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Last modified: 7 March 2008

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/bugs/dmimgthresh.html
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Bugs: dmimgthresh


  1. Specifiying an open-ended range (16 May 2007)

  2. Incorrect behavior when exposure map is missing [New](07 Mar 2008)


  1. Specifiying an open-ended range (16 May 2007)

    Running dmimgthresh with cut=<value>: or cut=:<value> quietly treats the unspecified limit as "0". So if you input cut=0:, the tool thresholds with 0:0.


    Specify a single value without a colon, e.g. cut=0 and it is correctly treated as a lower threshold with unbounded upper limit.

  2. Incorrect behavior when exposure map is missing [New](07 Mar 2008)

    If dmimgthresh is given a non-existent exposure map, it outputs a warning, but still generates an output file and does not set an error code

Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: 7 March 2008

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