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Last modified: 10 October 2007

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/bugs/dmextract.html
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Bugs: dmextract

A list of bugs fixed in CIAO 3.4 is available.


  1. dmextract does not ignore pixels in an image with a value equal to the BLANK keyword.

  2. A parse error occurs when combining the grid syntax with use of the bkg parameter (01 Dec 2006)


  1. dmextract does not ignore pixels in an image with a value equal to the BLANK keyword.

  2. A parse error occurs when combining the grid syntax with use of the bkg parameter (01 Dec 2006)

    For example:

    unix% dmextract \
          infile="acis_evts.fits[pos=circle(25920,25920,300)][bin time=grid(src_bin100.lc[cols time_min,time_max])]" \
          outfile=lightcurve.fits opt=ltc1 \
    # dmextract (CIAO 3.4): dsDMEXTRACTREGPARSEERR -- ERROR: Failed to parse the supplied regions. Please check the format.
    # dmextract (CIAO 3.4): dsDMEXTRACTPROFILEERR -- ERROR: Failed to process some files.

    Even though the grid syntax is used in the input file filter, it is the parsing of the background file definition that causes a failure. Leave the bkg parameter blank and the command runs correctly.

Bugs fixed in CIAO 3.4

The following is a list of bugs that were fixed in the CIAO 3.4 software release.

  1. When creating a radial profile, dmextract includes a COUNT_RATE_ERR column in the output which is full of zeroes.

  2. Incorrect background exposure time with "opt=ltc1" (16 Aug 2006)

    When dmextract is run with "opt=ltc1", the background exposure time in each bin is calculated incorrectly. The total LIVETIME is reported in the BG_EXPOSURE column. Since the BG_EXPOSURE is incorrect so is the BG_RATE, NET_COUNTS, NET_ERR, and the ERR_RATE. If a background exposure file (e.g. a DTF file) is supplied, it is also not applied.

  3. Combining a weight with the grid syntax does not work correctly in dmextract

    This is NOT fixed for the "bkg" parameter yet.

    For example:

    unix% dmextract \
          "acis_evts.fits[bin time=grid(acis_lc3.fits[cols time_min,time_max]);energy]" \
          lcurve.fits op=ltc1

    The ";energy" combined with the "grid()" is not parsed properly; "grid()" by itself works fine.

Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: 10 October 2007

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