Einstein Postdoctoral Fellowship Program

The 2012 Call for Proposals is Now Closed

Fellowship Application LoginFrequently Asked Questions


To be eligible for a Fellowship, you must have received your PhD. after January 1, 2009.


The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)-sponsored Einstein Fellowship Program provides an opportunity for highly qualified, recent postdoctoral scientists to conduct independent research that is broadly related to the science goals of the NASA Physics of the Cosmos program. This includes high energy astrophysics relevant to Chandra, Fermi, XMM-Newton, and future NASA X-ray missions, cosmological investigations relevant to Planck, WFIRST, or new dark energy missions, and gravitational astrophysics relevant to LISA, Pathfinder and subsequent related missions. The proposed research may be observational, instrumental, theoretical, archival or study sources from these missions at other wavelengths. The main criterion for proposal selection is the contribution of the proposed research program to the scientific return of the Physics of the Cosmos missions. A Fellow's program in this area may be specifically appraised for continuation of the fellowship after the second year. Each Fellow will choose the United States host institution in which the research will be conducted.

The Fellowship provides support for up to three years at an annual stipend of approximately $66,500 plus health insurance, relocation costs, and funding for research related travel, computing needs, and other research costs. Contingent upon NASA funding, up to 12 Einstein Fellowships will be awarded in 2012.

Proposals will be reviewed by an independent panel of scientists. The Einstein Fellowship Program is administered by the Chandra X-Ray Center (CXC) for NASA. Awards will be made to support each Einstein Fellow through a Host Institution designated by the Fellow.

An application for the Fellowship consists of a research proposal and supporting documentation, as described below. Applicants must have received their Ph.D. or equivalent degree in 2009 or later. The deadline for receipt of applications is THURSDAY NOVEMBER 3, 2011 (5:00 pm EST). Award offers will be made by February 1, 2012, with the Fellowships expected to begin in September, 2012.


  1. Eligibility
  2. Applicants must have received a Ph.D., Sc.D., or equivalent doctoral-level research degree in astronomy, physics, or a related discipline after January 1, 2009. Applicants who have not yet formally received their degree must present evidence of having completed the academic requirements before commencing the Fellowship.

    Einstein Fellowships are open to citizens of the United States and to English-speaking citizens of other countries. Non-US applicants should read the VISA requirements under the "Additional Information" section below before applying. [Note: The United States is defined as the 50 states and the District of Columbia.] Qualified applicants will receive consideration without regard to race, creed, color, age, sex, or national origin. Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.

  3. Host Institution
  4. Contingent upon the availability of funding from NASA, Einstein Fellowships are awarded through grants to Host Institutions. Applicants may select any United States institution for carrying out their research as long as the choice is suitably justified in their proposal. Justification is particularly important in cases where the selected institution is the institution at which the applicant earned his/her degree, or is the current home institution of the applicant.

    A faculty member or a member of the scientific staff of the Host Institution shall serve as the principal contact for scientific purposes and will be the Principal Investigator of the Fellow's grant for administrative purposes.

    Applicants are asked to propose three prospective Host Institutions, in order of preference. An endorsement letter from the first-choice Host Institution is required. No prior endorsement from the two alternative institutions is required. In previous cycles of the Fellowship, only one Fellow per year was approved for any single institution. This rule was instituted to avoid a concentration of Fellows at any one host. For a variety of reasons, this policy is currently under review, and relaxation of this restriction might be applied starting with the 2012 class. Applicants should assume for now that the "one-Fellow" rule will apply and formulate their applications accordingly.

    In general, Fellows will work full-time on the research programs proposed in their applications and will be in residence at the proposed Host Institution during the entire period of the Fellowship. However, should a Fellow decide to work at an institution other than the original Host Institution, upon approval from the Director of the CXC through the Einstein Fellowship Program Office, the grant to the Host Institution will be closed on an equitable basis (termination for convenience), and the grant awarded to the new Host Institution.

  5. Stipend
  6. The initial annual stipend for a Einstein Fellow will be approximately $66,500 and will be subject to annual review and adjustment. In addition, the Einstein Fellow can receive health insurance, relocation costs, and moderate support (up to $16,000 per year) for research related travel, computing services, publications, and other direct costs.

    It is expected that Fellows will devote their full-time effort to their research programs. No additional stipend, salary, or other remuneration may be accepted from another appointment, fellowship, or similar grant during the period of the Fellowship. Einstein Fellows shall not be offered a housing subsidy or allowance beyond what is routinely offered to astronomy and physics fellows connected with that institution.

  7. Duration of Fellowship
  8. Contingent upon the availability of funding from NASA, Einstein Fellowships are awarded through grants to Host Institutions for up to a three-year period. New Fellowship Awards are issued with a two-year period-of-performance and funded on an annual basis. Renewal for the third year will depend on a review of scientific activity, particularly as related to Physics of the Cosmos research.

  9. Status
  10. These Fellowships are analogous to research fellowships or similar temporary programs at the postdoctoral level at universities. They are not intended to be, nor to compete with, permanent professional career positions. Fellows are not employees of the host institution.

    It should also be understood that a Einstein Fellowship carries with it no guarantee of observing time on Physics of the Cosmos missions.


  1. General Information
  2. Awards are made on the basis of a review of the applicant's research proposal as well as the curriculum vitae, list of publications, summary of previous and current research, and three letters of reference. The details of the application are described fully below.

  3. Application Deadline
  4. The deadline for application for the current cycle is THURSDAY NOVEMBER 3, 2011 (5:00 pm EST). All application materials, including those not sent directly by the applicant, must be received at the CXC by this date. Incomplete applications and/or applications received after November 3, 2011, will not be considered. We strongly suggest that applicants begin the online application process early so all questions and issues that arise from this process are resolved before final submittal of application materials. All questions, including technical questions, related to our online program, may be directed to fellows@head.cfa.harvard.edu.

    Note: After logging in to the online application, select "View Status" to check what is still incomplete before your final submission. All edits and changes to your application are accepted until the final deadline.

  5. Application Procedure
  6. Applications are submitted via the Einstein Fellowship Application Site.

    The online application process begins with your initial registration that includes providing an email address and self-generated password. Go to the Einstein Fellowship Application Site and select "Update Account." On that screen, select "Register" and you will be asked for your name and a password of your choice. The "Register Now" button will register you. After your password is verified, select "Edit Application" to enter your Personal Data, File Uploads, and References. Be sure to indicate all the Physics of the Cosmos missions relevant to your proposal.

  7. Materials Submitted Directly by the Applicant
  8. The applicant should upload the following files directly through the webpage:

    • a Curriculum Vitae;
    • a list of publications;
    • a summary of previous and current research (limited to two pages, with one extra page for figures, tables and references.);
    • a copy of the research proposal, described below.

    All materials submitted must be in at least 11-point fonts.

    Files must not be more than 10 Mbt in size.

    Note: pdf files can be uploaded into the application. Use the "Browse" button or type the full path and file name in the box provided. For best results, upload pdf files. If you are unable to do so, plain text files are acceptable.

    You may review previously loaded files by clicking on the link provided. When prompted for username and password, use the email address and password you used when registering.

    Be sure to check the latex'ed (pdf) version of the application at the website, particularly the cover page, to see that it latex'ed properly. "Bad" latex characters (% $ &) must be escaped, e.g. \%.

  9. Research Proposal
  10. Each applicant must formulate a specific research plan that is related to Physics of the Cosmos (PoC) science and is generally compatible with the research activities of the Host Institution. The proposed research need not be based directly on PoC data, but its relevance to PoC science must be stated clearly and unambiguously. Relevance to the PoC missions will be interpreted broadly, and encompasses observational, instrumental and theoretical research.

    The text of the research proposal should be AT MOST THREE PAGES in length, with 1-2 additional pages allowable for references, figures and tables. Reviewers will be instructed to ignore any pages in excess of the stated limits. It is valuable to reviewers if the proposal includes a plan showing how the work is expected to progress throughout the three years.

  11. Endorsement Letter
  12. Applicants must arrange for their research proposals to be read and approved by a faculty member or member of the scientific staff of the first-choice Host Institution (the Science Contact), and endorsed by an official of the first-choice Host Institution. The endorsement should be sent directly to the CXC by the first-choice Host Institution BEFORE THE APPLICATION DEADLINE. The institutional endorsement is necessary to indicate that adequate facilities will be provided for the Einstein Fellow, but does not ensure selection by the Einstein Fellowship Review Panel. This endorsement should consist of an endorsement letter from an authorizing official (typically the department chairperson) of the first-choice Host Institution. A possible endorsement letter is as follows:

    Einstein Fellowship Program Office

    I am writing in regard to [applicant's name]'s application for a Einstein Fellowship. We have reviewed his/her research proposal entitled "[program title]" and are pleased to endorse it and to inform you that we will welcome him/her here and offer him/her support and facilities should a Fellowship be offered. Dr. [science contact's name] has agreed to serve as his/her Science Contact.

    Sincerely yours,

    These letters must be received by the application deadline. Pdf or Word documents are preferred. Plain text is also acceptable.

    The procedure for submitting endorsement letters is as follows:

    • The applicant supplies the name and email of the Science Contact in the application form.
    • A message is emailed to the Science Contact by CXC which provides a unique URL.
    • The Science Contact obtains an endorsement letter from the appropriate official.
    • The Science Contact uses the URL to upload the letter.
    • When a reference letter has been uploaded, the applicant will see a "Complete" when checking the appropriate area of the application status page.

    This is what the letter writer sees at the URL provided:
    2 buttons are provided:

    • Upload letter
    • Finished
    Click on the Upload letter button, and a box to provide the file location for the letter is supplied. DO NOT hit the return after providing the file location.

    The "Submit Letter" button must then be clicked to complete the submission.

    After a successful submission, a screen comes up to indicate the new document.

    The letter writer will also receive a confirmation email.

    Applicants are responsible for ensuring that the endorsement letter has been received. Use the "View Status" feature to check for the receipt of each letter of reference.

    If the host institution requires that someone other than the Science Contact submit the endorsement letter, he/she may email it to Fellowship Program Office at fellows@head.cfa.harvard.edu or send it to:

    Einstein Fellowship Program Office
    Chandra X-Ray Center
    60 Garden Street, MS 4
    Cambridge, MA 02138

  13. Letters of Reference
  14. Applicants should arrange for letters of reference to be submitted by three individuals familiar with their scientific abilities, whose names are to be listed on the standard application form. APPLICANTS SHOULD EMPHASIZE TO THEIR REFEREES THAT THE LETTERS MUST BE RECEIVED AT THE CXC BY NOVEMBER 3, 2011 (5:00 pm EST), in order for the review panelists to be able to see the letters.

    These letters should be pdf (preferably) or Word documents. Plain text is also acceptable.

    The procedure for submitting reference letters is as follows:

    • The applicant supplies the name and email of each referee in the application form.
    • A message is emailed to each letter writer by CXC which provides a unique URL. The letter writer uses that URL to upload the letter. WARNING: As soon as an email address is entered into the email text field, a message will be sent to that reference. Be sure to ask your reference before entering their email address.
    • When a reference letter has been uploaded, the applicant will see a "Complete" when checking the appropriate area of the application status page.

    This is what the letter writer will see at the URL provided:
    Two buttons are provided:

    • Upload Letter
    • Finished

    Click on the Upload letter button, and a box to provide the file location for the letter is supplied. DO NOT hit the return after providing the file location.

    The "Submit Letter" button must then be clicked to complete the submission.

    After a successful submission, a screen comes up to indicate the new document.

    The letter writer will also receive a confirmation email.

    Applicants are responsible for ensuring that letters of reference have been received. Use the "View Status" feature to check for the receipt of each letter of reference. If your referee is unable to upload a copy of your reference electronically, he/she may email it to Fellowship Program Office at fellows@head.cfa.harvard.edu or send it to:

    Einstein Fellowship Program Office
    Chandra X-ray Center
    60 Garden Street, MS 4
    Cambridge, MA 02138

  15. Requests for Information
  16. Requests for additional information on application procedures and supporting documents can be made in the following ways:

    World Wide Web: http://cxc.harvard.edu/helpdesk/

    e-mail: fellows@head.cfa.harvard.edu


  1. The Panel Review
  2. The Einstein Fellowship Program Office at the CXC will receive all application materials and supporting documents. These will be reviewed by the Einstein Fellowship Review Panel in January 2012.

    The evaluation and recommendation by this external review panel forms the basis on which the Director of the CXC grants the Einstein Fellowship awards.

    Offers for Einstein 2012 Fellowships will be made by the Director of the CXC on or about February 1, 2012, and acceptance or refusal must be made on or before February 15, 2012. After this date other offers may be made if some Fellowships are not accepted.

  3. Commencement of the Einstein Fellowship
  4. The Einstein Fellowship should generally begin by September 1, 2012, but other starting dates may, in individual cases, be jointly negotiated with the Fellow, the Host Institution, and the Einstein Fellowship Program Office. All Fellowships must in any case commence by the end of 2012.

  5. Visa Requirements
  6. Any Non-US national who is offered an Einstein Postdoctoral Fellowship must have a valid Visa for the duration of the Einstein Fellowship Appointment. Non-U.S. nationals will normally apply for an Exchange Visitor (J-visa) sponsored by their Host Institution. For Immigrant visas, the awardee must apply independently. Note that H-1B visa status is not acceptable because that status is for employment only. Foreign nationals who intend to work at U. S. government institutions should ensure that they are eligible to work at their chosen Host Institution.

  7. Taxes and Insurance
  8. The Host Institution and the individual Einstein Fellow are responsible for complying with matters related to income taxes.

    Fellows are required to have health insurance coverage during the term of the appointment. Funding is provided to purchase health insurance (individual or family plan) and can include dental and vision care. The Host Institution is expected to provide a plan under which the Fellow can enlist. If that is not possible, the Fellow is expected to purchase health insurance privately, with the Host Institution providing guidance on Award compliance and available health insurance plans.

    All exchange visitors and their dependent families are required to have health insurance while they are in the United States that meets U.S. Department of State requirements for exchange visitors.

    It is the responsibility of the Fellow to work with the Host Institution to ensure compliance in these matters.

  9. Einstein Fellowship Budget
  10. After the selection process, Fellows and Host Institutions will be notified of the intent to award a fellowship grant to the Host Institution. The Host Institution should then submit a formal budget, signed by an authorizing official, to the SAO Grant Awards Section. Allowable budget expenses include health insurance, relocation expenses (first year only), and direct support costs, such as research related expenses for the Fellow's professional travel during the appointment, computing services, publication costs, and other direct research costs.

    In preparing the budget, an institution's indirect cost rate may not be applied against either the fellowship stipend or the health insurance.

    Note: A budget should not be submitted with the Fellowship application. Detailed budget instructions will be mailed to successful applicants and their Host Institutions.

  11. Publication
  12. Publication in refereed journals is highly encouraged. Einstein Fellows should identify themselves as such and should acknowledge the Einstein Fellowship grant as follows: "Support for this work was provided by NASA through the Einstein Fellowship Program, grant xxxxx."


  • You must have received your Ph.D. on or after January 1, 2009.
  • Use the webform to fill in or upload the following:
    • application form, including list of three references
    • curriculum vitae;
    • list of publications;
    • summary of previous and current research (limited to 2 pages with 1 extra page of references/figures/tables);
    • research proposal (limited to 3 pages plus 1-2 pages of references/figures/tables). Include relevance to Physics of the Cosmos science;
    • list of Physics of the Cosmos missions relevant to the proposal;
    • do not attach anything else (reprints, preprints, etc.).
    • files must be less than 10 Mbt.
    • check to be sure the final pdf version latex'ed properly.
  • Have the following submitted by your referees or science contact:
    • endorsement letter from an authorizing official of the first-choice Host Institution (submitted by the science contact);
    • recommendation letters from three referees.


How do I apply?
Applications are accepted online until November 3, 2011, 5:00 pm EST, through our website. When is the deadline?
The deadline is November 3, 2011, 5:00 pm EST. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that all materials, including letters of recommendation, are received by the deadline. Incomplete applications -- and/or applications received after November 3, 2011 -- will not be considered.

Who is eligible?
You must have received your PhD after January 1, 2009. You must receive your PhD before beginning the Fellowship. If awarded a Fellowship, you must begin it before Dec. 31, 2012.

What will I see on the Application website?
After registering or logging into the website the window will offer you several choices, among them:

  • View Application Status
  • View Application (HTML)
  • View Application (PDF)
  • Edit Application
Their functions are summarized below:
  • Edit Application lets you edit any of the fields in your cover form, or upload a new or revised file for your research proposal, curriculum vita, publications list, or summary of previous and current research until the application deadline.
    Note that after you have finished an editing session you must use the "Submit Application" button. You can resubmit as often as you like up until the deadline.
  • View Application Status provides you with a summary of your application materials. This includes whether the reference letters and endorsement letters have been submitted for you. (You cannot see the letters themselves.)
    Incomplete sections are marked in red. If reference letters are incomplete, it is your job to contact the referee to see that they are submitted.
  • The three "View Application" buttons allow you to inspect the information or files you have submitted.
    "View Application (HTML)" lets you see the fields in the cover form as they were submitted and browse the uploaded files.
    "View Application (PDF)" lets you see the PDF file that is created from the cover form information, concatenated with the files you have uploaded. (The version on the screen is a little blurry because of the concatenation process, but the committee is sent hardcopy versions which are clear.)

What if the PDF file is not created?
The first thing to check is that "bad" latex characters (% $ &) have been escaped, e.g. \%.

What does a letter writer see?
When the letter writer goes to the url provided for uploading the letter 2 buttons are provided:

  • Upload Letter
  • Finished
Click on the Upload letter button, and a box to provide the file location of the letter is supplied. DO NOT hit return.
The "Submit Letter" button must then be clicked to complete the submission. After a successful submission, a screen comes up to indicate the new document.

The letter writer will also receive a confirmation email.

What format is required for uploading files?
Files should be in pdf format. If this is not possible, plain text is acceptable.

Can I edit my application online?
Yes, you can access the application as many times as you want until the deadline. You can enter more information or edit existing information each time. You can upload new files to replace existing ones until the deadline.

How can I tell if my Fellowship Application is complete?
After logging in, use the "View Application Status" button. Any incomplete items are marked in red.
Note that if letters of reference have not arrived, it is your job to see that the referees send them in.

If my password does not work, what should I do?
On the "Fellowship Application: Login" page select "Reset Password" and a new password will be emailed to you if you have already successfully registered.

What should I do if I notice an error in my application after I submit it?
Until the deadline, you can access the application to make corrections, including uploading new versions of the pdf files.

What if I have other questions?
Please send us a question at:

World Wide Web: http://cxc.harvard.edu/helpdesk/

e-mail: fellows@head.cfa.harvard.edu