Constraints on dark energy from the observed growth of X-ray luminous galaxy clusters
Adam Mantz (KIPAC/Stanford) , Steve Allen (KIPAC), Harald Ebeling (IfA, U. Hawaii), David Rapetti (KIPAC)
I will present cosmological constraints obtained from measurements of the growth of cosmic structure in the most X-ray luminous galaxy clusters in the universe. Our results are consistent with the cosmological constant model and are in good agreement with findings from a variety of independent data, notably the cosmic microwave background (CMB), type Ia supernovae (SNIa), galaxy cluster gas-mass fraction (fgas), cosmic shear, and galaxy redshift surveys. Using the growth of structure data alone, we find the dark energy equation of state for a constant-w model; this result is remarkably insensitive to the choice of priors and to systematic uncertainties in the analysis. The combination of growth of structure data with CMB, SNIa and fgas data has the potential to significantly improve constraints on dark energy by breaking a key degeneracy between and w.