Chandra X-Ray Observatory

Cycle 4 Recommended Targets: Statistics

1. Proposals by type

	   Submitted		 Accepted
	   -------------------   -----------------------
Type       #Prop   #Tgts  Time   #Prop   #Tgts  Time
-------    -----   -----  ----   -----   -----  -----
All	    827	   2338  96219	 239	 500	16630

ARCHIVE      39       0     0     20	   0	    0
GO          659    1847  65952   175     379    10841
GTO           8      12    609     7       7      412
GTO/TOO       2       4    230     2       4      230
LP           46     391  24232    11      93     3745
THEORY       28       0     0      9	   0	    0
TOO          44      74   4745    15      17     1402
TOO/LP        1      10    450	   0	   0	    0	

2. Number of proposals, targets and exposure time (ks) by subject category

				Submitted		 Accepted
				-------------------   -------------------
Category			#Prop  #Tgts  Time    #Prop  #Tgts  Time
----------------------------    -----  -----  -----   -----  -----  -----
SOLAR SYSTEM                     11      12     562      3      3     174
NORMAL STARS AND WD             117     307   15219     30     39    3224
WD BINARIES AND CV               42      59    3258     11     14     747
BH AND NS BINARIES               93     146    7205     32     35    1240
SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS         133     248   12856     44     71    3668
NORMAL GALAXIES                  88     342   14028     27     23    1103
ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARS	184     708   23491     51    193    3733
CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES		113     267   11208     33     57    2330
EXTRAGAL DIFFUSE AND SURVEYS     28     216    6915      7     65     410
GALACTIC DIFFUSE AND SURVEYS	 18      33    1475      1      0       0

3. Number of targets, exposure time (ks) by instrument

			Submitted	 Accepted
	 	      ----------------   -------------------
Detector  Grating	Time	#Tgts	Time	#Tgts
------------------    ------    ------	------  ------
ACIS-I    HETG          180       4	   0	   0
ACIS-I    NONE        23578     605	4695     142
ACIS-S    HETG        16356     152	2617      31
ACIS-S    LETG         5264      30	 460       3
ACIS-S    NONE        46413    1472	7872     304
HRC-I     NONE          933      38	 105      11
HRC-S     LETG         2712      29	 875       8
HRC-S     NONE          781       8	   5       1

4. Number of targets by exposure time (ks) range

App.Time(>=) Submitted  Accepted
------------ ---------  --------
   0-2           42	  7
   2-4          110	 61
   4-8          359	128
   8-16         398	 60
  16-32         527	 80
  32-64         497	 91	
  64-128        300	 58
 128-256         75	 11
    >256         30	  9

5. Number of observing proposals by exposure time (ks) range

App.Time(>=) Submitted  Accepted
------------ ---------  --------
   0-2           0	 0
   2-4           2	 2
   4-8           3	 5
   8-16         15	 8
  16-32         43	27
  32-64        207	82
  64-128       260	61
 128-256       161	16
    >256        69	 9

6. Number of proposals vs. P.I.

#Prop	# of PIs proposing	#of PIs having
	that # of prop		that # accepted
-----   -------------------	---------------
1	364			163     
2	119			 29
3	 42			  3
4	 12			  1	
5	  3			  1
6	  2			  0	
7	  0
8	  0
9	  0
10	  0
11	  1
12	  0
13	  1 

7. Number of proposals and time (ks) by country

Country    #Prop   Requested Time  Apprvd Prop  Apprvd Time
----------------   -------------- ------------  ----------- 
CHINA          1       100		  0
MEXICO         1       100		  0
TURKEY         1        60		  0
AUSTRIA        1        36		  0
INDIA          2       130		  0
SPAIN          2       227		  0
GREECE         2       140		  0
ISRAEL         3       540		  1        70
DENMARK        3       200		  2       124
KOREA          4       202		  1        54
SWITZ          4       395		  2       131
CANADA         4       289		  4       209
AUSTRALIA      4       590		  0
FRANCE         5       747		  1        50
NETH          12      1313		  7       657
ITALY         40      5231		  6       410
GERMANY       44      4573		  9       464
UK            54      6869		 19      1240
JAPAN         55      3626		  7       282
USA          585     70849		180     12937

Tot foreign  242     25370		 59      3693

Total	     827     96219		239	16630

Smithsonian Institute Smithsonian Institute

The Chandra X-Ray Center (CXC) is operated for NASA by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA.   Email: Smithsonian Institution, Copyright © 1998-2025. All rights reserved.

Last modified: 12/02/10