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Last modified: 21 November 2006

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/bugs/dmtype2split.html
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Bugs: dmtype2split


  1. dmtype2split copies only the first component when splitting a vector column.

  2. dmtype2split changes the CHANTYPE header keyword (31 Aug 2006)

  3. The BACKSCAL column is not preserved in output (31 Aug 2006)


  1. dmtype2split copies only the first component when splitting a vector column.

    When breaking up a vector column, e.g.:

    unix% dmtype2split 'region.fits[cols x,y]' myout.fits 

    dmtype2split copies only the first component of the vector:

    unix% dmlist myout.fits cols
    Columns for Table Block SPECTRUM
    ColNo Name Unit Type Range
       1 POS pixel Real8 -Inf:+Inf

    The POS column should be a vector, but only contains the 'X' column data.

  2. dmtype2split changes the CHANTYPE header keyword (31 Aug 2006)

    If the CHANTYPE in the input file is PI, dmtype2split changes it to PHA in the output file:

    unix% dmkeypar pha2.fits CHANTYPE echo+
    unix% dmtype2split "pha2.fits[#row=9]" row_9.pha
    unix% dmkeypar row_9.pha CHANTYPE echo+

    If the CHANTYPE is PHA in the input file, it is correctly propogated to the output.

  3. The BACKSCAL column is not preserved in output (31 Aug 2006)

    If the input file has a BACKSCAL column (or columns), that information is not copied to the output file. Instead, the BACKSCAL value is added as a header keyword.

Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: 21 November 2006

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