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Last modified: 26 September 2006

URL: http://cxc.harvard.edu/ciao3.4/slang/functions/packages.html
Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter

Scripts and Packages


Analysis scripts allow users to extend the functionality of a software package by writing custom "tools" to fit their specific needs. This is especially true in the case of S-Lang, since CIAO provides such extensive support for the language.

There are a number of scripts written in S-Lang available from the Scripts page.

It is also possible to write Perl subroutines in S-Lang via the Inline::SLang Perl module, which is made available as contributed software. The module allows you to embed any piece of S-Lang code into Perl; see Calling S-Lang routines from Perl for more information and examples.


A package is simply a set of interrelated S-Lang scripts that are installed as a group. It is different than a module, which is a library of code that may be written in C, Fortran, or similar compiled languages.

There are a variety of packages available for use within CIAO:


The S-lang/ISIS Timing Analysis Routines (SITAR) are a set of functions and subroutines designed to perform timing analysis of data.


A simple interactive program that produces either a PNG or JPEG true-color (RGB) image from a Chandra event file.

Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: 26 September 2006

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