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Last modified: 21 November 2006

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/bugs/varmm.html
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Bugs: varmm


  1. Equals sign in keywords and values

  2. Varmm assumes that the first group entry in the PHA file will always be a positive one and sets up many arrays based on this assumption.


  1. Equals sign in keywords and values

    Varmm parsers keywords and values on the '=' sign. If an equal sign exists, it assumes the left side is the key word and the right side is the value (plus comment). If more then one equal sign exists, varmm fails to write the keyword.

  2. Varmm assumes that the first group entry in the PHA file will always be a positive one and sets up many arrays based on this assumption.

    When the grouping does not start with a postive 1 - e.g. if a DM row filter has been applied to the file, causing the first row to be in the middle of a group - it ends up reading more groups then it expected, causing array bound errors. This in turn creates the possibility of stepping on memory which could create a segmentation fault.


    Use readbintab (instead of readfile) to force the file to be read in just as a table and not be interpreted it as a PHA file. This method reads it in without a crash.

    Otherwise, it is the user's responsibility to edit PHA file and ensure that the first group is a positive one.

Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: 21 November 2006

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