This chapter lists all the vtpdetect parameters in alphabetical order for quick reference. In addition, a guide to the data products output by vtpdetect is provided.
unix% plist vtpdetect Parameters for /soft/ciao/param/vtpdetect.par # # parameters for vtpdetect # # # inputs -- can either be an image or table # infile = Input file name expfile = none Exposure map file name # # output # outfile = Source list output file name # # processing parameters # scale = 1 Threshold scale factor limit = 1e-06 Max. probability of being a false source coarse = 10 Minimum number of events per source maxiter = 10 Maximum number of iterations to allow # # SAOImage regions # (regfile = none) name for ASCII output region files (ellsigma = 3) Size of output source ellipses (in sigmas) (edge = 2) How close to edge of field to reject events (superdo = no) Perform Super Voronoi Cell procedure # # probably use defaults for these... # (maxbkgflux = 0.8) Maximum normalized background flux to fit (mintotflux = 0.8) Minimum total flux fit range (maxtotflux = 2.6) Maximum total flux fit range (mincutoff = 1.2) Minimum total flux cutoff value (maxcutoff = 3) Maximum total flux cutoff value (fittol = 1e-06) Tolerance on Possion fit (fitstart = 1.5) Initial background fit starting scale factor # # user setable parameters # (clobber = no) Overwrite if file exists (verbose = 0) Debug level (logfile = stderr) Debug file name (kernel = default) Output format # # mode # (mode = ql)
In the following parameter descriptions, "required=yes" indicates that the user must provide a value for the indicated parameter (e.g. infile) before the program will run. Also, the empty string (" ") is equivalent to the string none for filenames.
Replace output file if it already exists?
vtpdetect does not not overwrite existing outputs unless clobber is set to yes.
The minimum number of events required in order for a detection to be considered a real source.
If the field is heavily populated, there will be more occurrences of statistical fluctuations for which a given number of events are close to each other. It is advisable to increase the value of coarse to suppress false detections for such fields. Conversely, for extremely sparse (i.e. low background) applications, coarse can be decreased.
Specifies how deep into the field to ignore events.
The Voronoi tessellation at the edges is unbounded. This parameter controls how deep into the field to ignore events; the default is 2 tessellation cells.
The size, in sigmas, to make the elliptical source detection regions.
The size of the elliptical source regions in both of the source region files is controlled via the ellsigma parameter. This parameter is a multiplicative factor applied to sigma, the standard deviation of the distribution, to scale the major and minor axes of the ellipses for each source detection. This feature is included so that the graphics overlay may be made more visible; it is does not affect the detections themselves, only the display of the regions.
The distribution is defined as the distribution of counts within the source cell (i.e. the observed counts), and is assumed to be Gaussian. Thus, if ellsigma is 1, then the elliptical source region will contain 39.3% of the source counts (i.e. the 1-sigma point for a 2-D Gaussian).
This feature is included so that the graphics overlay may be made more visible; it is does not affect the detections themselves, only the display of the regions.
The name of an input exposure map file.
vtpdetect works in fluxes, and so needs to know about significant exposure deviations in order to work properly. The provided exposure map must be a 2-D image with WCS that matches the input file (infile ).
The initial guess at Poisson fit.
This value is used as the first guess at where to separate background from source events. It is the normalized inverse area; values larger than this "flux cutoff" are classified as source events and smaller values are considered to belong to the background distribution.
The default value is adequate for most analyses.
The fit tolerance on Poisson fit.
The default value is adequate for most analyses.
The name of the input file.
The input FITS file can an event list or an image. CIAO Data Manipulation (DM) syntax may be used in the input file specification, as explained in Chapter 1, Section 1.3.3.
If the input file is an image, a pseudo event list is created; events are added with a multiplicity equal to the pixel amplitude. The FITS primary array may not be a floating point array; vtpdetect only knows how to convert an image that is an integer type: byte (BITPIX=8), short (BITPIX=16), or long (BITPIX=32).
The format for the output file.
The kernel parameter controls the output format (default, fits, or iraf); the default is for the output file to have the same format as the input file.
Maximum probability of a false source per number of background events.
This parameter indicates the number of false detections per event.
The user may wish to change the
limit , depending on the size and
population of the field. The default value is 10; if
there are significantly less than a million events,
limit may be increased accordingly.
The name of an output log file.
The verbosity of log information is sent to STDERR (usually the screen). However, if log is set to yes, then the log information will be written to the specified filename.
The maximum normalized background flux level to fit with the cumulative Poisson distribution.
This parameter is one of several which limits the search for the inverse area (i.e. "flux") value for either the total background flux or the cutoff point where the cumulative distribution of inverse areas of the data departs from that expected of a Poisson distributed background.
The default value is adequate for most analyses; in rare instances, the user might want to widen or lessen these intervals.
The maximum absolute normalized flux level to find background cutoff.
This parameter is one of several which limits the search for the inverse area (i.e. "flux") value for either the total background flux or the cutoff point where the cumulative distribution of inverse areas of the data departs from that expected of a Poisson distributed background.
The default value is adequate for most analyses; in rare instances, the user might want to widen or lessen these intervals.
The maximum number of iterations to be allowed in estimating the background level.
vtpdetect may enter a state where the background estimate cycles between 2 or 3 values; setting the maxiter parameter to different values in this case will allow the user to control the exit level. Note that the tool may converge before reaching maxiter .
The maximum normalized total flux level to fit with a parabola.
This parameter is one of several which limits the search for the inverse area (i.e. "flux") value for either the total background flux or the cutoff point where the cumulative distribution of inverse areas of the data departs from that expected of a Poisson distributed background.
The default value is adequate for most analyses; in rare instances, the user might want to widen or lessen these intervals.
The minimum absolute normalized flux level to find background cutoff.
This parameter is one of several which limits the search for the inverse area (i.e. "flux") value for either the total background flux or the cutoff point where the cumulative distribution of inverse areas of the data departs from that expected of a Poisson distributed background.
The default value is adequate for most analyses; in rare instances, the user might want to widen or lessen these intervals.
The minimum normalized total flux level to fit with parabola.
This parameter is one of several which limits the search for the inverse area (i.e. "flux") value for either the total background flux or the cutoff point where the cumulative distribution of inverse areas of the data departs from that expected of a Poisson distributed background.
The default value is adequate for most analyses; in rare instances, the user might want to widen or lessen these intervals.
The mode defines how to handle querying for parameters. For example, setting the mode to "h'' means that no prompting will occur; this is useful when running the tool from a script. See "ahelp parameter'' for more information and a list of all the available modes.
The name of the output file.
The outfile parameter is used to provide a name for the output file. The kernel parameter controls the output format; the default is for the output file to have the same format as the input file.
The name of an ASCII source region output file.
In addition to the output source list (outfile ), the user may choose to have an ASCII source region file written by specifying a filename in regfile parameter. If autonaming is used (i.e. "regfile=."), then the source regions output file will be named "<infile_root>_reg".
This region file contains the location and size of the principal axes, for each detected source elliptical region. The elliptical region size is such that the region contains some fraction of the source counts. The parameter ellsigma specifies the desired source count fraction.
This region file is useful for subsequent input into ds9, particularly to overlay region markers over each detection; see Chapter 1, Section 1.4 for details.
The background flux cutoff scale.
scale is actually a scale factor that refers to the intensity, not the spatial size. The algorithm figures out the threshold to distinguish between background and source events, based on the area of the Voronoi cell, then the scale parameter allows the user to scale that value. If scale is left to its default value of 1, the threshold remains as calculated by the code. Setting the scale value > 1 will tend to de-blend sources while losing faint sources. Setting it < 1 will tend to blend sources while picking out fainter sources. The recommended range for this parameter is between 0.8 and 3.
Whether to perform the super Voronoi cell update algorithm at the end of the program.
Since this is a time-consuming and uncalibrated routine, this is optional.
After the final iteration, the Voronoi tessellation is computed from just the set of source pixel locations and the edge pixel locations (to constrain the tessellation). To better account for flux in the wings of a source profile, the total flux is taken to be the total flux contained in these "super" Voronoi cells around each source. Then the background is estimated from this larger source area.
This option is currently implemented, but is not well-tested. The output is printed only to STDOUT, appearing between the lines that have "BEFORE" and "AFTER" comments.
The verbosity of log output.
The verbosity of log information ranges from 0 (none) to 5 (maximum output).
Setting verbose to 4 or 5 can produce hundreds of pages of output; use these values only if necessary to diagnose a problem during the percolation.
The primary output of vtpdetect is the FITS file of source detections. The following properties are recorded in the output file:
Data item | Unit | Description |
RA | deg | Source Right Ascension |
RA_ERR | deg | Source Right Ascension error |
DEC | deg | Source Declination |
DEC_ERR | deg | Source Declination error |
POS(X,Y) | pixel | Physical coordinates |
X_ERR | pixel | Source X position error |
Y_ERR | pixel | Source Y position error |
SRC_AREA | pixel | Source region area |
NET_COUNTS | count | Net source counts |
NET_COUNTS_ERR | count | Error in net source counts |
BKG_COUNTS | count | Background counts (scaled to source cell) |
BKG_COUNTS_ERR | count | Error in BKG_COUNTS |
NET_RATE | count/s | Source count rate |
NET_RATE_ERR | count/s | Source count rate error |
BKG_RATE | count/s/pixel | Background count rate |
BKG_RATE_ERR | count/s/pixel | Background count rate error |
EXPTIME | s | Effective exposure time |
SRC_CUTOFF | count/s/pixel | Source flux cutoff |
FSP | False source probability | |
EDGE_OF_FIELD | Edge-of-field flag | |
SHAPE | Shape of source region | |
R[2] | Radii of source region | |
ROTANG | deg | Rotation angle of source region |
COMPONENT | Source number |
In addition to the source list file (outfile ), the user may also select to have a source region file (regfile ) output.
This region file is useful for subsequent input into ds9, particularly to overlay region markers over each detection; see Chapter 1, Section 1.4 for details.
The source region file from the example in Chapter 8, Section 8.2.2:
unix% more example2_out.reg physical ellipse(370.711151,272.213654,519.869385,173.405792,0.867785) ellipse(252.019577,452.235046,18.365868,15.496613,115.604019) ellipse(373.667877,451.466675,11.422175,5.275846,167.176056) . . .
If log is set to yes, then the log information will be written to the file indicated (vtpdetect.log in this example).
The log file from the example in Chapter 8, Section 8.2.2:
unix% more vtpdetect.log DEBUG: Version information - DEBUG: vtpdetect: 0.5.1 DEBUG: datamodel : 1.99 DEBUG: ascfit : 2.2 . . .