Chandra X-Ray Observatory

Accepted Cycle 13 Observing Proposals

Proposal NumberSubject CategoryPI NameTitle
13200007STARS AND WDCanizaresWN Stars in NGC 3603: the High Resolution Spectrum of HD 97950-C
13200020STARS AND WDGarmireRevealing the Extent of the Cluster of Clusters in NGC 6357
13200041STARS AND WDGarmireA Search for X-ray Emission from Colliding Magnetospheres in Young Eccentric Stellar Binaries (GTO part)
13200067STARS AND WDGarmireA Chandra View of the RCW120 Bubble (GTO part)
13200167STARS AND WDBergerAre Convective Dynamos Super-Saturated at High Rotation Velocities?
13200221STARS AND WDMicelaSimultaneous Chandra - CoRoT - Spitzer Observation of the Star Forming Region NGC 2264
13200236STARS AND WDPreibischTesting the scenario of triggered star formation at the periphery of the Carina Nebula: a Chandra study of NGC3324
13200257STARS AND WDRobradeThe X-ray puzzle of late B and early A stars
13200314STARS AND WDLeuteneggerA systematic measurement of the mass-loss rate of Zeta Ori
13200318STARS AND WDRappaportV1309 Sco: The First Directly Observed Merging Binary
13200342STARS AND WDGetmanA Chandra View of the RCW120 Bubble
13200394STARS AND WDTownsleyThe Young 'Cluster of Clusters' NGC 6357: A Carina Complex in the Making?
13200439STARS AND WDPetitCharacterizing the X-ray Properties of Extreme Magnetic Massive Stars
13200441STARS AND WDGuentherX-ray emission from beta Pic
13200445STARS AND WDGetmanA Search for X-ray Emission from Colliding Magnetospheres in Young Eccentric Stellar Binaries
13200481STARS AND WDGagneHETG Spectroscopy of WR 48a: a superluminous dusty Wolf-Rayet star
13200530STARS AND WDAyresAlpha Cen: Climbing out of a Coronal Recession?
13200630STARS AND WDForbrichSimultaneous X-ray and radio flaring of Young Stellar Objects in the Orion Nebula Cluster
13200652STARS AND WDDamianiStar formation in the NGC7000/IC5070 complex
13200692STARS AND WDSaarA Close Look At Middle-Aged Coronae: The Nearby 2.5 Gyr Old Cluster Ruprecht 147
13200788STARS AND WDNessStudies of the coronae of two K-dwarfs, 61 Cyg A and B
13200817STARS AND WDGrossoACIS-S observation of TWA 30AB, the second and third closest actively accreting and outflowing low-mass stars
13200819STARS AND WDGuerreroProbing Shock-in Winds in the Central Star of the Planetary Nebula IC 4593
13200852STARS AND WDAg erosDeep Imaging of M37, A Better Hyades
13200853STARS AND WDMillerTesting Star-Planet Interaction in Solar Analogs
13200857STARS AND WDCorcoranMonitoring Dynamical Mass Loss from Eta Car with the HETG and STIS: The Rise to Maximum
13300005WD BINARIES AND CVMurrayChandra Spectroscopy of the Supersoft Binary Candidate XMMU J115113.3-623730
13300077WD BINARIES AND CVPredehlResolving short supersoft source states of optical novae in the core of M31
13300385WD BINARIES AND CVKongClose binary populations in metal-rich globular clusters
13300461WD BINARIES AND CVWalterThe Galactic Nova KT Eridani in Quiescence
13300810WD BINARIES AND CVKAROVSKADynamical Evolution of the Recent Jet in CH Cyg
13300922WD BINARIES AND CVDrakeProbing Coronal Supersaturation in Pre-Cataclysmic Binaries with M-type Companions
13400045BH AND NS BINARIESKaastraA deep Chandra LETGS observation of the ultra-compact X-ray binary 4U 1543-624
13400083BH AND NS BINARIESPredehlProper Motion Measurement of the Central Compact Object
13400103BH AND NS BINARIESNowakA Further Drop into Quiescence by the Neutron Star and Possible Hierarchical Triple 4U2129+47
13400164BH AND NS BINARIESKaaretConstraining the mass of the black hole in IC 342 X-1 with simultaneous X-ray and radio observations
13400174BH AND NS BINARIESKeekTaking the temperature of the superburster 4U 1608-522 after an outburst
13400186BH AND NS BINARIESChakrabartyPrecise Localization of Transient Low-Mass X-ray Binaries
13400211BH AND NS BINARIESCorbelX-Ray Jets in Microquasars
13400213BH AND NS BINARIESGrenierToO observation of a bright Galactic transient discovered by Fermi and Swift
13400215BH AND NS BINARIESJonkerFollowing a black hole candidate X-ray transient to quiescence
13400239BH AND NS BINARIESJonkerThe unique opportunity to determine the mass of an accreting neutron star: an eclipsing accretion powered X-ray pulsar
13400265BH AND NS BINARIESDegenaarQuiescent monitoring of the 11 Hz pulsar in Terzan 5
13400279BH AND NS BINARIESJonkerCompleting the Galactic Bulge Survey: categorizing the plethora of faint X-ray sources in the Galactic Bulge
13400312BH AND NS BINARIESPooleyTransient LMXBs in Globular Clusters: More Numerous than We Thought?
13400320BH AND NS BINARIESHeinkeThe Spectral Energy Distribution of a Very Faint X-ray Transient
13400401BH AND NS BINARIESCackettInvestigating neutron star crustal cooling in MXB 1659-29
13400406BH AND NS BINARIESHomanAn accurate X-ray position of the neutron-star low-mass X-ray binary GX 3+1
13400434BH AND NS BINARIESMcLaughlinConstraining Neutron Star Close Binary Evolution with the ``Missing Link' PSR J1723--2837
13400498BH AND NS BINARIESNeilsenTesting the Wind-Jet Connection in a Black Hole Transient
13400512BH AND NS BINARIESin 't ZandSearch for absorption edges in superexpansion bursts
13400618BH AND NS BINARIESSoriaJets, hot spots and cocoon of the most powerful microquasar
13400639BH AND NS BINARIESWijnandsCrust cooling of accretion heated neutron stars
13400681BH AND NS BINARIESXiangMeasuring Emission Geometry, Interstellar Dust, and Distance with Chandra HETGS Observations of EXO 2030+375
13400697BH AND NS BINARIESReynoldsThe Luminosity of Quiescent Stellar Mass Black Holes
13400708BH AND NS BINARIESXiangA chandra HETGS study of 4U 1323-619: Binary Wind Properties, X-ray Burst, Distance and Studies of Interstellar Medium
13400741BH AND NS BINARIESRobertsChandra Observations of More New Black Widows and Redbacks in the Galactic Field
13400768BH AND NS BINARIESCoolX-Ray Constraints on the Dynamical History of Omega Centauri
13400775BH AND NS BINARIESGriseConstraining the irradiated disk and the nature of the companion star in an ultraluminous X-ray source
13400821BH AND NS BINARIESPottschmidtFilling the gap in understanding the wind structure of HDE 226868 / Cyg X-1
13400822BH AND NS BINARIESHomanThe cooling neutron star in the super-Eddington accretor XTE J1701-462
13400846BH AND NS BINARIESHomanThe shortest orbital period black-hole X-ray binary in quiescence
13400917BH AND NS BINARIESLinaresHigh-resolution X-ray spectroscopy of the thermonuclear burster and 11~Hz pulsar IGR J17480-2446
13400925BH AND NS BINARIESMorrisIdentifying New qLMXBs in Milky Way Globular Cluster Cores
13500026SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSGarmireSnap-shot survey of new galactic gamma-ray sources
13500027SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSKaastraA timing and spectral imaging observation of the soft gamma-ray pulsar IGR J18490-0000
13500034SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSCanizaresPuppis A: the Micro-X Calorimeter Field of View 2012
13500072SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSBurrowsChandra Cycle 13 Spatial and Spectral Monitoring of SNR 1987A
13500078SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSPredehlRXJ0720.4-3125: a precessing isolated neutron star?
13500093SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSWeisskopfSpatially-Resolved Spectroscopy of the IC443 Pulsar Wind Nebula and Environs
13500127SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSTiengoMeasuring magnetar distance from the dust echo of a bright burst
13500159SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSBernardiniUnveiling the nature of cyclic behavior in the period evolution of the Anomalous X ray Pulsar XTE j1810-197
13500163SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSKatsudaExpansion Measurements of the Southwestern Rim of RCW86
13500195SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSHalpernMeasuring the Spin-Down and Dipole Magnetic Field of the CCO Pulsar 1E 1207.4-5209
13500196SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSHalpernThe Energetic New Magnetar in HESS J1713-381/CTB 37B
13500202SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSWeisskopfJoint Chandra and HST Monitoring of the Crab Nebula
13500205SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSWeisskopfPre-Planned Target of Opportunity Observations of the Crab Nebula upon the Occurrence of the Next Gamma-Ray Flare
13500310SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSPooleyChandra Observations of New X-ray Supernovae
13500311SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSLopezProbing the Unique Morphology and Plasma Conditions of W49B with Chandra
13500316SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSSlaneBowing to Pressure During the Reformation: A Study of the Composite SNR G327.1-1.1
13500446SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSHuangIdentification campaign of supernova remnant candidates in the Milky Way
13500457SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSWangGuitar with a bow: a jet-like X-ray-emitting feature associated a fast-moving pulsar
13500459SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSPooleyInvestigating the Emission of Extraordinarily Luminous and Unusual Supernovae
13500489SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSOwenIKT 16: A Composite SNR Discovered in the SMC?
13500494SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSNgHunting for Anti-magnetars with Chandra
13500514SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSPatnaudeMulticycle Monitoring of the Young Galactic Supernova Remnant Cassiopeia A
13500556SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSRacusinConstraining the Energetics of Fermi-LAT GRBs with Chandra
13500575SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSAceroExploring the fine morphology of the newly discovered nebula surrounding PSR J0855-4644
13500593SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSChandraThe X-ray Luminous Type IIn Supernova 2010jl
13500605SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSPavlovEvolution of the Cas A CCO
13500615SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSSakamotoIdentification of the Host Galaxy of Swift Short GRBs by the Chandra Sub-arcsecond Position
13500634SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSPavlovThe puzzling outflow from the PSR B1259-63/SS 2883 binary
13500646SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSReaTesting the magnetar model with the first low magnetic field soft gamma repeater
13500648SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSSoderbergThe Energetics and Environments of Type Ibc Supernovae
13500674SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSKaspiTINY HICCUPS TO TITANIC EXPLOSIONS: Tackling Transients in Anomalous X-ray Pulsars
13500696SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSPatnaudeMonitoring the Late Time X-ray Emission from the Type IIL SN1979C
13500710SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSHalpernInvestigating the Nature of the Unusual 59 ms Pulsar 'Calvera'
13500762SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSPosseltThe pulsar wind nebula of PSR B1055-52
13500803SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSKargaltsevIs HESS J1741-302 truly dark?
13500809SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSRayX-ray and Radio emission from type IIP supernovae
13500890SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSSaz ParkinsonSearch for X-ray counterparts of Fermi LAT radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsars
13500898SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSFruchterThe Astrophysics of the Most Energetic Gamma-Ray Bursts
13500910SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSChiangThe X-Ray Evolution of Supernova 2004am
13500924SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSDe LucaThe proper motion of the nearby radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsar PSR J0357+3205
13500943SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NSYamaguchiSpatial Structure of Overionized Plasma in Prototypical Mixed-Morphology Supernova Remnant G359.1-0.5
13610541NORMAL GALAXIES: DIFFUSE EMISSIONBUOTEBaryons and Dark Matter in Isolated Elliptical Galaxies
13610546NORMAL GALAXIES: DIFFUSE EMISSIONLiHot gaseous halos around superthin galaxies: testing galaxy formation models
13610643NORMAL GALAXIES: DIFFUSE EMISSIONSunX-raying the spectacular star-forming trail behind IC 3418
13610752NORMAL GALAXIES: DIFFUSE EMISSIONKuntzM51: Using the Kinematics of a Grand-Design Spiral to Understand the Physics of the Hot ISM, SNRs, and XRBs
13610808NORMAL GALAXIES: DIFFUSE EMISSIONIrwinA Chandra Legacy Project to Resolve the Accretion Flow of Gas Captured by a Supermassive Black Hole
13620028NORMAL GALAXIES: X-RAY POPULATIONSKaastraChandra follow-up of brigt off-nuclear X-ray sources in galaxies
13620035NORMAL GALAXIES: X-RAY POPULATIONSMurrayBlack Hole X-ray Novae in M31
13620198NORMAL GALAXIES: X-RAY POPULATIONSRappaportColliding Galaxies Arp 256 and NGC 5754/52
13620487NORMAL GALAXIES: X-RAY POPULATIONSGarciaM31*: A Resolved Low-Luminosity Accretion Flow Around a Murmuring Monster
13620679NORMAL GALAXIES: X-RAY POPULATIONSHornschemeierBroad-band (0.5-30 keV) X-ray imaging of starburst galaxies with Chandra and NuSTAR
13620707NORMAL GALAXIES: X-RAY POPULATIONSGarciaMonitoring M31 for BHXNe
13620807NORMAL GALAXIES: X-RAY POPULATIONSBaganoffChandra HETG Ultra-deep Gratings Spectroscopy of Sgr A* (CHUGSS)
13700012ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSMurrayMonitoring the Jet and the LMXB population in Centaurus A
13700013ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSCanizaresX-raying the circumnuclear matter in the Broad Line Radio Galaxy 3C445
13700021ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSGarmireA Large, Economical Snapshot Survey of the Most-Luminous Quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
13700050ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSMurrayPKS2155-152: Measuring the mechanical energy of radiatively bright AGN
13700129ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSGultekinThe Radio--X-ray--BH-Mass Plane for the Smallest Supermassive Black Holes
13700137ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSKaastraKinematics of the outflow in Mrk 509: Completing the puzzle
13700151ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSBianchiAGN triggering caught in the act: a triplet of nuclei in the merging system NGC3341
13700190ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSMassaroExtending the Chandra 3C Snapshot Survey: Radio Galaxies with 0.3
13700277ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSBoettcherToO Observations of a New TeV Blazar Detected by VERITAS
13700282ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSWorrallQuasar jet knots: an under-exploited tool for jet physics
13700286ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSWilkesThe Environmental Impact of the High-redshift (1.532) Radio-Loud Quasars 3C270.1
13700329ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSHlavacek-LarrondoResolving the Compton-thick quasar IRAS F15307+3252 and its growing host cluster
13700361ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSShemmerExploratory X-ray Monitoring of z>4 Radio-Quiet Quasars
13700372ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSKaufmannExploring the X-ray - TeV connection in BL Lacs on short timescales
13700455ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSPontiX-ray monitoring of Sgr A* during outburst
13700465ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSIwasawaX-ray imaging hot outflow in ULIRG IRAS F00183-7111
13700502ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSReevesHigh Spectral and Spatial Resolution Chandra Spectroscopy of NGC 1365
13700519ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSRisalitiDawn of a quasar: the exceptional variability of IRAS 00397-1312
13700531ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSLalInverse-Compton Emission from the Lobes of Powerful High-Redshift Radio Galaxies
13700563ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSReinesProbing the Early Evolution of Galaxies and Massive Black Holes With Nearby Star-Forming Dwarfs
13700570ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSYoungProbing the High End of the Quasar Black Hole Mass Function
13700578ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSHarrisTry Again to Locate the Site of TeV Flaring in M87
13700587ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSVeilleuxQuasar Feedback in Action: The Wide-Angle Wind of Mrk 231
13700603ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSComerfordIdentifying Analogs of NGC 6240: Galaxies with Dual Supermassive Black Holes
13700620ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSHardcastleVariability and particle acceleration in the jet of Pictor A
13700705ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSDaiEnergy Dependent Microlensing in X-rays
13700713ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSHarrisKeeping Tabs on the Unique Jet in M87
13700757ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSSchawinskiThe Most Accessible Quasar Feeding and Feedback Laboratory
13700801ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSMoranBlack Holes at the Centers of Nearby Dwarf Galaxies
13700868ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSLehmerInvestigating the Coeval Growth of SMBHs and Galaxies in a z = 2.23 Overdense Region
13700874ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSBottaciniChandra observations of the faintest hard X-ray sources in the SIX survey
13800010CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESMurrayCharacterizing the Most Massive Clusters in the Local Universe
13800025CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESGarmireAssembling a Large Sample of Fossil Groups
13800037CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESMurrayMeasureing the properties of high redshift clusters
13800042CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESMurrayThe outskirts of Abell 133
13800049CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESMurray4C73.18: Catching a black hole as it transitions from very bright to very dim
13800057CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESMurrayChandra extended cluster cosmology sample
13800069CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESMurrayChandra Observations of a Sample of High Redshift SZE Galaxy Clusters
13800084CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESPredehlExploring the Physical Limits of Deep Galaxy cluster Surveys in X-rays - The case of XMMU J1532.2-0837 at z=1.36
13800085CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESPredehlAstrophysical study with a merging cluster at an intermediate redshift
13800123CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESMulchaeyThe Impact of Brightest Cluster Galaxy Formation on the Intracluster Medium
13800223CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESKraftParticle Acceleration at a Strong Shock - A Deep Chandra Observation of NGC 4552
13800242CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESMaughanThe X-ray Scaling Relations of Low-Mass Galaxy Clusters
13800321CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESAllenA Chandra Study of the Large-Scale Shock Front in Abell 2219
13800358CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESSimionescuImaging gas clumping in the outskirts of nearby clusters of galaxies
13800359CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESSandersExamining incredible structure in the core of the Coma cluster
13800423CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESDavidThe Merging Double Cluster Abell 1758
13800424CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESDe GrandiAbell 545 an uncommon merging cluster with radio halo and candidate shock
13800432CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESJonesRXJ1347: Still the most X-ray luminous cluster in the Universe, but no longer so relaxed
13800464CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESPonmanGAMA groups and cosmic feedback
13800542CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESHlavacek-LarrondoRXJ1532.9+3021: a cool core cluster of galaxies with an extreme Brightest Cluster Galaxy
13800562CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESWegnerDark and Luminous Matter in the Twin Clusters of Abell 2465
13800566CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESCassanoUnderstanding the connection between radio halos and cluster mergers
13800569CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESMillerTo The Outer Limits of Clusters with Chandra and Suzaku
13800581CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESFormanAbell 115: It Takes Two to Tango - The interaction of Relativistic and Thermal Plasma in a Merging Subcluster
13800690CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESOgreanDiffusive Shock Acceleration in a Double Radio Relic Cluster
13800738CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESEDGEThe most overlooked strong cool core cluster - RXCJ1350.3+0940
13800764CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESHughesChandra Observations of the Brightest Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect Cluster
13800830CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESHicksExpanding the Frontiers with Chandra: Observations of the Most Massive z>0.6 Cluster of Galaxies Known
13800855CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESHumphreyNo Need for Gas Clumping at the Virial Radius in a Galaxy Group/Cluster?
13800883CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESBensonCosmology and Cluster Evolution from the 80 Most Massive Clusters in 2000 deg^2 from the South Pole Telescope Survey
13800889CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESSunOne of the most powerful AGN outbursts in an enigmatic cluster ?
13800933CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESGarmireChandra Observation of the Most Massive Galaxy Clusters Detected in the South Pole Telescope Survey
13800948CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESMurrayRXJ1347-1145: the most luminous cluster in the Universe
13800951CLUSTERS OF GALAXIESGarmireCompleting X-ray Observations of the 20 Most Massive Clusters from the South Pole Telescope 2500 Square-Degree Survey
13900121EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION AND SURVEYSRandallMeasuring the Temperature Structure of the A3395/A3391 Large Scale Filament in the Horologium Supercluster
13900353EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION AND SURVEYSLopezProbing the Nature and Role of X-ray Emission in HII Regions with Chandra
13900549EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION AND SURVEYSSuJoint Chandra/XMM-Newton Observation of NGC1407/1400 complex
13900823EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION AND SURVEYSajelloBAT, Chandra, NuSTAR and The origin of the Cosmic X-ray Background
13900828EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION AND SURVEYSLevanThe demographics of dark gamma-ray bursts
13910111GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION AND SURVEYSSmithX-ray Halo of SMC X-1: A New View on a Unique Dust Population

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 13200007

Title: WN Stars in NGC 3603: the High Resolution Spectrum of HD 97950-C

PI Name: Claude Canizares

HD 97950-C is one of the young, high-mass Wolf-Rayet stellar powerhouses in the starburst young cluster of NGC 3603. In a modest 50 ks exposure with HETG, we can determine whether emission lines are broad or narrow in this effectively single WN6h star. The line width is a fundamental property of competing wind models for massive young stars. The proposed observation has the potential to provide our first definitive high-resolution spectrum of a WN star in a nearby starburst region. Given these results, we will be better positioned to pursue further observations on a firm basis for spectroscopic feasibility and to better interpret more distant starburst activity.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
11:15:07.20-61:15:32.00HD 97950 CACIS-SHETG50

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 13200020

Title: Revealing the Extent of the Cluster of Clusters in NGC 6357

PI Name: Gordon Garmire

This observation extends and enhances our Chandra/ACIS campaign on NGC 6357, a nearby massive star-forming complex that Chandra has revealed to be a ``cluster of clusters,'' perhaps a young analog to the Carina complex. We will study the massive stars and the high-luminosity tail of the pre-main sequence stellar population in G353.08+0.36 -- perhaps the youngest cluster in this complex, with an IR morphology reminiscent of the ``crevice'' HII region M17 -- and characterize diffuse X-rays tracing wind-shocked plasma and filling many of the complex overlapping bubbles that are carving up NGC 6357's natal giant molecular cloud.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 13200041

Title: A Search for X-ray Emission from Colliding Magnetospheres in Young Eccentric Stellar Binaries (GTO part)

PI Name: Gordon Garmire

Among young binary stars whose magnetospheres are expected to collide near periastron, only the DQ Tau system has been observed near periastron in the X-ray band. A large X-ray flare, strongly attributed to the collision mechanism, was reported. We seek to confirm the discovery of this X-ray emission mechanism via a constrained GO proposal for periastron observations of four other young nearby binaries that have configurations similar to DQ Tau and have well-established orbital elements. We wish to propose, under the GTO program, unconstrained complementary observations of these targets away from periastron. These data will help us detect and characterize any enhanced emission seen at periastron, with the goal of identifying the best candidates for future multi-wavelength campaigns.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 13200067

Title: A Chandra View of the RCW120 Bubble (GTO part)

PI Name: Gordon Garmire

HII regions surrounded by shells of dense molecular gas (HII bubbles) are candidates for regions with triggered star formation. Current models of an HII expansion and triggering predict constrains on the parameter space in terms of radiation field and properties of a parental cloud. This in turn may be reflected in properties of underlying stellar population (USP). None of the nearby HII bubbles were observed in X-rays. We propose combined GTO+GO ACIS-I observation of the nearest to the Sun, the RCW120 bubble. Combined existing IR and X-ray data will allow to obtain clean and unbiased USP of RCW120 and compare its inferred properties with those of other star-forming regions. This has the potential to offer us a better understanding of the formation processes of stars in clusters.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 13200167

Title: Are Convective Dynamos Super-Saturated at High Rotation Velocities?

PI Name: Edo Berger

The magnetic dynamo mechanism in fully convective ultracool dwarfs (>M6) is not understood. A key open question, and a direct test of proposed models, is whether the magnetic activity correlates with rotation. There are indications that X-ray activity may actually decrease in the fastest rotators, an effect termed super-saturation. However, in the current sample it is difficult to isolate this effect from the overall sharp drop in coronal X-ray emission beyond L0. Here we propose observations of ultracool dwarfs in the X-ray ``sweet-spot'' (M6-M9) with a wide range of rotation velocities (Rossby numbers). Establishing the existence of super-saturation will shed light on the nature of convective dynamos and potentially on centrifugal stripping of coronae.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
11:21:49.30-13:13:08.402MUCD 10980ACIS-SNONE20

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 13200221

Title: Simultaneous Chandra - CoRoT - Spitzer Observation of the Star Forming Region NGC 2264

PI Name: Giuseppina Micela

We propose a 300 ks observation of the star forming region NGC2264, to be performed in December 2011, during a 30 day Spitzer and CoRoT joint observation of the region. The program, also involving a series of ground observations, will be a unique experiment: using three space telescopes we will, for the first time, monitor hundreds of young stellar objects simultaneously over a broad wavelength range. We will thus obtain crucial insights on the physics of flares, the morphology of coronal emitting structures, and the physical processes responsible for the extreme variability of Classical T Tauri Stars at all wavelengths.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
06:40:58.70+09:34:14.00NGC 2264ACIS-INONE300

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 13200236

Title: Testing the scenario of triggered star formation at the periphery of the Carina Nebula: a Chandra study of NGC3324

PI Name: Thomas Preibisch

We propose an ACIS observation of the poorly studied young cluster NGC3324 at the periphery of the Carina Nebula in order to reveal the stellar populations in the cluster and the surrounding clouds. Our Herschel maps suggest that the expanding bubbles driven by the massive stars in the Carina Nebula interact with the gas shell around NGC3324 and trigger star formation. Due to the huge field-star contamination, only X-ray images can identify the young stars in the area. In combination with the recent results from the Chandra Carina Complex Project for the inner parts of the Carina Nebula, the analysis of an X-ray selected sample of young stars in NGC3324 will provide information about the stellar ages and allow us to test the scenario of bubble interaction and triggered star formation.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 13200257

Title: The X-ray puzzle of late B and early A stars

PI Name: Jan Robrade

We propose Chandra observations of a sample of magnetic, chemically peculiar late B/early A stars to test them for intrinsic X-ray emission and its relation to the magnetically channelled wind shock (MCWS) model. We selected well studied, nearby Ap/Bp stars that are promising candidates for being X-ray sources, to study a possible dependence of the MCWS phenomenon on stellar mass/luminosity and to investigate X-ray generating mechanisms in intermediate mass stars in greater detail.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
04:06:36.40+27:35:59.70HD 25823ACIS-SNONE12
03:36:17.40-17:28:01.40HD 22470ACIS-SNONE11
04:32:37.50-03:12:34.40HD 28843ACIS-SNONE11
05:59:43.30+37:12:45.30HD 40312ACIS-SNONE10
14:23:02.20-39:30:42.60HD 125823ACIS-SNONE10
18:56:40.50-37:20:35.70HD 175362ACIS-SNONE11

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 13200314

Title: A systematic measurement of the mass-loss rate of Zeta Ori

PI Name: Maurice Leutenegger

We propose a 300 ks HETGS observation of the O supergiant Zeta Orionis. In combination with 74 ks archival data, we will make very high signal-to-noise measurements of emission line profile shapes, which sensitively measure the wind optical depth as a function of wavelength. We will use the wavelength dependence of wind optical depth from all usable lines to make a precise measurement of the mass-loss rate. The wavelength dependence of wind optical depth will also test the importance of porosity. We will use XCMFGEN, our powerful new radiative transfer code, to construct global models which will be fit to X-ray, UV, and optical data, providing the strongest possible constraints on stellar and wind properties.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
05:40:45.50-01:56:33.20Zeta OrionisACIS-SHETG300

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 13200318

Title: V1309 Sco: The First Directly Observed Merging Binary

PI Name: Saul Rappaport

Most stars are in binary systems, and it has long been accepted that, in some instances, binary interactions can lead to a merger. In the case of low-mass stars, it is believed that a class of rapidly rotating single giant stars (FK Com stars) descend from the mergers of contact binary systems (W UMa stars). The recent discovery of V1309 Sco, the first unambiguous real-time observation of a merging low-mass contact binary system, opens the exciting possibility of directly studying the first phases of evolution of a post-merger object. Our proposed Chandra observation is aimed at: establishing the suggested connection between W UMa and FK Com systems; studying, for the first time, the genesis of a rapidly rotating, active star; and placing constraints on current dynamo theories.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
17:57:32.90-30:43:10.00V1309 ScoACIS-SNONE35

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 13200342

Title: A Chandra View of the RCW120 Bubble

PI Name: Konstantin Getman

HII regions surrounded by dense molecular shells are candidates for the Collect & Collapse triggered star formation (C&C HII bubbles). Current models of an HII expansion and triggering predict constrains on the parameter space in terms of radiation field and properties of a parental cloud. This in turn may be reflected in properties of underlying stellar population. No case of probable C&C HII bubbles has yet been examined in X-rays. We propose GO+GTO ACIS-I observations of the nearest to the Sun, the RCW 120 bubble. Our joint X-ray/optical/IR/sub-mm study will give the best census yet obtained for a stellar population in a C&C HII bubble. Another important goal is to search for diffuse X-ray emission from shocked plasma that is expected to be confined in RCW 120 by its molecular shell.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 13200394

Title: The Young 'Cluster of Clusters' NGC 6357: A Carina Complex in the Making?

PI Name: Leisa Townsley

We have discovered that the massive star-forming complex NGC 6357 is a "cluster of clusters" hosting several O3 stars, an embedded massive cluster just discovered by Chandra, and a 50-pc hot plasma outflow seen by ROSAT. NGC 6357 is perhaps a young analog of the Carina complex, which exhibits X-ray line emission possibly explained by charge exchange when hot plasma impacts and erodes its many cold molecular surfaces. NGC 6357 shows similar line emission, thus we propose 2 new ACIS-I pointings, sampling bright ROSAT emission at an edge-on ionization front and at the top of NGC 6357's proto-superbubble where the hot plasma appears to become unconfined. These new pointings contain no known stellar clusters, so the bright diffuse emission should show strong signatures of charge exchange.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 13200439

Title: Characterizing the X-ray Properties of Extreme Magnetic Massive Stars

PI Name: Veronique Petit

We propose to measure the X-ray characteristics of five magnetic massive stars. These stars are extreme in terms of their wind magnetic confinement and their rapid rotation rate. We will interpret these observations with our Rigid Field Hydrodynamics model and explore the effect of stellar parameters, surface magnetic field structures and wind parameters on the X-ray production. High-quality CCD spectra have been obtained for only a handful of early B stars with strong magnetic fields. The five proposed ACIS-S spectra will significantly increase the available sample with which to test the magnetically confined wind shock paradigm.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
15:53:55.90-23:58:41.10HR 5907ACIS-SNONE25
07:53:03.60-49:36:47.00HR 3089ACIS-SNONE15

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 13200441

Title: X-ray emission from beta Pic

PI Name: Hans Guenther

Mid A to mid B-type stars are expected to be X-ray dark, because they neither posses the convective envelopes of late-type stars, nor the strong winds of earlier stars. Still, some A stars show X-ray emission, but its production mechanism is a matter of debate. We propose to observe beta Pic (spectral type A5), one of the closest and best-studied A stars, with the HRC-I for 20 ks. An XMM-Newton pointing claims a detection, which is interpreted as very soft thermal emission, possibly from an accretion boundary layer. If true, beta Pic is the prototype of a new class of X-ray emitters, which should show up prominently in the softest X-rays probed by the HRC; if not the XMM-Newton data implies even more exotic scenarios such as charge-exchange in extra-solar comets.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
05:47:17.10-51:03:59.40beta PicHRC-INONE20

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 13200445

Title: A Search for X-ray Emission from Colliding Magnetospheres in Young Eccentric Stellar Binaries

PI Name: Konstantin Getman

Among young binary stars whose magnetospheres are expected to collide near periastron, only the DQ Tau system has been observed near periastron in the X-ray band. A large X-ray flare, strongly attributed to the collision mechanism, was reported. We seek to determine whether colliding magnetospheres in young high-eccentricity binaries commonly produce X-ray flares, and to identify targets for future detailed multi-wavelength campaigns. We propose short Chandra GO observations of multiple periastron passages in three nearby young binaries, complemented by GTO observations of the systems away from periastron.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 13200481

Title: HETG Spectroscopy of WR 48a: a superluminous dusty Wolf-Rayet star

PI Name: Marc Gagne

Chandra and XMM images of the G305 galactic star-forming region reveal a surprisingly bright X-ray source associated with the dusty WC8 binary WR 48a. The XMM-Newton PN spectrum of WR 48a is heavily absorbed with temperature components at 1 and 3 keV, the hotter component dominating the observed flux. WR 48a appears to be the most X-ray luminous Wolf-Rayet star known, after the WR+NS/BH binary Cyg X-3. Its Lx, comparable to the LBV binary eta Carinae, is >10 times higher than other WR+O binaries like WR 140. We propose to obtain HEG/MEG spectra of WR 48a to measure the width of the emission lines, determine abundances, and measure key H- and He-like diagnostics to assess the location and ionization timescale of the X-ray shocks.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
13:12:39.70-62:42:55.80WR 48aACIS-SHETG100

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 13200530

Title: Alpha Cen: Climbing out of a Coronal Recession?

PI Name: Thomas Ayres

Nearby Alpha Centauri contains the two best characterized G and K dwarfs, next to the Sun itself, thanks to the accurate orbit, resolved angular diameters, and well understood co-evolutionary state. Alpha Cen A & B also have the best studied stellar X-ray activity cycles, extending back to the 1970's. Present proposal is to continue tracking the evolving multi-decadal high-energy narrative of Alpha Cen with semiannual HRC-I pointings in Cycles 13-15, as solar twin A is expected to be rising to cycle maximum from an extended coronal recession. STIS E140M spectra will support and leverage the broad-band X-ray measurements by probing subcoronal dynamics and providing a low-T boundary condition for DEM modeling, with connection to HRC through the FUV Fe XII coronal forbidden line.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
14:39:29.80-60:49:59.30ALPHA CENHRC-INONE60

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 13200630

Title: Simultaneous X-ray and radio flaring of Young Stellar Objects in the Orion Nebula Cluster

PI Name: Jan Forbrich

Both X-ray and radio data constrain high-energy processes in Young Stellar Objects. YSOs are known to show strong flares in both wavelength regimes, but the underlying connection is unclear. In the past, several attempts to simultaneously observe YSO variability at X-ray and radio wavelengths were successful only in very few cases. Mostly, the radio signal was too weak for appropriate time resolution. The EVLA now provides a fundamentally improved basis for such observations, offering a 14x increase in sensitivity compared to previous observations, while simultaneously providing spectral and full polarization information. To study flares, we propose to observe the Orion Nebula Cluster to obtain simultaneous X-ray and radio lightcurves for >50 YSOs on unprecedented timescales of minutes.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
05:35:16.70-05:23:24.00Orion Nebula ClusterACIS-INONE86.4

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 13200633


PI Name: Edward Guinan

We propose to study the magnetic activity, dynamo structure, coronal plasma physics, and XUV spectral irradiances of dM stars with different rotations, ages, and vastly different levels of magnetic activity. The proposed Chandra ACIS-S spectrometry of nine dM stars with ages of ~1-12 Gyr will complement the Chandra/XMM archival data of predominantly younger, more active dM stars. This program will complete the parameter space of age, rotation and X-ray emission for dM stars. The X-ray data will also be combined with proposed/archival HST UV data. This study is part of our ongoing NSF-supported program to obtain XUV irradiances for G-M stars with different ages, and will have a major impact on studies of XUV radiation and its effects on the ionization of extrasolar planet atmospheres.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
04:42:55.80+18:57:29.40GJ 176ACIS-SNONE5
13:30:02.80-08:42:25.20LHS 353ACIS-SNONE10
19:20:33.50-07:39:43.50NSV 11919ACIS-SNONE5
07:40:19.20-17:24:45.00LP 783-2ACIS-SNONE5
08:20:04.30+38:34:41.50G 111-72ACIS-SNONE30
04:31:11.50+58:58:37.60LHS 26ACIS-SNONE5
20:56:48.50-04:50:49.10ROSS 193ACIS-SNONE20
05:11:40.60-45:01:06.20GJ 191ACIS-SNONE5
04:15:21.70-07:39:17.3040 Eri CACIS-SNONE5

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 13200652

Title: Star formation in the NGC7000/IC5070 complex

PI Name: Francesco Damiani

We propose a joint Chandra ACIS-I and XMM-Newton EPIC/pn observing program to discover the still unknown population of the star-forming region NGC7000/IC5070, at 600 pc. Recent Spitzer data have shown this region to host 2000 or more Young Stellar Objects of Classes 0 to II, but missed Class III stars, which are expected to be numerous as well. The requested combination of high-spatial resolution ACIS data (3 pointings, total exposure: 144 ks), and wider-field EPIC data (3 pointings, total exposure: 73.5 ks) optimizes coverage of both clustered and diffuse YSO populations. These data will permit studies of the star formation history, early cluster evolution, mass spectrum and segregation, with unprecedented accuracy for this rich region.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
20:57:57.00+43:51:14.30NGC7000 Pointing 1ACIS-INONE48
20:56:48.20+43:44:53.40NGC7000 Pointing 2ACIS-INONE48

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 13200692

Title: A Close Look At Middle-Aged Coronae: The Nearby 2.5 Gyr Old Cluster Ruprecht 147

PI Name: Steven Saar

Just six years ago Kharchenko (2005) used catalog data to identify Ruprecht 147 (R147) as the 15th closest stellar cluster to the Solar System. At a distance of only 250 pc, and an age estimated to be 2.5 Gyr, R147 is by far the closest old cluster: the next closest with an age > 1 Gyr is nearly twice as distant. We request a 240 ksec observation with ACIS-S near the cluster core to characterize the coronal emission in cool stars at an unexplored age: ~half solar. The data will close a large age gap in our understanding of coronal evolution, improve age-rotation-activity calibration and explore the coronal consequences of significant magnetic dynamo/activity changes which appear around this time.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
19:16:43.20-16:12:17.60Ruprecht 147ACIS-SNONE250

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 13200788

Title: Studies of the coronae of two K-dwarfs, 61 Cyg A and B

PI Name: Jan-Uwe Ness

Observations of samples of stellar coronae are the only way to assess the physical connections between stellar parameters and coronal properties. Diversity in stellar parameters is an important goal, and we propose to fill the gap of early K dwarfs, adding two objects in one observation. 61Cyg is the nearest K dwarf binary, and the separation of 33" allows extraction of two separate grating spectra of each star. Grating spectra yield the best-possible characterization to date, unlikely to be beaten for several decades. The LETGS covers important low-ionization lines that are critical in such low-activity stars to cover the full temperature range. Also, 61Cyg B is the nearest late K dwarf yielding the smallest investment of exposure time for obtaining an LETGS spectrum.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
21:06:53.90+38:44:57.9061 CygHRC-SLETG200

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 13200817

Title: ACIS-S observation of TWA 30AB, the second and third closest actively accreting and outflowing low-mass stars

PI Name: Nicolas Grosso

TWA 30AB is a remarkable young (7 Myr), late-type (M5+M4), and wide binary, recently identified in the TW Hya association. Located at a distance of only 42 pc to the Sun, TWA 30AB is the second and third closest actively accreting and outflowing low-mass stars. Both stars display strong [O iii] emission, which is extremely rare in Classical T Tauri stars and indicates collisional shock fronts from the jets. This imaging spectroscopy of TWA 30AB provides the unparalleled opportunity to probe with X-rays star-disk-jet interactions within 21 AU of two young low-mass stars, at a critical time in disk evolution and planet-building processes.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
11:32:18.20-30:19:51.80TWA 30AACIS-SNONE85

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 13200819

Title: Probing Shock-in Winds in the Central Star of the Planetary Nebula IC 4593

PI Name: Martin Guerrero

Shocks in the fast stellar winds of OB and WR stars are commonly detected in X-rays. Wind shocks may also account for the hard X-rays detected in some central stars of planetary nebulae (CSPNe), given the similarity to OB stars in Lx/Lbol, wind variability and super-ion signatures. The CSPN of IC 4593 displays noticeable wind variability, its low temperature cannot produce its super-ion UV lines and its distance and extinction are small, making it ideal to test the wind-shock production of hard X-rays in CSPNe. The observations will be used to assess whether super-ions in relatively cool CSPNe are associated with hard X-rays, to refine stellar atmosphere models, constraining clumping and mass-loss rates in CSPNe, and to investigate the spatial distribution of diffuse X-ray emission.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
16:11:44.50+12:04:17.10IC 4593ACIS-SNONE80

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 13200852

Title: Deep Imaging of M37, A Better Hyades

PI Name: Marcel Ag eros

Recent studies suggest that the picture of stellar LX decaying from 10 Myr to 5 Gyr as a single power-law is overly simplistic. M37, a Hyades analog, has been carefully surveyed in the optical, and we propose complementary deep (450 ksec) ACIS-I imaging of this open cluster. M37's rich membership, good match to Chandra's FOV, and large number of measured periods (~700) make it ideal for examining the evolution of coronal X-ray emission. Together, our X-ray and optical data will provide independent determinations of LX and v_rot; map out M37's X-ray luminosity function, with stacking of optically similar sources extending our flux limits by ~10x; test whether magnetic effects produce anomalous optical colors/luminosities for high LX sources; and characterize M37's interacting binaries.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 13200853

Title: Testing Star-Planet Interaction in Solar Analogs

PI Name: Brendan Miller

Simulations show close-in giant planets can influence stellar coronal activity (e.g, through magnetic interaction), but previous X-ray investigations (necessarily challenged by complex biases, or heavy censorship, or confounding variables) have produced ambiguous and contradictory results. We propose Chandra snapshot (5-15 ks) observations of 12 solar analogs with nearly identical stellar properties, hosting planets spanning msini=0.1-9.7 MJup and a=0.04-3.8 AU. We will test whether X-ray emission from stars with close-in planets is systematically enhanced, and evaluate or constrain the efficiency of any interaction. If star-planet interaction is indeed a ubiquitous phenomenon in ``hot Jupiter'' systems, X-ray enhancements may provide a unique direct probe of exoplanet magnetic fields.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
19:09:03.10+34:35:59.50HD 178911BACIS-SNONE10
18:21:49.80-11:55:21.70HD 168746ACIS-SNONE10
06:51:30.50+40:52:03.90HD 49674ACIS-SNONE12
01:04:40.20-39:29:17.60HD 6434ACIS-SNONE9
04:26:26.30-10:33:03.00HD 28185ACIS-SNONE9
12:19:13.50-03:19:11.20HD 107148ACIS-SNONE10
15:13:28.70-25:18:33.60HD 134987ACIS-SNONE5
19:52:04.50+28:06:01.40HD 188015ACIS-SNONE13
21:28:12.20-21:43:34.50HD 204313ACIS-SNONE10
19:46:58.10+34:25:10.30HD 187123ACIS-SNONE10
11:44:50.50-58:42:13.40HD 102117ACIS-SNONE7
04:41:54.40-58:01:14.70HD 30177ACIS-SNONE15

Subject Category: STARS AND WD

Proposal Number: 13200857

Title: Monitoring Dynamical Mass Loss from Eta Car with the HETG and STIS: The Rise to Maximum

PI Name: Michael Corcoran

Eta Car is the nearest highly unstable extremely massive star and a key object for understanding how a star heads towards hypernova. Periodic minima in X-rays show it as an extremely eccentric binary with a massive companion. A surprising change in the X-ray emission during the January 2009 X-ray minimum might indicate a large-scale variation in the LBV primary's mass loss rate. We propose to obtain an HETGS observation of the system during AO13, at beginning of the X-ray increase which proceeds the minimum. We also request STIS mapping along with the HETGS observations to constrain the 3-D shape of the wind-wind interaction regions on scales of 1--1700AU from the star so as to test variable mass loss models

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
10:45:03.60-59:41:04.30Eta CarACIS-SHETG110

Subject Category: WD BINARIES AND CV

Proposal Number: 13300005

Title: Chandra Spectroscopy of the Supersoft Binary Candidate XMMU J115113.3-623730

PI Name: Stephen Murray

XMMU J115113.3-623730 is a bright, supersoft X-ray source discovered in outburst phase during an XMM observation. Swift TOO monitoring shows that the source has remained bright, with an overall trend of slightly increasing X-ray flux. Optical records, as well as our follow-up optical photometry and spectroscopy, and radio observations, suggest this is a supersoft binary source that went into outburst in late 2008. Optical monitoring has identified an 8.65 hr orbital period, and Chandra observations with ACIS indicate evidence for orbital variation in the X-ray flux. We propose a 70 ks observation with the HRC/LETG to obtain an uninterrupted light curve over two full orbits of the system, and to search for spectral variations associated with orbital phase.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
11:51:13.30-62:37:30.00XMMU J115113.3-623730HRC-SLETG70

Subject Category: WD BINARIES AND CV

Proposal Number: 13300077

Title: Resolving short supersoft source states of optical novae in the core of M31

PI Name: Peter Predehl

We propose to extend the monitoring of the M31 core granted as a XMM-Newton/Chandra proposal in XMM-Newton AO10 by four 19 ks Chandra HRC-I observations equally distributed from mid-February 2012 to mid-March 2012 to determine light curves of the short supersoft source (SSS) states of optical novae. SSS states with <100 d duration indicate accreting massive white dwarfs (WDs). They are proposed as SN-Ia progenitors. Determining their frequency is very important. With a nova rate in the field of ~38/yr and SSS states lasting from weeks to years we will simultaneously follow light curves of many novae. The duration of nova SSS states will allow us to constrain envelope and WD masses. At the same time we will monitor time variability of ~200 M 31 centre X-ray sources, mostly XRBs.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: WD BINARIES AND CV

Proposal Number: 13300385

Title: Close binary populations in metal-rich globular clusters

PI Name: Albert Kong

Recent observations of Galactic and extragalactic globular clusters have suggested that bright X-ray sources preferentially reside in metal-rich clusters. The same scenario may also happen for low-luminosity globular cluster X-ray sources. Although Chandra has observed many Galactic globular clusters, majority of them are metal-poor with [Fe/H]<-1 and there is no observational evidence for metal dependence. We propose to use Chandra/HST to study a sample of metal-rich ([Fe/H]>-0.5) globular clusters and to test the prediction that metallicity can affect the population of low-luminosity globular cluster X-ray sources.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: WD BINARIES AND CV

Proposal Number: 13300461

Title: The Galactic Nova KT Eridani in Quiescence

PI Name: Frederick Walter

We request a 75~ksec ACIS-S observation of KT Eridani (Nova Eridani 2009) in order to obtain the spectrum, and look for the orbital period, of this likely-recurrent nova as it enters quiescence. KT Eri is one of the brightest and best studied of this type of novae, and observations of the quiescent system offer opportunities to gain new insights into this class of possible SN Ia progenitors.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
04:47:54.20-10:10:43.10KT EridaniACIS-SNONE75

Subject Category: WD BINARIES AND CV

Proposal Number: 13300810

Title: Dynamical Evolution of the Recent Jet in CH Cyg


We propose to carry out Chandra ACIS-S observations combined with HST/WFC3 multi-wavelength imaging of the powerful, multi-component jet which was detected in 2008 in the nearby symbiotic CH Cyg. CH Cyg is a fascinating system containing an evolved giant and a wind-accreting white dwarf, and it is one of the few symbiotics showing jet activity, especially in X-rays. Our goal is to measure the physical characteristics of the individual jet components, from the central source to the region of interaction with the circumbinary environment, reaching to within a few AU from the source of the jet. We will determine the characteristics of the central source, and of the inner and the outer jet, and the dynamical evolution, including precession, and kinematics of the ejecta.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
19:24:33.10+50:14:29.10CH CygACIS-SNONE90

Subject Category: WD BINARIES AND CV

Proposal Number: 13300922

Title: Probing Coronal Supersaturation in Pre-Cataclysmic Binaries with M-type Companions

PI Name: Jeremy Drake

Evolution of pre-cataclysmic and cataclysmic binaries is thought to be dominated by orbital angular momentum loss through coronally-driven winds of the late-type secondary star. However, coronal activity of stars at the extremes of rotation found in cataclysmic variables (CVs) remains essentially unexplored: existing studies reach to rotation periods of 0.3-0.2 days---significantly longer than the periods of CVs. The aim of this proposal is to explore the X-ray supersaturation regime close to 0.1 day periods using short {\it Chandra} snapshot observations for a small sample of the fastest rotating stars outside of accreting systems. The results will be relevant for understanding the timescales of CV evolution and the possible road to Type~1a supernovae.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
22:37:15.60+82:10:27.30HS 2237+8154ACIS-SNONE10

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 13400045

Title: A deep Chandra LETGS observation of the ultra-compact X-ray binary 4U 1543-624

PI Name: Jelle Kaastra

We propose to obtain a deep observation of the ultra-compact X-ray binary 4U 1543-624. The goal of this observation is twofold: to constrain the inner radius of the accretion disc using the recently discovered relativistically broadened O VIII Lyalpha line in this source, and to study the composition of the interstellar and circumstellar medium in the line of sight.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
15:47:54.70-62:34:05.404U 1543-624HRC-SLETG198.5

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 13400083

Title: Proper Motion Measurement of the Central Compact Object

PI Name: Peter Predehl

By making use of the sub-arcsecond angular resolution of the High Resolution Camera (HRC-I) aboard the Chandra X-ray Observatory we want to examine the central compact object (CCO) 1WGA J1713.4 3949 in the supernova remnant G347.3 0.5 for a possible proper motion. Using an archival ACIS-I observation and the proposed HRC-I observation which will span an epoch of about seven years we would be able to measure at least a recoil velocity of 500 km/s with a significance of ~3sigma. This would help us to better understand the nature of the central compact object in G347.3 0.5 and would put new constraints on core-collapse supernova models.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
17:13:28.80-39:49:51.601WGA J1713.4 3949HRC-INONE39

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 13400103

Title: A Further Drop into Quiescence by the Neutron Star and Possible Hierarchical Triple 4U2129+47

PI Name: Michael Nowak

4U 2129+47 is a quiescent, eclipsing neutron star that has shown low temperature thermal emission (neutron star surface), a power law tail (unknown origin) and sinusoidally modulated absorption (disk). Our recent XMM observations indicate that the latter two components have disappeared, and that the soft X-ray flux has decreased by 40%. 4U 2129+47 may be part of a triple system, as is tentatively confirmed by XMM observations. The third body orbit, however, is not yet uniquely determined. We request three 22 ksec Chandra observations spread over 100 days to confirm the third body ephemeris. We also wish to measure the soft X-ray flux to determine whether 4U 2129+47 shows any evidence of further soft X-ray declines consistent with renewed neutron star cooling.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
21:31:26.20+47:17:24.004U 2129+47ACIS-SNONE66

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 13400150


PI Name: Adamantia Paizis

We propose to trigger a maximum of 2 Chandra medium (4-15 days) ToO observations on new sources discovered by INTEGRAL. We ask for 20 ksec per observation, using HETGS. The scientific aim is to determine the source position with sub-arcsecond accuracy that only Chandra can provide, enabling multi-wavelength follow-up observations (also coordinated within our team), and to obtain the high resolution HETGS X-Ray spectrum, essential to determine the nature of the new source. With this proposal we aim to continue the successful INTEGRAL-Chandra monitoring program started since Chandra AO 5.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 13400164

Title: Constraining the mass of the black hole in IC 342 X-1 with simultaneous X-ray and radio observations

PI Name: Philip Kaaret

We recently discovered an unresolved radio source coincident with the ultraluminous X-ray source IC 342 X-1. The compact radio emission and the hard X-ray spectrum of the source suggest that it is a compact object accreting in the X-ray hard/radio loud state. This enables use of the fundamental plane relation found valid for stellar-mass to supermassive accreting black holes to constrain the compact object mass. We propose simultaneous Chandra and EVLA observations that will test interpretation of the unresolved radio emission as due to an outflow from an accreting black hole and provide the data needed for estimation of the black hole mass.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
03:45:55.70+68:04:54.80IC 342 X-1ACIS-SNONE10

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 13400174

Title: Taking the temperature of the superburster 4U 1608-522 after an outburst

PI Name: Laurens Keek

Superbursts are rare thermonuclear flashes from accreting neutron stars. One condition for ignition is a sufficiently high temperature of the neutron star crust, which is heated during accretion. Most superbursts take place when the neutron star was accreting continuously above 10% of the Eddington limit for more then 10 years. In 2005 a superburst was observed from the transient system 4U 1608-522, when accretion started 55 days earlier. Crustal heating models predict a significantly lower temperature than the superburst models require. If the superburst models are correct in their prediction of a high temperature, crustal cooling is observable after an accretion outburst. We propose to observe 4U 1608-522 two times for 30 ks triggered after an outburst, to measure the cooling rate.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
16:12:43.00-52:25:23.204U 1608-522ACIS-SNONE60

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 13400186

Title: Precise Localization of Transient Low-Mass X-ray Binaries

PI Name: Deepto Chakrabarty

We propose to observe up to four neutron star or black hole X-ray transients in outburst to obtain accurate source positions, continuing a successful multi-year multiwavelength program in place since Cycle 6. These positions will allow reobservation of these sources in the X-ray, optical, IR, and radio bands in order to study their quiescent emission. This program will increase the number of accurately positioned X-ray transients, providing a more uniform sample for future work. We will only trigger our program for sources in crowded or highly obscured fields where a position from another (e.g., Swift) is insufficiently precise.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
X-ray transientACIS-SNONE1
X-ray transientACIS-SNONE1
X-ray transientACIS-SNONE1
X-ray transientACIS-SNONE1

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 13400211

Title: X-Ray Jets in Microquasars

PI Name: Stephane Corbel

We propose Target of Opportunity (ToO) observations for detailed studies of X-ray jets from microquasars. We describe our discovery of radio/X-ray jets in two microquasars, why X-ray jets are probably much more common than previously thought, and transient X-ray jets offer an exciting new way to probe the physics of relativistic jets from black holes. The proposed ToO observations are optimized to discover and study (flux evolution, morphology, SED, proper motion, ...) of new X-ray jets from microquasars, triggered by their detection as radio lobes. This will have implications not only for the study of jets from Galactic X-ray binaries, but also for our understanding of relativistic jets from active galactic nuclei (AGN).

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
X-ray JetsACIS-SNONE150

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 13400213

Title: ToO observation of a bright Galactic transient discovered by Fermi and Swift

PI Name: Isabelle Grenier

We propose a TOO observation of one bright Galactic transient detected by the Fermi large area telescope, and followed by a Swift-XRT detection. Our goal is to determine the nature of an event similar to the intense, non-blazar, transient that EGRET has detected near the Galactic plane once in its lifetime. The lack of a radio-loud blazar counterpart and of a spacially coincident X-ray binary indicates either a new manifestation of a non-blazar active galaxy lying behind the Milky Way, capable of producing massive gamma-ray flares, or a new facet of Galactic compact objects. A significant XRT detection of an X-ray counterpart will trigger the proposed 30 ks Chandra observation to locate precisely this counterpart, to constrain the X-ray decay time, and to measure the source spectrum.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
Fermi TransientACIS-SNONE30

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 13400215

Title: Following a black hole candidate X-ray transient to quiescence

PI Name: Peter Jonker

There is increasing evidence that the quiescent state of BH X-ray binaries is different from the canonical hard state. Our recent Chandra campaigns on BH transient decays suggest that the spectral hardening in the hard state decay stops. There are strong indications that the spectrum softens during the subsequent decay to the quiescent state, but this transition has not so far been resolved with enough signal-to-noise to fully quantify this effect. We also find evidence that the decay rate varies between sources. Both the decay and spectral evolution can provide important constraints for jet-dominated and ADAF models. We request 6 simultaneous Chandra/EVLA TOO observations. The early part of the decay can be covered with approved Swift ToO and existing radio proposals.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 13400239

Title: The unique opportunity to determine the mass of an accreting neutron star: an eclipsing accretion powered X-ray pulsar

PI Name: Peter Jonker

Last year it was discovered that the peculiar transient SWIFT J1749.4-2807 exhibits pulsations at 518 Hz. Furthermore, it turned out that the source was eclipsing in a 8.8 hr orbit thereby holding the promise of a model independent neutron star mass determination. Optical or near-infrared dynamical studies offer the best prospects for constraining the neutron star equation of state, as they do not rely on any specific models concerning the neutron star itself. Unfortunately, the source position of SWIFT J1749.4-2807 is not well know at present. The unique focusing capabilities of Chandra provide the best chance to determine the source position and, via Gemini near-infrared imaging, we can locate the near-infrared counterpart of the source.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 13400265

Title: Quiescent monitoring of the 11 Hz pulsar in Terzan 5

PI Name: Nathalie Degenaar

We propose two 50-ks Chandra observations of the globular cluster Terzan 5, to continue our monitoring of a recently discovered transient neutron star X-ray binary. A Chandra DDT observation carried out ~2 months after the cessation of the bright 2010 accretion outburst of this 11 Hz X-ray pulsar, detected the source elevated a factor ~4 above its quiescent emission level. This is most likely caused by significant heating of neutron star crust (due to accretion), which now needs to cool down until thermal equilibrium with the core is re-established. Monitoring the crust cooling yields important insight into the neutron star properties. It is the first time that such studies are performed for a transient neutron star X-ray binary with an outburst duration of only weeks.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
17:48:05.20-24:46:47.30Terzan 5ACIS-SNONE100

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 13400279

Title: Completing the Galactic Bulge Survey: categorizing the plethora of faint X-ray sources in the Galactic Bulge

PI Name: Peter Jonker

We propose to image the remaining part of the Galactic Bulge Survey. The GBS regions have been selected because of their lower extinction and crowding in the optical and near-infrared than in the Galactic Center area, while still having a high density of X-ray sources. In the 72% of the area that we have observed so far we have detected a plethora of faint X-ray sources. The goals of the GBS are: i) to constrain binary evolution models, especially the common envelope theory by way of a number count, ii) use (quiescent) eclipsing neutron star and black hole LMXBs for model independent mass-measurements iii) determine the projected spatial distribution of (q)LMXBs to investigate LMXB formation scenarios.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 13400312

Title: Transient LMXBs in Globular Clusters: More Numerous than We Thought?

PI Name: David Pooley

Since the discovery of globular cluster LMXBs in the 1970s, it was assumed that there was only one bright LMXB per cluster. Deep Chandra observations of several globular clusters have revealed that they contain numerous quiescent LMXB systems, any of which could go into outburst. Our observations will determine whether new outbursts from transient LMXBs in NGC 6440, Terzan 5, and Terzan 1 are from the same sources that were previously seen in outburst.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
17:48:52.70-20:21:37.00NGC 6440ACIS-SNONE2.5
17:48:04.90-24:46:45.00Terzan 5ACIS-SNONE10
17:35:47.20-30:28:54.00Terzan 1ACIS-SNONE10

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 13400320

Title: The Spectral Energy Distribution of a Very Faint X-ray Transient

PI Name: Craig Heinke

Very faint X-ray transient accretion states (peak L_X < 10^36 ergs/s) are hard to explain with standard theories of disk instabilities. The unusual globular cluster transient M15 X-3 has only been seen at Lx~6e33 and at 2-6e31 ergs/s. We aim to determine the nature of the companion star through near-simultaneous Chandra and HST imaging, measuring its X-ray spectrum and optical colors.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
21:29:58.10+12:09:40.10M15 X-3ACIS-SNONE5

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 13400401

Title: Investigating neutron star crustal cooling in MXB 1659-29

PI Name: Edward Cackett

We propose a 100 ksec observation of the quasi-persistent neutron-star low-mass X-ray transient MXB 1659-29 in quiescence. The long outburst from this source heated the neutron star crust out of thermal equilibrium with the core. We have tracked the cooling of the neutron star crust in this object since it went into quiescence in 2001. The most recent observation suggests that the crust may now be thermally relaxed. However, with only one data point and recent evidence of residual accretion during quiescence in other objects, a further observation is needed to determine decisively whether cooling has ceased or may continue. This observation will further constrain models for the neutron star crust and core, and will test whether residual accretion is important.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
17:02:06.50-29:56:44.10MXB 1659-29ACIS-SNONE100

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 13400406

Title: An accurate X-ray position of the neutron-star low-mass X-ray binary GX 3+1

PI Name: Jeroen Homan

We request a 1 ks Chandra HRC-I observation of the neutron-star low-mass X-ray binary (NSXB) GX 3+1. This source is the only member of the bright persistent NSXBs in our Galaxy for which an optical or near-infrared counterpart has not yet been identified. An accurate X-ray position will allow us to distinguish between several proposed near-infrared counterparts. This, in turn, will enable follow-up spectroscopic studies to determine the nature of the donor star in GX 3+1.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
17:47:56.10-26:33:48.80GX 3+1HRC-INONE1

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 13400434

Title: Constraining Neutron Star Close Binary Evolution with the ``Missing Link' PSR J1723--2837

PI Name: Maura McLaughlin

We propose an observation of the recently discovered binary millisecond pulsar (MSP) J1723-2837, which is a likely "missing-link" between low-mass X-ray binaries and radio MSPs. The unmatched angular resolution of Chandra will allow us to detect and characterize the X-ray bow shock or tail emission likely present near the pulsar in order to probe its accretion history. Evidence of past pulsar wind activation and accretion episodes may be manifested through irregularities or discontinuities in the nebular X-ray emission associated with the pulsar. As the nearest object of its kind and only the second to be found in the field of the Galaxy, J1723--2837 offers the best opportunity to study key unknowns regarding close binary evolution of neutron stars as well as the physics of MSP winds.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
17:23:23.20-28:37:57.10PSR J1723-2837ACIS-SNONE55

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 13400498

Title: Testing the Wind-Jet Connection in a Black Hole Transient

PI Name: Joseph Neilsen

We propose a sequence of four 30 ks HETGS observations of a bright black hole transient in outburst for a targeted study of the interaction between accretion disk winds and relativistic jets. While global studies of high-resolution X-ray spectra of BHXRBs hint that strong, highly-ionized winds tend to coincide with the disappearance of compact jets, our focused study of GRS 1915+105 indicates that winds may be directly responsible for quenching jets. By carefully tracking the strengths of the wind and the jet (supported by the world's premiere radio and infrared facilities), we will perform the first systematic test of the wind-jet interaction around a black hole. Thus we will reveal whether winds truly play a pivotal role in the dynamical evolution of black hole accretion flows.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
Black Hole TransientACIS-SHETG120

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 13400512

Title: Search for absorption edges in superexpansion bursts

PI Name: Jean in 't Zand

Our goal is to measure with the LETGS a series of bright type-I X-ray bursts with strong photospheric radius expansion ('superexpansion'), search for absorption edges due to the ashes of nuclear burning and, if succesful, attempt a measurement of the gravitational redshift. The target, 4U 1820-30, is an ultracompact X-ray binary whose bursts are known to consistently show strong expansion. The bursts only occur in the quasi-periodic low accretion states. We request a quick TOO, to be triggered by either RXTE-ASM or ISS-MAXI, with a total exposure time of 100 ks to obtain the detection of about 10 bursts.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
18:23:40.50-30:21:40.004U 1820-30ACIS-SLETG100

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 13400618

Title: Jets, hot spots and cocoon of the most powerful microquasar

PI Name: Roberto Soria

S26 is the most powerful microquasar known to date: an accreting black hole in a nearby galaxy dominated by jet power even at near-Eddington accretion rates. From archival Chandra data, we discovered a pair of X-ray hot spots, proof of the interaction of the collimated jets with the ISM. With a new observation, we will: a) model the spectrum of the hot spot and shock-ionized nebula emission; b) constrain the fraction of jet power transferred to the X-ray-emitting plasma; c) determine the accretion state and luminosity of the central black hole. For the hot spots, we will distinguish between thermal and non-thermal emission, measure the electron temperature and test shock models. The new data will greatly advance our multiband study of the jet lobes, nebula and core of this system.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
23:57:59.90-32:33:20.90S26 in NGC 7793ACIS-SNONE150

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 13400639

Title: Crust cooling of accretion heated neutron stars

PI Name: Rudy Wijnands

We propose to continue our successful program to use the observed cooling of the crusts in accreting neutron star systems to probe the properties of ultra-dense matter. Those crusts are heated due to the accretion of matter on to neutron stars during the X-ray outburst and after the outbursts are over the crusts should cool down until they are in equilibrium with the core again. Following this cooling processes in several systems has already given us new insights in the structure of neutron stars (i.e., the crust but also the core and hence in ultra dense matter), but many uncertainties remain. Therefore it is needed to enlarge our sample of well studied sources to obtain better insights in the behavior of how neutron stars react to the accretion of matter.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
Quiescent sourceACIS-SNONE150

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 13400681

Title: Measuring Emission Geometry, Interstellar Dust, and Distance with Chandra HETGS Observations of EXO 2030+375

PI Name: Jingen Xiang

We propose a 60~ks Chandra-HETGS observation of EXO 2030+375 during a normal outburst to facilitate three science goals: (1) study the photoionization geometry of the emission line regions via time-resolved grating spectroscopy, (2) determine the size and spatial distributions of dust along the line of sight via the dust scattering halo, (3) measure geometrical distance to EXO 2030+375 using time delays between the lightcurves of the point source and the dust halo.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
20:32:15.30+37:38:14.90EXO 2030+375ACIS-SHETG60

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 13400697

Title: The Luminosity of Quiescent Stellar Mass Black Holes

PI Name: Mark Reynolds

The defining property of a black hole is its event horizon. Previous Chandra observations have revealed the quiescent X-ray luminosity of the Galactic stellar mass black holes to be systematically less luminous (by factors of ~ 100) than neutron star binaries at similar orbital periods. In cycle 12, we observed the stellar mass black hole GS 1354-64 and found it to be at a luminosity of ~ 1e34 erg s^{-1} (~ 1e-5 L_{Edd}), over an order of magnitude greater than expected and in conflict with the known distribution of quiescent black hole luminosities. Here, we propose to use Chandra to investigate the stability of the quiescent accretion luminosity from GS 1354-64.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
13:58:09.70-64:44:05.20GS 1354-64ACIS-SNONE40

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 13400708

Title: A chandra HETGS study of 4U 1323-619: Binary Wind Properties, X-ray Burst, Distance and Studies of Interstellar Medium

PI Name: Jingen Xiang

We propose five 30 ks Chandra-HETGS observations of 4U 1323-619, a dipping and bursting LMXB, to facilitate four science goals: (1) a study of the geometry of the emission and absorption line regions via the evolution of photoionized emission and absorption line spectroscopy, (2) a study of known frequent X-ray bursts, which are attributed to unstable nuclear burning, and (3) a study of the X-ray scattering halo in order to determine the spatial distribution of the dust grains, (4) determine the source geometrical distance via time delays of the halo photons.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
13:26:36.10-62:08:10.004U 1323-619ACIS-SHETG150

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 13400741

Title: Chandra Observations of More New Black Widows and Redbacks in the Galactic Field

PI Name: Mallory Roberts

There has recently been a large increase in the number of known eclipsing radio millisecond pulsars in the Galactic field, many of which are associated with Fermi gamma-ray sources. All are in tight binaries (P_b < 24hr) many of which are classical "black widows" with very low mass companions (M_c << 0.1 M_sol) but some are "redbacks" with probably non-degenerate low mass companions (M_c ~ 0.2 M_sol). We request Chandra observations over full orbits of four of these new pulsars in order to determine the X-ray emission from any intrabinary shock and to search for compact wind nebulae.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
11:24:01.10-36:53:22.00PSR J1124-36ACIS-SNONE22
20:47:08.90+10:53:09.20PSR J2047+10ACIS-SNONE23
18:16:30.20+45:10:15.00PSR J1816+45ACIS-SNONE35
16:28:08.20-32:02:60.00PSR J1628-32ACIS-SNONE20

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 13400768

Title: X-Ray Constraints on the Dynamical History of Omega Centauri

PI Name: Adrienne Cool

As the largest globular cluster in the Galaxy, Omega Cen has been a prime target for searches for an intermediate-mass black hole. Cycle 1 Chandra observations, combined with HST imaging, also show that Omega Cen is host to a wide variety of X-ray emitting binary stars, including more than 20 cataclysmic variables. We propose a deep 230 ksec ACIS-I exposure which, combined with existing data, will enable us to (1) make the most sensitive X-ray search to date for an IMBH in a globular cluster, to a limiting Lx = 5x10^29 erg/s; (2) complete a census of CVs in the cluster for comparison to populations in dense clusters to elucidate their origins; (3) conduct an X-ray search for millisecond pulsars, to investigate the surprising absence of radio MSPs detected in Omega Cen to date.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
13:26:47.20-47:28:46.50NGC 5139ACIS-INONE230

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 13400775

Title: Constraining the irradiated disk and the nature of the companion star in an ultraluminous X-ray source

PI Name: Fabien Grise

Previous HST observations of the ultraluminous X-ray source Holmberg IX X-1 show that its optical emission may be dominated at short wavelengths by an irradiated accretion disk and at long wavelengths by a late-type (super)giant star which would be the donor star in the system. This makes of Holmberg IX X-1 one of the few ULXs where we have a direct, observational hint about the presence of a companion star. We propose X-ray and UV to NIR observations with Chandra and HST/WFC3. The X-ray spectrum will be essential at modeling the disk emission and, combined with UV/optical measurements, will allow us to constrain the irradiation in the disk. Longer wavelengths will enable us to definitely identify the red excess emission as coming from the donor star or from some structure from the disk.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
09:57:53.30+69:03:48.10Holmberg IX X-1ACIS-SNONE15

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 13400821

Title: Filling the gap in understanding the wind structure of HDE 226868 / Cyg X-1

PI Name: Katja Pottschmidt

We propose to observe the BH HMXB system HDE 226868 / Cyg X-1 with Chandra-HETGS for 24 ks (corresponding to Delta phi=0.05 in orbital phase) between orbital phases phi=0.25 and phi=0.4. The spectroscopic analysis of the highly photoionized wind during this phase will improve our understanding of the wind, its implications for the accretion flow onto the black hole, and also of the conditions necessary for the formation of a narrow Fe K fluorescence line. In addition, cessation of dipping is expected during this phase. If seen, the morphology and spectral signatures of the last dips will constrain the location and kinematics of the wind structures responsible for these absorption events.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
19:58:21.70+35:12:05.80Cygnus X-1ACIS-SHETG24

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 13400822

Title: The cooling neutron star in the super-Eddington accretor XTE J1701-462

PI Name: Jeroen Homan

Observing the cooling of neutron stars reheated by accretion provides new insights into neutron star structure. Using Chandra and XMM we have followed in unprecedented detail the cooling of the neutron star transient XTE J1701-462, a unique system that accreted at super- and near-Eddington luminosities for more than 1.5 years before returning to quiescence. A recent observation indicates that the source is probably still cooling; here we propose to continue our successful monitoring of the source and constrain the late phase of cooling with a 65 ks observation at the end of Cycle 13. This will extend our tracking of the source from approximately 3 years to 5 years into quiescence and will likely allow us to distinguish between different models for the overall cooling curve.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
17:00:58.50-46:11:08.60XTE J1701-462ACIS-SNONE65

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 13400846

Title: The shortest orbital period black-hole X-ray binary in quiescence

PI Name: Jeroen Homan

We propose Chandra observations of MAXI J1659-152, the shortest orbital period black hole X-ray binary. Observing the source in quiescence will serve two purposes. 1) The short orbital period of MAXI J1659-152 allows us to extend the comparison between quiescent neutron stars and black holes to orbital periods that, until recently, were only covered by neutron star systems. This will provide us with further insight in the differences between the radiatively inefficient flows in both types of systems. 2) It will also allow us to test whether there exists a minimum luminosity for quiescent black hole systems, as predicted by binary evolution theory. Based on a distance estimate of 4.5 kpc we expect to be able to detect MAXI J1659-152 down to a luminosity of 1.5e30 erg/s in 80 ks with ACIS-S.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
16:59:01.70-15:15:28.40MAXI J1659-152ACIS-SNONE80

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 13400917

Title: High-resolution X-ray spectroscopy of the thermonuclear burster and 11~Hz pulsar IGR J17480-2446

PI Name: Manuel Linares

Atomic features formed on the neutron star surface give a direct measurement of the neutron star compactness and long-sought information on the equation of state of ultradense matter. Rotational broadening of spectral lines formed on fast-spinning neutron stars hampers the detection of such features. We propose Chandra high-spectral-resolution observations of a recently discovered prolific source of thermonuclear bursts. The atypically slow spin of this source reduces rotational broadening drastically and offers a unique opportunity to measure how compact this neutron star is.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
17:48:04.80-24:46:48.80IGR J17480-2446ACIS-SHETG100

Subject Category: BH AND NS BINARIES

Proposal Number: 13400925

Title: Identifying New qLMXBs in Milky Way Globular Cluster Cores

PI Name: David Morris

Quiescent low mass X-ray binaries (qLMXBs) in Milky Way globular clusters (MWGCs) are a powerful probe of the dense matter equation of state (EoS). Through a Swift-XRT snapshot survey of MWGCs we have discovered candidate qLMXBs in the cores of NGC6717 and NGC6287. Chandra's arcsecond spatial resolution is now required to separate the blended sources discovered in these MWGCs. The observations proposed with Chandra ACIS-S will constrain the spectral parameters of the qLMXBs in NGC6717 and NGC6287 to 20%, which will determine whether they occupy a region of NS mass-radius parameter space which strongly constrains the NS EoS. If they do, they can rule out up to 75% of the remaining allowed NS EoS and subsequent Chandra observations will be proposed to fully exploit them.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500026

Title: Snap-shot survey of new galactic gamma-ray sources

PI Name: Gordon Garmire

In this exploratory program we will observe new gamma-ray pulsars and pulsar candidates. In addition to pulsars, we expect to resolve pulsar-wind nebulae and look for emission from SNRs around these young pulsars. Together with the gamma-ray data our observations will test models for multiwavelength emission from pulsars and pulsar-wind nebulae.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
13:11:45.40-34:30:28.801FGL J1311.7-3429ACIS-INONE10
22:38:11.30+58:59:53.20PSR J2238+59ACIS-INONE10
16:27:03.00-49:12:32.70HESS J1626-490ACIS-INONE10
14:59:29.90-60:53:16.00PSR J1459-60ACIS-INONE10
02:48:18.60+60:21:34.00PSR J0248+6021ACIS-INONE10
17:31:17.60-18:47:32.70PSR J1731-1847ACIS-INONE10

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500027

Title: A timing and spectral imaging observation of the soft gamma-ray pulsar IGR J18490-0000

PI Name: Jelle Kaastra

We propose to observe the recently discovered soft gamma-ray pulsar IGR J18490-0000 for 25 ks with ACIS-S and for 25 ks with HRC-S in timing mode to perform both energy resolved imaging and spatially resolved timing of the near environment of the pulsar.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
18:49:01.60-00:01:17.70IGR J18490-0000ACIS-SNONE25
18:49:01.60-00:01:17.70IGR J18490-0000HRC-SNONE25

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500034

Title: Puppis A: the Micro-X Calorimeter Field of View 2012

PI Name: Claude Canizares

In January of 2012 the first astronomical use of a micro-calorimeter at the focus of a grazing-incidence telescope is scheduled to take place: a ~ 300 second observation of a region of Puppis A by the Micro-X rocket payload ( This follow-up Chandra observation will be centered at the actual post-facto Micro-X field-of-view. The custom 15 ks ACIS-S3 observation will greatly aid in interpretation of the Micro-X data. The S3 is used to increase counts below 1 keV, e.g., at 0.6 keV ACIS-S3 has 4x the area of the ACIS-I FI devices. Note that this single unique-field observation is not expected to be in conflict with other more general Puppis A observing proposal(s), e.g., deep ACIS-I pointing(s).

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
08:22:48.00-42:45:36.00Puppis A - micro-X fieldACIS-SNONE15

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500072

Title: Chandra Cycle 13 Spatial and Spectral Monitoring of SNR 1987A

PI Name: David Burrows

Regular monitoring of SNR 1987A, the only supernova remnant in which we can study the early developmental stages in detail, is critical to testing models of SNR evolution, nonequilibrium ionization processes, and thin plasma spectra. SNR 1987A presents a unique opportunity to observe the birth and early evolution of a supernova remnant at high spatial and spectral resolution for the first time. We propose to continue our program of monitoring SNR1987A at roughly six month intervals in Cycle 13.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
05:35:28.00-69:16:11.10SNR 1987AACIS-SHETG75

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500078

Title: RXJ0720.4-3125: a precessing isolated neutron star?

PI Name: Peter Predehl

RX J0720.4-3125 belongs to a group of radio-quiet isolated neutron stars, whose spectra are characterized by a blackbody spectrum plus one or more broad absorption features. It is unique in that its blackbody temperature, and the depth of the absorption feature is variable. The cause for this spectral evolution is unclear, but one proposed model is free precession of a neutron star with two hot spots. However, the exact precession period, if it exists, is not well known, but must be of the order of 14 yr. Alternatively, an unknown cause may have heated the atmosphere or changed the magnetic field configuration. In that case one may expect that at some point the source changes back to the situation before 2003.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500093

Title: Spatially-Resolved Spectroscopy of the IC443 Pulsar Wind Nebula and Environs

PI Name: Martin Weisskopf

We propose a 152 ksec observation of the Chandra-discovered Pulsar Wind Nebula in the supernova remnant IC443. This PWN is a rare transitional system where the overall morphology is affected by the interaction with the SNR shell, but the pulsar is still powerful enough to sustain an X-ray emitting nebula. We are proposing a spatially-resolved spectroscopic investigation of this transitional object to develop realistic models that would fill the gap between young Crab-like PWNe and much older plerions. The proposed research also addresses a number of other very specific objectives with regards to this system such as the surface temperature and proper motion of the neutron star, the properties of the termination shock in the pulsar wind, and interaction of the shocked wind with SNR matter.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500124


PI Name: P. Winkler

Remnant of the brightest SN in recorded history, SN1006 is the object where the connection between SNR shocks and cosmic rays was first confirmed observationally. It is the closest and least absorbed of all the historical SNRs--yet it has been the least observed by Chandra. We propose deep ACIS observations to: 1) measure proper motions (through comparison with earlier data) to give the shock velocity around most of the shell; 2) elucidate the physics of nonthermal shocks and diffusive acceleration in unprecedented detail; and 3) study small-scale ejecta knots within SN1006 to obtain abundances and constrain the explosion properties. The new data will complete deep coverage for the entire SN1006 remnant, so deep studies of all the historical SNIa remnants will at last be in the archive.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
15:02:20.30-41:46:38.00SN1006 NWACIS-SNONE90
15:01:37.00-41:59:00.00SN1006 WACIS-INONE100
15:02:08.50-42:07:00.00SN1006 SWACIS-INONE100
15:03:05.00-42:08:60.00SN1006 SACIS-INONE100
15:02:52.20-41:56:16.00SN1006 CTRACIS-INONE100
15:03:14.80-41:42:45.00SN1006 NACIS-INONE100
15:03:51.00-42:03:30.00SN1006 SEACIS-INONE100

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500127

Title: Measuring magnetar distance from the dust echo of a bright burst

PI Name: Andrea Tiengo

In 2009 we discovered, around the magnetar 1E 1547.0-5408, three bright X-ray expanding rings due to scattering of the radiation of a strong burst by three dust layers in our Galaxy. We propose rapid follow-up observations with Chandra in the case that a similar phenomenon is again detected in a magnetar. This would provide the first high resolution two-dimensional images of an X-ray expanding ring around an astrophysical object and constrain the source distance and energetics of the emission producing the dust echo. Moreover, the time evolution of the ring intensity and spectrum, depending on the dust grains composition and size, is a powerful tool to test the different interstellar dust models. This proposal was accepted in Cycle 12 but it has not been triggered yet.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
Magnetar scattering haloACIS-INONE70

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500159

Title: Unveiling the nature of cyclic behavior in the period evolution of the Anomalous X ray Pulsar XTE j1810-197

PI Name: Federico Bernardini

This program is aimed at obtaining a phase-coherent timing solution for the period evolution of XTEJ1810-197 (XTEJ), continuing the successful X-ray monitoring of this unique Anomalous X-ray Pulsar (AXP).AXPs are isolated neutron star (NS) whose emission is likely due to the decay of an extremely strong magnetic field, 10e+(14-15) G.The requested pointings are aimed at studying the period evolution of XTEJ, by means of phase connected timing analysis, with the goal of demonstrating the presence of a long term (5 yr) precession of its rotation axis. XTEJ could be a unique precessing Magnetar candidate (overall, only 3 precessing NSs are known).This could shed light on the physical properties of the NS crust/core core and, thus, on the physical properties of matter at extremely high density.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
18:09:51.10-19:43:51.90XTE J1810-197ACIS-SNONE20
18:09:51.10-19:43:51.90XTE J1810-197ACIS-SNONE20

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500163

Title: Expansion Measurements of the Southwestern Rim of RCW86

PI Name: Satoru Katsuda

We propose to perform a second-epoch observation of the southwestern rim of RCW86 in order to measure the proper motions of the forward shock. This remnant emits both thermal and nonthermal X-rays, and is delineated by nonradiative Balmer-dominated filaments. These properties make it an excellent laboratory for the study of particle acceleration. However, the distance to the remnant has not yet been precisely determined, with measurements scattered around either 1kpc or 3kpc. A combination of the proper motion and the actual shock velocity from optical spectroscopy will provide a stringent constraint on the distance for the first time. In addition, comparisons of proper motions at several locations will provide an opportunity to investigate the inhomogeneities of the ambient medium.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500195

Title: Measuring the Spin-Down and Dipole Magnetic Field of the CCO Pulsar 1E 1207.4-5209

PI Name: Jules Halpern

We propose to make a definite measurement of the spin-down rate of the unique CCO pulsar 1E 1207.4-5209 by obtaining a phase-coherent timing solution, which is the only feasible way of measuring the P-dot of such a weakly magnetized NS. 1E 1207.4-5209 is the best isolated pulsar for which a direct comparison can be made of its global dipole magnetic field via spin-down, with the local B-field on the surface, as indicated by its cyclotron absorption spectrum. Existing data suggest that these independent measures agree to within a factor of 4, with the absence of a definite P-dot the limiting uncertainty. We can eliminate the error on P-dot and determine if the B-field measurements are identical for all practical purposes in 1E 1207.4-5209, the prototypical anti-magnetar.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500196

Title: The Energetic New Magnetar in HESS J1713-381/CTB 37B

PI Name: Jules Halpern

The spin-down power of the 3.82 s pulsar in the SNR CTB 37B is among the largest of magnetars, and it may be the youngest one as well. In addition, its spin-down rate increased by a factor of 2 last year. We propose to continue to monitor its spin-down. Magnetars with the largest spin-down power are SGRs, and a marked increase in their spin-down torque often precedes an outburst. In this regard, CXOU J171405.7-381031 is very similar to SGR/AXP 1E 1547.0-5408, the magnetar with the largest spin-down power. By analogy with 1E 1547.0-5408, we may be observing the behavior of a magnetar just before it becomes an SGR. Continued study of its spin-down will also enable us to evaluate whether CXOU J171405.7-381031 can contribute to the TeV emission from HESS J1713-381, in which it resides.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
17:14:05.70-38:10:30.90CXOU J171405.7-381031ACIS-SNONE20

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500202

Title: Joint Chandra and HST Monitoring of the Crab Nebula

PI Name: Martin Weisskopf

In 2010 Sep the Crab surprised the astrophysical community with a powerful 4-day-long gamma-ray flare, detected by the Agile and Fermi satellites. Chandra and HST images taken post flare, were limited by the lack of a reference image taken before the flare. While the study of future flaring activity will be covered by a companion TOO proposal, here we propose a joint Chandra HST program. The scientific purpose of this proposal is to: 1) establish an X-ray and optical baseline of the system prior to any gamma-ray flare as an aid for establishing the location of the flare and, 2) to identify and quantify the spatial and spectral variations in X-rays and/or the optical over time.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500205

Title: Pre-Planned Target of Opportunity Observations of the Crab Nebula upon the Occurrence of the Next Gamma-Ray Flare

PI Name: Martin Weisskopf

The Crab Nebula (with its central pulsar) has been an ongoing source of stimulus to high-energy astrophysics over the past 50 years. The recent stunning discovery of rapidly variable ~1 GeV synchrotron photons demonstrate that the nebula structure differs from the description found in the majority of recent theoretical models. Locating these sources, our scientific goal, would be a giant step towards understanding them.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500310

Title: Chandra Observations of New X-ray Supernovae

PI Name: David Pooley

We propose to continue our X-ray studies of Type II and Type Ib/c supernovae (SNe). The Swift satellite has ushered in a new era of studying SNe in the X-rays, obtaining densely sampled X-ray lightcurves for the nearby core-collapse SNe. However, its spatial resolution is often not good enough to separate a SN from nearby sources. We propose short Chandra observations to alleviate this. These observations will assess the X-ray environment of newly discovered Swift SNe to determine any possible source confusion or contamination of the SN flux. Our strategy makes the best use of the capabilities of each observatory.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500311

Title: Probing the Unique Morphology and Plasma Conditions of W49B with Chandra

PI Name: Laura Lopez

We propose a 220-ks Chandra ACIS-S3 observation of the galactic supernova remnant (SNR) W49B. W49B has several unique morphological and spectral features which are not found in other galactic SNRs: it is the only galactic SNR with large-scale segregation of its nucleosynthetic products, its X-ray spectrum is suggestive of rapid cooling uncommon in SNRs, and it is the only core-collapse SNR to date with detected He-like lines from the heavy elements chromium and manganese. The deep Chandra observation of W49B will facilitate X-ray morphological and spatially-resolved spectral analyses that will elucidate the physical conditions and nature of W49B, including explosion vs. environment effects, localization of over-ionized plasma, and constraints on the morphology and abundances of Cr and Mn.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500316

Title: Bowing to Pressure During the Reformation: A Study of the Composite SNR G327.1-1.1

PI Name: Patrick Slane

G327.1-1.1 is a composite supernova remnant whose pulsar wind nebula is defined by an offset radio nebula and a cometary X-ray nebula surrounding a neutron star that appears to be moving rapidly through the remnant. Complex structures indicate that the PWN has been disrupted by the reverse shock of the SNR, and that the nebula is re-forming while being swept back into a bowshock-like morphology by the pressure associated with its rapid motion. The manner in which a PWN evolves through such a stage determines the ultimate spectrum of its relativistic particles, and the process by which they eventually escape into the ISM. We propose a deep Chandra observation of G327.1-1.1 in order to study its complex spectral and spatial structure during this crucial phase of evolution.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500433


PI Name: Nanda Rea

The discovery of transient magnetars has opened a new perspective in the field confirming that a relatively large number of members of this class has not been discovered yet, and suggesting that others would manifest themselves in the future through outbursts. This proposal is aimed at gathering new insights on the physics of magnetars through the study of their outbursts. In particular, we are asking for 85ks of Chandra time divided in 4 observations throughout the outburst from a known or still unknown magnetar candidate.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
18:09:51.10-19:43:51.70XTE J1810-197ACIS-SNONE85
20:13:52.80+34:19:55.20SGR 2013+34ACIS-SNONE85
23:01:08.30+58:52:44.501E 2259+584ACIS-SNONE85
16:35:51.80-47:35:23.30SGR 1627-41ACIS-SNONE85
18:08:39.30-20:24:39.50SGR 1806-20ACIS-SNONE85
05:26:00.90-66:04:36.30SGR 0526-66ACIS-SNONE85
05:01:06.20+45:16:35.00SGR 0501+4516ACIS-SNONE85
18:46:24.50-02:58:28.00PSR J1846-0258ACIS-SNONE85
18:33:44.40-08:31:07.70SGR 1833-0832ACIS-SNONE85
16:22:44.80-49:50:54.40PSR 1622-4950ACIS-SNONE85
17:14:05.70-38:10:30.90CXO 171405-381031ACIS-SNONE85
19:07:14.30+09:19:20.10SGR 1900+14ACIS-SNONE85
15:50:55.30-54:19:02.001E 1547.0-5408ACIS-SNONE85
04:18:33.90+57:32:22.90SGR 0418+4729ACIS-SNONE85

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500446

Title: Identification campaign of supernova remnant candidates in the Milky Way

PI Name: Regina H. H. Huang

There are 274 supernova remnants (SNRs) that have been identified in the Milky Way. Most of these SNRs are discovered in radio surveys. In view of various selection effects, the current sample of SNRs is clearly incomplete. ROSAT all-sky survey data have provided another window to search for SNRs. We have reexamined this catalogue and chosen some bright and promising SNR candidates as the starting point of a long-term identification campaign. We propose a set of Chandra observations to have a full coverage of these targets in order to investigate their spectra and morphologies in details as well as to search for the associated compact stellar remnants produced in the supernova explosions.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500457

Title: Guitar with a bow: a jet-like X-ray-emitting feature associated a fast-moving pulsar

PI Name: Q. Daniel Wang

The Guitar Nebula is known to be a ram-pressure confined pulsar wind nebula associated with the very fast-moving pulsar B2224+65. Existing observations at two epochs have shown an unexpected 2 arcmin long X-ray-emitting jet-like feature emanating from the pulsar and offset from its proper motion direction by 118 degree. We propose a deep third epoch observation of this system in order to measure the X-ray spectral gradient across the feature as well as to confirm its proper motion, its morphological variation with time, and the presence of a counter jet. We will then critically test scenarios proposed to explain this system, which represents a class of similarly enigmatic objects recently discovered locally and in the central region of our Galaxy.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500459

Title: Investigating the Emission of Extraordinarily Luminous and Unusual Supernovae

PI Name: David Pooley

In the past few years, the Texas Supernova (SN) Search and its successor the ROTSE SN Verification Project (RSVP) have found several of the most luminous SNe ever detected. Explaining such high luminosities has been challenging, and, in each case, one must consider the "standard" interaction of the SN ejecta with the surrounding material as a (partial) source of this extraordinary luminosity before considering more exotic scenarios (e.g., pair-formation instability). Deep Chandra observations are a sensitive probes of interaction and are the only way to detect or set meaningful limits on the X-ray flux from such a SN given the typical distances involved. The continuation of RSVP as well as the new Palomar Transient Factory ensure a reliable stream of sources for future discovery.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
Luminous SNACIS-SNONE100

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500489

Title: IKT 16: A Composite SNR Discovered in the SMC?

PI Name: Richard Owen

We propose a 40 ks Chandra ACIS-S observation of IKT 16, a SNR in the SMC which contains a candidate PWN. XMM-Newton observations strongly support the identification of this system as a composite SNR, but the spatial resolution of the EPIC cameras is insufficient to resolve its small-scale structure. Our proposed observation is essential to find the extent of this central source accurately and thus confirm its identity as the first composite SNR found in the SMC.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
00:58:16.70-72:18:06.00IKT 16ACIS-SNONE40

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500494

Title: Hunting for Anti-magnetars with Chandra

PI Name: Chi-Yung Ng

Central compact objects (CCOs) are an enigmatic class of neutron stars whose X-ray emission mechanism remains a mystery. Recent spin-down measurements revealed the CCO PSR J1852+0040 as an anti-magnetar, a pulsar with a very weak surface magnetic field, which is hard to reconcile with the high surface temperature and large pulsed fraction observed. We propose new Chandra observations to complete our on-going census of all weak-field radio pulsars to search for more anti-magnetars. Any detection will confirm CCOs as a subset of radio pulsars, strongly constraining the physics of anti-magnetars.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
16:53:29.70-43:15:01.00PSR J1653-4315ACIS-SNONE5
18:10:55.50-18:20:39.00PSR J1810-1820ACIS-SNONE5
17:02:36.40-42:17:01.20PSR J1702-4217ACIS-SNONE8
16:50:44.70-43:41:30.80PSR J1650-4341ACIS-SNONE8

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500514

Title: Multicycle Monitoring of the Young Galactic Supernova Remnant Cassiopeia A

PI Name: Daniel Patnaude

Cas A is one of only a handful of young supernova remnants to exhibit variations in thermal and nonthermal emission on timescales of about a year, and is the only remnant to show direct evidence for an evolving, young central neutron star. Here we propose for four 50 ksec observations of Cas A spaced by approximately one year with the first near the beginning of Cycle 13, and the last near the end of Cycle 15, which are designed to probe the structure and composition of supernova ejecta by following its evolution as it is heated by the reverse shock, test theories of particle acceleration at supernova shocks, and monitor the surface temperature evolution of the neutron star to test theories of nuclear and condensed matter physics, and in particular superfluidity and superconductivity.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
23:23:26.70+58:49:03.00Cassiopeia AACIS-SNONE50

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500556

Title: Constraining the Energetics of Fermi-LAT GRBs with Chandra

PI Name: Judith Racusin

We propose to observe late-time X-ray afterglows of the most energetic subset of Fermi-LAT detected GRBs in order to constrain their jet break times, opening angles, and collimation corrected energy outputs. This new and exceptional population of GRBs demonstrate several new features not previously observed, and appear to be brighter on average than Swift era optical and X-ray afterglows, which makes them excellent candidates for broadband observations and detailed modeling. Observations of the X-ray afterglows by Swift-XRT do not reveal jet break signatures in these objects, suggesting that they occur later when the afterglows are too faint for XRT, but possibly still observable by Chandra.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500575

Title: Exploring the fine morphology of the newly discovered nebula surrounding PSR J0855-4644

PI Name: Fabio Acero

PSR J0855-4644 is an energetic pulsar (Edot=1.1x10e36 erg/s) with a period of 65 ms discovered near the South-East rim of the SNR RX J0852.0-4622. The position of the pulsar is in spatial coincidence with an enhancement in X-rays and TeV gamma-rays, which could represent its pulsar wind nebula. We have revealed with recent XMM observation the X-ray counterpart of the pulsar together with an extended emission thus confirming the suggestion of a PWN. Interestingly, the core of the PWN (r<1 arcmin) exhibits some knots of X-ray emission separated by 180 suggesting a jet-like structure. The primary aim of this proposal is to study the small scale structures of the core of the nebula in order to confirm the presence of jets in the nebula and to search for a torus surrounding the pulsar.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
08:55:36.40-46:44:14.60PSR J0855-4644ACIS-SNONE40

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500593

Title: The X-ray Luminous Type IIn Supernova 2010jl

PI Name: Poonam Chandra

Supernova SN 2010jl is a very bright Type IIn supernova shown to have X-ray emission early on. Our {\it Chandra} ACIS-S observations taken a month after the supernova discovery show a high temperature and large absorption column density indicating the forward shock origin of the X-rays where the absorption column is associated with the mass loss near the forward shock wave. This is the first time an external circumstellar X-ray absorption has been clearly observed in a supernova. This gives us a rare opportunity to follow the evolution of the external column density which gives unique information on the circumstellar structure and the shock interaction. In this proposal we request for 80 ks of {\it Chandra} ACIS-S time to carry out observations of SN 2010jl at two epochs.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
09:42:53.30+09:29:41.80SN 2010jlACIS-SNONE80

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500605

Title: Evolution of the Cas A CCO

PI Name: George Pavlov

The 330 yr old central compact object (CCO) in the Cas A SNR is likely a neutron star (NS) which does not show the usual pulsar activity and has a thermal-like spectrum. Ten years of Chandra observations have provided some evidence of gradual decline of the CCO's surface temperature. If true, this result is very important as it tightly constrains the properties of the superdense matter in the NS interiors. However, the data sets that show the temperature decline suffer from serious systematic uncertainties. We propose to repeat the only "clean" observation of the Cas A CCO, which will allow us to measure the temperature change in 6 years, undistorted by systematic errors, and unambiguously verify the claimed temperature decline.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
23:23:27.90+58:48:42.60Cas A CCOACIS-SNONE72

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500615

Title: Identification of the Host Galaxy of Swift Short GRBs by the Chandra Sub-arcsecond Position

PI Name: Takanori Sakamoto

We propose a ToO program to observe short GRBs detected by Swift to identify the afterglow in X-rays by a sub-arcsecond position from Chandra. Our ToO program will increase the number of short GRBs having an unambiguous host galaxy identification, and also should provide a much less biased sample host galaxies of short GRBs. We request a maximum of 6 ToOs for 20 ksec each based on the estimation of previous Swift short GRB observations. Our trigger criteria are 1) Swift short GRBs localized by Swift/XRT and 2) no afterglow confirmation in optical within 5 hours after the burst. We request <1-3 days response to our ToO, so that the afterglow can be observed while still bright.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500634

Title: The puzzling outflow from the PSR B1259-63/SS 2883 binary

PI Name: George Pavlov

PSR B1259-63 is a middle-aged radio pulsar in an eccentric binary (e=0.87, P= 3.4 yr) with a high-mass Be companion. We observed this system near apastron in Chandra Cycle 10 and discovered extended emission, which apparently consists of elongated and compact components, tentatively interpreted as a pulsar jet and a bent tail of the pulsar wind nebula blown out of the binary by the wind of the massive component. To test the models of pulsar wind nebulae and study the colliding winds in high-mass binary systems, we propose two Chandra ACIS observations to examine the expected variation of the extended emission with the binary phase.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
13:02:47.60-63:50:08.70PSR B1259-63ACIS-INONE124

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500646

Title: Testing the magnetar model with the first low magnetic field soft gamma repeater

PI Name: Nanda Rea

Soft gamma repeaters (SGRs) are part of a small group of bursting neutron stars, probably powered by extreme B fields, aka magnetars. We have recently discovered an SGR with a low-B field (Rea et al. 2010, Science, 330, 944), SGR 0418+5729. X-ray observations show that its dipolar B cannot be greater than 7.2x10^{12}G, well in the range of ordinary radio pulsars. This discovery has large implications not only for the magnetar model, but for the pulsars population in general. We have been already awarded of a monitoring program through the joint XMM/Chandra call, however the source had showed an unexpected drop in flux which is forcing us to ask for more exposure time to reach our scientific aim: have a final measure or a deeper upper limit on SGR 0418+5729's dipolar magnetic field.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
04:18:33.90+57:32:22.90SGR 0418+5729ACIS-SNONE90

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500648

Title: The Energetics and Environments of Type Ibc Supernovae

PI Name: Alicia Soderberg

Twenty-five years have passed since the peculiar class of Type Ibc supernovae were first recognized as a distinct flavor of core-collapse explosions. However, it is only recently that SNe Ibc have enjoyed a surge of interest thanks to their association with GRBs. Today, the most crucial question is whether SNe Ibc and GRBs arise from similar or distinct progenitor systems. Progress requires a detailed study of ordinary SNe Ibc which out-number GRBs by a factor of 100. Here we propose to continue our successful Chandra ToO program for SNe Ibc that is complemented by Swift/XRT and EVLA observations from our on-going programs.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500674

Title: TINY HICCUPS TO TITANIC EXPLOSIONS: Tackling Transients in Anomalous X-ray Pulsars

PI Name: Victoria Kaspi

The past decade has seen major progress in neutron star astrophysics, with the discovery of magnetars in general, and the recognition that the Anomalous X-ray Pulsars (AXPs) fall in this class. AXPs have recently revealed surprising and dramatic variability behavior, which theorists have begun to show are highly constraining of physical models of magnetars, including their crusts, atmospheres, coronae and magnetospheres. In this proposal, we request Chandra/ACIS-S Target-of-Opportunity observations of one major Anomalous X-ray Pulsar (AXP) outburst in AO13, in order to study in detail the evolution of the spectrum, pulsed fraction and pulse profile, for quantitative confrontation with recently developed models for the structure and electrodynamics of magnetars.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
10:50:08.90-59:53:20.401E 1048.1-5937ACIS-SNONE75
17:08:47.20-40:08:50.70RXS J1708-4009ACIS-SNONE75
01:46:22.30+61:45:07.004U 0142+61ACIS-SNONE75
18:41:19.20-04:56:12.501E 1841-045ACIS-SNONE75
18:44:53.00-02:56:40.00AX J1845-0258ACIS-SNONE75
01:00:43.10-72:11:33.80CXOU J0110043.1-721134ACIS-SNONE75
16:47:10.20-45:52:17.00CXOU J164710.2-455216ACIS-SNONE75
18:46:24.50-02:58:28.00PSR J1846-0258ACIS-SNONE75
15:50:55.30-54:19:02.001E 1547.0-5408ACIS-SNONE75
17:14:05.70-38:10:30.90CXOU J171405.7-381031ACIS-SNONE75
16:22:44.80-49:50:54.40PSR J1622-4950ACIS-SNONE75
23:01:07.90+58:52:46.001E 2259+586ACIS-SNONE75
18:09:51.10-19:43:51.70XTE J1810-197ACIS-SNONE75

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500695


PI Name: Lucia Pavan

We discovered in archival X-ray data a cometary-like source near SNR MSH 11-61A. The source is characterized by a double-head connected with an elongated tail, suggesting it is a new member of bow-shock pulsar wind nebulae. This interpretation is also supported by the likely association with the still unidentified INTEGRAL source, IGR J11014-6103. We ask a 50 ks observation of the source exploiting the unique angular resolution and low background of the ACIS telescope on-board Chandra to: i) study in-depth for the first time the morphology and spectral properties of the tail,ii) disentangle the X-ray emission of the two head sources to unveil their nature, and iii) cover entirely the INTEGRAL error circle around IGRJ11014-6103 to firmly establish the association between the two sources.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
11:01:47.20-61:01:24.202XMMi J110147.1-610124ACIS-INONE50

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500696

Title: Monitoring the Late Time X-ray Emission from the Type IIL SN1979C

PI Name: Daniel Patnaude

Models for the evolution of supernovae that expand into stellar winds predict that the X-ray emission will drop with time. However, since it was first recovered with ROSAT, the X-ray emission from SN 1979C in M100 has remained remarkably constant. Here we propose for two new observations of SN 1979C each of 80 ks in duration, with the first in Cycle 13 and the followup in Cycle 15. With these longer observations, we will not only monitor the steady emission, but we will also be able to characterize the spectrum in order to compare it the various models which have been proposed to describe the near constant X-ray emission.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
12:22:58.60+15:47:51.70SN 1979CACIS-SNONE80

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500710

Title: Investigating the Nature of the Unusual 59 ms Pulsar 'Calvera'

PI Name: Jules Halpern

Originally selected as an isolated neutron star candidate in the ROSAT All-Sky Survey, "Calvera" was recently discovered to be a 59 ms pulsar. But a claimed detection of the same 59 ms period in 20 months of Fermi data requires no period derivative, severely restricting the dipole magnetic field, distance, and spin-down luminosity to small values. If true, this would be important, as the X-ray temperature indicates that Calvera is younger than its spin-down age. It could be the first "orphan CCO", or a mildly recycled pulsar. However, the Fermi detection is almost certainly spurious, leaving the spin-down rate poorly constrained. We propose to measure it using X-ray timing, a robust method that will address the nature of this unique neutron star.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
14:12:55.80+79:22:03.701RXS J141256.0+792204ACIS-SNONE40

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500762

Title: The pulsar wind nebula of PSR B1055-52

PI Name: Bettina Posselt

Pulsar wind nebulae (PWNe) are common around young, energetic pulsars. Little is known, however, about the properties of PWNe around older pulsars because of their faintness. The 0.5 Myr old gamma-ray pulsar PSR B1055-52 is one of the few, nearby (<1kpc) middle-aged pulsars, for which detection and study of the PWN in X-rays are feasible but have not been carried out yet. The pulsar has energetics, age, X-ray spectrum and distance similar to those of Geminga and PSR B0656+14, for both of which PWNe have been found. In the case of PSR B1055-52, we expect a compact, faint bow-shock PWN which can only be resolved by Chandra. We propose a deep ACIS-I imaging observation of B1055-52 to constrain the properties of the relativistic pulsar wind and its interaction with the ambient medium.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
10:57:59.00-52:26:57.20PSR B1055-52ACIS-INONE60

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500803

Title: Is HESS J1741-302 truly dark?

PI Name: Oleg Kargaltsev

As the number of Galactic TeV sources approaches 100, there appear to be cases where the origin of the TeV emission is difficult to explain. Most of the firmly classified sources are pulsar-wind nebulae, SNRs and HMXBs, but there remain quite a few with uncertain identifications and several with no plausible counterparts at all. Recent Suzaku observations have found two X-ray sources which may be related to the double TeV source HESS J1740-302A/B. One possible counterpart might be a pulsar accompanied by a PWN, but the nature of the other X-ray source is unclear. To understand the nature of these X-ray sources and their connection to the TeV source, we propose two high-resolution observations with Chandra ACIS.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
17:41:26.00-30:06:46.00HESS J1741-302AACIS-INONE45

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500809

Title: X-ray and Radio emission from type IIP supernovae

PI Name: Alak Ray

Type-IIP supernovae are common core collapse SNe but few have been detected in X-ray and radio. These radiation can be due to relativistic electrons and the high seed photon density of optical, UV and IR bands during the visual lightcurve plateau phase can affect the radio and X-ray emission. Supernova shocks can also produce thermal X-rays. Each process has unique signatures on radio/X-ray light curves and spectra. They can characterize the progenitors and the partial loss of their envelopes prior to the explosion, shedding light on the `red supergiant problem', the lack of more massive progenitors of observed type IIP SNe than 17 Msun that may end up in black holes. Requested observations and followup may constrain the properties of the radiating plasma in magnetic fields.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500890

Title: Search for X-ray counterparts of Fermi LAT radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsars

PI Name: Pablo Saz Parkinson

The discovery by Fermi LAT of a large population of radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsars has profound implications for our understanding of the pulsar emission mechanism as well as for arriving at a more complete census of Galactic neutron stars. Because these pulsars are undetectable in radio, many of their properties are uncertain, including the distance. X-ray observations provide a crucial window to characterize these objects. We propose a set of exploratory observations of all remaining radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsars with no significant coverage, with the goal of identifying the X-ray counterpart of such pulsars, a necessary first step in any subsequent X-ray study of such objects.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
07:34:45.70-15:59:18.10PSR J0734-1559ACIS-SNONE15
18:46:26.00+09:19:46.00PSR J1846+0919ACIS-SNONE15

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500898

Title: The Astrophysics of the Most Energetic Gamma-Ray Bursts

PI Name: Andrew Fruchter

The Large Area Telescope (LAT) of Fermi has found a sample of highly relativistic gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), which may be among the most energetic bursts ever discovered. Here we propose to use Chandra and HST to follow the late time X-ray and optical light curves of a LAT detected burst that also has excellent early multiwavelength coverage. Our observations, in conjunction with the Fermi data, will allow us to measure the energy and the bulk Lorentz factor of the explosion. Recent work on some of the most powerful GRBs begins to substantially constrain physical models of the progenitors. The energetics of the highly relativistic LAT bursts may greatly strengthen these constraints and provide new insight into the currently unknown mechanism that determines the energy in a GRB.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500910

Title: The X-Ray Evolution of Supernova 2004am

PI Name: Yi-Kuan Chiang

Using archival and our proposed Chandra observations of M82, we found a candidate of an X-ray supernova, SN 2004am, that shows rising X-ray flux for several years after explosion. With new data taken after 2009, we found that the X-ray flux is decreasing. The peculiar long-term X-ray light curve after SN 2004am explosion and the pre-explosion X-ray emission link the supernova event to an accretion-powered binary system. We here propose follow up Chandra observations to monitor the decrease of the X-ray evolution of SN 2004am and investigate the nature of the X-ray source.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500924

Title: The proper motion of the nearby radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsar PSR J0357+3205

PI Name: Andrea De Luca

PSR\, J0357+32 is a radio-quiet $\gamma$-ray pulsar detected by the {\em Fermi}-LAT. The relatively high $\gamma$-ray flux with respect to the modest rotational energy loss rate suggests that PSR\, J0357+32 is relatively close-by, probably at $\approx$ 500 pc. An observation of PSR J0357+32 with Chandra in AO11 allowed us to detect the X-ray counterpart of the pulsar. Most interesting, Chandra data unveiled the existence of a huge (9 arcmin long) extended feature apparently protruding from the pulsar. The most natural interpretation of the feature - a bow-shock pulsar wind nebula - is challenged by its very unusual phenomenology and by energetic arguments.A measure of the pulsar proper motion with Chandra could easily clarify the nature of its puzzling X-ray tail.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
03:57:52.30+32:05:20.60PSR J0357+3205ACIS-SNONE60

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500935


PI Name: Bruce Allen

We recently discovered PSR J2007+2722 (Knispel et al., 2010), an isolated radio pulsar whose slow spin-down implies a low surface dipole magnetic field <2.1 10^10 G. It is thought to belong to an exotic class of a dozen objects known as Disrupted Recycled Pulsars (DRPs), lying on the same evolutionary path as Double Neutron Stars. However, recent work on young pulsars with anomalously low magnetic fields (anti-magnetars) suggests that similar DRPs might actually be misidentified anti-magnetars. We propose to test this idea by looking for X-ray emission from the most promising DRPs. Detection of even a few X-ray photons would establish that they are not old recycled pulsars, but are part of a potentially large population of previously unrecognized younger anti-magnetars.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
13:20:12.70-35:12:26.00PSR J1320-3512ACIS-SNONE3.5
13:39:56.60-47:12:05.50PSR J1339-4712ACIS-SNONE3.5
13:33:44.80-44:49:26.20PSR J1333-4449ACIS-SNONE3.5
10:38:26.90+00:32:43.60PSR J1038+0032ACIS-SNONE3.5
16:11:51.30-58:47:42.30PSR J1611-5847ACIS-SNONE3.5
18:16:36.50-56:43:42.10PSR J1816-5643ACIS-SNONE3.5
15:48:23.30-48:21:49.70PSR J1548-4821ACIS-SNONE3.5
22:35:43.70+15:06:49.10PSR J2235+1506ACIS-SNONE3.5
17:53:35.20-19:14:58.00PSR J1753-1914ACIS-SNONE3.5
13:55:21.30-62:06:20.10PSR J1355-6206ACIS-SNONE3.5

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 13500943

Title: Spatial Structure of Overionized Plasma in Prototypical Mixed-Morphology Supernova Remnant G359.1-0.5

PI Name: Hiroya Yamaguchi

Recent X-ray observations have discovered overionized plasmas in several supernova remnants (SNRs). Since SNRs normally have underionized plasmas, this new result is dramatically changing our understanding of the dynamics and evolution of SNRs. The SNRs dominated by overionized plasmas seem to be correlated with the mixed-morphology (MM) class, suggesting that the plasma conditions are related to the other unusual properties of these SNRs. To reveal the formation processes of their morphology and overionization, we propose a high-resolution ACIS-I observation of the prototypical MM-SNR G359.1-0.5 with a 100 ks exposure. Our immediate objectives are to investigate the spatial distribution of the overionized plasma and to search for a central compact remnant associated with this SNR.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 13610541

Title: Baryons and Dark Matter in Isolated Elliptical Galaxies


The mass profiles of elliptical galaxies are important probes of galaxy formation and cosmology. Only a few elliptical galaxies have detailed mass measurements from X-rays because of the lack of suitable targets in terms of total mass (< ~10^{13} m_sun) and relaxed dynamical states appropriate for hydrostatic analysis. In previously awarded XMM and Chandra snapshot programs to search for optimal targets for X-ray studies of mass profiles on the galaxy scale, we have identified several promising isolated elliptical galaxies. We request follow-up observations with Chandra to map the detailed profiles of stars, dark matter, and hot gas in two of these galaxies which have scheduled complementary XMM observations.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
14:34:37.10-36:17:09.00IC 4451ACIS-SNONE30
22:03:27.00-34:56:31.00IC 5157ACIS-SNONE50


Proposal Number: 13610546

Title: Hot gaseous halos around superthin galaxies: testing galaxy formation models

PI Name: Zhiyuan Li

We propose to test galaxy formation models by characterizing the hot gaseous halo around a massive spiral galaxy, FGC539, with a superthin disk. Standard theoretical models predict substantial X-ray emission (L_x>10^{40} ergs/s) around present-day massive disk galaxies. This emission is a fundamental test of the theories that have successfully predicted many observed galaxy properties, but an unambiguous detection of it remains a great challenge to X-ray observations. We have selected FGC539 for its large dynamic mass and extremely quiescent morphology, well-suited for probing a symbiotic X-ray halo with minimal internal and external perturbations. We will probe the X-ray emission out to large radii (100 kpc), derive the gas density profile and measure the mean gas temperature.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 13610643

Title: X-raying the spectacular star-forming trail behind IC 3418

PI Name: Ming Sun

The ICM has long been proposed to play a vital role in galaxy evolution in clusters, through stripping of the cold gas. Studies of gaseous tails behind cluster late-type galaxies have shed light on the energy transfer in the multi-phase gas, demonstrated by the recent discoveries of X-ray tails, intracluster star formation and ULXs in the stripped gas. It is now known that star formation indeed happens commonly in the stripped ISM, but a lot of detail is still unknown. We propose a 35 ks ACIS-S observation of a dwarf galaxy with a remarkable star-forming trail in the Virgo cluster. Its proximity provides an unprecedented opportunity to study the evolution of the stripped gas, intracluster X-ray binaries and star formation. Joint HST and EVLA data observations are also requested.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
12:29:46.40+11:23:36.50IC 3418ACIS-SNONE35


Proposal Number: 13610752

Title: M51: Using the Kinematics of a Grand-Design Spiral to Understand the Physics of the Hot ISM, SNRs, and XRBs

PI Name: K.D. Kuntz

M51 is an iconic grand design spiral galaxy with a strong arm/inter-arm density contrast and a high star-formation rate, but with very little star-formation between its arms. As a result, one can age-date the hot gas and high-mass binaries produced in the arms that have moved into the inter-arm regions. We propose a 750 ks observation with ACIS-S3 to employ this technique to measure gas cooling times, search for non-radiative cooling, and constrain time scales for HMXB evolution. We also propose 10 orbits of HST WFC3 observations in [SII], which with existing HST data, will allow the first comprehensive survey of the rich population of SNR expected in M51. Given the strong density contrast, we will better characterize SNR properties as a function of environment.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 13610808

Title: A Chandra Legacy Project to Resolve the Accretion Flow of Gas Captured by a Supermassive Black Hole

PI Name: Jimmy Irwin

We propose a 1 Msec observation of the hot gas around the supermassive black hole at the center of the nearby S0 galaxy NGC3115 in order to place the first direct observational constraints on the temperature and density structure of an accretion flow inside the Bondi radius of a black hole. These temperature/density constraints will provide a critical test for competing inefficient accretion flow theories. The large angular Bondi radius of this black hole provides the *only* opportunity to perform such a test of inefficient accretion flow theory in the Chandra era and the foreseeable future. An additional benefit of this long observation is that it will also provide the deepest look of the X-ray binary population of a normal early-type galaxy to date.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 13620028

Title: Chandra follow-up of brigt off-nuclear X-ray sources in galaxies

PI Name: Jelle Kaastra

We propose to obtain short exposures of unclassified sources that are found in galaxies. The unique Chandra positional capabilities will allow for an optical follow-up study. Follow-up observations are of paramount importance for the classification of the source. The ACIS sensitivity for hard sources is best while pile-up is not a major concern for these short observations of low-flux sources.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
12:25:18.70+14:45:45.70CXO J122518.6+144545ACIS-SNONE10


Proposal Number: 13620035

Title: Black Hole X-ray Novae in M31

PI Name: Stephen Murray

During A01-12 we found sufficient numbers of Black Hole X-ray Novae (BHXN) in M31 in order to estimate orbital periods for 13, and make the first comparison to the MW BHXN orbital period distribution. We propose to continue this Chandra/HST program, concentrating our scarce HST resources on a single transient. Only uninterrupted monitoring can yield the duty cycles and long-term lightcurves of BHXN (and other variables) in M31. Our GO+GTO programs have accumulated over 600ks (ACIS+HRC) near the M31 bulge. By continuing our monitoring program we will reach >750ks on the bulge and >1Msec total Chandra M31 exposure.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 13620198

Title: Colliding Galaxies Arp 256 and NGC 5754/52

PI Name: Saul Rappaport

We propose to observe two galaxy pairs, Arp 256 and NGC 5754/52, each of which is in its initial phase of collision. These will nicely complement the diversity of collisional galaxy morphologies studied thus far with Chandra. Collisions between galaxies produce high rates of star formation, and the concomitant generation of highly luminous X-ray sources. The Chandra observations will enable us to more quantitatively probe the relation between star formation rates and the production of very luminous X-ray sources. Galex and Spitzer images are combined to generate SFR images, and also used separately as "clocks" to investigate where somewhat older stars and slightly less luminous X-ray sources form vs. where somewhat younger stars and more luminous X-ray sources form, respectively.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
00:18:50.90-10:22:36.40Arp 256ACIS-SNONE30
14:45:19.70+38:43:52.60NGC 5754ACIS-SNONE15


Proposal Number: 13620487

Title: M31*: A Resolved Low-Luminosity Accretion Flow Around a Murmuring Monster

PI Name: Michael Garcia

We propose a moderately long ACIS-S observation of the nucleus of M31 in order to measure the structure of the only Bondi flow well resolved by Chandra, to search for eclipses in point X-ray sources, and to carry out a sensitive study of the structure of the diffuse gas and x-ray binary/SNR population in the core of M31. M31* recently entered a period of enhanced activity akin to Sgr A* flares, motivating our request for EVLA and HST/UV coverage. The proximity, high mass, and low ISM gas temperature of M31* give it the largest angular Bondi radius of of any SMBH. Thus it is the premier object for studies of SMBH sub-Eddington accretion.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 13620516


PI Name: Bret Lehmer

We propose to study in detail the field LMXB populations in four nearby early-type galaxies that cover a broad range of mean stellar ages (3-10 Gyr). We will conduct deep Chandra observations of two galaxies with young and intermediate stellar ages (3-5 Gyr), and image with HST three of the four galaxies. These observations will allow for (1) the detection of >50-100 LMXBs per galaxy, (2) the separation of GC and field LMXBs, and (3) provide empirical constraints on how the field XLF depends on stellar age.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
10:48:16.90+12:37:46.30NGC 3384ACIS-SNONE93


Proposal Number: 13620679

Title: Broad-band (0.5-30 keV) X-ray imaging of starburst galaxies with Chandra and NuSTAR

PI Name: Ann Hornschemeier

We request 120 ks of ACIS imaging for monitoring of the bright accreting binary populations of NGC 253 and M82, the two nearest starburst galaxies. 700 ks of NuSTAR observations, during Chandra Cycle 13, have been approved for these galaxies. We will place basic constraints on the nature of the compact objects (black holes vs neutron stars) in bright binaries, study basic scaling of hard X-ray emission with e.g., star formation rate, monitor ULX sources and search for radio/X-ray flaring events. We will also place the best constraints to date on Inverse Compton emission from starbursts. We request 48 hours of NRAO VLBA imaging for 0.2 arcsec monitoring, allowing radio flares such as observed in the HMXB Cyg X-3 to be detected in these two galaxies.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
00:47:33.30-25:17:18.00NGC 253ACIS-INONE60


Proposal Number: 13620707

Title: Monitoring M31 for BHXNe

PI Name: Michael Garcia

During A01-12 we found ~27 Black Hole X-ray Novae (BHXNe) in M31 using Chandra, and with HST follow-up have estimated orbital periods for 12 of these. Observations are under way with HST to attempt to estimate additional periods. We propose to continue this program concentrating our HST resources on a single transient which is >1e38 erg/s or <2' from the nucleus. Only uninterrupted monitoring can yield the duty cycles and long-term light curves of BHXNe (and other variables) in M31. Our GO+GTO programs have accumulated over 375ks ACIS-I exposure on the bulge within the 3' mirror sweet spot, and total Chandra exposure on M31 is now almost 1Msec. By continuing our monitoring program through a second decade we will reach ~800ks within 3' of the bulge.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
00:42:44.40+41:16:08.30M31 BHXNACIS-INONE25


Proposal Number: 13620807

Title: Chandra HETG Ultra-deep Gratings Spectroscopy of Sgr A* (CHUGSS)

PI Name: Frederick Baganoff

We propose a 3-Msec HETG exposure to spatially and spectrally resolve the Bondi flow of Sgr A*. This would provide the first high spectral resolution data on Sgr A* and diffuse emission from the central pc of the galaxy. The spectrum will measure the energy and velocity width of the known Fe line from accreting matter within the Bondi radius. It will also detect plasma line emission (e.g., Si & S), if present at levels predicted by RIAF models. Polarization measurements suggest most of the matter crossing the Bondi radius does not reach the event horizon. Understanding the dynamics and thermal structure of this plasma will tell us how this matter flows in and how much and where some of it flows back out. This exposure will also permit extensive multiwavelength monitoring of Sgr A* flares.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
17:45:40.00-29:00:28.10Sgr A*ACIS-SHETG2680
17:45:40.00-29:00:28.10Sgr A*ACIS-SHETG160
17:45:40.00-29:00:28.10Sgr A*ACIS-SHETG40
17:45:40.00-29:00:28.10Sgr A*ACIS-SHETG40
17:45:40.00-29:00:28.10Sgr A*ACIS-SHETG40
17:45:40.00-29:00:28.10Sgr A*ACIS-SHETG40


Proposal Number: 13700012

Title: Monitoring the Jet and the LMXB population in Centaurus A

PI Name: Stephen Murray

We propose 2x5ks snapshot of the nearby galaxy Centaurus A to monitor the jet and the LMXB population for flaring or any other temporal changes. Dramatic variability has been observed in the M87 jet over the period years. We will monitor the Cen A jet for similar variations on similar timescales. The proximity of Cen A also suggests that we may see temporal changes in the jet morphology during a flare since Cen A is the only jet in which Chandra's resolution probes the radiative loss spatial scale. We will also monitor the LMXB population to search for ULXs and other bright (Lx>5E38 ergs/s) transients. Such transients give important clues about the formation and evolution of the compact binary population in early-type galaxies.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
13:25:27.60-43:01:08.80Centaurus AACIS-INONE5
13:25:27.60-43:01:08.80Centaurus AACIS-INONE5


Proposal Number: 13700013

Title: X-raying the circumnuclear matter in the Broad Line Radio Galaxy 3C445

PI Name: Claude Canizares

We propose to observe the radio galaxy 3C445 with HETG for 416 ks. The objectives are: 1) to improve the constraints on the gas density of the soft X-ray emission lines component by measuring the line ratios of the He-like triplets in the HETG band; 2) to confirm or exclude the presence of a high velocity outflow in this source by modeling the 2-8 keV continuum and Fe K band features.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 13700021

Title: A Large, Economical Snapshot Survey of the Most-Luminous Quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

PI Name: Gordon Garmire

We propose to obtain Chandra ACIS-S snapshot exposures of 66 of the most optically luminous quasars found in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7 quasar catalog. Observations of these targets will substantially enlarge the sample of the most-luminous SDSS quasars having complete, sensitive X-ray coverage. Our targets represent the rapid growth phases of the most-massive black holes in the Universe, and these observations will provide the best statistical constraints to date upon the X-ray accretion emission from such growing black holes. They will break luminosity-redshift degeneracies in X-ray vs. optical/UV studies, identify remarkable new objects that provide insight into quasar physics, and reveal the best objects for follow-up X-ray spectroscopy.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
07:45:21.80+47:34:36.10SDSS J0745+4734ACIS-SNONE1.5
12:00:06.20+31:26:30.80SDSS J1200+3126ACIS-SNONE1.5
16:08:43.90+07:15:08.60SDSS J1608+0715ACIS-SNONE1.5
16:04:41.50+16:45:38.30SDSS J1604+1645ACIS-SNONE1.5
10:27:14.80+35:43:17.40SDSS J1027+3543ACIS-SNONE1.5
10:19:56.60+27:44:01.70SDSS J1019+2744ACIS-SNONE1.5
15:38:30.50+08:55:17.00SDSS J1538+0855ACIS-SNONE1.5
16:39:09.10+28:24:47.10SDSS J1639+2824ACIS-SNONE1.5
11:50:23.60+28:19:07.40SDSS J1150+2819ACIS-SNONE1.5
11:59:54.30+20:19:21.10SDSS J1159+2019ACIS-SNONE1.5
12:18:43.40+15:36:17.20SDSS J1218+1536ACIS-SNONE1.5
12:25:27.40+22:35:12.90SDSS J1225+2235ACIS-SNONE1.5
21:05:24.50+00:04:07.30SDSS J2105+0004ACIS-SNONE1.5
11:11:19.10+13:36:03.90SDSS J1111+1336ACIS-SNONE1.5
11:43:08.90+34:52:22.20SDSS J1143+3452ACIS-SNONE1.5
11:59:06.50+13:37:37.70SDSS J1159+1337ACIS-SNONE1.5
12:01:47.90+12:06:30.20SDSS J1201+1206ACIS-SNONE1.5
09:47:34.20+14:21:16.90SDSS J0947+1421ACIS-SNONE1.5
10:34:19.70+19:12:22.10SDSS J1034+1912ACIS-SNONE1.5
10:34:51.40+23:34:35.30SDSS J1034+2334ACIS-SNONE1.5
15:09:23.40+24:32:43.30SDSS J1509+2432ACIS-SNONE1.5
15:43:29.50+33:59:08.70SDSS J1543+3359ACIS-SNONE1.5
01:24:12.50-01:00:49.80SDSS J0124-0100ACIS-SNONE1.5
15:54:26.20+19:37:03.00SDSS J1554+1937ACIS-SNONE1.5
08:26:38.60+51:52:33.20SDSS J0826+5152ACIS-SNONE1.5
01:40:49.20-08:39:42.50SDSS J0140-0839ACIS-SNONE1.5
14:42:50.10+09:20:01.50SDSS J1442+0920ACIS-SNONE1.5
12:49:57.20-01:59:28.80SDSS J1249-0159ACIS-SNONE1.5
09:04:23.40+13:09:20.70SDSS J0904+1309ACIS-SNONE1.5
15:32:01.60+37:00:02.40SDSS J1532+3700ACIS-SNONE1.5
11:48:51.50+23:13:40.40SDSS J1148+2313ACIS-SNONE1.5
09:49:32.30+03:35:31.70SDSS J0949+0335ACIS-SNONE1.5
11:11:20.60+24:37:40.80SDSS J1111+2437ACIS-SNONE1.5
13:19:27.60+44:56:56.50SDSS J1319+4456ACIS-SNONE1.5
15:13:52.50+08:55:55.70SDSS J1513+0855ACIS-SNONE1.5
12:46:37.10+26:25:00.20SDSS J1246+2625ACIS-SNONE1.5
11:53:01.60+21:51:17.40SDSS J1153+2151ACIS-SNONE1.5
12:01:44.40+01:16:11.60SDSS J1201+0116ACIS-SNONE1.5
07:37:33.00+39:20:37.40SDSS J0737+3920ACIS-SNONE1.5
08:41:06.80+03:12:06.80SDSS J0841+0312ACIS-SNONE1.5
14:54:08.90+51:14:43.70SDSS J1454+5114ACIS-SNONE1.5
03:03:41.00-00:23:21.90SDSS J0303-0023ACIS-SNONE1.5
15:03:32.20+36:41:18.00SDSS J1503+3641ACIS-SNONE1.5
10:32:49.90+05:41:18.30SDSS J1032+0541ACIS-SNONE1.5
12:33:55.50+29:07:49.00SDSS J1233+2907ACIS-SNONE1.5
08:48:46.10+61:12:34.60SDSS J0848+6112ACIS-SNONE1.5
09:58:52.20+12:02:45.00SDSS J0958+1202ACIS-SNONE1.5
10:57:14.80+44:03:23.80SDSS J1057+4403ACIS-SNONE1.5
08:38:39.20+28:58:52.70SDSS J0838+2858ACIS-SNONE1.5
16:54:36.80+22:27:33.70SDSS J1654+2227ACIS-SNONE1.5
23:03:01.50-09:39:30.70SDSS J2303-0939ACIS-SNONE1.5
14:13:21.10+09:22:04.80SDSS J1413+0922ACIS-SNONE1.5
14:22:43.00+44:17:21.20SDSS J1422+4417ACIS-SNONE1.5
14:35:00.50+53:59:53.70SDSS J1435+5359ACIS-SNONE1.5
15:58:10.20-00:31:20.00SDSS J1558-0031ACIS-SNONE1.5
14:57:17.80+02:47:47.40SDSS J1457+0247ACIS-SNONE1.5
11:54:39.90+18:48:30.30SDSS J1154+1848ACIS-SNONE1.5
09:01:02.90+35:49:28.50SDSS J0901+3549ACIS-SNONE1.5
12:10:27.60+17:41:08.90SDSS J1210+1741ACIS-SNONE1.5
13:19:14.20+52:02:00.10SDSS J1319+5202ACIS-SNONE1.5
11:43:58.50+05:24:44.90SDSS J1143+0524ACIS-SNONE1.5
14:37:48.30-01:47:10.70SDSS J1437-0147ACIS-SNONE1.5
12:20:00.80+25:42:30.70SDSS J1220+2542ACIS-SNONE1.5
10:37:30.30+21:35:31.30SDSS J1037+2135ACIS-SNONE1.5
15:24:36.10+21:23:09.10SDSS J1524+2123ACIS-SNONE1.5


Proposal Number: 13700050

Title: PKS2155-152: Measuring the mechanical energy of radiatively bright AGN

PI Name: Stephen Murray

This 20 ks observation of PKS2155-152 will be used with the existing 9 ks observation and a deep potential observation to characterize the surrounding hot atmosphere and cavities. PKS2155-152 may be near the end of its radiative "quasar" phase, but currently still near its Eddington luminosity, but surrounded by a hot gas atmosphere. We will determine the mechanical energy of the AGN outburst required to produce the X-ray cavities and compare this with the radiative luminosity.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 13700129

Title: The Radio--X-ray--BH-Mass Plane for the Smallest Supermassive Black Holes

PI Name: Kayhan Gultekin

The fundamental plane relates the X-ray luminosity, radio luminosity, and mass of accreting BHs and demonstrates an intimate connection between BH inflow and outflow. Existing data are mostly from SMBHs with Mbh > 10^7. It is not clear whether the plane holds below this. Small SMBHs are critical to our understanding of BH formation and growth as well as feedback in the early Universe. We propose to survey all known BHs with mass estimates Mbh < 10^6.2 that have no CXO or XMM observations, but have VLA FIRST radio detections. With modest CXO exposures and new EVLA observations of these 7 sources plus 4 archival sources, we can test the robustness of the plan at low-mass and whether accretion properties scale from stellar BHs thus testing how BH feedback scales with mass and accretion rate.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
09:14:49.00+08:53:21.10SDSS J091449.05+085321.1ACIS-SNONE15
10:12:46.60+06:16:04.70SDSS J101246.59+061604.7ACIS-SNONE15
12:16:29.10+60:18:23.50SDSS J121629.13+601823.5ACIS-SNONE26
13:24:28.20+04:46:29.60SDSS J132428.24+044629.6ACIS-SNONE15
14:08:29.30+56:28:23.50SDSS J140829.26+562823.5ACIS-SNONE15
13:16:59.40+03:53:19.80SDSS J131659.37+035319.8ACIS-SNONE15


Proposal Number: 13700137

Title: Kinematics of the outflow in Mrk 509: Completing the puzzle

PI Name: Jelle Kaastra

We propose to observe the Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 509 with Chandra HETGS for 280 ks in order to accurately determine the kinematics of the ionized outflow and investigate the properties of the most highly ionized gas. This observation will allow us to study the -800km/s component of the outflow. Combining this with the current information on the location, ionization structure and kinematics of the other components, for the first time we will be able to obtain a two-dimensional picture of the outflow. In addition accurate column densities of Mg XI, Mg XII, Si XIII and Si XIV will allow us to obtain relative abundances of these elements.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
20:44:09.80-10:43:24.40Mrk 509ACIS-SHETG280


Proposal Number: 13700148


PI Name: Shin Mineshige

We propose Chandra observations of the gravitationally lensed quasar Q2237+0305 during a microlensing event to reveal its AU scale central structure. The quasar being monitored from the ground regularly to ascertain the onset of the event. As it occurs, we will measure X-ray spectral variations with Chandra and compare with those taken before and after the event. Since a small region of the quasar accretion disk is strongly magnified during the event, we will be able to limit the mass contained on scales of several AUs and to probe the physical properties of X-ray emitting gas in the vicinity of the black hole. Together with ground-based telescope, we can resolve the quasar emission regions at multiple wavelength. This provides a critical test of quasar accretion disk theories.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
22:40:30.30+03:21:31.00Q2237+0305 (Einstein Cross)ACIS-SNONE100


Proposal Number: 13700151

Title: AGN triggering caught in the act: a triplet of nuclei in the merging system NGC3341

PI Name: Stefano Bianchi

We propose to observe NGC3341 with Chandra ACIS-S for 50ks in order to determine the AGN activity of the three nuclei of this disturbed system. Given the uniqueness of this close (<10 kpc) merging system, any outcome of this experiment will provide exciting results: if all the three nuclei turn out to be active, NGC3341 will become the only known example of a triple AGN system, with important consequences on our knowledge of the formation of SMBHs and large structures; if two nuclei are AGN, this galaxy would host one of the handful of bona-fide dual AGN; finally, if only the offset B nucleus is confirmed to be active, NGC3341 would be the first galaxy to host an AGN not in its center, implying a substantial revision of the current paradigms of AGN triggering.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 13700190

Title: Extending the Chandra 3C Snapshot Survey: Radio Galaxies with 0.3
PI Name: Francesco Massaro

In the past decade many 3C sources have been observed by Chandra and in particular, during AO9 and AO12, we successfully carried out a Chandra snapshot survey of all unobserved 3CR sources with z<0.3. The results confirm our expectations and this proposal requests an extension to higher redshift: to obtain a 12ks exposure for each of 20 previously unobserved by Chandra, 3C radio galaxies with redshifts between 0.3 and 0.5. This will yield detections of new jets, hotspots, and nuclei; the later relevant to evaluate the AGN unified models. The observations will also provide a versatile, complete, and uniform database that will be a valuable resource for the astronomical community, and since it is designed as a `legacy' program, we waive proprietary rights.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 13700194


PI Name: Richard Mushotzky

One of the fundamental questions of AGN is why a given source is active while another in a superficially similar galaxy is not. Our recent survey of nearby hard X-ray selected AGN has found a high rate of mergers (30%) compared to optically selected AGN (2%). At least 18% (10/58) of these systems have multiple X-ray AGN, many of which can only be detected with the resolution of Chandra (e.g. NGC 6240 and Mrk 463 which are in our sample). We propose to observe AGN in mergers with multiple nuclei within 15", which can only be detected with the resolution of Chandra. This data, along with our sample observed last year, will determine the incidence of multiple accreting nuclei in the low redshift Universe for the first time.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
01:14:22.50-55:23:55.40NGC 454ACIS-SNONE5
12:52:12.50-13:24:53.00NGC 4748ACIS-SNONE5
01:29:51.20-42:19:35.30ESO 244-IG 030ACIS-SNONE10
11:14:02.70+20:23:19.00NGC 3588ACIS-SNONE11
11:26:48.50+35:15:03.10Mrk 423ACIS-SNONE17
04:23:40.80+04:08:01.802MASX J04234080+0408017ACIS-SNONE20
01:13:51.00+13:16:18.20Mrk 975ACIS-SNONE20
01:13:50.10-14:50:44.10Mrk 1152ACIS-SNONE20
16:31:15.50+23:52:57.502MASX J16311554+2352577ACIS-SNONE20
11:15:19.60+54:23:14.00MCG +09-19-015ACIS-SNONE20
17:08:59.10+21:53:08.102MASX J17085915+2153082ACIS-SNONE20
20:06:57.70-34:32:58.00ESO 399-20ACIS-SNONE10
01:00:35.00-47:52:03.50ESO 195-IG 021 NED03ACIS-SNONE20


Proposal Number: 13700277

Title: ToO Observations of a New TeV Blazar Detected by VERITAS

PI Name: Markus Boettcher

We propose a 40 ksec ACIS-S ToO observation of a new TeV gamma-ray blazar detected in a flaring state at very-high-energy (VHE) gamma-rays by VERITAS. The proposed Chandra observations will be coordinated with ground-based radio, infrared, optical and VHE gamma-ray observations, and combined with simultaneous MeV - GeV gamma-ray data from Fermi. Chandra observations are needed for a detailed spectral and timing analysis, in order to pin down the continuum spectral shape and spectral variability on time scales of a few hours. This is crucial to put stringent constraints on gamma-ray emission models of blazars as well as the intensity, spectrum, and cosmological evolution of the extragalactic background light.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
New TeV BlazarACIS-SNONE40


Proposal Number: 13700282

Title: Quasar jet knots: an under-exploited tool for jet physics

PI Name: Diana Worrall

B0800+608 is a superb example of a long quasar jet with well resolved knots that wiggle within a straight envelope. The proposed observation is designed to detect knot X-rays that we will model to probe emission mechanisms and jet mechanical power. Unique among quasar observations, this will explore the exploitation of radio/X-ray lateral knot offsets to test the most commonly adopted model for quasar jets, with its extreme physical implications, and the origin of knots. We will also search for unusual features in an X-ray emitting atmosphere that may be responsible for the dramatic and unusual disruption of the counterjet into a swirl with no observable radio hotspot.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 13700286

Title: The Environmental Impact of the High-redshift (1.532) Radio-Loud Quasars 3C270.1

PI Name: Belinda Wilkes

Spatially-resolved X-ray observations of high-redshift, radio-loud quasars probe the interaction between the active nucleus and its surrounding medium at early times. Short (10 ksec) Chandra observations of 3C 270.1 (z=1.532) show faint X-ray emission associated with one or both of the southern hotspots and with a bend in the northern counter-jet. Additional diffuse X-rays are unassociated with any currently observed radio structure. We request deeper X-ray and EVLA observations to explore the origin of the intriguing diffuse emission, which may be associated with a cluster of galaxies around this source, and investigate the relations between the radio structure and the associated X-rays suggested in our preliminary analysis.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
12:20:34.00+33:43:11.503C 270.1ACIS-SNONE100


Proposal Number: 13700329

Title: Resolving the Compton-thick quasar IRAS F15307+3252 and its growing host cluster

PI Name: Julie Hlavacek-Larrondo

We propose to image the distant z=0.93 hyperluminous infrared galaxy IRAS F15307+3252, which is one of the very few Compton-thick quasars amenable to detailed study with Chandra. XMM-Newton revealed the presence of a prodigious Iron line and diffuse emission around this source. With 100 ks ACIS observations, we will measure the spectrum of the Compton-thick AGN resolved from its host cluster and will model the cluster gas physical parameters, including a first determination of the temperature change with radius. We will also search for X-ray counterparts to complex optical structures related to feedback and interactions within the assembling cluster environment. IRAS F15307+3252 represents a unique opportunity for detailed study of structure growth and feedback in the distant universe.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
15:32:44.00+32:42:47.00IRAS F15307+3252ACIS-SNONE100


Proposal Number: 13700361

Title: Exploratory X-ray Monitoring of z>4 Radio-Quiet Quasars

PI Name: Ohad Shemmer

We propose to continue our exploratory X-ray monitoring project of some of the most distant radio-quiet quasars by obtaining one snapshot observation per Cycle for each of four sources at z>4. Combining these observations with three archival X-ray epochs per source will provide basic temporal information over rest-frame timescales of ~2-4 yr. We are supporting this project with Swift monitoring of luminous radio-quiet quasars at z=1.3-2.7 to break the L-z degeneracy. Ultimately, our monitoring project will serve as the benchmark for X-ray variability studies of quasars at the dawn of the modern universe. Our prime goal is to test claims that quasars were more X-ray variable in the early universe with implications for evolution scenarios of the central engine in active galactic nuclei.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
09:26:36.30+30:55:04.90PSS 0926+3055ACIS-SNONE15
13:26:11.80+07:43:57.50PSS 1326+0743ACIS-SNONE15
00:03:22.90-26:03:16.80Q 0000-263ACIS-SNONE30
03:53:46.90-10:25:19.00BR 0351-1034ACIS-SNONE30


Proposal Number: 13700372

Title: Exploring the X-ray - TeV connection in BL Lacs on short timescales

PI Name: Sarah Kaufmann

We propose to perform one ToO for a full night (30 ks) of simultaneous observation with Chandra and H.E.S.S., on a flaring TeV blazar with flux high enough to constrain both spectra on hour timescales or less. Our goal is to investigate with unprecedented detail the intra-night and sub-hour variability in TeV blazars, as strikingly revealed by recent H.E.S.S. observations on PKS 2155-304 (few minutes flux doubling timescales). The aim is to shed light on the origin of the gamma-ray emission and on the relation between X-ray and gamma-ray emissions.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
flaring TeV BLLacACIS-SNONE30


Proposal Number: 13700455

Title: X-ray monitoring of Sgr A* during outburst

PI Name: Gabriele Ponti

We propose to trigger a monitoring campaign of several 30 ks HETG observations, if the super-massive black hole, Sgr A*, reaches a luminosity of at least 10^37 erg s-1. In these conditions Sgr A* will be the brightest AGN in the sky. This study will open new avenues in our knowledge of accretion onto BH.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
17:45:40.00-29:00:28.00Sgr A*HRC-INONE1
17:45:40.00-29:00:28.00Sgr A*ACIS-SHETG270


Proposal Number: 13700465

Title: X-ray imaging hot outflow in ULIRG IRAS F00183-7111

PI Name: Kazushi Iwasawa

We propose a 25 ks ACIS observation of IRAS F00183-7111 at z=0.327 to image soft X-ray emission associated with fast outflow, possibly driven by a heavily obscured AGN hosted in the ultra-luminous infrared galaxy with Lir = 0.9e13 Lsun. The expected extension is about 5-10 arcsec to the east of the nucleus an will be well resolved at the spatial resolution of Chandra.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
00:20:34.70-70:55:26.70IRAS F00183-7111ACIS-SNONE25


Proposal Number: 13700502

Title: High Spectral and Spatial Resolution Chandra Spectroscopy of NGC 1365

PI Name: James Reeves

NGC 1365 is an obscured Seyfert, well known for its variable X-ray obscuration. The column density varies on timescales of days, placing the X-ray absorber on the scale of the inner BLR. It also exhibits a highly ionized outflow, from a putative disk wind. We propose a 200ks Chandra HETG observation of NGC 1365. The goals are to: (i) obtain the first high resolution spectrum of the highly ionized outflow in NGC 1365, directly resolving the widths of the Fe K absorption lines or (ii) obtain the first grating spectrum in its Compton-thick state, (iii) monitor for rapid variability of the X-ray absorber and (iv) use the unique high spectral and spatial resolution of the Chandra/HETG to distinguish between the photoionized and collisionally ionized circumnuclear matter around NGC 1365.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
03:33:36.40-36:08:25.00NGC 1365ACIS-SHETG200


Proposal Number: 13700519

Title: Dawn of a quasar: the exceptional variability of IRAS 00397-1312

PI Name: Guido Risaliti

We propose a Chandra monitoring of four 15 ks observations of IRAS 00397-1312, the most luminous source in the 1 Jy ULIRG sample (L_IR~10^13 Lsun), which revealed a spectacular change in its observed X-ray emission: only a weak, soft emission was detected in a Chandra observation of June 2010, consistent with the starburst emission estimated from mid-IR spectroscopy, while a subsequent Suzaku observation in Dec 2010 revealed the direct emission of a quasar with a 300 times higher 2-10 keV luminosity (2x10^44 erg/s). This suggests that we are catching this extreme object in the key evolutionary phase when the quasar is cleaning out its way through the circumnuclear gas. A few new short X-ray observations spread across several months will be enough to constrain these physical scenarios.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
00:42:15.50-12:56:03.00IRAS 00397-1312ACIS-SNONE60


Proposal Number: 13700531

Title: Inverse-Compton Emission from the Lobes of Powerful High-Redshift Radio Galaxies

PI Name: Dharam Lal

Analysis of the radio synchrotron and X-ray inverse-Compton (IC) emission from powerful radio-loud AGNs allows us to determine their particle acceleration processes and electron energy spectra. We propose new Chandra observations of three bright FRII radio galaxies at z > 2.35, which will detect IC emission from the radio lobes and thermal emission, if any, from the hot phase of the ambient medium. Combining the X-ray observations with archival multi-frequency radio, VLA/GMRT observations, we will not only put constraints on the densities of the electrons emitting via synchrotron radiation in the radio and IC emission in the X-ray, but also understand the interplay between the ambient medium and the radio galaxy, and describe the properties of the particle energy spectrum in the lobe.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
19:08:23.40+72:20:04.904C +72.26ACIS-SNONE50


Proposal Number: 13700563

Title: Probing the Early Evolution of Galaxies and Massive Black Holes With Nearby Star-Forming Dwarfs

PI Name: Amy Reines

Supermassive black holes inhabit essentially all galaxies with bulges, yet the birth and growth of the first high-z black holes is poorly constrained. Reines et al. (2011) have recently discovered a low-luminosity AGN (LLAGN) in the bulgeless dwarf starburst galaxy Henize 2-10, offering the first opportunity to study a growing black hole in a nearby galaxy much like those in the earlier universe. Our proposal aims to determine if LLAGN are common in galaxies like Henize 2-10, and to characterize the properties of these local analogues of primordial black hole growth. Using Chandra and the EVLA, we will probe the first radio-selected sample of star-forming blue compact dwarfs for LLAGN, with immediate implications for our understanding of the early stages of galaxy and black hole evolution.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
10:45:22.40+55:57:37.00Haro 3ACIS-SNONE18
12:45:17.10+27:07:32.00Haro 9ACIS-SNONE17
09:49:18.00+16:52:46.00Mrk 709ACIS-SNONE21
14:50:56.50+35:34:18.00II Zw 70ACIS-SNONE30


Proposal Number: 13700570

Title: Probing the High End of the Quasar Black Hole Mass Function

PI Name: Monica Young

High-mass (M > 10^9.5 solar masses) supermassive black holes accreting at rates significantly below Eddington (L/L_Edd < 3%) offer a glimpse of the final stage of black hole growth and evolution. Characterizing the X-ray properties of such a sample will probe the accretion structure under the extreme conditions found on the high end of the quasar black hole mass function. We propose Chandra observations of 7 quasars at z~0.5-1 in order to measure their X-ray flux, spectral shape, and intrinsic absorption. These measurements will constrain two key correlations between X-ray properties and accretion rate and provide insight into changes in the accretion disk/corona structure at low accretion rates.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
08:56:05.80+45:05:20.00SDSS J085605.83+450520.0ACIS-SNONE10.6
08:01:37.10+13:40:22.80SDSS J080137.06+134022.7ACIS-SNONE13.3
07:59:52.60+14:13:59.00SDSS J075952.64+141358.9ACIS-SNONE4.7
12:32:53.00+36:43:59.20SDSS J123253.03+364359.1ACIS-SNONE16.2
11:47:02.50+16:25:34.60SDSS J114702.51+162534.5ACIS-SNONE13.8
12:32:48.30+13:49:45.20SDSS J123248.32+134945.1ACIS-SNONE4.6
12:10:55.40+51:12:54.80SDSS J121055.44+511254.7ACIS-SNONE14.2


Proposal Number: 13700578

Title: Try Again to Locate the Site of TeV Flaring in M87

PI Name: Daniel Harris

From observational data from VERITAS, HESS, and MAGIC, it appears that there are TeV high states for M87 which can last a few weeks and provide many nightly detections at a level significantly higher than the quiet state . Because we model the TeV emission as IC scattering by the same electrons responsible for X-ray synchrotron emission, we expect that TeV variability will be mirrored in the UV and X-rays. To determine the location of TeV emission and to obtain quasi simultaneous photometry to refine sync/IC calculations, we request a Chandra ToO program on M87 to be triggered by the TeV high state condition. We request a maximum of 90 ks, divided into 5ks observations so as to construct a lightcurve for comparison with those obtained by the Cherenkov observatories.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 13700587

Title: Quasar Feedback in Action: The Wide-Angle Wind of Mrk 231

PI Name: Sylvain Veilleux

In recent months, our group has discovered a ~1000-km/s outflow in the nearest post-merger quasar Mrk 231 with mass outflow rate about 3x the star formation rate. This outflow extends over several kpc and is wide-angle, thus driven by a QSO wind rather than a jet. This powerful outflow may be the long-sought "smoking gun" of quasar mechanical feedback purported to transform gas-rich mergers into red and dead galaxies. We propose a 400-ksec ACIS-S observation of Mrk 231 to permit 2D spectral mapping of this QSO wind in the X-rays. The obscuring material in Mrk 231 will act as a natural coronagraph to help us study the faint X-ray nebula around the quasar. These data will also be used to monitor the central energy source and constrain the location of the obscuring / scattering material.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
12:56:14.20+56:52:25.00Mrk 231ACIS-SNONE400


Proposal Number: 13700603

Title: Identifying Analogs of NGC 6240: Galaxies with Dual Supermassive Black Holes

PI Name: Julia Comerford

We request a combination of ACIS-S (200 ks total) and HST/WFC3 (10 orbits total) observations of 10 galaxies that ground-based observations indicate likely host two kpc-scale separation AGN, known as "dual AGN". Each target has double-peaked, spatially offset AGN emission lines suggestive of dual AGN, but ACIS-S detections of two X-ray point sources would be definitive proof of dual AGN. Complementary WFC3 imaging of the host galaxies would reveal details of the galaxy mergers that produce dual AGN. Combined, the ACIS-S and WFC3 observations would establish a powerful new technique for identifying large numbers of dual AGN with ground-based observations, and have important implications for understanding galaxy evolution, black hole growth, and the parent population of LISA sources.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
08:41:35.10+01:01:56.30SDSS J084135.09+010156.3ACIS-SNONE20
13:56:46.10+10:26:09.10SDSS J135646.11+102609.1ACIS-SNONE20
09:52:07.60+25:52:57.20SDSS J095207.62+255257.2ACIS-SNONE20
12:39:15.40+53:14:14.60SDSS J123915.40+531414.6ACIS-SNONE20
11:26:59.50+29:44:42.80SDSS J112659.54+294442.8ACIS-SNONE20
08:54:16.80+50:26:32.00SDSS J085416.76+502632.0ACIS-SNONE20
10:06:54.20+46:47:17.20SDSS J100654.20+464717.2ACIS-SNONE20
13:22:31.90+26:31:59.10SDSS J132231.86+263159.1ACIS-SNONE20
14:48:04.20+18:25:37.90SDSS J144804.17+182537.9ACIS-SNONE20
01:42:09.00-00:50:50.00SDSS J014209.01-005050.0ACIS-SNONE20


Proposal Number: 13700620

Title: Variability and particle acceleration in the jet of Pictor A

PI Name: Martin Hardcastle

Pictor A is one of the closest FRII radio galaxies and one of a very few to show a continuous, bright, 100-kpc-scale X-ray jet. It is a key object for our understanding of powerful jets in general, and is of particular importance because of the jet variability seen in our existing observations. Regions of the jet at distances of tens of kpc have varied in the X-ray on a timescale of years, meaning that X-rays can come from very compact sub-regions of the jet, with strong implications for the location and nature of particle acceleration. This MCOP will pin down the timescales, location and spectral properties of the flaring regions in the jet; the data taken for this purpose will facilitate many other important scientific projects and will have high legacy value.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
05:19:44.00-45:46:32.00Pictor A JetACIS-SNONE300


Proposal Number: 13700705

Title: Energy Dependent Microlensing in X-rays

PI Name: Xinyu Dai

We will use microlensing, where the stars in the lens galaxy magnify the accretion disk of a gravitationally lensed quasar, to improve estimates of the size of X-ray emission regions as a function of energy. While we have clearly detected energy-dependent microlensing, precision results require constraining the overall structure of the microlensing magnification patterns on the longer time scales (years) over which they vary. We focus on extending by two epochs the light curves of two ``active'' systems, RXJ1131-1231 and Q2237+0305, that show energy-dependent X-ray microlensing using integration times long enough to measure X-ray fluxes in 3 energy bands. These observations can only be done with Chandra because future X-ray observatories will lack the necessary angular resolution.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 13700713

Title: Keeping Tabs on the Unique Jet in M87

PI Name: Daniel Harris

We request 2 observations of the M87 jet at 5 ks each. The first should be in 2011Dec (the beginning of the "TeV M87 Season") and the second in 2012 March (halfway through the season). There are two reasons for this modest proposal. The first is that if our M87 ToO (proposal # 13700578) is triggered, we can understand the results much better if we have some idea as to the intensity of each component in the jet before the onset of TeV flaring. The other reason is to ascertain if the nucleus, the highly variable knot HST-1, or knot D (known to be variable in the optical) have increased substantially since the last time we obtained Chandra data (2010 April). If we were to find a substantial change, a DDT request would be instigated.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 13700757

Title: The Most Accessible Quasar Feeding and Feedback Laboratory

PI Name: Kevin Schawinski

Less than 200,000 years ago, the nearby (z=0.05) galaxy IC 2497 hosted a powerful L_bol ~1E46 erg/s quasar, the nearest to us. The giant ionization nebula known as Hanny's Voorwerp preserves the light echo of the now dormant quasar's prior energy output. The rapid shutdown of the optically bright quasar in IC 2497 provides the first observed case of the shutdown of a quasar and raises a number of questions regarding the present day accretion state of the black hole. Circumstantial evidence points to a switch in accretion state to a radiatively inefficient state as is routinely see in Galactic X-ray binaries. We propose to use Chandra to search for evidence of a kinetic outflow driven by the present day, optically dull low-luminosity AGN in IC 2497.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
09:41:04.10+34:43:57.70IC 2497ACIS-SNONE114


Proposal Number: 13700784


PI Name: Daniel Evans

We propose a 350-ks Chandra/HETG observation of the prototypical massive late-type galaxy NGC 3393, in order to (1) map the kinematics of the NLR, and (2) directly measure the mass outflow rate from the AGN. We will use extract, compare, and model the photoionized emission-line spectra at multiple off-nuclear points along the NLR and ENLR, constructing a picture of how the AGN imparts its energy into its environment. We will also use a novel technique to map the velocity field of the kpc-scale gas, directly constraining the spatial extent and impact of any AGN outflow. Our observations will provide the key test of whether or not outflows in such late-type galaxies expel significant quantities of material during their hosts' transition from the blue cloud to the red sequence.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
10:48:23.50-25:09:43.50NGC 3393ACIS-SHETG350


Proposal Number: 13700801

Title: Black Holes at the Centers of Nearby Dwarf Galaxies

PI Name: Edward Moran

As part of a search for intermediate-mass black holes in the local universe, we have assembled a sample of 27 AGNs in dwarf galaxies with absolute magnitudes as faint as -15.5 and stellar masses as low as 4e8 M_sun. Collectively, these are the least massive galaxies known to contain central black holes. Surprisingly, 25 of the objects are narrow-line (type 2) AGNs. As such, they are important in the context of theoretical work, which suggests that at low luminosites AGNs may lack obscuring tori and/or classical broad-line regions. X-ray data will indicate directly whether the AGNs are obscured. The data will also afford measurements of their high-energy luminosities, which will anchor their spectral energy distributions and provide constraints on their black-hole masses.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 13700866


PI Name: Greg Madejski

We propose for two 10 ks ToO Chandra observations of blazars (or any other high latitude sources) undergoing an exceptional flare in the Fermi gamma-ray band. We intend to use Chandra only if observations with other facilities such as Suzaku or Swift are not sufficiently sensitive, or cannot reach the source because of the Solar angle or scheduling constraints. The positional information will be crucial in securing source identification, and resulting X-ray spectrum (and possibly variability) information will be indispensable to determine the emission mechanisms, and by extension, allow inferences about the structure of the sub-parsec jet, and connection of the jet to the accretion disk and the supermassive black hole.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
Fermi-triggered ToO No. 2ACIS-SNONE10


Proposal Number: 13700868

Title: Investigating the Coeval Growth of SMBHs and Galaxies in a z = 2.23 Overdense Region

PI Name: Bret Lehmer

We propose to conduct a 100 ks observation of the 2QZClus1004+00 region, a rich H-alpha selected overdensity at z = 2.23 that is located between a highly-clustered group of four quasars (within a 14' X 14' region) selected for the 2dF survey. Using this sample and an identically-selected sample of z = 2.23 H-alpha emitters found over the ~1 deg^2 Chandra COSMOS region, we will investigate how the concurrent growth of galaxies and their SMBHs depend on environment.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 13700874

Title: Chandra observations of the faintest hard X-ray sources in the SIX survey

PI Name: Eugenio Bottacini

We propose 5 ksec Chandra observations of each of the 20 AGN missing the NH-measurement and detected in the joined Swift-INTEGRAL hard X-ray (SIX) survey, obtained merging the Swift/BAT and the INTEGRAL-ISGRI surveys. The SIX survey is the deepest hard X-ray survey to date. It samples fluxes of the order ~10^-12 erg cm^-2 s^-1 above 15 keV and it detects 130 sources within 6200 deg^2 sky area. Chandra observations are required to unveil the nature of this unique sample of sources. The sources are likely highly absorbed. Chandra will allow to pin-point the optical counterpart of the high energy source with a very good precision together with accurate luminosity and NH determination.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 13800006

Title: XMM-XXL Follow-up

PI Name: Stephen Murray

XMM-XXL survey will cover 20 square degrees in two selected areas. Chandra follow-up observations of selected clusters identified with XMM will help to separate AGN emission from the cluster emission to improve estimates of cluster properties, especially the temperature and mass.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 13800010

Title: Characterizing the Most Massive Clusters in the Local Universe

PI Name: Stephen Murray

The Planck ESZ sample of clusters of galaxies is arguably the most complete sample of the most massive clusters in the low redshift (z<0.5) Universe. We propose observations of the 81 Planck clusters with S/N > 6, which have not been adequately observed with Chandra. For 54 of these, only X-ray observations from the ROSAT All Sky Survey (RASS) are available. The high angular resolution images will measure the cluster morphology, allowing the identification of merging systems and cool core clusters. From these observations, we will obtain hydrostatic masses for relaxed clusters, as well as mass proxies, including gas mass, gas temperature and Y_x. These will be used to produce the most accurate cluster mass function in the low redshift Universe for massive clusters.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 13800025

Title: Assembling a Large Sample of Fossil Groups

PI Name: Gordon Garmire

We propose GTO observations of 5 fossil group (FG) candidates. These targets have been identified from the maxBCG optical cluster survey by selecting groups with extremely luminous and dominant brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs). These observations will confirm the presence of a cluster-scale gravitational potential and provide an estimate of the ICM temperature; when combined with our previous sample of 11 FGs from Cycle 10 and 4 proposed in GO this round, they will represent the largest X-ray sample of bona-fide fossil groups. Follow-up ground-based spectroscopy and deep X-ray observations of the sample will allow comparison of scaling relations to those of normal groups and clusters, and help to unravel the origin of these puzzling systems.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
08:28:06.60+26:54:42.60SDSS J0828+2654ACIS-SNONE10
11:20:57.40+50:22:19.00SDSS J1120+5022ACIS-SNONE10
11:57:53.30+67:38:01.30SDSS J1157+6738ACIS-SNONE15
12:27:09.80+68:03:56.60SDSS J1227+6803ACIS-SNONE15
09:07:43.60+10:56:50.50SDSS J0907+1056ACIS-SNONE20


Proposal Number: 13800037

Title: Measureing the properties of high redshift clusters

PI Name: Stephen Murray

This 40 ks observation of MS1006.0+1202 a moderate redshift (z=0.22), luminous (Lx=7 10e44 ergs/s) cluster will be used with the existing observation to better define its structure. Along with these data and a deeper proposed observation, we will determine if the present structure arises from a merger or an extremely energetic AGN outburst.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 13800042

Title: The outskirts of Abell 133

PI Name: Stephen Murray

We propose to study the distribution of baryons in the outskirts of Abell 133 by cross-correlating the Chandra X-ray image with the deep optical images obtained with Magellan/IMACs. We will search for the X-ray signature of the stellar material associated with the cluster galaxies, signs of enrichment on the cluster ICM by galaxies, and for condensation of the hot intracluster gas in the galaxies potential wells.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 13800049

Title: 4C73.18: Catching a black hole as it transitions from very bright to very dim

PI Name: Stephen Murray

This 20 ks observation of 4C73.18 will be used with the existing 9 ks observation and a deep potential observation to characterize the surrounding hot atmosphere and cavities. 4C73.18 may be near the end of its radiative "quasar" phase, but currently still near its Eddington luminosity, but surrounded by a hot gas atmosphere.We will determine the mechanical energy of the AGN outburst required to produce the X-ray cavities.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 13800057

Title: Chandra extended cluster cosmology sample

PI Name: Stephen Murray

This 50 ks observation of CHECCS000105-2503 is part of a distant cluster sample that will allow a systematic study of cluster structure and scaling relations at the highest accessible redshifts and will provide an increased redshift leverage for cosmological model contraints.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 13800069

Title: Chandra Observations of a Sample of High Redshift SZE Galaxy Clusters

PI Name: Stephen Murray

We propose to obtain X-ray observations of a set of high redshift clusters selected from a complete sample of SZE selected galaxy clusters from the South Pole Telescope (SPT) survey. The SZE selection produces an approximately mass limited sample (at all redshifts) over the existing SPT survey.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 13800084

Title: Exploring the Physical Limits of Deep Galaxy cluster Surveys in X-rays - The case of XMMU J1532.2-0837 at z=1.36

PI Name: Peter Predehl

We propose to explore the physical limits of deep galaxy cluster surveys in X-rays based using XMMU J1532.2-0837 at z=1.36.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
15:32:13.20-08:37:01.40XMMU J1532.2-0837ACIS-SNONE25


Proposal Number: 13800085

Title: Astrophysical study with a merging cluster at an intermediate redshift

PI Name: Peter Predehl

We propose a 7.5 ks CHANDRA snapshot observation of RXCJ1253.8-2622, which is a newly discovered X-ray cluster at an intermediate redshift (z=0.22) in the REFLEX2 catalogue. It is a potentially interesting merging cluster with a large spatial extent exhibiting an optically rich and complex morphological structure with the major galaxy concentration. Our goal with this proposal is to obtain a clear picture of the morphology of the cluster to reconstruct the merger configuration and the bulk temperature for a mass assessment.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
12:53:47.00-26:24:30.00RXC J1253.8-2622ACIS-INONE7.5


Proposal Number: 13800123

Title: The Impact of Brightest Cluster Galaxy Formation on the Intracluster Medium

PI Name: John Mulchaey

We propose Chandra and HST observations of a unique X-ray cluster in which the Brightest Cluster Galaxy (BCG) is in the late stages of formation. The Chandra observations will be used to study how the properties of the intracluster medium are impacted by BCG formation and the HST data will be used to map out the intracluster stellar light. We will test whether the formation of the BCG has destroyed the cool core and determine the role of intracluster stars in enriching the intracluster medium. The proposed observations will be combined with our existing Chandra and HST data for clusters where the BCG is in the early stages of formation, allowing us to develop a more complete evolutionary picture of how BCG formation has affected the intracluster medium.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 13800223

Title: Particle Acceleration at a Strong Shock - A Deep Chandra Observation of NGC 4552

PI Name: Ralph Kraft

We propose a 150 ks Chandra/ACIS-S observation of the nearby early-type galaxy NGC 4552. A previous 50 ks observation detected a strong shock (Mach 1.7) in the gas associated with a nuclear outflow. We re-examined these data and find a non-thermal component in the spectrum of the shocked gas. This component could be synchrotron emission from ultra-relativistic electrons generated at the shock. If confirmed, it would demonstrate that NGC 4552 is a transitionary object between Cen A, where the supersonic inflation of the lobes created a synchrotron shock, and the lower Mach number, purely thermal shocks seen in most radio galaxies. NGC 4552 is also falling into Virgo, and this observation will constrain subsonic gas motions induced in the cores of supersonic mergers.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
12:35:39.80+12:33:23.00NGC 4552ACIS-SNONE150


Proposal Number: 13800242

Title: The X-ray Scaling Relations of Low-Mass Galaxy Clusters

PI Name: Ben Maughan

We request short (10 ks) observations of two nearby, low-mass clusters of galaxies in order to complete a flux limited sample of 24 low-mass clusters. The complete sample will be used to study the X-ray scaling relations of low-mass clusters to probe the non-gravitational processes which become important at low masses. This will be the largest statistically complete Chandra sample of low-mass clusters, and will permit crucial corrections for selection biases in the study of low mass scaling relations for the first time.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 13800321

Title: A Chandra Study of the Large-Scale Shock Front in Abell 2219

PI Name: Steven Allen

Abell 2219 (z=0.225) is the third galaxy cluster in which a clear, large-scale shock front, viewed approximately edge-on and generated by ongoing merging activity, has been discovered. It is highly X-ray luminous and 2.5 times brighter in X-rays than either 1E0657-56 or A520. We propose a 150ks ACIS-I observation to obtain the first precise measurements of the pre- and post-shock gas temperature, enabling improved estimates of the Mach number and shock velocity. The observed gradient of the temperature jump across the shock will constrain the process of post-shock electron-ion equilibration. We will probe the origin of very hot (kT>20 keV) gas observed in the cluster center. High quality radio, optical-dynamical, and ground- and space-based gravitational lensing data are in hand.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
16:40:20.00+46:42:39.00Abell 2219ACIS-INONE150


Proposal Number: 13800358

Title: Imaging gas clumping in the outskirts of nearby clusters of galaxies

PI Name: Aurora Simionescu

Using Suzaku data, we found that the apparent baryon fraction exceeds the cosmic mean beyond half of the virial radius of the Perseus Cluster, which comprises the first observational evidence that the gas in the cluster outskirts has a clumpy distribution. We have also found strong indications that the same process is at play in the outskirts of the Virgo Cluster. The gas clumps are denser, and thus much brighter, than the ambient intracluster gas. We propose a set of Chandra observations which will allow us to image these clumps for the first time in order to assess their shapes and determine their size and density distribution. This will provide important constraints for numerical models of ICM physics and for simulations of the formation and ongoing growth of galaxy clusters.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 13800359

Title: Examining incredible structure in the core of the Coma cluster

PI Name: Jeremy Sanders

We propose to make Chandra observations of the core of the Coma cluster that are an order of magnitude deeper than currently exist. With this substantial increase in detail we will study the quasi-linear structures that we have discovered from existing XMM data, which do not look like conventional hydrodynamical turbulence. The new observations will tell us much about the intracluster medium, including the degree of turbulence, the viscosity and the mixing of metals. We will look for shocks, sound waves and other features associated with the merger. We plan to also examine gas clumping and the coronae around the central galaxies. The Coma cluster is the best multiwavelength studied cluster and the 3rd X-ray brightest. This new observation will provide an excellent legacy resource.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
12:59:49.00+27:57:48.00Coma clusterACIS-INONE125
12:59:49.00+27:57:48.00Coma clusterACIS-INONE125
12:59:49.00+27:57:48.00Coma clusterACIS-INONE125
12:59:49.00+27:57:48.00Coma clusterACIS-INONE125


Proposal Number: 13800423

Title: The Merging Double Cluster Abell 1758

PI Name: Laurence David

A1758 comprises two X-ray luminous clusters (A1758N and A1758S), each of which is undergoing a major merger. The redshift of the Fe lines in the XMM-Newton spectra show that the velocity difference between A1758N and A1758S is approximately 2,000 km/s, indicating that these clusters likely form a gravitationally bound system. A1758N is undergoing a merger between two 7 keV clusters, while A1758S is in the early states of a merger between two 5 keV clusters. With our proposed 150 ksec ACIS observation we will search for merger shocks and cold fronts in both merging clusters. Through a combination of X-ray, lensing, NIR and optical data for A1758, we can develop a better understanding of the merger dynamics and the impact of the mergers on the properties of the host galaxies.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
13:32:37.50+50:30:06.50Abell 1758ACIS-INONE150


Proposal Number: 13800424

Title: Abell 545 an uncommon merging cluster with radio halo and candidate shock

PI Name: Sabrina De Grandi

We propose an observation of A545, a cluster whose radio, optical and X-ray data point to a system undergoing a major merger on the sky plane, with a candidate shock at ~400 kpc from the center. The unique discovery of an extended central stellar halo with no associated BCG is particularly intriguing as it suggests that this system may be undergoing a critical dynamic phase, rarely observed. The new XMM AO10 observation of A545 that we have obtained will suffer of the limited spatial resolution with respect the exquisite capabilities of Chandra. We plan to use a 30 ks Chandra exposure to constrain the surface brightness across the candidate shock and to produce thermodynamical maps of the center of A545 with regions on scales, which are unreachable with the XMM resolution.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
05:32:27.70-11:30:49.60ABELL 545ACIS-SNONE30


Proposal Number: 13800432

Title: RXJ1347: Still the most X-ray luminous cluster in the Universe, but no longer so relaxed

PI Name: Christine Jones

We propose a deep Chandra ACIS observation of the distant (z=0.451) massive cluster RXJ1347.5-1145, the most luminous known cluster in the Universe. Our goals are to understand the gas sloshing phenomenon, in which a merging subcluster causes bulk motion of the gas in the core of the primary cluster. RXJ1347 is a prime example of this process and has the advantage of having the perturbing subcluster identified. Extensive multiwavelength observations of RXJ1347 range from high resolution SZ measurments to deep HST 14 filter images. These combined with simulations and deep Chandra data will allow us to measure the mass of the cluster components, the distribution of dark matter as well as hot gas, the timescale and nature of the merger, and how well mass proxies characterize the total mass.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
13:47:31.00-11:45:13.00RXJ 1347.5-1145ACIS-INONE125


Proposal Number: 13800464

Title: GAMA groups and cosmic feedback

PI Name: Trevor Ponman

The hot intergalactic gas within groups is highly sensitive to cosmic feedback. In principle, the dispersion in the entropy and other properties of this gas imposes strong constraints on feedback models. However, in practice no survey of the gas properties in an unbiased sample of group halos has yet been conducted, since X-ray selection imposes obvious biases, whilst existing optically selected samples are vulnerable to serious contamination by spurious groups. Using the much deeper reach of the GAMA spectroscopic survey, in conjunction with its mock catalogue, we have selected an `ultra-clean' sample of group halos, allowing a first study with Chandra of the distribution of hot gas properties, for comparison with cosmological feedback simulations.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 13800509


PI Name: Alexey Vikhlinin

The virialization zone of rich galaxy clusters, R500
R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 13800542

Title: RXJ1532.9+3021: a cool core cluster of galaxies with an extreme Brightest Cluster Galaxy

PI Name: Julie Hlavacek-Larrondo

We propose to obtain deep Chandra observations of RXJ1532.9+3021 (90ks), a luminous cool core cluster of galaxies harbouring one of the most extreme Brightest Cluster Galaxies (BCG). The BCG is ultra luminous in the infrared; has one of the most massive molecular gas detections; and is particularly blue, suggesting strong star formation. This object is exceptional, and provides a unique opportunity for studying the heating and cooling balance in clusters. We also find evidence of two giant cavities, with some of the largest bubble heating powers known (but deeper X-ray data are needed for confirmation). By adding 90 ks to the data, we will increase the exposure by an order of magnitude, allowing us to study in detail the feedback processes that arise in this uniquely interesting cluster.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 13800562

Title: Dark and Luminous Matter in the Twin Clusters of Abell 2465

PI Name: Gary Wegner

Abell 2465 (z=0.245) is a binary cluster system with nearly equal mass components, confirmed by both optical and X-ray observations. This clean double geometry is optimal for modelling and examining the merger scenarios of galaxy clusters which are of cosmological interest. Spectroscopic and weak lensing analyses of Abell 2465 reveal that the cluster pair has unusual properties including enhanced star formation and a separation of its X-ray and luminous galaxy components from the dark matter. Such effects provide probes of dark matter and gravity. The proposed 70 ks Chandra observation will provide the depth and resolution to study these and other effects that the merger has had on the cluster gas.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
22:39:30.20-05:44:21.00Abell 2465ACIS-INONE70


Proposal Number: 13800566

Title: Understanding the connection between radio halos and cluster mergers

PI Name: Rossella Cassano

The GMRT Survey of Radio Halos (RH) allowed the first statistical measure of the occurrence of RH in galaxy clusters, showing that only 30 percent of X-ray luminous clusters host RH. We obtained a Chandra archival proposal (cycle 11) to study the dynamical status of clusters of the GMRT Survey and discover that RH form in merging clusters, while clusters without RH are statistically more relaxed. We propose to complete this study by observing the remaining 10 GMRT clusters without X-ray archival Chandra data. These observations will improve our statistics and allow us to determine the fraction of merging clusters without RH and to compare their dynamical properties with those of merging clusters with RH. This is crucial to unveil the conditions necessary to generate RH.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
23:41:16.80-09:01:39.00Abell 2645ACIS-INONE27


Proposal Number: 13800569

Title: To The Outer Limits of Clusters with Chandra and Suzaku

PI Name: Eric Miller

We propose ACIS-I snapshot observations of the outskirts of three galaxy clusters. When combined with awarded Suzaku observations of overlapping regions, these data will enable us to identify X-ray point sources (cluster and background AGN) that are undetectable by Suzaku and that dominate the uncertainty in the X-ray background. The combination of Chandra and Suzaku data is vital to our search for non-equilibrium structures in these seemingly relaxed systems. In addition, we will obtain a full census of bright cluster AGN out to r200, thereby improving constraints on evolution of the AGN fraction in these systems.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 13800581

Title: Abell 115: It Takes Two to Tango - The interaction of Relativistic and Thermal Plasma in a Merging Subcluster

PI Name: William Forman

We propose a 310 ks ACIS-I observation of the merging cluster A115 whose northern subcluster, A115-N, hosts 3C28 which shows two wispy "tails" pointing in the direction of subcluster motion! With 360 ks (310 ks new, plus 50 ks archival), we can study the hydrodynamics of the gas flow in and around A115-N to determine flow velocities that are traced by the radio plasma. We will measure and compare the circulation time of the gas to the aging time of the radio emitting electrons, understand the structure of the relativistic plasma (i.e., thin sheath or filled cavity) by measuring distortions in the X-ray surface brightness, investigate magnetic draping, and develop a 3D model for the merger using extensive optical spectroscopy with the velocity of A115-N measured from the X-ray analysis.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
00:55:56.50+26:22:10.00Abell 115ACIS-INONE310


Proposal Number: 13800663


PI Name: Pasquale Mazzotta

PLCKG266.6-27.3 is the first Planck blindly discovered cluster of galaxies at z=1. Consistent with expectations for high z Planck-detected clusters, a 10ks XMM observation confirms that it is an exceptional system: with its L500=15 10^44 ergs^-1, T500=11.6\pm1.4keV, and M500=7.8\pm1.0 10^14 M it is the most luminous cluster known at z > 0.5 and one of the most (if not the most) massive cluster at redshift z>1. Furthermore, unlike other high redshift clusters, PLCKG266.6-27.3 is likely to be a relaxed system so potentially ideal to make accurate hydrostatic mass measurements. We propose a joint Chandra-HST observation of PLCKG266.6-27.3 to confirm the relaxed dynamical status and, for the first time, to compare weak lensing and hydrostatic measurements in a z=1 cluster.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 13800690

Title: Diffusive Shock Acceleration in a Double Radio Relic Cluster

PI Name: Georgiana Ogrean

Galaxy cluster mergers result in shocks within the ICM. Because these shocks are collisionless, their interactions are mediated by electromagnetic fields, and it is possible for a fraction of the thermal distribution of particles to be accelerated and transformed into nonthermal populations of cosmic rays through diffusive shock acceleration (DSA). Current theories of DSA have difficulties in explaining the required efficiency of particle acceleration in merger shock waves. We aim to use Chandra to study the gas dynamics in the galaxy cluster CIZA J2242.8+5301, a disturbed cluster hosting a 2-Mpc long double radio relic. The small width and the smooth appearance of the northern relic makes CIZA J2242.8+5301 a unique textbook-case laboratory for shock acceleration at merger shock waves.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
22:42:48.10+53:02:48.80CIZA J2242.8+5301ACIS-INONE200


Proposal Number: 13800738

Title: The most overlooked strong cool core cluster - RXCJ1350.3+0940


We request a Chandra observation of a remarkably strong cool core cluster which, through historical accident, has been completely neglected in the past 20 years. The radio, optical and sub-mm properties of the central cluster galaxy are comparable to many of the best studied cool core clusters (A1068, A1835 and Zw3146) but it is in fact the lowest redshift of all of these systems. A 20ks observation will allow us to make a direct comparison of the X-ray properties of the cluster to other strong cool cores and ensure that this system comes in from the cold.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 13800764

Title: Chandra Observations of the Brightest Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect Cluster

PI Name: John Hughes

We propose deep Chandra observations of ACT-CL J0102-4915, the brightest Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect cluster discovered by the Atacama Cosmology Telescope and South Pole Telescope surveys. These surveys covered approximately 3000 square degrees and are essentially complete to high redshift. Our recent Chandra and VLT optical data reveal ACL-CL J0102-4915 to be undergoing a major merger. It is likely a high redshift (z=0.870) counterpart to the famous ``bullet'' cluster. New Chandra data will determine the properties of the merger shock and the HST/ACS data will provide a weak lensing mass map.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
01:02:53.00-49:15:16.90ACT J0102-4915ACIS-INONE300


Proposal Number: 13800811


PI Name: Maxim Markevitch

The currently favored solution for the cluster cooling flow problem is AGN feedback. Indeed, most cool-core clusters have signs of present or past AGN activity, such as X-ray cavities and radio lobes. We recently proposed another mechanism to heat a cooling flow that involves merger-induced sloshing of the core gas. Sloshing is also observed in most cool cores. A401 is a very peculiar relaxed cluster with a prominent cD galaxy that, contrary to expectation, does not have a cool core, nor a central AGN or signs of past activity. It has a radio minihalo, which are associated with cool cores. A401 may have had its core disrupted by sloshing, possibly induced by a past encounter with A399. The proposed deep exposure should reveal fossils of its past cool core and clarify how it was disrupted.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 13800830

Title: Expanding the Frontiers with Chandra: Observations of the Most Massive z>0.6 Cluster of Galaxies Known

PI Name: Amalia Hicks

The recent explosion of cluster discoveries at high-z has sparked a revolution in cluster science. But as we push higher in redshift, detailed cluster analysis becomes more challenging, and is feasible only for the most massive systems. We propose an in-depth X-ray study of the baryonic content in the cluster RCS2327−0204 (z=0.70). All existing data indicate that it is the most massive galaxy cluster known at z>0.6. With the proposed observation we will construct detailed maps of the ICM, to firmly establish the thermodynamic state of the cluster and search for interesting features such as shocks, fronts, and AGN feedback. These data will also allow us to determine the total mass profile and confirm the 3-D shape of the cluster core via a combination of data from multiple wavebands.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time


Proposal Number: 13800855

Title: No Need for Gas Clumping at the Virial Radius in a Galaxy Group/Cluster?

PI Name: Philip Humphrey

Through a combination of high-quality Chandra and Suzaku data we have recently obtained novel constraints on the hot gas and dark matter out to the virial radius Rvir in the fossil group/cluster RXJ 1159+5531. We measure the gas fraction and entropy at Rvir that are fully consistent with gravity-only structure formation simulations. Since beyond R500 we have only Suzaku data, where also the background dominates the source over most energies, we propose new offset Chandra ACIS-I observations to resolve discrete sources and provide a more accurate characterization of the cosmic background. If our previous results are verified, it would suggest that the type of gas clumping proposed to explain the gas behaviour in some clusters is not common to all systems.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
12:00:41.60+55:39:55.10RXJ1159+5531 Offset 1ACIS-INONE50
11:59:29.10+55:42:13.70RXJ1159+5531 Offset 2ACIS-INONE50


Proposal Number: 13800883

Title: Cosmology and Cluster Evolution from the 80 Most Massive Clusters in 2000 deg^2 from the South Pole Telescope Survey

PI Name: Bradford Benson

We propose Chandra X-ray observations to complete a mass-limited sample of 80 clusters of galaxies between 0.4 < z < 1.2, uniformly selected by the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect from 2000 deg^2 surveyed by the South Pole Telescope. This sample increases the number of clusters at a similar mass threshold with X-ray observations by factors of 4 and 8 at z>0.6, 0.8, respectively, thereby providing a unique legacy sample for Chandra. These observations will significantly improve cluster-based dark energy constraints, are coordinated to overlap with several current and future cluster surveys, and will be uniquely valuable for the study of the formation and evolution of massive clusters.

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Proposal Number: 13800889

Title: One of the most powerful AGN outbursts in an enigmatic cluster ?

PI Name: Ming Sun

Outbursts of SMBHs have significant impact on structure formation and evolution. Their imprint on the ICM (e.g., cavities and shocks) provides an historical chronicle of the SMBH activity. Perhaps the most exciting features of AGN outbursts are large X-ray cavities. They trace the biggest explosions in the Universe that have strong impact on cluster properties. These large outbursts also pose important constraints on the evolution of the central SMBH. We propose a 68 ks observation of a cluster where a candidate of an X-ray cavity with a diameter of 270 kpc was revealed from a short exposure. If confirmed, it will be the largest X-ray cavity known and the associated AGN outburst will be among the most energetic ones. The cluster also has other intriguing properties that will be followed.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
03:34:16.00-01:11:17.40RX J0334.2-0111ACIS-INONE68


Proposal Number: 13800933

Title: Chandra Observation of the Most Massive Galaxy Clusters Detected in the South Pole Telescope Survey

PI Name: Gordon Garmire

We propose to complete X-ray observations of the 30 most significant clusters identified from the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect in the South Pole Telescope 2500 deg2 Survey. The unique SZ selection makes this a complete, mass-limited sample of very massive clusters, 1015 < M200 < 3 x 1015 Msun, that span a broad redshift range, 0.18 < z < 1.132. These observations will improve our understanding of the evolution of the most massive clusters in the universe by providing multiple X-ray observables and the superb high spatial resolution of Chandra. To complete this sample we request observations of 7 clusters requiring a total 77 ksec.

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Proposal Number: 13800948

Title: RXJ1347-1145: the most luminous cluster in the Universe

PI Name: Stephen Murray

This 40 ks observation of RXJ1347_1145 will be used with the existing observation and a deep potential observation to probe the gas sloshing phenomenon, in which a merger subcluster causes a bulk motion of the hot gas in the core of the primary clusters. RXJ1347 is a primary example of this process.The extensive multiwavelength observations of RXJ1347 range from high resolution (10") SZ measurements to deep HST 14 filter images. These combined with extensive simulations and a deep Chandra image will allow us to measure the mass of the cluster components, the distribution of dark matter, as well as hot gas, and the timescale and nature of the merger, including the structure of the shock and to determine how well various mass proxies characterize the total mass in RXJ1347

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Proposal Number: 13800951

Title: Completing X-ray Observations of the 20 Most Massive Clusters from the South Pole Telescope 2500 Square-Degree Survey

PI Name: Gordon Garmire

We propose a 10 ks Chandra observation of SPT-CL J2031-4037 (z=0.342) to complete X-ray observations of the 20 most significant clusters at z> 0.3 from the South Pole Telescope 2500-square-degree survey. In Chandra cycle 13 we proposed GTO observations of the remaining 9 clusters in this sample without approved Chandra or XMM observations. One of these clusters, SPT-CLJ2031-4037, is also the subject of a GO proposal by another proposer. Because one of our main science goals is to understand the statistical properties of SZ-selected clusters, it is important that to obtain X-ray observations of every object in our uniformly-selected sample. To ensure this, we propose this observation of SPT-CLJ2031-4037 to the GO program to complete X-ray observations our 20-cluster, SZ-selected sample.

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Proposal Number: 13900121

Title: Measuring the Temperature Structure of the A3395/A3391 Large Scale Filament in the Horologium Supercluster

PI Name: Scott Randall

We propose to observe the large scale filament between the galaxy clusters A3395 and A3391 detected with ROSAT, with the goal of a direct imaging detection of, and mapping the thermal structure of, a filament for the first time. This filament is nearby (z~0.053) and oriented close to our line of sight (< 9 deg), such that the projected surface brightness favors X-ray detection. Chandra's low, stable background (for the ACIS-I array) and high angular resolution, which allows for the removal of contaminating sources, make it well-suited to this kind of study. We propose three 50 ks pointings to fully cover the filament, with highest priority given to the central pointing.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
06:26:24.50-54:04:49.40Abell 3395 Filament CenterACIS-INONE50
06:26:34.40-54:17:57.30Abell 3395 Filament SouthACIS-INONE50
06:26:19.70-53:52:04.20Abell 3395 Filament NorthACIS-INONE50


Proposal Number: 13900353

Title: Probing the Nature and Role of X-ray Emission in HII Regions with Chandra

PI Name: Laura Lopez

We propose four new ACIS-I observations totaling 105 ks of five HII regions in the Large Magellanic Cloud. With this data, we aim to undertake the first systematic study of HII regions with Chandra and to describe the nature and role of the X-ray emission in star-forming regions. In particular, our analyses will 1) probe the relative contribution of stellar winds and supernovae to the X-ray emission and test superbubble and wind models, 2) examine the role of hot gas in the dynamics of HII regions, and 3) search for and characterize the non-thermal X-rays in our sources. We will compare the sources of our sample to ascertain how the X-ray properties vary with age, size, and stellar content. Only Chandra has the spatial resolution and sensitivity necessary for our proposed analyses.

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Proposal Number: 13900549

Title: Joint Chandra/XMM-Newton Observation of NGC1407/1400 complex

PI Name: Yuanyuan Su

The nearby dark group centered on NGC 1407 is notable for a nearby bright galaxy (NGC 1400) with a velocity differing by at least 1200 km/s. This large velocity difference, plus controversy over these two galaxies' respective distances, has led to a wide range of mass estimates for this group. Our analysis of XMM-Newton data reveals an extended region of enhanced surface brightness near NGC 1400 which may be a cold front. We also find that the hottest regions lie between NGC 1400 and 1407, suggesting that their atmospheres are colliding. We propose a 55 ks Chandra ACIS-S pointing of NGC 1400 to reveal the nature of the enhanced region, and a 30 ks XMM-Newton pointing covering the east side of NGC 1407 to obtain a complete temperature map as well as a total group mass profile.

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Proposal Number: 13900823

Title: BAT, Chandra, NuSTAR and The origin of the Cosmic X-ray Background

PI Name: marco ajello

We propose a quick snapshot program with Chandra to observe the remaining 18 AGN detected by BAT that do not have any X-ray observation in the 0.1-10 keV band. These AGN are expected to be absorbed by 23
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Proposal Number: 13900828

Title: The demographics of dark gamma-ray bursts

PI Name: Andrew Levan

Dark gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) -- where the optical emission is apparently suppressed -- can only be reliably localized by their X-ray afterglows. Here we propose to complete a survey using the sensitivity and point spread function of Chandra to precisely pinpoint the GRB locations, and HST to locate and study the host galaxies. Our results to date are suggestive of most dark GRBs originating in more luminous galaxies than "bright" GRBs. Our new observations will increase the statistical certainty of this result, while simultaneously allowing us to more precisely identify the minority of dark GRBs which most likely originate from the highest redshifts.

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Proposal Number: 13910111

Title: X-ray Halo of SMC X-1: A New View on a Unique Dust Population

PI Name: Randall Smith

The Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) provides a unique laboratory for studying the influence of metallicity and star formation on dust evolution in a different ISM, due both to its proximity and low metal abundances. This environment seems to mimic starburst galaxies, making the study of the SMC ISM important not only in itself, but also for understanding the evolution of metals in the Universe. Multiple studies have shown that the dust in the SMC is strikingly different from that in the Milky Way or even the Large Magellanic Cloud, although the origin of these differences is unknown. By measuring the X-ray halo around the bright HMXB SMC X-1, we will probe the SMC dust in a new fashion and learn more about the dust density, porosity, and possibly even its composition and origin.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
01:17:05.10-73:26:36.00SMC X-1HRC-INONE75
Smithsonian Institute Smithsonian Institute

The Chandra X-Ray Center (CXC) is operated for NASA by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA.   Email: Smithsonian Institution, Copyright © 1998-2025. All rights reserved.