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Last modified: 21 September 2006

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/sherpa3.4/bugs/ut_projection.html
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Utility Bugs: projection


  1. PROJECTION and REGION-PROJECTION do not recognize the parameters by number.

  2. Projection fails with "Error: LM Error has been detected."


  1. PROJECTION and REGION-PROJECTION do not recognize the parameters by number.

    They must be specified as model_name.param_name, not model_name.param_number (e.g. PROJECTION poly.c0 vs PROJECTION poly.1).

  2. Projection fails with "Error: LM Error has been detected."

    sherpa> projection
    Error: LM Error has been detected.
      -- The LM alpha matrix is null.
      -- ==> bad parameter value choices.

    One cause is parameter step size at parameter bounds. For instance, the default step size for a Gaussian fwhm is 0.01 times the current value; if the value hits its hard minimum (approximately 10^-38) during projection, then the step size will not be large enough to cause the statistic to change, leading to a null alpha matrix.


    S-Lang could be used to avoid this problem:

    sherpa> tryone = run_proj(["pow1.ampl"])
    sherpa> print(tryone)

    If NULL, then change the optimization method to powell and try again:

    sherpa> () = sherpa_eval("method powell")
    sherpa> sherpa.proj.fast = 0
    sherpa> trytwo = run_proj(["pow1.ampl"]);
    Projection complete for parameter: pow1.ampl
    Computed for sherpa.proj.sigma = 1.6
            Parameter Name Best-Fit Lower Bound Upper Bound
              pow1.ampl 5.33519e-06 -1.24361e-06 +1.24361e-06
    sherpa> print(trytwo[0])
    name = pow1.ampl
    val = 5.33519e-06
    vlo = 4.09157e-06
    vhi = 6.5788e-06
    sigma = 1.6

    Then change back to LM, if desired.

Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: 21 September 2006

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