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Last modified: 1 Dec 2006
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Estimating Errors and Confidence Levels


Last Update: 1 Dec 2006 - reviewed for CIAO 3.4: no changes


The best-fit values of model parameters are just the beginning of the story; they are only useful if you can attatch some idea of an error - or significance level - to them. Sherpa provides a number of routines for estimating the errors on a single parameter or for seeing how two parameters are correlated.

All the routines work in essentially the same way: the parameter space around the best fit location is searched until the fit statistic (i.e. chi squared or Cash) increases by a certain amount; the exact amount depends on what confidence level (e.g. in units of sigma or as a percentage) you want. The routines use different strategies for finding the change in fit statistic; as a rule of thumb the faster the method the less accurate the result!

The interface to the Sherpa routines provides great flexibility but is not simple to use for the occasional user. In this thread we provide a function that makes the routines simple to use; it is written in S-Lang, but you do not need to know this to use the script!

Read this thread if:

You want to estimate errors or confidence levels for parameters in a fit (to data of any dimensionality) without having to remember how to set the parameters for the Sherpa command.

Related Links:

Proceed to the HTML or hardcopy (PDF: A4 | letter) version of the thread.


Getting Started

Downloading the data

The data used in this thread is available in the sherpa.tar.gz file, as described in the "Getting Started" thread.

Downloading the paramest package

The thread uses the paramest.sl script; for information about the script, consult the help file ("ahelp paramest"). The most recent version of paramest.sl is v1.12 (02 Nov 2004):

unix% grep Id $ASCDS_CONTRIB/share/slsh/local-packages/paramest.sl
% $Id: paramest.sl,v 1.12 2004/11/02 15:45:22 dburke Exp $

Note that $ASCDS_CONTRIB/share/slsh/local-packages/ is the default path in the standard CIAO scripts installation; see the Scripts page for more information. Please check that you are using the most recent version before continuing. If you do not have the script installed or need to update to a newer version, please refer to the Scripts page.

If the script is correctly installed, you should also be able to say:

unix% paccess paramest

where we have assumed that $PFILES is set to "/home/username/cxcds_param;/soft/ciao/param"; see "ahelp parameter" for details.

Loading the paramest.sl script into Sherpa

The paramest.sl script is loaded into a Sherpa session with the evalfile function:

sherpa> () = evalfile("paramest.sl");

If you wish the functions to always be available to Sherpa add the following line to your ~/.sherparc file:

() = evalfile("paramest.sl");

For more information on configuring Sherpa, see the Customizing Sherpa with a Resource File thread.

Find the best fit

Before calculating the errors on fit parameters you have to find the best fit. The Sherpa thread page contains a number of threads showing you how to use the various methods and statistics in Sherpa; for this example we will use the default method (LEVENBERG-MARQUARDT) and the default statistic (CHI GEHRELS) to fit a simple model to a binned PHA spectrum. Unlike most fits we neglect the background component here.

The source spectrum we use (source_grouped_pi.fits) has the RESPFILE and ANCRFILE set to point to the location of the RMF and ARF for the source, respectively. This means that the instrument model will be set up automatically when the file is loaded, as shown below.

unix% dmlist source_grouped_pi.fits header,clean | grep FILE | grep -v HISTORY
BACKFILE             none
CORRFILE             none
RESPFILE             rmf.fits
ANCRFILE             arf.fits

First we check the Sherpa settings:

sherpa> erase all
sherpa> show method
Optimization Method: Levenberg-Marquardt

      Name       Value         Min         Max                     Description
      ----       -----         ---         ---                     -----------
 1   iters        2000           1       10000    Maximum number of iterations
 2     eps       1e-03       1e-09           1               Absolute accuracy
 3   smplx           0           0           1  Refine fit with simplex (0=no)
 4 smplxep           1       1e-04        1000    Switch-to-simplex eps factor
 5 smplxit           3           1          20  Switch-to-simplex iters factor

sherpa> show statistic
Statistic:           Chi-Squared Gehrels

and then load in the data:

sherpa> data source_grouped_pi.fits
The inferred file type is PHA.  If this is not what you want, please
specify the type explicitly in the data command.
WARNING: statistical errors specified in the PHA file.
         These are currently IGNORED.  To use them, type:
         READ ERRORS "<filename>[cols CHANNEL,STAT_ERR]" fitsbin
RMF is being input from:
ARF is being input from:
sherpa> ignore energy :0.5,8:
sherpa> set_log
sherpa> lp data

The resulting plot [Link to Image 1: Source spectrum] shows the source data that is to be fit.

Now we set up the source model - an absorbed power law - and fit it:

sherpa> source = xswabs[abs] * powlaw1d[p1]
abs.nH parameter value [0.1]
p1.gamma parameter value [1]
p1.ref parameter value [4]
p1.ampl parameter value [0.000149261]
sherpa> fit
 LVMQT: V2.0
 LVMQT: initial statistic value = 4583.05
 LVMQT: final statistic value = 83.2873 at iteration 8
           abs.nH  2.4061  10^22/cm^2  
            p1.gamma  1.51851     
            p1.ampl  0.000241434     

sherpa> sherpa.resplot.y_log = 0
sherpa> lp 2 fit delchi

The resulting plot looks like this [Link to Image 2: Best fit model with residuals]. We set "sherpa.resplot.y_log" to 0 to ensure that the Y axis of the residuals plot is in linear, not log, spacing (since the earlier call to set_log set all axes to be in log spacing). The best-fit parameter values are displayed at the end of the fit but can also be displayed using the list_par command:

sherpa> list_par
  #                 Name Type       Value Lnk Frz         Min         Max       Delta
  1               abs.nH  src      2.4061   0   0       1e-07          10          -1
  2             p1.gamma  src      1.5185   0   0         -10          10          -1
  3               p1.ref  src           4   0   1           1      7.4971          -1
  4              p1.ampl  src  0.00024143   0   0  1.4926e-06    0.014926          -1
  5 AutoReadResponse.rmf inst"/data/ciao/rmf.fits"
  6 AutoReadResponse.arf inst"/data/ciao/arf.fits"

Since we are using a chi-square statistic we can get an idea of how well the model fits using the GOODNESS command:

sherpa> goodness
Goodness: computed with Chi-Squared Gehrels

DataSet 1: 131 data points -- 128 degrees of freedom.
 Statistic value       = 83.2873
 Probability [Q-value] = 0.999225
 Reduced statistic     = 0.650682

See the "Accessing the FIT results" section of the "Accessing fit results using S-Lang" thread for details of how to read these values into S-Lang variables.

We are now ready to estimate errors on the parameters. In the following sections we illustrate several of the routines that can be used in Sherpa.

Errors on individual parameters (projection)

We will use the projection method to estimate 1 sigma errors on the gamma parameter of the powerlaw component. To do this we use the proj() function provided by paramest.sl.

sherpa> proj("p1.gamma")
Parameter name:        Curr Val           Limits
p1.gamma                1.51851         -10         10

Report error at this number of sigma from the best-fit value (0:) (1):
Projection complete for parameter: p1.gamma

Computed for projection.sigma = 1
        Parameter Name      Best-Fit Lower Bound     Upper Bound
            p1.gamma         1.51851  -0.105572       +0.107951     

The PROJECTION run has finished for p1.gamma.
The get_proj() command can be used to access the data
of this run.

When run the function displays the current best-fit value of the selected parameters - along with the allowed range of the parameter - and will then prompt you for values. The set of questions you are asked depends on what function you are calling, and correspond to the configuration parameters for that particular method. In this case we are using the PROJECTION method so we are asked for parameters corresponding to fields in the sherpa.regproj structure (as discussed in the fastopt parameter, the "fast" option is hidden and defaults to "yes").

If you want the 90% confidence limits on this parameter then re-run the function and answer 1.6 at the prompt, or set its value by giving it as an addition parameter to the proj() function:

sherpa> proj("p1.gamma abs.nh","sigma=1.6")
Parameter name:        Curr Val           Limits
p1.gamma                1.51851         -10         10
abs.nh                  2.4061       1e-07         10

Projection complete for parameter: abs.nH
Projection complete for parameter: p1.gamma

Computed for projection.sigma = 1.6
        Parameter Name      Best-Fit Lower Bound     Upper Bound
           abs.nH             2.4061  -0.240423       +0.260944     
            p1.gamma         1.51851  -0.167618       +0.174267     

The PROJECTION run has finished for p1.gamma abs.nh.
The get_proj() command can be used to access the data
of this run.

We also asked for the error on the nH parameter of the absorption model. Note that the order of the parameters in the screen output matches that given by list_par() and not the order specified in the function call.

To estimate errors on all the thawed parameters call the function with the list of names set to "":

sherpa> proj("")
Parameter name:        Curr Val           Limits
abs.nH                  2.4061       1e-07         10
p1.gamma                1.51851         -10         10
p1.ampl              0.000241434  1.49261e-06  0.0149261

Report error at this number of sigma from the best-fit value (0:) (1.6):
Projection complete for parameter: abs.nH
Projection complete for parameter: p1.gamma
Projection complete for parameter: p1.ampl

Computed for sherpa.proj.sigma = 1.6
        Parameter Name      Best-Fit Lower Bound     Upper Bound
           abs.nH             2.4061  -0.240423       +0.260944     
            p1.gamma         1.51851  -0.167618       +0.174267     
            p1.ampl      0.000241434  -1.11634e-05    +1.14954e-05  

The PROJECTION run has finished for abs.nH p1.gamma p1.ampl.
The get_proj() command can be used to access the data
of this run.

See the "Accessing the PROJECTION results" section of the "Accessing fit results using S-Lang" thread for details of how to read these values into S-Lang variables.

The unc() and cov() routines - which correspond to the UNCERTAINTY and COVARIANCE methods respectively - behave similarly.

How does the fit surface vary for a parameter (interval-projection)?

It can be useful to know how the fit statistic varies as the parameter of interest varies: if it is not approximately parabolic then error estimates may be meaningless. The INTERVAL-PROJECTION and INTERVAL-UNCERTAINTY methods produce such plots, using the projection and uncertainty methods respectively. The paramest.sl script provides two functions - iproj() and iunc() - that can be used to call these routines.

Here we use iproj() to see how the fit statistic varies with the gamma parameter of the power law component. Since we already know that the 90% errors are approximately +- 0.2 we choose to set the axis range manually:

sherpa> iproj("p1.gamma")
Parameter name:        Curr Val           Limits
p1.gamma                1.51851         -10         10

Should the limits be calculated automatically? (yes): no
Minimum value for p1.gamma (-10:10) (0): 1
Maximum value for p1.gamma (-10:10) (0): 2
Should the X-axis be evaluated using logarithmic spacing? (no):
Number of points to evaluate along the X axis (1:) (20):
Interval-Projection: grid size set by user.
                     outer grid loop 20% done...
                     outer grid loop 40% done...
                     outer grid loop 60% done...
                     outer grid loop 80% done...

The INTERVAL-PROJECTION run has finished for p1.gamma.
The get_intproj() command can be used to access the data
of this run.

sherpa> ticks maj y 10
sherpa> ticks min y 5
sherpa> redraw

The resulting plot looks like this [Link to Image 3: Plot of interval-projection results] (the calls to the TICKS command are to add extra numeric labels to the Y axis since the default settings for this plot are not too helpful). The "confidence intervals" table in "ahelp projection" list a range of common confidence levels and the corresponding change in chi-square values (i.e. the statistic value on the Y axis in this plot).

See the "Accessing the INTERVAL-PROJECTION results" section of the "Accessing fit results using S-Lang" thread for an example of how to convert this plot into one of delta Chi squared versus parameter value.

The iunc() routine - which corresponds to the INTERVAL-UNCERTAINTY method - behaves similarly.

How are two parameters correlated (region-projection)?

The two interesting parameters in this model are the slope of the powerlaw (p1.gamma) and the column density of absorbing material (abs.nh). In this section we use the rproj() function - which calls the REGION-PROJECTION command of Sherpa - to see whether the two parameters are correlated.

From our earlier run we know that the 90% errors on the two parameters - when evaluated independently - are approximately 1.3-1.8 (gamma) and 2.1-2.7 (nH). However we decide to let the routine calculate limits itself, and choose to display contours at the 1 and 1.6 sigma level (68.3% and 90% confidence levels).

sherpa> restore_regproj
sherpa> rproj("p1.gamma abs.nh")
Parameter name:        Curr Val           Limits
p1.gamma                1.51851         -10         10
abs.nh                  2.4061       1e-07         10

Should the limits be calculated automatically? (yes):
Multiply estimated grid limits by this factor (3):
Should the X-axis be evaluated using logarithmic spacing? (no):
Number of points to evaluate along the X axis (1:) (10):
Should the Y-axis be evaluated using logarithmic spacing? (no):
Number of points to evaluate along the Y axis (1:) (10):
Comma-separated list of contour levels in units of sigma (1,2,3): 1,1.6
Region-Projection: computing grid size with covariance...done.
                   outer grid loop 20% done...
                   outer grid loop 40% done...
                   outer grid loop 60% done...
                   outer grid loop 80% done...
Minimum: 83.2873
Levels are: 85.5833 87.7093

The REGION-PROJECTION run has finished for p1.gamma and abs.nh.
The get_regproj() command can be used to access the surface data
of this run.

The resulting plot looks like this [Link to Image 4: Plot of region-projection results]. The "restore_regproj" call resets the fields of the sherpa.regproj variable to their default values.

The automatically-chosen limits have resulted in a poor-quality plot: there are not enough data points close to the best-fit location hence the contours do not accurately reflect the confidence region. The easiest way to change this is to re-run the function and increase the number of points; we also elect to use a smaller parameter range along both axes to reduce the amount of wasted computation.

sherpa> rproj("p1.gamma abs.nh")
Parameter name:        Curr Val           Limits
p1.gamma                1.51851         -10         10
abs.nh                  2.4061       1e-07         10

Should the limits be calculated automatically? (yes): no
Minimum value for p1.gamma (-10:10) (0): 1.2
Maximum value for p1.gamma (-10:10) (0): 1.9
Minimum value for abs.nH (1e-07:10) (0): 2
Maximum value for abs.nH (1e-07:10) (0): 2.8
Should the X-axis be evaluated using logarithmic spacing? (no):
Number of points to evaluate along the X axis (1:) (10): 21
Should the Y-axis be evaluated using logarithmic spacing? (no):
Number of points to evaluate along the Y axis (1:) (10): 21
Comma-separated list of contour levels in units of sigma (1,1.6):
Region-Projection: grid size set by user.
                   outer grid loop 20% done...
                   outer grid loop 40% done...
                   outer grid loop 60% done...
                   outer grid loop 80% done...
Minimum: 83.2873 
Levels are: 85.5833 87.7093 

The REGION-PROJECTION run has finished for p1.gamma and abs.nh.
The get_regproj() command can be used to access the surface data
of this run.

The resulting plot looks like this [Link to Image 5: Improved region-projection results (chips.mingridsize=50)]. Although the results are much better the contours still do not appear smooth. We now try changing the chips.mingridsize value to see whether this will improve the appearance of the plot:

sherpa> store conf.tmp
sherpa> chips.mingridsize = 100
sherpa> restore conf.tmp

The resulting plot looks like this [Link to Image 6: Improved region-projection results (chips.mingridsize=100)]. The reason for using the STORE/RESTORE commands is because the contour plot needs to be re-created to pick up any change in the chips.mingridsize parameter; calling redraw is not enough. So this means either re-running the REGION-PROJECTION - which can take a lot of time - or using the ChIPS store file. Note that the file conf.tmp is left in the current working directory by this sequence of commands.

See the "Accessing the REGION-PROJECTION results" section of the "Accessing fit results using S-Lang" thread for details of how to read these values into S-Lang variables.

The runc() routine - which corresponds to the REGION-UNCERTAINTY method - behaves similarly.

Other Uses of the Script

In this thread we showed several of the routines available in paramest.sl. The complete list, given in Table 1, is explained in the help file.

Table 1. Routines Available in paramest.sl
Routine Sherpa Command


14 Dec 2004 updated for CIAO 3.2: script version and path
21 Dec 2005 reviewed for CIAO 3.3: no changes
01 Dec 2006 reviewed for CIAO 3.4: no changes

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Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: 1 Dec 2006

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