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Last modified: 14 February 2007

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/sherpa3.4/bugs/sl_get_net_counts_sum.html
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S-lang-related Bugs: get_net_counts_sum


  1. Incorrect results when multiple datasets are loaded [New](14 Feb 2007)


  1. Incorrect results when multiple datasets are loaded [New](14 Feb 2007)

    When multiple datasets are read in, get_net_counts_sum uses the backscale value incorrectly, which leads to the wrong number of counts being returned.


    Use the following procedure in place of the get_net_counts_sum command. In this example, we are finding the net counts for dataset 3.

    data 1 dat1.pha
    data 2 dat2.pha
    data 3 dat3.pha
    variable foo = get_flux_str();
    foo.range = [0.5,10];
    foo.dataset = 3;
    variable tot= (get_dcounts_sum(foo).value);
    variable bgd = (get_bdcounts_sum(foo).value);
    variable bscal=(get_backscale(3));
    variable bscalebg=(get_bbackscale(3));
    variable scale3=(bscal/bscalebg);
    variable net=(tot-(bgd*scale3));
Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: 14 February 2007

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