ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Results from earlier generations of X-ray and EUV observatories (Einstein, EXOSAT, ROSAT, ASCA, SAX, EUVE) over the past two decades have opened up the field of stellar coronae, while solar observations have greatly advanced our view of the only stellar corona that we can study with spatial resolution. However, the observational advances and discoveries have left many open questions regarding the nature of stellar outer atmospheres. Fundamental issues such as coronal heating, the spatial distribution of stellar coronal plasma, and the nature and presence of elemental fractionation and abundance anomalies, remain outstanding problems. Much also remains to be explored concerning the existence and role of hot stellar coronae in the broader context of the HR diagram, in star formation and in other areas of astronomy.
Thanks to their high sensitivity and spectral resolution, the data obtained by the Chandra and XMM-Newton missions are providing a new look at the coronae of stars. At the same time, the spectacular successes of the SoHO and TRACE missions are providing the most detailed spatial and spectral views ever obtained of the solar corona. The aim of this conference is to provide a timely forum for a detailed discussion of the impact of the new generation of data on coronal astronomy at large, bringing together observers and theoreticians, as well as experts in other disciplines of relevance, such as stellar structure and star formation.
For more information please go to the conference web site:
F. Favata (ESA/ESTEC -- chair)
J. Drake (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astro-physics -- co-chair)
M. Guedel (Paul Scherrer Institute)
J. Klimchuk (US Naval Research Laboratory)
J. M. Laming (US Naval Research Laboratory)
G. Micela (Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo)
R. Rosner (Univ. of Chicago)
J. Schmitt (Universitaet Hamburg)
S.M. White (University of Maryland)
Local Organizing Committee: F. Bocchino, F. Favata
Topics included in the Scientific Program are:
Coronal Structure
Observational Data: problems and new opportunities
Multi-wavelength Coronae
Coronal Abundances, Winds, Mass Loss and CMEs
Dynamos and Coronal Heating
Coronae over the range of spectral types and evolutionary phase
In addition to the invited reviews and talks, contributed papers and posters are solicited. The SOC will select a limited number of papers for oral presentation on the basis of the submitted abstracts. Authors will be notified whether their contribution is scheduled for oral or poster presentation.
Historical Perspective -- J. Linsky
Coronal Structure:
Solar Coronal Structure -- K. Schrijver
Stellar Coronal Structure pre-chandra/XMM -- J. Schmitt
Observational Data: problems and new opportunities
Spectral synthesis for high resolution spectra -- N. Brickhouse
How reliable are atomic data? -- J.M. Laming
Solar and Stellar Observational and Interpretational
Challenges (inc. density diagnostics) -- P. Judge
Solar flares -- G. Doschek
Origin of flare activity -- G. Emslie
Flare modeling -- F. Reale
Large stellar flares -- F. Favata
High energy coronal phenomena and interpretation -- J. Brown
Multi-wavelength Coronae:
Radio observations of the solar corona -- S. White
Relationships between radio, EUV, X-ray coronae (both solar and stellar) -- M. Guedel
Coronal Abundances, Winds, Mass Loss and CMEs:
Solar Coronal Abundances -- U. Feldman
Stellar Coronal Abundances -- J. Drake
Fractionation mechanisms -- I. Axford
The solar wind -- E. Marsch
Stellar winds, mass loss, and angular momentum evolution -- L. Hartmann
The role of accretion disks in the coronal activity of young stars -- T. Montmerle
Observation of Solar CMEs -- TBD
Theory of CMEs -- S. Antiochos
Observation of Stellar CMEs (do they exist?) -- A. Collier Cameron
Dynamos and Coronal Heating:
Stellar and Solar Dynamos -- S. Tobias
Coronal Heating -- R. Rosner
Scaling laws: solar -- J. Klimchuk
Scaling laws: stellar -- S. Saar
Coronae over the range of spectral types and evolutionary phase:
The Sun as seen by Yohkoh -- S. Tsuneta
Origin of X-ray Emission from Hot Stars -- J. Cassinelli *
Low mass stars -- M. Giampapa
Protostars -- Y. Koyama
Close binaries -- A. Dupree
Effects of age and metallicity -- G. Micela
Concluding remarks -- C. Jordan
Apr 20, 2001 |
May 11, 2001 |
May 11, 2001 |
May 31, 2001 |
June 25-29, 2001 |
September 1, 2001 |
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- Jeremy Drake