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Last modified: 4 February 2008

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/bugs/rmfimg.html
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Bugs: rmfimg


  1. Requires a uniformly-gridded RMF

  2. Block names containing blank spaces are treated as bad syntax


  1. Requires a uniformly-gridded RMF

    The output from mkrmf works correctly as input to rmfimg.

  2. Block names containing blank spaces are treated as bad syntax

    If the extension in the input file name has a space in it, the tool will fail. This example uses a Con-X RMF:

    unix% rmfimg "conx-ea-101106-b10.rsp[SPECRESP MATRIX]" rsp.img
    #   (CIAO 4.0): Failed to open conx-ea-101106-b10.rsp[SPECRESP MATRIX]: 
    Must have RMF file 


    Refer to the block by number instead of name, e.g. "conx-ea-101106-b10.rsp[3]".

Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: 4 February 2008

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