is found to be associated with a corresponding feature in the Jovian X-ray lightcurve of the equatorial regions.
Jupiter's X-rays are further resolved spectrally with the RGS, which clearly separates the OVII triplet, the OVIII and FeXVII lines, the auroral emissions being mostly identified with the lower ionisation oxygen line.
Our findings suggest that the non-auroral X-ray emission from Jupiter is directly controlled by the Sun, while the auroral emissions are most likely due to capture and acceleration of energetic ions from the outer magnetosphere, or the solar wind, or both, followed by X-ray production by charge exchange.