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Last modified: 17 October 2007

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/sherpa3.4/documents/papers/index.html
Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter

Sherpa Publications

Postscript versions of Chandra-related publications, grouped by subject, are available for download here (note that the files are gzip-compressed).

General | Statistics

Citing Sherpa in a Publication

If you are writing a paper and would like to cite Sherpa, we recommend the following paper:

Sherpa: a mission-independent data analysis application
      P. E. Freeman, S. Doe, A. Siemiginowska
      SPIE Proceedings, Vol. 4477, p.76, 2001
      SPIE_2001.ps.gz, 12 pages

The specific version of CIAO and CALDB (if applicable) used for the analysis should be mentioned as well. Further guidelines are available from the Acknowledgment of Use of Chandra Resources.


New Elements of Sherpa, CIAO's Modeling and Fitting Tool
P. E. Freeman, S. Doe, A. Siemiginowska
ADASS X, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 238, p.483, 2001
newsherpa.ps.gz, 4 pages

Fitting and Modeling of AXAF Data with the ASC Fitting Application
S. Doe, M. Ljungberg, A. Siemiginowska, W. Joye
ADASS VII, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 145, 1998
ascfitting.ps.gz, 4 pages

Fitting and Modeling in the ASC Data Analysis Environment
S. Doe, A. Siemiginowska, W. Joye, J. McDowell
ADASS VI, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 125, 1997
daenvironment.ps.gz, 4 pages

AXAF Data Analysis Challenges
A. Siemiginowska, et al.
Statistical Challenges in Modern Astronomy II, 1997
challenges.ps.gz, 16 pages

Advances in Chandra Data Analysis
N. RA. Wolk, M. Noble, S. Doe
advances.ps.gz, 4 pages



Statistical Challenges in Astronomy,
E. D. Feigelson, G. J. Babu
Springer-Verlag (publisher), 2003

Parameter Estimation and Model Comparison

Energy Spectra of X-ray Clusters of Galaxies
Y. Avni
ApJ, 210, 642, 1976
energyspec.ps.gz, 5 pages

Parameter Estimation in Astronomy through Application of the Likelihood Ratio
W. Cash
ApJ, 228, 939, 1979
likelihood.ps.gz, 9 pages

Generation of Confidence Intervals for Model Parameters in X-ray Astronomy
W. Cash
A&A, 52,307, 1976
conf_intervals.ps.gz, 2 pages

Parameter Estimation in X-ray Astronomy
M. Lampton, B. Margon, S. Bowyer
ApJ, 208, 177, 1976
paramest.ps.gz, 14 pages

Analyzing Gamma-ray Burst Spectral Data
T. J. Loredo, R. I. Epstein
ApJ, 336, 896, 1989
grb.ps.gz, 24 pages

Chi-squared and C Statistic Minimization for Low Count per Bin Data
J. A. Nousek, D. R. Shue
ApJ, 342, 1207, 1989
chisq_cstat.ps.gz, 5 pages

Statistics, Handle with Care: Detecting Multiple Model Components with the Likelihood Ratio Test
R. Protassov, D. A. van Dyk, A. Connors, V. L. Kashyap, A. Siemiginowska
ApJ, 571, 545, 2002

Parameter Estimation in X-ray Astronomy using Maximum Likelihood
K. Wachter, R. Leach, E. Kellogg
ApJ, 230, 274, 1979
paramest2.ps.gz, 17 pages

X-ray Spectra and Detectors

The Formal Underpinnings of the Response Functions Used in X-Ray Spectral Analysis
J. E. Davis
ApJ, 548, 1010, 2001
underpinnings.ps.gz, 22 pages

The Analysis of X-ray Spectra
P. Gorenstien, H. Gursky, G. Garmire
ApJ, 153, 885, 1968
xray_spectra.ps.gz, 14 pages

The Direct Deconvolution of X-ray Spectra
S. M. Kahn, R. J. Blissett
ApJ, 238, 417, 1980
deconvolution.ps.gz, 18 pages

Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: 17 October 2007

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