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M82, NGC 4038/9 (the Antennae) and NGC 3256 are all well-studied starbursts.
M82 is a nearby
(3Mpc), nearly edge-on dwarf interacting with M81. It is a modest
starburst with infrared luminosity
and previous X-ray observations have revealed extended soft
X-ray emission above and below the plane of the galaxy associated with
the superwind (Cappi et al 1999, A&A 350, 777). The Antennae are a pair of
interacting galaxies at a distance of 29Mpc, famous for their bright H-
knots and
super starclusters
imaged with HST (Whitmore et al 1999 AJ 118, 1551). NGC 3256 is a classic
``train wreck'' merger induced starburst, with double nuclei and tidal
tails. It has been classified as a super starburst on the basis of
its high infrared luminosity, and it is the most X-ray luminous
starburst known, with
(Moran et al 1999, ApJ,
526, 649). M82 and the
Antennae were observed with ACIS during cycle 1 as part of the GTO
program; M82 has also been observed with the HRC as a calibration
target. NGC 3256 was observed with ACIS as a GO observation (PI Ward).
One of the most extreme and controversial examples of a
Super-Eddington source is a bright X-ray source that dominates the
central region of M82. Pre-Chandra observations of M82 have
shown that this source is variable and close to the center of the
galaxy. It has been interpreted as a low luminosity AGN, a highly
X-ray luminous supernova (the X-ray counterpart to the bright radio
supernova remnant 41.95+57.5) and an accreting black hole with a mass
in excess of 500
(e.g. Ptak & Griffiths 1999 ApJ 517, L85).
Chandra resolves the central
``source'' in M82 into several discrete sources, as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1 shows two HRC images taken 3 months apart. Although Chandra resolves the central ``source'' observed by ROSAT and
ASCA, one single source (CXOU J095550.2+694047) still dominates
the flux.
It is very highly
variable, increasing in flux a factor of 7 between Oct 1999 and Jan
2000. In January it had a luminosity of
and dominated the X-ray flux from the entire galaxy! This source is
almost certainly responsible for the variability seen in ASCA
and ROSAT observations (Ptak & Griffiths 1999). With the
excellent positional accuracy of Chandra we can confidently
place CXOU J095550.2+694047 9 arcsec away from the kinematic center of
M82, and 4 arcsec away from the radio supernova remnant 41.95+57.5.
The large amplitude of the variability suggests that the flux from
CXOU J095550.2+694047 really is dominated by a single object, and the
fact that it is displaced from the kinematic center of the galaxy
indicates that it is not a low luminosity AGN. It is unlikely to be
an X-ray supernova remnant, because of the stochastic nature of the
variability and the fact that it is not spatially coincident with a radio
supernova remnant. Therefore CXOU J095550.2+694047 really does seem
to be a ``Super-Eddington'' source, and probably the best documented!
See Kaaret et al 2001 (MNRAS 321 L29) and Matsumoto et al 2001
(ApJ 547 25) for even more detail.
How common are Super-Eddington sources? We (Ward et al 2001 in preparation)
find thirty-two sources in M82, twelve of which are variable with timescales
of a few months. At least four of these may be Super-Eddington. Fourteen sources
in the Antennae have been detected with
(Fabbiano, Zezas & Murray 2001, ApJ submitted), and another fourteen sources
in NGC 3256! The count in NGC 3256 includes the nuclei of both galaxies, which
may of course be low luminosity AGN). NGC 3256 is much further away than M82,
so the probability of source confusion increases. Nevertheless, these sources
are excellent Super-Eddington candidates. The X-ray luminosity function of
these starburst galaxies is in stark contrast to that observed in the galaxy
or M31 where very few super luminous sources are observed (e.g. Fabbiano,
Zezas & Murray 2001). While it is clear that a thorough analysis is necessary
to determine whether these differences are statistically significant, it
suggests that the brightest non-nuclear X-ray sources may be associated
preferentially with starburst galaxies.
What are Super-Eddington sources? The Chandra (and previous ROSAT and
ASCA) observations of the canonical Super-Eddington source CXOU
J095550.2+694047 strongly suggest some kind of accretion process. If
this source is radiating isotropically at the Eddington luminosity, the
inferred mass is
There are well documented binary
systems in our own galaxy with isotropic luminosities 2-3
times greater than the Eddington luminosity (Orosz et al 1998, ApJ 499, 375).
These sources are usually
beamed, and the luminous phase associated with an X-ray flare lasts
from a day to a month. This explanation cannot be ruled out with the current
data. It is therefore possible that CXOU J095550.2+694047 is a black
hole of
with flaring X-ray jets pointed straight at
us! However, CXOU J095550.2+694047 has an (isotropic) luminosity
an order of magnitude larger than galactic sources. So if the mass
is really as low as
the beaming must be
much tighter.
There must be a population of un-beamed sources if CXOU J095550.2+694047 and his friends are microquasars, and we must explain why there are such a large number of sources are pointed toward us! One possibility (suggested by King, Davies, Ward, Fabbiano and Elvis 2001, preprint) is that super-Eddington sources are high-mass X-ray binaries, similar to galactic microquasars. The ``ultraluminous'' phase occurs in almost every system, but is short-lived. The short-lived-but-common scenario explains why these sources are preferentially associated with starburst galaxies, which are undergoing short but violent episodes of star formation. There are potentially interesting consequences if CXOU J095550.2+694047 (and other luminous sources like it) really are ``Mid-Mass'' black holes. First of all, as pointed out by Ptak & Griffiths in their paper in 1999, we may be watching the formation of a supermassive black hole. Or at least that the processes by which mid-mass black holes form may tell us how supermassive black holes form, even if not every mid-mass black hole graduates to become supermassive. Secondly, there may be an as yet unknown population of Mid-Mass black holes in galaxies which have gone through a starburst phase (including potentially our own.) Chandra has shown us that the ultraluminous source in M82 really is a single source, and almost certainly an accretion-powered black hole. By extension, most of the other Super-Eddington sources are probably black hole candidates as well. Whether they are High Mass X-ray Binaries going through a microquasar phase, or Mid-Mass black holes (or both!) remains to be determined, and makes these enigmatic objects excellent targets for future studies with Chandra.
- Andrea Prestwich, Phil Kaaret, Andreas Zezas, Pepi Fabbiano, Paulina Lira and Martin Ward