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Last modified: 21 September 2006

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/sherpa3.4/bugs/sl_general.html
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S-lang-related Bugs: general


  1. load_arf with set_inst_expr vs. instrument with farf1d

  2. When a fake arf has been create, using S-lang functions to define the same instrument model for different datasets confuses Sherpa.

  3. There are no consistent error message system in the Sherpa Slang/Varmm environment.

  4. Currently, the Sherpa/S-Lang module can report parameter links, but it cannot create them.


  1. load_arf with set_inst_expr vs. instrument with farf1d

    The following commands:

    () = load_arf( "arf1", "arf.fits" );
    () = set_inst_expr( 1, "arf1" );

    do not produce the same results as:

    instrument 1 = farf1d[arf1](arf.fits)
    1. The analysis setting is "Channel" and not "Energy" after performing the S-Lang calls.
    2. The return value of get_axes() does not obey the analysis setting, although it appears to do so.

    This issue also holds if you create a fake arf using a struct.

  2. When a fake arf has been create, using S-lang functions to define the same instrument model for different datasets confuses Sherpa.

    This works fine when the ARF is loaded from a file.

  3. There are no consistent error message system in the Sherpa Slang/Varmm environment.

  4. Currently, the Sherpa/S-Lang module can report parameter links, but it cannot create them.

    This works:

    sherpa> gauss[g1]
    sherpa> gauss[g2]
    sherpa> g2.fwhm => g1.fwhm
    sherpa> get_par("g2.fwhm").linkexpr

    but this doesn't:

    sherpa> ampl2 = get_par("g2.ampl")
    sherpa> ampl2.linked = 1
    sherpa> ampl2.linkexpr = "g1.ampl"
    sherpa> set_par(ampl2)
    sherpa> show g2
    gauss1d[g2]  (integrate: on)
        Param   Type      Value        Min        Max                 Units
        -----   ----      -----        ---        ---                 -----
     1   fwhm   link         10     expression: g1.fwhm
     2    pos thawed          0 -3.403e+38 3.4028e+38                      
     3   ampl thawed          1 -3.403e+38 3.4028e+38                      
    sherpa> print(get_par("g2.ampl"))
    name             =  g2.ampl
    model            =  gauss1d
    type             =  src
    value            =  1
    min              =  -3.40282e+38
    max              =  3.40282e+38
    delta            =  -1
    units            =  NULL
    frozen           =  0
    linked           =  0
    linkexpr         =  NULL
Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: 21 September 2006

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