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Last modified: 10 October 2007

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/bugs/dmdiff.html
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Bugs: dmdiff


  1. dmdiff truncates the tolerance range on a header key with a real value to an integer, effectively making the tolerance more restrictive.

  2. # dmdiff (CIAO 3.4): WARNING: col #0 type unknown or not supported yet! (19 Jul 2006)

  3. Problem with vector array (16 May 2007)


  1. dmdiff truncates the tolerance range on a header key with a real value to an integer, effectively making the tolerance more restrictive.

  2. # dmdiff (CIAO 3.4): WARNING: col #0 type unknown or not supported yet! (19 Jul 2006)

    This warning indicates that there are different datatypes for columns of the same name in the files. The datatypes of columns to be compared must match. This message will be improved to be more informative.

  3. Problem with vector array (16 May 2007)

    dmdiff does not detect differences between the vector arrays of the input files, e.g. comparing columns CHIP(CHIPX,CHIPY).

Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: 10 October 2007

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