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Last modified: 4 Jan 2007
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Simulating 1-D Data: the S-lang Script simspec


Last Update: 4 Jan 2007 - updated to use Cycle 9 proposal planning response files


simspec is a command-line script that uses the Sherpa S-Lang module to generate and optionally fit a simulated PHA spectrum. The script employs Sherpa's FAKEIT command, and automates the procedure described in the FAKEIT thread. It is intended to simplify the process of running simulations (particularly for Chandra observation proposal planning), and allows for script-driven generation of numerous spectra.

Proceed to the HTML or hardcopy (PDF: A4 | letter) version of the thread.


Getting started

Please follow the "Sherpa Threads: Getting Started" thread.

Obtaining Response Files

The ready-made response files for proposal planning are available from the Chandra Proposal Planning CALDB page. These files can be used in simspec to estimate the spectra of the proposed observations.

The examples in this thread use the ACIS-S default pointing position files:


The background file used in the examples - back.pi - in included in the sherpa.tar.gz data package.

Introduction to simspec

Input to simspec falls into three categories:

  • simulation parameters (source model, RMF, ARF, background dataset, exposure time, background scale factor),
  • normalization parameters (method, value, source model parameter, lower/upper bound for calculation), and
  • fit parameters (source model, lower/upper bound of data filter, confidence-interval estimation method)

Note that the syntax for model expression in both simulation and fitting parameters is exactly the same as used in Sherpa.

When run, the script prints fit results (best-fit parameters, goodness-of-fit statistics, confidence intervals) to the screen and produces three output files:

  • a PHA file containing the simulated spectrum;
  • an MDL file ('ahelp mdl') containing information on source/background datasets, source and instrument models, and source model parameters; and
  • a postscript file containing a plot of the simulated data and/or fit (if requested)

The script will optionally group the data before fitting.

Download the script

This thread uses the simspec script. The most recent version of simspec is v1.1 (09 February 2006):

unix% grep Version `which simspec`
% Version 1.1 (2006/02/09)

Please check that you are using the most recent version before continuing. If you do not have the script installed or need to update to a newer version, please refer to the Scripts page.

Running simspec interactively

If simspec is run with no command-line arguments, the script will prompt the user for all necessary input parameters (including source-model parameter values). This should make running the script fairly straightforward for first-time users.

The following example demonstrates how to respond to the input prompts in order to create and fit a basic spectrum. (For details on each of the input parameters, see the parameter listing.) Note that the lines in italic are comments on the parameter settings, not output from the script itself.

unix% simspec
    Abundances set to Anders & Grevesse
Model for simulating data (): xsphabs[abs]*powlaw1d[p1]

  The source model is an absorbed power law ("xsphabs[abs]*powlaw1d[p1]"). 

Input RMF file (): aciss_aimpt_cy09.rmf
Input ARF file (): aciss_aimpt_cy09.arf 
Input background data file (NONE): back.pi 

  The simulation uses an RMF, an ARF, and a background dataset.

Exposure time [s] (0:) (1): 10000  

  The simulated dataset has an exposure time of 10000 s.

Background scale factor (0:) (1): 1e-05 

  The background scale (1e-05) will be recorded in the BACKSCAL
  header keyword of the output PHA file; see the discussion on backgrounds for more

Grouping type value (0.0): 20

  The simulated data is grouped to 20 counts per bin.

Normalization value (0:) (): 1e-12 
Model parameter to use for normalization (): p1.ampl
Lower bound for normalization [keV] (0:) (): 2
Upper bound for normalization [keV] (0:) (): 10

  The data are normalized so that the energy flux, integrated over the range 2 to 10 keV, is 1.0e-12 ergs/cm^2/s.

Model for fitting data (NONE|SIM|[model_expr]) (): SIM
Lower bound for fit [keV] (0:))normmin -> 2): 0.5
Upper bound for fit [keV] (0:))normmax -> 10): 8.0
Confidence-interval estimation method (NONE|UNC|COV|PROJ) (NONE):
Output PHA file (): sim_1.pha
Output MDL file (): sim_1_mdl.fits
Output postscript plot (NONE): sim_1.ps

Enter simulation source model parameters:
abs.nH parameter value [0.1] 0.0568
p1.gamma parameter value [1] 2.0
p1.ref parameter value [1] 
p1.ampl parameter value [1] 
WARNING: any applied filters are being deleted!
Write X-Axis: Bin  Y-Axis: Counts

Enter fit source model parameters:
abs.nH parameter value [0.0568] 
p1.gamma parameter value [2] 
p1.ref parameter value [1] 
p1.ampl parameter value [0.000389837] 

  The fit is performed using the same source model and parameter settings employed in the simulation.


 LVMQT: V2.0
 LVMQT: initial statistic value = 69.4889
 LVMQT: final statistic value = 65.1056 at iteration 3
           abs.nH  0.0514404  10**22 atoms/cm**2  
            p1.gamma  1.99571     
            p1.ampl  0.000366255     

Goodness: computed with Chi-Squared Gehrels

DataSet 1: 95 data points -- 92 degrees of freedom.
 Statistic value       = 65.1056
 Probability [Q-value] = 0.984882
 Reduced statistic     = 0.707669


Plots of the simulated data and fit are stored in the postscript file, as shown here [Link to Image 1: Plot of the simulated data and fit]. The output MDL file can be read into Sherpa as follows:

unix% sherpa
sherpa> read mdl "sim_1_mdl.fits" 

This will load the simulated spectrum and background dataset, create the source and instrument models used in the fit, and set the source model parameters to their best-fit values.

Running simspec non-interactively

The previous example can also be run non-interactively by setting all input parameters on the command line (or, equivalently, setting them with the pset command). Using the simspec in this manner allows the user to script and run multiple simulations efficiently.

In order to prevent simspec from prompting for model parameters, the parameter values for the simulation and fit must be specified using the simparam and fitparams parameters, respectively, as shown here:

unix% simspec simmodel="xsphabs[abs]*powlaw1d[p1]" rmffile=aciss_aimpt_cy09.rmf arffile=aciss_aimpt_cy09.arf \
      bkgfile=back.pi exposure=10000 backscale=1e-05 grouptype=NUM_CTS grouptypeval=20 normtype=EFLUX \
      normval=1e-12 normparam=p1.ampl normmin=2 normmax=10 fitmodel=SIM \
      fitmin=0.5 fitmax=8 paramest=NONE outfile=sim_2.pha mdlfile=sim_2_mdl.fits \
      psplotfile=sim_2.ps plottype=FIT_DELCHI \
      simparams="abs.nh=0.0568,p1.gamma=2.0" fitparams=SIM

    Abundances set to Anders & Grevesse
WARNING: any applied filters are being deleted!
Write X-Axis: Bin  Y-Axis: Counts


 LVMQT: V2.0
 LVMQT: initial statistic value = 63.9829
 LVMQT: final statistic value = 62.076 at iteration 4
           abs.nH  0.081979  10**22 atoms/cm**2  
            p1.gamma  2.10285     
            p1.ampl  0.00041951     

Goodness: computed with Chi-Squared Gehrels

DataSet 1: 98 data points -- 95 degrees of freedom.
 Statistic value       = 62.076
 Probability [Q-value] = 0.996413
 Reduced statistic     = 0.653432


The simspec usefile parameter

The simspec script uses the Sherpa default values for the optimization method, statistics, and background subtraction, among other things. The usefile parameter gives users a means to changing any of these values without altering the simspec script itself.

This parameter takes a file containing a list of Sherpa commands. The script evaluates each line of this file (first as a Sherpa statement and then, if not recognized, as a S-lang statement); the evaluation happens before the models are set up.

For example, if one wanted simspec to use the Powell optimization method instead of Levenberg-Marquardt (the default):

unix% cat alter_simspec.txt
method powell
statistic chi dvar

Then set the usefile parameter to point to this text file:

unix% pset simspec usefile=alter_simspec.txt

The method used is recorded in the output MDL file:

unix% dmlist mdl.fits"[MDL_Models][cols method]" data rows="1:1"
Data for Table Block MDL_Models
ROW    method
     1 Powell   

Addition of a Background file

If a background file was entered to simspec then the simulated PHA file contains both the source and background counts. Addition of background counts to the simulations should be properly scaled using the background scale factor; see the Choosing a background scale factor subsection. The default value of backscale parameter is set to 1. The total counts are calculated using the expression:

Total(i) = S(i) + ((beta_S * t_S) / (beta_B * t_B )) * B(i) 

where S(i) is the source counts in channel i, B(i) is the background counts in channel i, t_S and t_B are the source and background exposure times respectively, and beta_S and beta_B are the source and background area scales defined as the ratio of data extraction area to total detector area. For the purpose of the simulations one needs to adjust both the exposure time and the area scales using the backscale simspec parameter to a desired values given the input background file.

In order to properly fit the simulated PHA data the background model component needs to be either included in the model expression model_expr or subtracted from the simulated data. Currently simspec subtracts the background by default while fitting the simulated data. The subtraction limits the allowed choice of statistics to chi gehrels and chi dvar.

Choosing a background scale factor

The backscale parameter scales the background relative to the simulated spectrum. The value you choose for backscale defines the size of the region to which the simulated PHA file corresponds. Suppose you create a background PHA file by extracting it from a real dataset using, for example, dmextract, in a circular region of area AB = 5000 pixels. To find the region area in your background file in pixels:

unix% dmlist back.pi subspace | grep area
  16 sky                  Real4               Field area = 4.63168e+77 Region area = 1256.64

The region area is 1256 pixels in this case.

If you want to create a simulated PHA file that corresponds to counts from a source in an area AS = 10 pixels, the backscale is calculated as source_area/background_area or, equivalently, AS/AB:

backscale = 10 / 1256  = 0.00796178

Alternatively, you may be trying to match an existing source PHA file and using the same background file created for it, in which case

unix% dmlist sourcepha.pi keys | grep BACKSCAL

will show the value of backscale for that file. It should be equal to the ration of region areas for the source and background files.

If the simulation exposure time and the background exposure times are different, the backscale should compensate for that as well. This is done by using the equation for Total(i) given at the beginning of this section.

Parameters for /home/username/cxcds_param/simspec.par

unix% plist simspec

Parameters for /home/user/cxcds_param/simspec.par

# Simulation parameters
      simmodel = xsphabs[abs]*powlaw1d[p1] Model for simulating data
       rmffile = aciss_aimpt_cy08.rmf Input RMF file
       arffile = aciss_aimpt_cy08.arf Input ARF file
       bkgfile = back.pi          Input background data file
      exposure = 10000            Exposure time [s]
     backscale = 1e-05            Background scale factor
     grouptype = NUM_CTS          Grouping type
  grouptypeval = 20               Grouping type value
# Normalization parameters
      normtype = EFLUX            Normalization method
       normval = 1e-12            Normalization value
     normparam = p1.ampl          Model parameter to use for normalization
       normmin = 2                Lower bound for normalization [keV]
       normmax = 10               Upper bound for normalization [keV]
# Fit parameters
      fitmodel = SIM              Model for fitting data (NONE|SIM|<model_expr>)
        fitmin = 0.5              Lower bound for fit [keV]
        fitmax = 8                Upper bound for fit [keV]
      paramest = NONE             Confidence-interval estimation method
# Simulation output
       outfile = sim_1.pha        Output PHA file
       mdlfile = sim_1_mdl.fits   Output MDL file
    psplotfile = sim_1.ps         Output postscript plot
      plottype = FIT_DELCHI       Output plot type
# Model parameters (leave empty to be prompted)
    (simparams = )                Parameters for simulation model (DEF|<param_list>)
    (fitparams = )                Parameters for fit model (DEF|SIM|<param_list>)
# Sherpa parameters
      (usefile = )                File of Sherpa commands to run
# Other parameters
      (clobber = no)              Clobber existing output files?
      (verbose = 0)               Verbosity level
         (mode = ql)              


22 Feb 2005 original version, new for CIAO 3.2
03 Mar 2005 added Obtaining Response Files section
21 Dec 2005 reviewed for CIAO 3.3: no changes
08 Feb 2006 simspec v1.1 (change to cxchistory.sl, one of the scripts called by simspec); updated to use Cycle 8 proposal planning response files
01 Dec 2006 reviewed for CIAO 3.4: no changes (yet: will be updated to use Cycle 9 proposal planning response files when they are available)
04 Jan 2007 updated to use Cycle 9 proposal planning response files

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Last modified: 4 Jan 2007

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