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Last modified: 21 November 2006

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/bugs/module_conflicts.html
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Bugs: S-Lang Module Conflicts


  1. Duplicate Definition error due to namespace conflict


  1. Importing certain combinations of modules causes problems
    (Mac OS X)


  1. Duplicate Definition error due to namespace conflict

    Importing the isis module in Sherpa or importing both isis and sherpa in ChIPS or slsh will produce a Duplicate Definition error. The problem arises because some function names (e.g. set_axes) are common to both modules. The issue appears only when isis is imported into the global namespace (i.e. import("isis")).

    Note that this is not a bug but rather the expected behavior of the S-Lang interpreter when encountering duplicate definitions for intrinsic functions.


    Import isis into a local namespace: import("isis","foo").


  1. Importing certain combinations of modules causes problems
    (Mac OS X)

    The following table lists the problems, the S-Lang interpreter(s) to which they apply, and suggested workarounds:

    Module Interpreter Problem Workaround
    sherpa with pixlib or caldb; isis with chips or varmm ChIPS, slsh A list of "undefined symbols" is printed at exit from the interpreter. The error occurs only at exit and has no effect on the preceding session. None
Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: 21 November 2006

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