CIAO 3.0 Release Notes
Return to: Version History
Multiple Tools
Tools now store record of all input-parameter values in
history section of FITS headers
Changes to when tools copy history info from input to
output header: Tools that create a new kind of output
(eg detect tools) will no longer carry history from the
input. However, tools like destreak will carry full history.
When run on a file it has previously processed, now resets
status bits allocated to it to 0 before reassigning.
Eliminates problem where running again with more restrictive
conditions failed to reduce number of afterglow events.
New version of script converted to slsh making
use of the caldb and paramio S-Lang wrappers
Added an exhaustive list of conditions for cc-mode
time-of-arrival computations.
Fix for full header copy to get correct CONTENT and HDU*
Fixed problems w/ CTI_CORR keyword in GRADED mode (keyword
not getting written).
Now prints a warning when the CHIPY_TARG goes out of range
Now prints a warning when stop=none|chip and calculating cc-mode TOA
Now uses CHIPY_TARG (instead of trow+1) for gain computations
in CC mode.
If obsfile=<filename>, tool now warns if file is not found (value
of "none" or "NONE" specifies no obs.par file)
Now applies CTI correction by default (apply_cti=yes)
Updates for handling the various CTI conditions in
acis_process_events. Problem was that in some
cases, a_p_e did not select the CTI-corrected
gain file.
Fixes to allow CTI corrections to be undone and redone
Fixed crash when aspect file is missing/bad
Fixed mistake in parameter file indicating that
random=-1 disabled randomization
Fix for dmgroup 3.0 version.
Fix to a bug in the "domsg()" routine that sets the
output message level according to the input
Removed script-version message
Included grouping option ADAPTIVE_SNR
Fix for problem deleting temp files
Fix for dmgroup 3.0 version.
Fix to a bug in the "domsg()" routine that sets the
output message level according to the input
Removed script-version message
Included grouping option ADAPTIVE_SNR
Fix to use 'head -1' to work around problem of getting multiple
lines for certain keyword values
New tool: Performs Richardson-Lucy deconvolution of
an input image
Removed from CIAO; use asphist instead
Removed from CIAO; use asphist instead
Changed units for columns X/Y_OFFSET in output file
from "pix" to "pixel".
Fix for problems when first file has 0 rows
dtffile can now be set to NONE for HRC and the DTCOR value
in the event file will be used.
Added units "pixel" to R column.
Added "ELLSIGMA" keyword indicating the user parameter used
to scale the "R" column
Removed dependence on ascfitlib by removing model evaluation
of old LSF params. Old psfsize files named "psfsize.fits"
and "psfsize_19991012.fits" will no longer work with
Fix to allow background image to be input
Quieted some of the misleading message about stopping
Removed warning "edge treatment option will be ignored"
since it is always true (since the default convolution
method is FFT)
Changed default .par value to work only on ACIS-8
Fixed problem with not respecting datamodel filter
on infile
Quieted some extra verbose output (not controlled by verbose)
Fixed problem with the DETNAM becoming mangled
when adding non-grating ARFs (possibly causing crash)
Fixed crash when specifying levels as a::b
Fix for images with NaN values (floating point images only);
tool will no longer crash
Fix for problems when infile does not contain WCS
and opt=sky|cel (eg infile=pcad*asol1.fits)
Fix to set correct exit status on error
New tool: Finds differences between two FITS
files (header and data); see 'ahelp dmdiff' for
more info
Fixed problem with trying to extract PHA spectra with a
background stack.
Added ability to filter wmap independently of data
Fixed memory corruption problem on Linux.
Fix for PHA2 files not reporting net_counts
Added ability to weight the counts when extracting data from
a table, eg
dmextract "foo_evt.fits[bin time=::10;dtf]"
(The ';dtf' part is new). Instead of counts +=1, it
stores and reports counts += dtf (in this case).
Fix for problem when region is entirely off the FOV. Will
give a warning & set counts, area, and sbr to 0.
'dmextract' now provides support for lightcurves created
from the TIME column of an event file. In versions prior to
CIAO 3.0, if one binned a 10 ksec observation over 10 sec
intervals, for example, the resulting COUNT_RATE column
would contain value of counts per 10 sec bin divided by 10
ksec, i.e., the full duration of the observation. By
choosing 'opt=ltc1' or 'opt=ltc2', COUNT_RATE will contain
the proper rate for the duration of the bin, and
furthermore, the rate will include deadtime and good time
interval corrections. This functionality essentially
replaces one of the binning options found in the
'lightcurve' tool (i.e., binning by bin length in seconds),
and users are recommended to use 'dmextract' with the ltc
option in lieu of 'lightcurve'. Note that the lightcurve
functionality only works for extractions based on the TIME
column directly and explicitly, and does not work on other
columns derived from the time column (e.g., TIME_RO, PHASE).
The meanings of various output columns generated in spatial
extraction have been simplified in CIAO 3.0.
The definitions of the output "COUNTS" columns (e.g. COUNTS,
NET_COUNTS, etc.) and "RATE" columns (COUNT_RATE, NET_RATE,
etc.) when exposure maps are used have been changed. Now,
the units of the "COUNTS" columns are always simply
"counts", and the "RATE" columns units are always
"counts/sec", regardless of whether an exposure map is used.
The exposure time used in rate calculations is taken from
the value of the EXPOSURE keyword in the header.
When exposure maps are used, additional "FLUX" columns
(e.g., FLUX, NET_FLUX, etc.) are added to the output table.
These columns always have units of "counts/cm**2/sec".
MEAN_SRC_EXP and MEAN_BG_EXP columns are also added to the
output in these cases. These columns represent the
count-weighted averages of the exposure map values in the
source and background regions, in units of cm**2. If
unnormalized exposure maps have been used, these values are
converted to cm**2 by dividing by the exposure time from the
EXPOSURE keyword in the header. A SUR_FLUX column is also
added in these cases, with units of "counts/cm**2/sec/pixel".
Normalized (units of cm**2), unnormalized (units of
cm**2-sec), and dimensionless exposure maps are now
supported. Exposure map units should be the same for both
source and background exposure maps. If dimensionless
exposure maps are used, they are treated as unnormalized and
the program issues a warning. In such cases, users should
proceed with caution in interpreting the meanings of the
"FLUX" columns.
Added background surface brightness and error columns when background
is not NONE
Fixed problem where filter's specified after the "[bin "
part of the infile were not getting applied
Modified area columns to have 'pixel' units
Added error exit when no data is present in region
Fixed bug where non-square images were being indexed
Fix for method=POLY and all background data = NULL.
Will now warn user.
Fixes for bad indexing (non-square images) for background
regions. Improper indexing caused a very small subset
of the background region to be sampled from a place
on the image outside the specified background region.
Fix for checking for regions outside the image boundary
regardless of method being used.
Fix for low 'flux' POISSION (and GLOBAL) distributions.
(Source regions were not getting filled in.)
No longer crashes if region stack is not in current
When an event file is supplied it will warn instead of
allowing it to be binned
When method=GLOBAL, the bkglist is ignored (required
but ignored)
Entirely new tool based on a new group lib.
Supports new grouping methods: ADAPTIVE_SNR, BIN_WIDTH,
MIN_SLOPE, MAX_SLOPE, BIN_FILE (see 'ahelp dmgroup'
for info)
Supports type II files
'Tabs' have been split to now also include 'stops'; the
former are marked as bad, the later as good.
The syntax of tabs and stops has changed from center:width
to the usual min:max
Removed parameters 'column' and 'bincolumn'; added
'xcolumn' and 'ycolumn', which function differently than the
old parameters; see 'ahelp dmgroup' for details and the Updating
dmgroup Syntax for CIAO 3.0 thread.
New tool to parse ds9 format regions (should be in physical
coordinates) into CIAO syntax. Specifically, uses ds9
'tags' to correctly group shapes together and separates into
source and background components. (See 'ahelp dmgroupreg'
for more info.)
Fix for problem where tool needed one existing
keyword to work properly
Fix to allow string keyword values to be set to "".
Technically in FITS they are set to " ".
Fix so that history is not added if keyword edit failed
Fixed problem of HisTORY and COmmeNt case sensitivity
Fixed exit value when output file is un-writeable
Fix for empty string after '/' comment separator
New tool: Now that all tools put full history into
header in std format, its possible to extract that history.
Will recreate the full command line from history records
for specified command (or all commands) including stack
resolution. (See 'ahelp dmhistory' for more info.)
Note that tools that are actually shell scripts
(add_grating_orders, add_grating_spectra, psextract,
tgdetect, wavdetect) do *not* produce standard histories
in their output files. Hence, dmhistory may be of
limited use with the output of these tools.
Fixed problem with extraneous grid line when non-square
images are supplied.
Fix for extra 'grid' pixel in low-left corner when grid
Integrated MTL libraries. Arbitrary calculations are
now possible, using same expressions/syntax as dmtcalc.
(See 'ahelp dmimgcalc' for more info.)
Made the lookupTab optional; that is if it's set to NONE or
"" then the header merge is not done -- only the values in
the first header are used. This doesn't apply to the WCSs
checks; only to the header merge.
Fixed exit value to return(0) upon successfully completion
in "add|sub|mul|div|tst" mode.
Fixes problem w/ copying WCS from rmfimg-style output file
Can now output float/double/short/etc data types
Fix to use binsize=1 when bin=::. (Previously crashed.)
Fixed exit status
New tool: Maps image values to rows in a table.
(See 'ahelp dmimgpick' for more info.)
Fix to allow upper cut-off using cut=<min>:<max> syntax.
Can mix-n-match value vs value% and ":" min/max are
optional, eg cut=50 -> lower only, cut=50: same, cut=:50 ->
max cutoff of 50, cut=20:90% min @20 (exactly) max at 90%.
Same value is used for min/max threshold (if you want a
different value, run tool twice)
If value=INDEF, the output file will contain NaN's.
NOTE: It will be NaN only if the data are floating
point. If it is an integer image, the value will be
whatever NaN is cast to.
Fix for problem when there are no more rows in the join files
Fixed problem where if one of the values was after the
end of the range covered by the interpolation file,
the extrapolation was done from the wrong end of the file.
Fixed problem of interpolation being done one row
off from the correct point.
Added four new interpolation methods: closest, furthest,
minimum, and maximum. Closest picks the value whose joincol
value is closest to the joined row; furthest picks the one
furthest away. Minimum and maximum will pick the min/max,
respectively, of the closest two values.
Fixed problem w/ interpolated values being slightly off
due to casting problems.
Correctly set exit status
Fix for linear interpolation to use fabs() to set the
weights correctly when data (not join column) are not
Fixed segv is infile=''
Modified so that it can also grab a value from a column in
addition to a keyword -- thus replicating the 'ftabkey'
functionality. Users can use "[#row xx]" filtering to
select a given row.
Removed minimum defaults (=0) for real and integer values in
.par file.
Added a new 'echo' parameter that prints the
retrieved value to the screen. The default is no echo.
Added units of any columns to parameter description/prompt
Fixed problem when comment or value contains a ", replaces
with ' and issues as warning.
Fixed inconsistent bool/string usage of header_filter param
Fix for opening files w/ virtual file specifications applied
Added logic to print max machine precision for floating
point numbers; prevents numbers getting truncated
New parameter (wcsfile) to allow the user to input a reference
image / eventlist. This allows a user to convert a region in
World coordinates (eg WCS) to physical pixels which are
necessary in CIAO analysis tasks.
Fix when output file is unwriteable and in 'append' mode
Fixes when appending to a file w/o write permission
Input files are checked for consistency before merge begins.
Previous was happening for each file as it was merged which
could lead to (large) partially complete files lying around.
In addition to checking the datatype of columns (already
does this), it now also checks the array size. This should
fix the problem with trying to merge a FAINT and VFAINT dataset.
Allow for lookupTab="" in which case no header merging is
done (first header is used)
Hdr lib updates should have fixed the problem where CONTENT/
HDUNAME/EXTNAM was getting set to "" when outBlock was "".
Now copies the range of pasted columns
Fixed BIT/BOOL/BYTE datatypes not being written
Fixes when try to edit the header of a file w/o write
Fix for faulty ASSERT being thrown when rotation point
exactly matches rotated pixel "corner".
Changes to deal with rotation angle of not-quite 0 causing
problems in data when npoints=0 (exact algorithm).
Fixed problem w/ not propagating units from (first)
Fixed problem that multiple offsets,angles, and rot_centers
needed to be specified in external (@) files
Added extra check against failure when kernel isn't installed.
Previously, when one would use a ccd_id filter on an
event list, the events would be filtered out, but
the corresponding GTIs would remain. Now, if copyall=no
then dmsort will correctly filter out the unwanted GTIs
with a ccd_id filter. However, if copyall=yes, then
dmsort assumes the user really wants to copy all blocks,
including all GTIs.
Added additional precision
Added row location of min/max
Will only check values inside the region/DSS (if applied);
no longer need to explicitly set NULL values; eg
dmstat "foo_img.fits[sky=circle(100,100,5)][opt NULL=-999]"
dmstat "foo_img.fits[sky=circle(100,100,5)]"
The region is retrieved from the DSS; particularly useful
when filtering an event list; then bin into an image later,
dmcopy "foo_evts.fits[sky=rotbox(10,10,3,5,45)]" goo_evts.fits
dmcopy "goo_evts.fits[bin sky=1]" goo_img.fits
dmstat "goo_img.fits"
the last step knows that "goo_img.fits" has the rotbox
region applied and only computes stats in that region.
For centroid=yes, ND images (N>2) are not supported; an
error message is now generated in addition to a non-zero
status. For centroid=no, ND images can be used.
Fix problem when length of axes is 0
Fix so that is nicely errors out on 1D image
Fixed the logic that caused the problem with
modifying existing columns to break.
Fix problem with checking BIT values.
Fix for intersecting vs. merging subspace of files that
could cause extra bogus subspaces (GTIs)
Can set/check floating point values against NaN, eg
foo=#nan or ((goo==#nan)?(bar=1):(bar=0)). Integer
NULL values are not dealt with.
Fixed problem with 10*phas, eg scalar*array didn't work
but array*scalar did.
Fixed problem w/ scalar*array vs array*scalar expressions.
Fixed problem with unarbitrary text between
quotes in strings. (Eg "FOO.bar" would fail).
Single quotes can now be used as string identifiers.
Problem parsing temp names that included component of vector
column, eg .xfoo=x was internally getting set to
Fixed problem w/ overwriting component of existing vector
column, chipx=chipx+1.
Fixed problem when tool would 'Abort' on some vector column
Reworded warning when expression contains an undefined
Parameter 'rows' has been deprecated (will issue a warning).
Use datamodel filter instead.
Does better check of #requested rows and #outfiles
If outfile contains a '#' character and the number of
input files is not equal to the number of output files, it
will replace the '#' with a number 1 to N where N is the
number of files in the input stack.
Better error message when input file has 0 rows
Bug fix for getting *_NOM keywords from either
obsfile and/or event file. Dealt w/ other keywords as
well, eg SIM*.
Deprecated: will not appear in future CIAO releases.
Use dmextract instead.
Now automatically accounts for time dependence of the ACIS
QE due to the buildup of contamination on the optical
blocking filter. See 'ahelp ardlib' for details.
Now automatically accounts for time dependence of the ACIS
QE due to the buildup of contamination on the optical
blocking filter. See 'ahelp ardlib' for details.
Fixed bug in lookup of OSIP table, which sometimes caused
a crash.
Now includes specific record of LSFPARMS file that is
used to generate grating RMFs in HISTORY section of
Now automatically accounts for time dependence of the ACIS
QE due to the buildup of contamination on the optical
blocking filter. See 'ahelp ardlib' for details.
PSFFILE keyword is added to output images identifying which
hypercube the data came from.
Fixed bug that prevented unique outpsffile filename from
retaining path information
Fixed bug that caused a failure to resolve CALDB when using
ACIS (user had to override).
Fixed bug that required axis1 to be energy and axis2 to be either pi or
pha, and not the other way around. The axis values can now be
reversed without any ill effect.
(Previously, setting axis1 to pi or pha and axis2 to energy would give
incorrect fit results in Sherpa.)
Cleanup of .par file to be more consistent with other tools
including making logfile hidden and def to stdout.
Added ardlib 'mirror' parameter (eg so one can make
mirror "ideal")
Added min/max to verbose parameter
Added new mskfile parameter to support mask files.
Added new parameter "detsubsysmod" which allows ARDLIB
modifiers to be added appended to internal "detsysname".
For example, in mkwarf one can specify
detsubsys="ACIS-3;IDEAL"; since mkwarf internally creates
detector names need a way to append "IDEAL" to get ARDLIB
Changed FEFFILE from a history record to a keyword
(consistent w/ other CALDB-enabled tools); added
to the ARF output as well as the weight-file output.
Put BASIC header into weights file instead of just
PRIMARY (problem w/ DETNAM keywords)
Can now specify path to file
Added -abort flag to exit w/ error status instead of
quering user on bad parameter value
Can now specify path to file
Modified to open files with "L" mode to force learned
New version that is compatible w/ dmgroup in CIAO 3.0
Eliminated a number of high-verbose mode messages on "checking
AOFF files"
No longer supports aspect offsets files; user must
provide aspect solution files
Parameters 'aoff' and 'bgaoff' renamed 'asol' and
Added 'clobber' parameter
Added randseed parameter to allow ray weight filtering.
randseed=-1 => no filtering; 0 = use sys time,
Added ardlibpar parameter and code to include detector
QE into rays that are allowed to pass through. Internally
bpmask=0 and rays off edges are weighted by QE at chip
edges so rays are still projected to semi-infinite planes
w/o any discontinuities.
Fixed problem with when match parameter had comma separated
values; 2nd value was not being used.
Quieted "Read foo-many events" message when verbose=0.
Fix for crash when no time column and match=none
Fixed problem w/ tstart/tstop values in warning when
event data is outside range of aspect
Made error message/checking better when file is not an RMF
file (or extension is not specified when MATRIX is not first
interesting block).
Does full header copy of input rmf file to output image
(including checksum/datasum which get automatically updated)
New tool: Makes a field-of-view region in sky coordinates.
(For more info, see 'ahelp skyfov'.)
Fix the bug where code might unintentionally write a
NULL value for [RA/DEC]_NOM instead of the correct value.
Initialized RADSOL,AU,GMSOL keyword strings if missing
from sso ephemeris file.
Fixed problem where data subspace was not merged for
stacks of inputs
Fixed error code when stack build fails
Default HEG and MEG region width scaling factors were
adjusted to be consistent with 'tgextract'. Prior to CIAO 3,
the event cross-dispersion range provided by the region was
slightly less than the background binning region, so the
BACKSCAL values were in error by about 20%. The revised
values also better accommodate HEG and MEG overlap at short
wavelengths, and provide good extractions somewhat
short-ward in wavelength of Fe K.
(Previously, MEG counts spectra shortward of 1.86 angstroms were
truncated due the overlap, i.e. there were fewer counts than there
should have been.)
Fix for problem with LETG angle:
There is a calibration residual error in the grating and detector
relative rotation for the LETG/ACIS-S combination; the code that
corrected this error contained a bug, which has now been fixed.
Note that this residual error is not a
problem unless you use a narrow source region to bin your spectrum.
For standard tgextract limits on tg_d, the spectrum is fully
Removed ACIS+LETG warning
Fix for a small-angle approximation error that
caused wavelength residuals to increase with wavelength. This has
most impact on LETGS data, since it has larger diffraction angles
and longer wavelengths than HETGS. LETGS systematic residuals of up
to 0.04A were reduced to less than 0.01A at 170A. (Other random
wavelength errors are still present in LETG/HRC-S, and presumed due
to detector non-linearities. These are still being analyzed.)
Fix for sometimes showing wrong grating in pixlib history.
Removed ACIS+LETG warning
Made warning about number of unresolved events only
appear if verbose > 1
Changed default value of 'fixedcell' parameter to 15
(from 0 which implied to use recursive blocking).
Fix for location of temp files
Fix for HRC-I/LETG when zo_pos not specified
Default background outer limits have been adjusted to
correspond directly to the maximum range permitted by the
'tg_create_mask' default mask size.
This makes the BACKSCAL consistent with the data. (Before, the
BACKSCAL for HETGS background regions was about 20% too large, and
background estimates for the source region would have been too small
by that amount.)
Quieted some of the verbose output (not controled by verbose
Fixed problem requiring user supply "[x,y]" for event file
Fixed problem with inputting an exposuremap when an image
is used (instead of event list)
Added a 2nd extension that outlines the exact src
region that vtpdetect found rather than just the
simple ellipse. It will contain polygons (possibly
w/ excluded polygons) for each source. Can display in
ds9 by doing "out_src.fits[src_region]" instead of
Added units "pixel" to R column.
The R and ROTANG column are now consistent w/ the ds9/ciao
interpretation. Previously, R[0] was the minor/major axis
(always) and ROTANG was the PA; which was inconsistent w/
other detects and caused many problems. Now R[0] is the
angle along the "x"-axis and ROTANG is the angle from +y
axis to r[0]
Work on output values when input is an image. Values such
as SRC_AREA and NET_COUNTS are now consistent between an
image and event file (although they can be considerably
different due to actual src region identified in each)
Added "ELLSIGMA" keyword indicating the user parameter used
to scale the "R" column
New position-refinement algorithm, especially useful for
off-axis source where PSF is highly asymetrical.
Fixes bus error when very large scales are used.
Made scales no longer hidden
Fixed problem where setting the background time when
background data were not entered was altering the
wrecon results.
Fixed problem with array bounds checking
Fixed problem in which the input exptime was getting
Fixed bug in applying NSCALE during each loop
Fixed the verbage of some misleading screen outputs
(for bkgtime and exptime), since the times
themselves are not multiplicative factors (the
multiplicative factor is exptime/bkgtime)
Added units "pixel" to R column.
Allow x, y, and fluxscale to be comma separated
Fix to allow multiple copies to be running simulatneously
[NB: parameter dirs need to be different]
Added "ELLSIGMA" keyword indicating the user parameter used
to scale the "R" column
Fixed problem with EXPOSURE values in output file
Fix for NaN's in src output (problem in refined src
algorithm); instead of NaN report unrefined position.
0's are still present and occur when src is Nx1 or 1xN
Removed dependence on ascfitlib by removing model evaluation
of old LSF params. Old psfsize files named "psfsize.fits"
and "psfsize_19991012.fits" will no longer work with
New position-refinement algorithm, especially useful for
off-axis source where PSF is highly asymetrical.
Fixed problem where setting the background time when
background data were not entered was altering results.
Fixed problem with array bounds checking
A problem in which the input exptime was getting
overwritten was fixed.
Fixed a bug in which some putative sources with *0* counts
were getting through, causing NaNs in the output file.
Such "sources" are no longer included in the
output source list.
Added units "pixel" to R column.
Allow x, y, and fluxscale to be comma separated
Added "ELLSIGMA" keyword indicating the user parameter used
to scale the "R" column
Fixed problem with EXPOSURE values in output file
Fix for NaN's in src output (problem in refined src
algorithm); instead of NaN report unrefined position.
0's are still present and occur when src is Nx1 or 1xN
Fixed bus error when very large scales are used.
Fixed problem where setting the background time when
background data were not entered was altering the
wrecon results.
Fixed bug in applying NSCALE during each loop
Fixed the verbage of some misleading screen outputs
(for bkgtime and exptime), since the times
themselves are not multiplicative factors (the
multiplicative factor is exptime/bkgtime)
Allow x, y, and fluxscale to be comma separated
In order to accomodate the new Parameter Editor GUI
(Peg), filename parameters in all parameter
files have been changed from type 's'
to type 'f'. Since all files have been modified,
users should delete all their old parameter files
before running CIAO 3.0.
Now applies CTI correction by default (apply_cti=yes)
Added normkernel parameter. Can normalize the kernel to
unit 'area' (default), 'max' pixel value renormalize to 1,
or 'none' (kernel left unnormalized).
Removed parameters 'column' and 'bincolumn'. Added
'xcolumn' and 'ycolumn', which function differently than the
old parameters. See 'ahelp dmgroup' for details and the Updating
dmgroup Syntax for CIAO 3.0 thread.
Added parameters 'stopspec', 'stopcolumn', 'errcolumn'.
See 'ahelp dmgroup' for details.
Changed default scaleparam from 1 to 3 so that by default
the log & pow methods will not produce the same results as
Removed minimum defaults (=0) for real and integer values in
.par file.
Added a new 'echo' parameter that prints the
retrieved value to the screen. The default is no echo.
New parameter (wcsfile) to allow the user to input a reference
image / eventlist. This allows a user to convert a region in
World coordinates (eg WCS) to physical pixels which are
necessary in CIAO analysis tasks.
Cleanup of .par file to be more consistent with other tools
including making logfile hidden and def to stdout.
Added ardlib 'mirror' parameter (eg so one can make
mirror "ideal")
Added min/max to verbose parameter
Added new mskfile parameter to support mask files.
Added new parameter "detsubsysmod" which allows ARDLIB
modifiers to be added appended to internal "detsysname".
For example, in mkwarf one can specify
detsubsys="ACIS-3;IDEAL"; since mkwarf internally creates
detector names need a way to append "IDEAL" to get ARDLIB
Parameters 'aoff' and 'bgaoff' renamed 'asol' and
Added 'clobber' parameter
Added randseed parameter to allow ray weight filtering.
randseed=-1 => no filtering; 0 = use sys time,
Added ardlibpar parameter to include detector
QE into rays that are allowed to pass through.
HETGS default hetg_width_factor changed to 35
Changed default value of 'fixedcell' parameter to 15
(from 0 which implied to use recursive blocking).
Made scales no longer hidden
Most Noteworthy Changes
Sherpa plot configuration is now done via the configuration
variable sherpa. See AHELP SHERPA for an overview.
The Sherpa/S-Lang module has been enhanced considerably.
See AHELP SHERPA-MODULE for an overview.
The Sherpa/S-Lang module is importable into other
S-Lang-aware applications using `import("sherpa")'.
Configuration of the parameter estimation commands
(e.g., projection) has moved from internal Sherpa functions
(accessed by SHOW) to the Sherpa configuration variables
(e.g., sherpa.proj, sherpa.regproj). See AHELP SHERPA
for an overview.
Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) is now Sherpa's default optimizer.
The instrument stack has been generalized such that it can
contain more than one instrument model.
New (as Opposed to Enhanced) Functionality
Two new optimization methods: MONTE-LM, and SIGMA-REJECTION
(based on IRAF SFIT)
A new statistic: CSTAT (equivalent to CASH as implemented
in XSPEC).
BFLUX: [command] returns the photon flux for background spectra.
[B]EFLUX: [commands] returns the energy flux.
[B]DCOUNTS: [commands] returns a summation of observed counts.
[B]MCOUNTS: [commands] returns a summation of model counts.
COORD: [command] sets 2D coordinate system
(logical,physical,world) for fits.
[UN]GROUP: [commands] applies grouping schemes read in
KERNEL: [command] defines an expression to be used as a
kernel in 1D source model convolution.
[B]NOISE: [commands] defines an expression to be used
for modeling detector noise in source and background datasets.
[B]SYSERRORS: [commands] analogous to ERRORS; defines
systematic errors.
BEQWIDTH: [command] equivalent to EQWIDTH, for background
Changes to I/O
Data input from a FITS table (FITSBIN format) are no
longer automatically grouped if a GROUPING column is present.
Background data are no longer automatically regrouped to
match the source data grouping, except to perform
background subtraction.
A configuration variable, sherpa.multiback, has been added; the
default setting of 0 dictates that only one background dataset
is allowed per source dataset. If 1, the user must identify
each background dataset with a string, e.g.,
back 1 foo background.dat or back 3 A background.dat.
The columns BACKGROUND UP and BACKGROUND DOWN in Chandra
grating PHA files are now automatically combined into one
dataset, unless the configuration variable sherpa.multiback
is set to 1.
The command BACK => DATA has been disabled.
Quality flags may be read in using READ QUALITY.
DATASPACE commands are saved in SAVE ALL.
Changes to Fitting
Levenberg-Marquardt optimization works with source and
background datasets of different sizes.
Sherpa supports the fitting of data with BACKSCAL arrays
(XMM data); subtraction and simultaneous fitting of data
and background are allowed. See AHELP BACKGROUND for a
caveat regarding background normalizations.
SOURCE model stacks, et al., may now include
user-defined model stacks, e.g.,
sherpa> foo = gauss; sherpa> source = foo. (User-defined
stacks may also be embedded within other user-defined
Changes to Sherpa Models
BBODY has a new parameter, space, which allows the user
to choose energy or wavelength blackbody formulae.
Point-source modeling done with PSFFROMFILE is now done
with the new models PTSRC1D and PTSRC[2D].
There are several new instrument models: FARF[1D],
The EEARF parameter has been removed from RSP. Use
the FARF model instead. See AHELP INSTRUMENT for examples.
Changes to Fitting/Modeling Utilities
There are many new enhancements to the parameter estimation
methods (e.g., REGION-PROJECTION supports logarithmic gridding).
Sherpa will now refit data if a lower statistic is found by
the UNCERTAINTY method. (This affects *all* parameter
estimation methods, since UNCERTAINTY is used as at least
a scale-setter for all.)
A new parameter, FAST, has been added to PROJECTION-style
methods; if 1, Levenberg-Marquardt is always used as the
Users are now alerted when PROJECTION is finished for
a given parameter.
The FLUX command now returns the photon flux only.
All flux/counts-computing commands now work with 2-D data.
All flux/counts-computing commands now work with user-defined
model stacks.
One may now filter data in 2D in logical, physical, or
world coordinates.
2-D region filters must be quote-delimited (e.g., notice
filter "circle(100,100,10)")
FAKEIT can produce 2-D image data.
GUESS (parameter value guessing) may be turned ON/OFF.
Changes to Visualization
There are several new options for LPLOT, including UDATA and
UFIT, which show unconvolved data and fits, SYSERRORS, and
several new background visualization options. See AHELP LPLOT.
IMAGE displays the product data*filter, over the full
unfiltered range.
Imaged data are now automatically resized to fit the
ds9 frame.
CPLOT and SPLOT displays the product data*filter, over the
smallest rectangular region containing all noticed data.
FLUX is now a synonym for SOURCE, e.g. lp flux.
MCOUNTS is now a synonym for MODEL, e.g. lp mcounts.
Miscellaneous Changes
The ERASE command has been extended to allow the deletion
of user-defined model stacks, source datasets, and
background datasets.
Data output to PHA format files are automatically output
as counts, regardless of the setting of ploty.
TRUNCATE is no longer a synonym for TRUNCATE ON; the former
now displays the trunction setting.
The RECORD command has been changed: RECORD shows the record
setting, while RECORD ON/OFF toggles RECORD on and off.
Commands Removed for CIAO 3.0
EXPMAP: assigned via new instrument model FEXPMAP.
PRECISION: assigned via new sherpa.output configuration
SET: assigned via sherpa plot configuration variables
(see AHELP SET).
WCS: coordinate system now set via new command COORD.
WEIGHT: eliminated; use READ WEIGHTS (or module
function set_weights) to input statistical weights.
Paramter Editor Gui (PEG)
New to CIAO 3.0 is peg, a Graphical User Interface which
allows users to view and modify their parameter files.
Most of the tools packaged within the Chandra X Ray Center's
(CXC) data analysis package, CIAO, utilize parameter files
to control their behavior. The tool provides built in range
checking, the ability to restore default parameter values,
and to retain settings over multiple executions of a tool.
PEG is not geared towards any specific application. It is
a general purpose parameter editor which can be used for
any parameter file that is compatible with the IRAF/CXCDS
parameter interface.
The ascii2fits script provides a quick way to convert ASCII
files to FITS format. The ASCII file must contain columns
of numeric data only or be in RDB format.
S-Lang interface:
The S-Lang curve() command has been enhanced to allow plotting
of errors on the Y and X axes. A number of S-Lang functions
have been added to control and query the state of ChIPS; use
"ahelp /chips_/" to list these functions.
Postscript output:
The postscript created by ChIPS' PRINT command can be
controlled by the COLORSYS and PAGESIZE commands or by the
colorsys, pagewidth, pagelen, and unit fields of the ChIPS
configuration variable (state object).
Auto-scaled limits:
The automatic scaling of limits for plots now includes a border
to improve legibility. This can be controlled by new fields in
the ChIPS configuration variable (state object): padfactor,
fullautolimits, and lowerloglimit.
New symbol types:
- have been added.
Contour plots:
Contour plots can now be switched between log and linear scales
on either - or both - axes. Linear interpolation is used when
converting between the two scales; the mingridsize field of the
ChIPS configuration variable (state object) is used to control
this interpolation.
Contour plots can no longer be overlaid on other plots; in
CIAO 2.3 this was possible but would result in incorrect plots
if the axis limits did not agree.
Store files:
The format of the files created by the STORE command has
changed: the first two lines are now commented out which means
that they can be read by loaded when ChIPS is started by saying
chips filename
The previous format is still understood by the RESTORE command.
New linewidth field:
The linewidth field has been added to the ChIPS configuration
variable (state object) to allow control over the width of
ASCII and RDB files:
Simple ASCII files - those that can be processed by the
ascii2fits program - and RDB format files can now be viewed by
Plotting Errors:
If you choose 3 components to plot, this will plot the three
components as X, Y and error, in that order.
A histogramming function was added to PRISM, using ChIPS as
the plotting engine. This allows a user to create a simple
histogram - with evenly spaced bins - very quickly. More
advanced binning schemes can be read in from a file. The
data and routines are available from S-Lang to allow user
Exporting data to ChIPS:
The selected columns can now be sent to ChIPS, where they
can be accessed via the S-Lang variable prism_data.
Cell editing:
The restriction on cell editing to using values that fit
within the displayed cell has been removed.
Image display:
The default display of image data has been changed to more-
closely match that of DS9. This can be changed by the
imgdisplay parameter.
The exit status of a tool is displayed in the "Status" field.
The default behavior for the "Print" and "Save As" options is
to use both the command string and the output text (previously
it was just the output text).
Added the "find" command to allow searching of the output from
the task.
The name of the window has been changed from "TaskWindow" to
"TaskMonitor". The "Dismiss" button has been re-named "Exit" and
the "Save" button re-named to "Save As".
Extended ability to display roll and visibilities graph using
textual Calendar date, not only numerical Julian date
Field of View:
Extend ability to display gifs of roll/vis, as well as field
Sorting of OIFs now works correctly and it is now possible to
display more than 10 OIFs at once.
If given a directory name when started, firstlook will scan that
directory for OIFs.
The Analysis Menu
The format used to configure the contents of the Analysis Menu
has been changed to match that used by DS9. As well as allowing
the same file to be used to configure both CIAO tools and DS9,
the format allows a much greater level of control. The old
format is still understood (but deprecated).
All CIAO GUIs - except for firstlook - understand this format.
Simplified interprocess communication through XPA by using simpler
access point names. For example, when you launch PRISM, "prism"
becomes the access point name. (in CIAO 2.3, the access point
name is prism:username.host.display.instance #).
The "-xpa" command-line option can be used to change the name of
the XPA access point of those CIAO GUIs which can be controlled
and queried by XPA.
Iconic option
CIAO GUIs can now be started with the "-iconic" command-line
option which will start the GUI in "iconified" (or hidden) form.
The actual behavior depends on the window manager being used
(including ignoring the request).
The CXC Datamodel library, which underlies CIAO's data
I/O and filtering capabilities, has been completely rewritten
for greater efficiency and maintainability. The new
structure will make it easier for us to add new capabilities,
but in CIAO3.0 the behaviour should be essentially identical.
User Caveats
In some circumstances you may see different GTI blocks
after filtering FITS files; the DM data subspace should be
the same, though, so CIAO should give the same answers.
(For instance, some DM operations used to gratuitously create
a GTI from the TSTART/TSTOP keyword values when there wasn't
one in the input file; and sometimes DM would retain a GTI block
that applied to a chip whose data had been filtered out).
There is an unfortunate bug with handling some XMM spectral
PHA files with attached regions in detector coordinates. A workaround
is to dmcopy the file without using 'opt=all'; this
will lose the offending region extension.
Some keywords may be written to output files in a different order.
Programmer Caveats
The public API for the Datamodel library is unchanged.
All old bugs may or may not exist at this point; please
report any problems as new bugs even if they were known
problems in the previous version.
Changes in behaviour:
Other notes (mostly also applied to DM in CIAO2):
Note that some of the changes listed in this section were also included
in the CIAO 2.3 patch.
However, in that release, the library changes applied only to
the tools that were patched. In CIAO 3.0, the changes now apply to all
of CIAO.
The time dependence of the ACIS QE, due to the
buildup of contamination on the optical blocking filter, is now
accounted for automatically. A new ARDLIB qualifier, CONTAM, for
ACIS-S/I, controls this feature. The filter contamination model
accounts for the time-dependence of the QE but does not account
for spatial variations in the contamination. See 'ahelp ardlib'
for more information.
caldb lib
Added ":" to prompt when only min or only max is specified,
eg "foo limit (0:)" now indicates that 0 is the min with no
specified max; "foo limit (:1)" shows a max with no min.
Added %xpa indirection form to obtain parmeter values from
XPA-enabled applications (e.g. Prism, ds9); see
'ahelp parameter' for details
Fixed integrated help; ??toolname will display 'toolname's
full help file
Fix for nonexistantkey="" that caused crash on Linux
Fixed problem with empty .par file causing dmreadpar
and dmmakepar to crash
Now uses same history routines are rest of ciao
(for compatibility with dmhistory).
New routine to help with merging event header with
data from obspar file.
Updates to better merge keywords for event
processing tools.
New error message format, removes PID, adds error code, less
white space
Added release version to error message
Added new error codes
Added single quotes "'" around string values in
the general lib.
Tweak to some of the signal handling code; specifically
making sure all errors are going to stderr.
Library rewritten; used by dmgroup and group
S-Lang module
New library
Added 'CTI_CORR' keyword so that analysis tools will
propagate value so CALDB lookups can work.
Better treatment of date-obs default keywords for
unexpected data-types (eg MJDREF being a 'long')
Fix for internal cast problems when keyword datatype is
not expected (eg Long vs. Double)
Fix to propagate keyword comments for some special keywords
Added MJD_OBS keyword
Correctly copies keyword units from input to output
EXPOSUR* now part of basic header
Fix for crashing if history record is > 1024 characters
Added a new operator, ~=, which will return true if the
string on the right hand side is a substring of the string
on the left hand side. It will generate a data dependency
error if the two values are not strings.
Can set/check floating point values against NaN, eg
foo=#nan or ((goo==#nan)?(bar=1):(bar=0)). Integer
NULL values are not dealt with.
Fixed some memory leaks, and some ABR/W with string columns.
Fixed problem with 10*phas, eg scalar*array didn't work
but array*scalar did.
Fixed problem w/ scalar*array vs array*scalar expressions.
Fixed problem with unarbitrary text between
quotes in strings. (Eg "FOO.bar" would fail).
Single quotes can now be used as string identifiers.
Fix for error handling when larger number of internal
errors are encountered.
Fixed bug that prevented unique outpsffile filename from
retaining path information
Fixed bug that caused a failure to resolve CALDB when using
ACIS (user had to override).
Removed dependence on ascfitlib by removing model evaluation
of old LSF params. Old psfsize files named "psfsize.fits"
and "psfsize_19991012.fits" will no longer work with
celldetect (and tgdetect) or wrecon (or wavdetect).
region lib
Fixes for problems with field() areas
Fixes for pie() filtering
Fixed error that affected a region with multiple shapes
which are close to one another (so that their bounding
boxes overlap) but not within each other (their bounding
boxes do not entirely overlap). The region was
incorrectly trimmed to use only the area within the
bounding box of the first shape.
Fix for sector area causing a crash
Fix for problem w/ area getting counted twice when
needing to 'pixelate' region.
Added support for DS9 2.3b1 regions which include additional
comment lines.
Fix for problem w/ getting the bounding box for
included/excluded regions. The problem report was that the
area of ellipse!*sector produced the wrong value; this was
due to bad bounding box causing a very large pixel size
to be used.
Increase string length from 1K to 32K
Added analytical algorithm for computation of
polygon areas.
stack lib
Allow continuation in @ file by ending line with '\'
Added routines to change current and specific item numbers
to API: stk_change_current and stk_change_num.
Added two new features to external file expansion.
"@-" will now override the default behavior of
(many) tools to NOT prepend the path to files
items listed in the stack file. This has been
a continual problem with for example region files.
"@+" will now override the default behavior of
recursively expanding items in the stack; ie
it will cause files in the list file to be opened.
Thus if @+foo contains @goo and @bar, the contents
of goo and bar are added to stack. Its not truely
recursive, if @bar contains @moo; @moo will not be
expanded; however @+bar will cause @moo to be expanded.
Fix for problem with files containing rgrid, lgrid, or pgrid
but are not stack identifiers.
Fixed problem with stk_expand_n being limited to 100 values.
Fix for quietly breaking lines at 1024 characters
Some minor speed improvements to Lucy deconvolution
Fix for bug in getting origin of the kernel
Fix for RL deconvolution on alpha (division by "0").
Fix for slide convolve when kernel is asymetric (was
getting flipped before).
General speed enhancements to slide convolve
Fix for low statistics PSF
Fix for Nx1 or 1xN PSF (origin was getting set
Fix for problem w/ edges=renom w/ normkern=none|unit and w/
method=slide. The kernel was getting area normalized despite
CIAO contains many libraries of code that perform 'under-the-hood'
tasks, such as interpreting parameter files, converting between
coordinate systems, and so on. CIAO 3.0 is the first release
where many of these libraries now can be called from S-lang directly.
Advanced users can develop tools for their specific needs using these
libraries. Some CIAO 3.0 tools are already written in S-lang using
these libraries, e.g. acis_fef_lookup, and more are expected.
Interface to CXC CALDB library. Contains routines to search the
CALDB for relevant calibration files. See 'ahelp caldb' for more
information, or 'ahelp quizcaldb' for an example of a tool that
uses the caldb library.
The curve() command has been enhanced to allow plotting
of errors on the Y and X axes.
A number of S-Lang functions
have been added to control and query the state of ChIPS. Use
"ahelp /chips_/" to list these functions.
Interface to CXC group library. Contains routines to group, or
rebin, arrays or files of data using a variety of algorithms. Can
be used to rebin datasets in Sherpa dynamically See
'ahelp group group'
for more information, or 'ahelp dmgroup' for an example of a tool
that uses the group library.
Interface to CXC parameter interface. Contains routines to
read, set, and restore CIAO parameter files. This library is
often useful when creating S-lang scripts that use a parameter
file for input/output. See 'ahelp paramio' for more information.
Interface to CXC coordinate transformation library. Contains
routines that facilitate conversion between the various Chandra
coordinate systems, such as the detector plane, sky pixels, and
the various grating coordinate systems. Allows for explicit
inclusion of the aspect solution. See 'ahelp pixlib' for
more information.
Interface to CXC region library. Contains routines to read CIAO
regions and to determine whether or not a given point is in or out
of the region, as well as calculating the total area in a region.
Can be used in conjunction with pixlib to determine how regions
map onto various Chandra coordinate systems. See 'ahelp region'
for more information.
The Sherpa/S-Lang module has been enhanced considerably.
See AHELP SHERPA-MODULE for an overview.
The Sherpa module is now importable into other
S-Lang-aware applications using `import("sherpa")'.
Interface to CXC stack library. Contains routines to read and
evaluate CIAO stacks, which frequently begin with the @ sign in
CIAO tools. Useful when developing general-purpose scripts that
should be able to use either a single file or a stack of
files, for example when using pixlib with an aspect solution. See
'ahelp stackio' for more information.
It is now possible to import just Varmm using
Previously you had to import ChIPS to access the Varmm functions.
readrdb() has been added to allow RDB files to be read.
The structure returned by the read family of routines - such
as readfile() and readarf() - contains an extra field "_filetype"
which is a numeric identifier of the file type. A number of
constants (such as ASCII and PHA_I) are also available to help
identify these values.
apropos() has now been documented and fits_bitpix() has been
added to the library.
Available via import("xpa"); from a S-Lang
script - provides the functionality of the command-line XPA
tools (see http://hea-www.harvard.edu/RD/xpa/). With this
module you can control external programs which have an XPA
access point - such as DS9 and most of the CIAO GUIs - by
sending them commands or retrieving information from them.
See 'ahelp xpa' for more info.
Global revision of all AHELP files: improved description, increased
number of examples; checked consistency with CIAO3.0; added section with
changes in CIAO3.0 to many tools.
The S-Lang Run-Time Library documentation
is now available via ahelp in the "slangrtl" context. To
list the available documentation, type
ahelp -c slangrtl
CIAO Threads
New Threads
Introduction to Peg
[replaces the "Introduction to Toolagent" thread]
Introduction to the Analysis Menu
Creating Source and Background Files
Updating dmgroup Syntax for CIAO 3.0
Correcting Responses for ACIS Contamination
Measure Grating Dispersion Distance
Updated Threads
Introduction to Prism
Filtering Lightcurves
ACIS Background Subtraction (Blank-Sky Files)
Basic Lightcurves
Create an Image of Diffuse Emission
Use merge_all Script to Compute ACIS Exposure Maps and Fluxed Images
Compute Single Chip ACIS Exposure Map and Fluxed Image Step-by-Step
Extract ACIS Spectra for Pointlike Sources and Make RMFs and ARFs
Step-by-Step Guide to Creating ACIS Spectra for Pointlike Sources
Sherpa Threads
New Threads
Introduction to Fitting PHA Spectra
Sherpa Configuration: Using the State Objects
Customizing Sherpa with a Resource File
Sherpa and Scripts
Introduction to the Sherpa S-Lang Module
Changing the look of Sherpa plots using setplot.sl
Step-by-Step guide to changing the look of Sherpa plots
Estimating Errors and Confidence Levels
Step-by-Step Guide to Estimating Errors and Confidence Levels
Accessing fit results using S-Lang
Updated Threads
Using an Exposure Map in Fitting Image Data
Advanced customization of Sherpa plots
Calculating K-corrections using S-Lang and Sherpa
Using the ACISABS model in Sherpa
ChaRT Threads
Why Topics
New Why Topics
ACIS QE Degradation
Continuous Clocking Mode
Destreaking ACIS Data
Timing Analysis with Lightcurves
CIAO Web Site
Streamlined navigation bar (on the left of all CIAO web pages) with
direct link to the most used pages (Analysis Guides/Threads, Why? Topics,
AHELP System)
Sherpa Web Site
All Sherpa-related documents have moved to the new
Sherpa web site