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Last modified: 12 September 2012

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/iris/v1.0/download/smoke_tests.html

Smoke Test

The 'smoketest' file included in the Iris software package is available to help you verify that the Iris and SED Importer applications have been installed correctly and are working properly on your computer platform.

To launch the Iris smoke test, double click on the smoke test icon in the folder where you unpacked the Iris tarfile, or type its name on the Unix command line, e.g.,


The test will simulate user interaction with various components of Iris; e.g., it creates a SED in the SED Importer GUI and then performs a fit to this SED within the Iris GUI.

If any of the actions executed by the test fail, an error message is displayed. In some cases, the message returned is very technical; this information should be included in a request for help from user support. In other cases, e.g., if the installed version of Iris is incompatible with your operating system, a more user-friendly message will be displayed.

In some rare instances, the smoke test will fail but will hang indefinitely without printing an error message and quitting. To ensure that this does not happen - e.g., if your system is low on memory or uses an older CPU - you can specify a timeout in seconds when you launch the test, so that the test exits in a timely fashion.

unix% ./smoketest 20

The following is an example of a successful smoke test execution:

unix% ./smoketest

This test will assess whether your installation is capable of performing
the basic operations of the SED tool.
The test should take less than a minute. However, the actual time will
depend on your system properties.

Starting Smoke Test with timeout: 10
Starting SedImporter
Sleeping to wait for the SedImporter to settle down
Starting the SAMP agent
Starting Sherpa
Emulating user GUI interaction for importing a file
SED imported. Waiting for the broadcast button to be enabled.
Sleeping to allow SAMP agents to settle down.
Broadcasting SED.
Waiting for the SED to be received through SAMP.
SED received, building fit configuration.
Using Sherpa to perform the fit.
Parsing Sherpa response
Test Completed
Everything seems to be working!

Last modified: 12 September 2012
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