HEAD High Energy Astrophysics Division

The David N. Schramm Award for
High Energy Astrophysics Science Journalism

The High-Energy Astrophysics Division of the American Astronomical Society (HEAD/AAS) is proud to announce the creation of a prize named after David N. Schramm to recognize and stimulate distinguished writing on high-energy astrophysics. The prize is established to improve the general public’s understanding of this exciting field of research.

The prize is awarded at every meeting of the High Energy Astrophysics Division of the American Astronomical Society.

The entries are judged by a committee of distinguished scientists and journalists selected by the Executive Committee of the High Energy Astrophysics Division. The decisions of the judging committee are final.

The winning author (or authors) will receive a prize of $1,500, and a plaque containing a citation. HEAD/AAS will pay the winning author’s personal and travel expenses so that the award can be received in person at the division’s meeting. The acceptance of the award implies a commitment of the winner(s) to come to receive the award in person. The publisher of the winning work will receive a certificate honoring the publication in which the work appeared.


List of past winners

Rules for the David N. Schramm Award

Application forms:

1) Individual author (PDF, HTML, MS Word)

2) Multiple authors (PDF, HTML, MS Word)

A complete entry consists of the appropriate cover page completely filled in and the article submitted together with seven copies preferably originals rather than photocopies. If you are submitting your entry electronically, please send at least one copy of the article in the format it was published.

Deadline for receipt of the complete package is January 21, 2008.

All material must be sent to

David N. Schramm Award Application
c/o Megan Watzke
HEAD Press Officer
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
60 Garden Street
Cambridge, MA 02138

Any questions should be addressed to Megan Watzke at "mwatzke.cfa.harvard.edu".

    Comments, questions, or feedback to headsec@aas.org