Angular Momentum Loss Considerations in Large Scale T Tauri Flares
Alicia Aarnio (Vanderbilt University) , Keivan Stassun (Vanderbilt University)
The Chandra Orion Ultradeep Project was able to observe a number of T Tauri stars during highly energetic X-ray flare events. Favata et al. (2005) then applied a uniform cooling loop model effective in modeling solar magnetic field loops to derive loop arc lengths on the order of 100 stellar radii in the most extreme cases. In the context of pre-main sequence evolution, are we to interpret these loops as structures connecting star to disk or, using a solar analogue, do they represent extreme "coronal mass ejections" (CMEs)? We have created Monte Carlo models of the spectral energy distributions of the stars with the largest flaring loops and found that the majority of the sample appears to lack circumstellar disk material. This surprising result is the impetus for detailed analysis of the mass and angular momentum lost via CME events of this magnitude. We present estimates of angular momentum loss via large scale flare events and discuss the implications of this work for stellar angular momentum evolution of young low-mass stars.