Survey Response Details

If you have been a Principal Investigator (PI) on a Chandra project, you will have received an email from us directing you to a web page which asks about student or post-doc involvement in your research. Since Chandra data are an important part of student training (and funding), we want to collect quantitative information about the level of student participation.

Since the survey is voluntary, we have incomplete information. We do ask that PIs respond even if they have not had students, in order to get an estimate of the overall participation rate. However, PIs are (probably) more likely to respond if they have actually worked with students.

The available results from our surveys are shown in the table below. The students counted include undergraduates, graduate students, and post-docs.

Responses to PI survey.

* Data Missing
** Data not collected
2001 287 135 (47%) 161 1.19
2002 401 244 (61%) 286 1.17
2003 474 288 (61%) 311 1.07
2004 - * - ( - )* 322 -
2005 271 - ( - )* 254 -
2006 0** - ( - ) - -
2007 233 78 (33%) 182 2.33
2008 243 173 (71%) 284 1.64
2009 230 206 (90%) 308 1.50
2010 246 119 (48%) 178 1.50
2011 256 127 (50%) 199 1.57
2012 405 159 (39%) 243 1.53
2013 466 327 (70%) 3361.03
2014 381 152 (40%) 2121.39
2015 350 157 (45%) 1871.19
2016 436 146 (34%) 3182.18
2017 436 133 (31%) 2842.14
2018 429 134 (31%) 2892.16
2019 426 140 (33%) 2631.89
2020 419 148 (35%) 3102.09
2021 438 99 (23%) 1961.98
2022 406 147 (36%) 3352.28
Average response rate: 46%