An Estimated Background Image
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CIAO 4.17 Science Threads
This thread shows one method for making an estimated background image for a dataset. The resulting image can be used with any data analysis tool that takes a background image, e.g. wavdetect or dmextract.
Run this thread if:
you want to create a background image for an ACIS or HRC imaging observation. This method is suited to fields which contain a few point sources; it will not work well with very large extended objects.
Last Update: 14 Jan 2022 - Review for CIAO 4.14. Changed OBSID to 2254. Updated to use fluximage to create the image and exposure maps.
- Get Started
- Make an Image of the Chip
- Convolve the Image
- Filter the Image
- Using with wavdetect
- Parameter files:
- History
- Images
Get Started
Download the sample data: 2254 (ACIS-S, 3C 295)
unix% download_chandra_obsid 2254
Make an Image of the Chip
unix% fluximage acisf02254_repro_evt2.fits"[ccd_id=0:3]" 3C295 bin=2 band=broad clob+ Running fluximage Version: 04 November 2021 Using CSC ACIS broad science energy band. Aspect solution pcadf02254_000N001_asol1.fits found. Bad-pixel file acisf02254_repro_bpix1.fits found. Mask file acisf02254_000N004_msk1.fits found. The output images will have 1367 by 1368 pixels, pixel size of 0.984 arcsec, and cover x=2786.5:5520.5:2,y=2760.5:5496.5:2. Running tasks in parallel with 4 processors. Creating 4 aspect histograms for obsid 2254 Creating 4 instrument maps for obsid 2254 Creating 4 exposure maps for obsid 2254 Combining 4 exposure maps for obsid 2254 Thresholding data for obsid 2254 Exposure-correcting image for obsid 2254 The following files were created: The clipped counts image is: 3C295_broad_thresh.img The observation FOV is: 3C295_2254.fov The clipped exposure map is: 3C295_broad_thresh.expmap The exposure-corrected image is: 3C295_broad_flux.img
Next we filter the image with the field-of-view (FOV) file.
unix% dmcopy "3C295_broad_thresh.img[sky=region(3C295_2254.fov)][opt full]" \ 3C295_broad_dss.img cl+
Filtering this way ensures that the edge of the detector is stored in the image and can be used by later processing tools.
Convolve the Image
The counts image is first convolved with a 3 pixel sigma Gaussian by aconvolve to smooth out the zero-value pixels. This will produce better results from the median-value filter applied in the next step.
unix% pset aconvolve infile=3C295_broad_dss.img unix% pset aconvolve outfile=3C295_broad_dss_sm.img unix% pset aconvolve kernelspec="lib:gaus(2,5,1,3,3)" unix% pset aconvolve meth=fft unix% aconvolve mode=h clob+
The contents of the parameter file may be checked using plist aconvolve.
Filter the Image
A "median ring" filter is applied to the file. The median is the middle value from the array of pixel values. Note that dmimgfilt uses a slightly non-standard median: if the number of points is even, then the lower value is used rather than the mean of the two middle values.
The radii of the annulus should chosen be such that the region is big enough to exclude any structure you want removed (e.g. point sources) and small enough so that you're not sampling data too far away from the current pixel. In this example, an inner radius of 20 pixels and outer radius of 22 pixels are used.
unix% pset dmimgfilt infile=3C295_broad_dss_sm.img unix% pset dmimgfilt unix% pset dmimgfilt function=median unix% pset dmimgfilt mask="annulus(0,0,20,22)" unix% dmimgfilt mode=h clob+
The contents of the parameter file may be checked using plist dmimgfilt.
The file can be used as input to wavdetect, dmextract, or any data analysis tool that uses a background image. The final background image is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Estimated background image compared to source
![[Thumbnail image: The background (right frame) is primarily flat with some brighter features where the extended emission is in the original observation. An image of the source is in the left frame.]](bgimg.thumb300.png)
[Version: full-size]
![[Print media version: The background (right frame) is primarily flat with some brighter features where the extended emission is in the original observation. An image of the source is in the left frame.]](bgimg.png)
Figure 1: Estimated background image compared to source
The background image ( is in the right frame. The left frame is the source image (3C295_broad_thresh.img) and the center image is the smoothed version (3C295_broad_dss_sm.img).
Using with wavdetect
If the purpose of creating the background file is to be input as wavdetect's bkginput parameter then additional processing steps are needed.
The bkginput requires that the background be exposure normalized, meaning that exposure variations have already been removed but remains in units of "counts". This is done by dividing the background file by a unit-amplitude exposure map (exposuremap divided by maximum pixel value).
We assume that you have already created an exposure map using fluximage or following the Single Chip ACIS Exposure Map and Exposure-corrected Image. Be sure that the energy or spectrum used matches that of the background energy filter.
Because the dmimgfilt operation is essentially a kind of smoothing, we also need to be sure that the exposure map is smoothed on the same spatial scale. For the counts image, we used a median filter to suppress outliers; for the exposure map we should use the mean or average value with the same size annulus.
unix% dmcopy "3C295_broad_thresh.expmap[sky=region(3C295_2254.fov)][opt full]" \ 3C295_broad_dss.expmap cl+ unix% dmimgfilt 3C295_broad_dss.expmap 3C295_broad_dss_sm.expmap \ mean "annulus(0,0,20,22)" cl+
Next we need to get the maximum pixel value in the regridded exposure map
3C295_broad_dss_sm.expmap[cm**2 s] min: 5390968.5 @: ( 4729.5 2763.5 ) max: 24851974 @: ( 4041.5 4095.5 ) mean: 20288033.585 sigma: 2920387.3085 sum: 2.2353111947e+13 good: 1101788 null: 768268
Then we can use dmimgcalc to exposure normalize the background file.
unix% dmimgcalc,3C295_broad_dss_sm.expmap none \ 3C295_broad_dss.nbkg op="imgout=(img1/(img2/24851974))" cl+ warning: CONTENT has 1 different values. warning: DETNAM has different value...Merged...
where img1 is the first file in the stack, the background file, and img2 is the second file in the stack, the smoothed exposure map. The output image Figure 2 shows that the edges of the background image have been flatten where the exposure has fallen off.
Figure 2: Exposure Normalized Background
![[Thumbnail image: (Right) Background image without exposure correction, and (Left) background image after exposure normalization.]](nbkg.thumb500.png)
[Version: full-size]
![[Print media version: (Right) Background image without exposure correction, and (Left) background image after exposure normalization.]](nbkg_img.png)
Figure 2: Exposure Normalized Background
(Right) Background image without exposure correction, and (Left) background image after exposure normalization.
This file can then be used as input to wavdetect.
Parameters for /home/username/cxcds_param/aconvolve.par infile = 3C295_broad_dss.img Input file name outfile = 3C295_broad_dss_sm.img Output file name kernelspec = lib:gaus(2,5,1,3,3) Kernel specification (writekernel = no) Output kernel (kernelfile = ./.) Output kernel file name (writefft = no) Write fft outputs (fftroot = ./.) Root name for FFT files (method = fft) Convolution method (edges = wrap) Edge treatment (const = 0) Constant value to use at edges with edges=constant (pad = no) Pad data axes to next power of 2^n (center = no) Center FFT output (normkernel = area) Normalize the kernel (clobber = no) Clobber existing output (verbose = 0) Debug level (mode = ql)
Parameters for /home/username/cxcds_param/dmimgfilt.par infile = 3C295_broad_dss.expmap Input image file name outfile = 3C295_broad_dss_sm.expmap Output file name function = mean Filter function mask = annulus(0,0,20,22) masking filter (numiter = 1) Number of iterations to loop over (lookupTab = ${ASCDS_CALIB}/dmmerge_header_lookup.txt -> /export/miniconda/envs/ciao-4.14/data/dmmerge_header_lookup.txt) lookup table (verbose = 0) Tool verbosity (clobber = no) Clobber existing output? (mode = ql) (box3 = box(0,0,3,3)) Box: 3x3 (box5 = box(0,0,5,5)) Box: 5x5 (box7 = box(0,0,7,7)) Box: 7x7 (circle3 = circle(0,0,3)) Circle: r=3 (circle5 = circle(0,0,5)) Circle: r=5 (circle7 = circle(0,0,7)) Circle: r=7 (annulus5_3 = annulus(0,0,3,5)) Annulus: o=5,i=3 (annulus7_5 = annulus(0,0,5,7)) Annulus: o=7,i=5 (annulus7_3 = annulus(0,0,3,7)) Annulus: o=7,i=3 (bann5_3 = box(0,0,5,5)-box(0,0,3,3)) Box Annulus: o=5,i=3 (bann7_3 = box(0,0,7,7)-box(0,0,3,3)) Box Annulus: o=7,i=3 (bann7_5 = box(0,0,7,7)-box(0,0,5,5)) Box Annulus: o=7,i=5
13 Jul 2009 | New for CIAO 4.1 |
05 Feb 2010 | reviewed for CIAO 4.2: no changes |
13 Jan 2011 | reviewed for CIAO 4.3: no changes |
10 Jan 2012 | reviewed for CIAO 4.4: no changes |
03 Dec 2012 | Review for CIAO 4.5; cleanup of version info (skyfov) and frequency of multiple asol files per observation (few). |
30 Apr 2013 | Added a section on using with wavdetetect tool. Simplify dmcopy example and add an energy filter. |
26 Nov 2013 | Review for CIAO 4.6; noted early data and need to run chandra_repro or r4_header_update. |
17 Dec 2014 | Reviewed for CIAO 4.7; no changes |
14 Jan 2022 | Review for CIAO 4.14. Changed OBSID to 2254. Updated to use fluximage to create the image and exposure maps. |