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Last modified: 21 November 2006

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/bugs/axbary.html
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Bugs: axbary


  1. Running axbary multiple times on the same file


  1. axbary does not work on gzipped input event files


  1. Running axbary multiple times on the same file

    If axbary has been used to correct the times in a file, running the tool again on the same dataset will not make any further changes to the file. In order to apply different corrections to different parts of the obsid, you have to filter the event data first (e.g. with a region filter), then run axbary on each resulting dataset.


  1. axbary does not work on gzipped input event files

    axbary does not work on gzipped input event files, even if your CIAO installation was configured with gzip support. The resulting error will look like:

    axBary: Failed to re-open output file out_axbary.fits
    axBary: Error exit (error 112); output file out_axbary.fits NOT deleted 

    where out_axbary.fits is the value of the outfile parameter.

Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: 21 November 2006

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