
2. ChIPS Commands

All of the information provided here is available within CIAO and ChIPS from the ahelp system; ``ahelp -c chips'' returns a list of all the help files relating to ChIPS .

ChIPS also understands the S-Lang programming language; see Chapter 3 for more information.

The following conventions are used for describing the syntax:

Keep in mind that ChIPS commands are not case sensitive and so may be issued in either uppercase or lowercase.

2.1 $

Must precede any Unix command issued within Sherpa or ChIPS.

sherpa> $<arg>
chips> $<arg>

where $ <$arg$ >$ is a Unix command. Alternatively, ! can be used in place of $.

However, the Unix command cd is an exception to this syntax, and must be issued within Sherpa or ChIPS without a preceding $ character.

The Unix commands ls and pwd are also exceptions to this syntax, and may or may not be issued within Sherpa or ChIPS without a preceding $ character.


  1. Issue various Unix commands within Sherpa:

    sherpa> cd /disks/a/mydata
    sherpa> ls
    sherpa> pwd

  2. Issue various Unix commands within Sherpa:

    sherpa> $more data.dat
    0.5 1.80766
    1.5 2.21929
    2.5 2.64117
    3.5 3.10638
    4.5 3.51711
    5.5 3.74749

  3. Use a Unix command to clear the screen:

    sherpa> $clear

    This Unix command will clear the screen.

2.2 # | %

Denotes a comment. The symbol % also denotes a comment.

sherpa> {# | %} <arg>

chips> {# | %} <arg>

where <arg> is a comment.


  1. Issue a comment:

    sherpa> # My comment
    sherpa> POLY[modela]

  2. chips> # My comment
    chips> CURVE data/example.dat X 1 Y 2



Specifies the appearance of the bounding box surrounding a drawing area. The command AXIS is equivalent.

chips> [D #] [{AXES | AXIS}] <axesstyle>
chips> [D #] {AXES | AXIS} <color>
chips> [D #] [{AXES | AXIS}] <scale> [<coor>]
chips> [D #] {AXES | AXIS} WIDTH <width_value>

Argument: D #
Description: drawing area number designation
Options: integer number
Default: current drawing area

See the D command for more information about this argument.

Argument: <axesstyle>
Description: axes style
Options: FOURAXES - all four axes, with tick marks
         TWOAXES - left and bottom axes only, tick marks on both
         TWOAXESFRAME - left and bottom axes with tick marks, 
                        right and top axes without ticks
Argument: <color>
Description: axes color
Default: DEFAULT (appears in ChIPS window as white, prints as black)
Argument: <coor>
Description: axis coordinates
Options: X, Y  
Default: both X and Y
Argument: <scale>
Description: axis scale
Options: LINEAR, LOG
Default: LINEAR
Argument: <width_value>
Description: axes thickness
Options: real number
Default: 1.0

For contour and surface plots, the $ <$scale$ >$ cannot be changed; additionally, $ <$axesstyle$ >$ cannot be changed for surface plots. See the CONTOUR and SURFACE commands for further information about plotting 2-D data in ChIPS.

See the TICKS and TICKVALS commands for information on specifying other attributes of the box surrounding the drawing area.

Figure is an illustration of the different $ <$axesstyle$ >$ options.

Figure 2.1: $ <$axesstyle$ >$ Options

CIAO allows some plot attributes to be changed using the ChIPS state object and resource file. See "ahelp chips" for further details.


  1. chips> CURVE data/example.dat
    chips> AXES CYAN
    chips> AXES WIDTH 4.0
    chips> AXES TWOAXES
    chips> LOG

    First, a plot is produced using the CURVE command. The subsequent AXES commands change the axes to the color CYAN, make the lines composing the axes thicker (to the value of 4.0), and change the style to include only the left and bottom axes. The final command switches both the X and Y axes to logarithmic scale.


Specifies the appearance of the bounding box surrounding a drawing area.

See the AXES command, for further information and examples.


Turns on/off use of a plotting device.

chips> BATCH {ON | OFF}

By default, BATCH is turned off (use of a plotting device is turned on).


  1. chips> BATCH ON
    chips> CURVE data/example.dat

    By turning on the BATCH command, use of a plotting device is turned off. This means that when the CURVE command is issued, the plotting device is not opened. The results of the CURVE command (and any other ChIPS commands that are issued) may still be printed to a PostScript file using the PRINT command.


Launches the CIAO file-browsing GUI, Prism. The command PRISM is equivalent.

chips> {BROWSE | PRISM} [<filename>]

If a Prism process is already running, issuing this command with the $ <$filename$ >$ specification will utilize the current Prism process. Otherwise, a new Prism process will be invoked.

The Prism GUI will remain open after exiting ChIPS.

2.7 C

Defines the current curve.

chips> [D #] C {# [,#, ...] | #:# | ALL}

where # is an integer argument, #:# specifies an inclusive range of curve numbers, and D # may specify the number of the drawing area.

See the D command for more information about this argument.

Note that wherever the "C #" is used, the above extended syntax may be utilized to alter multiple curves at once. If a non-existent curve is specified, ChIPS will act on the current curve.


  1. chips> CURVE data/exampleA.dat
    chips> CURVE data/exampleB.dat
    chips> SIMPLELINE
    chips> LABEL 6.0 50.0 "Curve 1"
    chips> LABEL 6.0 5.0 "Curve 2"

    The two curves are numbered in the order in which they were plotted. The most recently plotted curve (curve 2) is the current curve. Therefore, SIMPLELINE acts on curve 2, then each curve is labeled.

  2. chips> D 1 C 1
    chips> SIMPLELINE

    Building on the prvious example, the command "D 1 C 1" selects curve 1 as the current curve. The subsequent SIMPLELINE command acts on curve number 1, changing the style to a line.

  3. chips> C 2
    chips> WIDTH 4.0

    The command C 2 defines curve number 2 as the current curve, then the line is changed to have a width of 4.0.

  4. chips> C 1,2
    chips> BLUE

    Both curves are chosen such that the BLUE command acts on both curves. In this example, the following commands would be equivalent to the "C 1,2" command:

    chips> C 1:2
    chips> C ALL


Removes all plotting objects and creates a new blank drawing area.

chips> CLEAR

The newly-created drawing area is given the number designation 1.


  1. chips> CLEAR

    This command clears the plotting window and restores the drawing area number designation to 1.


Sets the color system for hardcopy plots.

chips> colorsys <color>

In this context, "hardcopy" refers to both sending the plot directly to a printer and printing it to a postscript file.

Argument: <color>
Description: color system
Default: RGB

More information on creating hardcopies is available from "ahelp chips print".

CIAO allows some plot attributes to be changed using the ChIPS state object and resource file. See "ahelp chips" for further details.

Unlike most other ChIPS commands, the "colorsys" command modifies the state object. This means that once the color system is changed, the command does not need to be reissued. The current color system may also be determined by checking the state object, as shown in the EXAMPLES section.


  1. chips> x = [1:10:0.1]
    chips> y = sin(x)
    chips> () = curve( x, y )
    chips> simpleline
    chips> red
    chips> axes yellow
    chips> colorsys grayscale
    chips> print postfile

    A plot is created and a few attributes are modified. The color system is then set to grayscale, and a postscript file is created.

  2. chips> print(chips.colorsys)
    chips> colorsys cmyk
    chips> print(chips.colorsys)

    This illustrates that changing the color system on the command line also updates the ChIPS state object field.


Adds a contour plot to a drawing area.

chips> [D #] CONTOUR <filename>[<virtual_file_syntax>] [LEVELS] <lev1> <lev2> ... <levN>

Argument: D #
Description: drawing area number designation
Options: integer number
Default: current drawing area

See the D command for more information about this argument.

Argument: <filename>
Description: name of datafile and path, if necessary.  If the file 
             contains tabulated data, it must be sorted with row
             precedence (see below).  May be filtered data from a
             FITS image file, as shown in the EXAMPLES.
Argument: <virtual_file_syntax>
Description: A filtering and/or binning command argument.  The
             <virtual_file_syntax> must be surrounded by
             quotes (" ").

See the CURVE command for more information on this argument.

Argument: <lev1> <lev2> ... <levN>
Description: numbers specifying Z axis values of each contour level
Options: real numbers 
Description: the <lev1> value specifies the Z axis data value of 
             the first contour line, <lev2> specifies the value
             of the second contour line, and so on.

See the LEVELS command for information on setting the levels in the current contour plot.

Contour plots are considered variants of curves, and therefore the attributes of contours (color, linestyle, scale, width) may be changed in the same manner. However, the limits of the x and y axes in a contour plot cannot be modified.

New functionality for plotting contours was added to ChIPS in CIAO 3.0 via the "chips.mingridsize" state object field; see the "Plotting contours" section of "ahelp chips" for more information.


The input data file must be sorted with row precedence. For example, the following data:

1 1 1
2 1 -4.97206e-24
3 1 2
4 1 1
5 1 2
1 2 -6.79138e-24
2 2 -2.23247e-23
3 2 1
4 2 -2.1879e-22
5 2 1

Would have to be re-ordered for use in ChIPS:

1 1 1
1 2 -6.79138e-24
2 1 -4.97206e-24
2 2 -2.23247e-23
3 1 2
3 2 1
4 1 1
4 2 -2.1879e-22
5 1 2
5 2 1


  1. chips> CONTOUR data/sorted.dat 2 4 20

    Plots the ASCII data file data/sorted.dat as a contour plot, with the first contour line at a Z-axis value of 2, the second at a value of 4, and the third at a value of 20.

  2. chips> CONTOUR data/exampleImage.fits[10:100,10:100] 2 4 20

    Plots the data in the specified ranges from the FITS file. The Z-axis values are the same as in Example 1.

  3. chips> C 1 DEL
    You have no more curves in this drawing area.
    chips> CONTOUR "data/sorted.fits[cols col1, col2, col3]" 2 4 20
    chips> C 1 WIDTH 4.0

    The existing curve is deleted before the data in the first three columns of data/sorted.fits is plotted; the same Z-axis values as before are used. The final command changes the contour curve to a thicker width.

  4. chips> CONTOUR s3_img.fits 10 20 30

    A contour plot is created from the filtered data stored in "s3_img.fits".

  5. chips> CONTOUR data/data3D.dat 40 50 60
    chips> C 1 DOT
    chips> CONTOUR data/data3D.dat 70 80 90
    chips> C 2 LONGDASH

    Two contour curves are plotted with different Z-axis values. The linestyle of each is changed so that the levels may be differentiated.


Plots a curve or change its attributes (PLOT is equivalent).

chips> CURVE <filename> # # #
chips> PLOT <filename> # # #

chips> CURVE <filename> [X #] [Y #] \
[{XERR # | XUP # | XDOWN # | XDN #}] \
[{E # | YERR # | YUP # | YDOWN # | YDN #}] \
[SCOL #]
chips> PLOT <filename> [X #] [Y #] \
[{XERR # | XUP # | XDOWN # | XDN #}] \
[{E # | YERR # | YUP # | YDOWN # | YDN #}] \
[SCOL #]

() = curve( x, y );
() = curve( x, y, yerr );
() = curve( x, y, yerrlo, yerrhi );
() = curve( x, y, xerrlo, xerrhi, yerrlo, yerrhi );

When used to plot data from a file CURVE and PLOT are synonyms but curve() is the only valid S-Lang function name.

2.11.1 Plotting data from a file

The CURVE command is used to plot data from either an ASCII data file or a FITS table file.

If you are only plotting x against y values - i.e. no errors - then you just need to specify the columns using the Data Model column filtering syntax (see "ahelp dmcols"). So

  chips> curve "lc.fits[cols time,rate]"

plots the rate column (Y axis) against the time column (X axis). For an ASCII file this would just be

chips> curve lc.dat

To include error bars you need to specify - after the filename - which columns contain the error information. If only symmetric errors on the Y axis are required then the simplest way is to say

chips> curve lc.fits 1 3 5

- which means that the X and Y columns are taken from the first and third column of lc.fits and the error on the Y value is taken from the fifth column. This can also be written as

  chips> curve lc.fits x 1 y 3 e 5

where we explicitly include the type for each column. If the X and Y columns are the first two columns in the file then this can be shortened to

chips> curve lc.fits e 5

(yerr can be used instead of e).

For non-symmetric Y errors, use the YUP and YDOWN (or YDN) labels to give the the number of the columns containing the low and high error values. The XERR, XUP, and XDOWN (or XDN) labels indicate the numbers of the columns which contain errors for the X axis.

The SCOL label is used to indicate the column from which the symbol type for each element is found. This column must be an integer and the values are discussed below.

2.11.2 Plotting data from S-Lang

The S-Lang function "curve()" can be used to plot two arrays against each other. So,

  variable x = [0:10:0.01];
  () = curve( x, sin(x) );

draws sin(x) for all points between 0 and 10 with a step-size of 0.01. As shown in the SYNTAX section above, the curve() command can also plot Y errors (symmetric or non-symmetric) and for the X axis too (although if X errors are given then the YERRLO, YERRHI, XERRLO, and XERRHI values must be given). So,

  variable x = [1:20];
  () = curve( x, x+2, sqrt(x+2) );

plots up a set of points with symmetric Y errors.

The curve() functions returns 0 on success, -1 on error. In the examples above we use "() $ =$" to ignore this return value.

2.11.3 Changing how the plot looks

Whether a curve has been created from a file using the ChIPS CURVE command, or created from S-Lang using the curve() function, the same set of commands can be used to change its attributes.

Firstly, all curves are created with their attributes set to the values given in the ChIPS state object. Therefore, setting

  chips.symbolstyle = _chips->square;

(whether in the ChIPS resource file or at the ChIPS prompt) will cause any new curves to be drawn using an open square for the sybol. Note that this will not change the attributes of curves that have already been drawn.

Secondly, the CURVE command can be used to change the attributes of a curve that has already been drawn. Each of the following commands can be preceeded by one - or both - of $ [$D #$ ]$ and $ [$C #$ ]$ to select the curve you wish to change. See "ahelp d" and "ahelp c" for more information on these two commands.

chips> [{CURVE | PLOT}] <color>
chips> [{CURVE | PLOT}] <curvestyle>
chips> [{CURVE | PLOT}] <linestyle>
chips> [{CURVE | PLOT}] SCALE [<coor>] <scale_value>
chips> [{CURVE | PLOT}] WIDTH <width_value>
chips> ERRS [<coor>] <color>
chips> ERRS [<coor>] <errorstyle>
chips> ERRS [<coor>] <errortype>
chips> ERRS [<coor>] <linestyle>
chips> ERRS [<coor>] {ABSOLUTE | RELATIVE}
chips> ERRS [<coor>] SIZE <errortick_size_value>
chips> SYMBOL <color>
chips> SYMBOL <symbolstyle>
chips> SYMBOL [SIZE] <symbol_size_value>

A description of the various arguments used in these calls can be found in the "ARGUMENT LIST" section at the end of this document.

2.11.4 Plotting Multiple Curves

Multiple curves may be plotted within the same drawing area. The limits of the drawing area are affected by the {CURVE $ \vert$ PLOT} command as follows:

$ \bullet$
When the first curve is added, the limits of the drawing area are automatically sized to fit.

$ \bullet$
When each subsequent curve is added, ChIPS automatically changes the limits of the drawing area. If the range and domain of the new curve overlaps with the range and domain of the current drawing area, the drawing area is resized, using as new limits the smallest minimum and the largest maximum values. If either the range or the domain of the new curve do not overlap with the range or domain of the current drawing area, the limits are set to display the new curve, and a warning message is given to indicate that the drawing area limits were changed significantly.

This automatic calculation of the plot limits can be stopped by using the LIMITS command to set the axis ranges to fixed values.

ChIPS converts double-precision numbers to floating-point values before plotting them, which can cause problems for values that are either too large or too small. The allowed range is approximately 1e-38 to 3e38 (for both positive and negative values).

2.11.5 Interrupting a Plot

Note that ChIPS does not recognize "CTRL-C" as an interrupt command. There is no way to cancel the drawing of a long plot once it has begun.


  1. chips> CURVE "lc.fits[cols time,rate]"

    Here we plot the rate versus time columns from the FITS file "lc.fits". The Data model column filter "$ [$cols time,rate$ ]$" is used to select the X and Y columns for the plot (since we do not explicitly set them they default to the first two columns in the file). The following commands are equivalent:

    chips> D 1 CURVE "lc.fits[cols time,rate]"
    chips> CURVE "lc.fits[cols time,rate]" X 1 Y 2

  2. chips> CLEAR
    chips> CURVE "lc.fits[cols time,rate]"
    chips> SYMBOL SQUARE

    First we remove any existing data from ChIPS with the CLEAR command, otherwise the new data would be overplotted on any existing data. The data is ploted as in the previous example except that we then change the symbol to be a square.

  3. chips> CLEAR
    chips> CURVE "lc.fits[cols time,rate]"
    chips> SYMBOL SQUARE
    chips> SYMBOL RED

    This changes the symbol type to a red square.

  4. chips> CLEAR
    chips> CURVE "lc.fits[cols time,rate]"
    chips> SIMPLELINE
    chips> SYMBOL NONE

    The default behaviour for CURVE is to draw symbols at each point. Here we change it to drawing lines between each point and then remove the symbols.

  5. chips> CLEAR
    chips> CURVE "lc.fits[cols time,rate]"
    chips> SIMPLELINE
    chips> RED

    Here we draw a red line between the points but leave the symbol. Note that the symbol color has not been changed to red: this would be done by saying

      chips> SYMBOL RED

  6. chips> CLEAR
    chips> CURVE "lc.fits[cols time,rate]"
    chips> STEP
    chips> RED
    chips> SYMBOL YELLOW

    There are two ways that points can be connected by lines: SIMPLELINE draws lines between the points whereas STEP (or its alias HIST) considers the data points to represent a histogram (the X values give the center of each bin).

    The line color is changed to red and the symbol color is changed to yellow.

  7. chips> REDRAW OFF
    chips> CLEAR
    chips> CURVE "lc.fits[cols time,rate]"
    chips> STEP
    chips> RED
    chips> SYMBOL YELLOW
    chips> REDRAW ON

    This has the same result as the previous example except that the plot is not changed until the REDRAW ON command is called. See "ahelp redraw" for more information.

  8. chips> CLEAR
    chips> chips.curvestyle = _chips->step
    chips> chips.curvecolor = _chips->red
    chips> chips.symbolcolor = _chips->yellow
    chips> CURVE "lc.fits[cols time,rate]"

    The previous examples all used the CURVE command to change the attributes of an existing plot. The ChIPS state object (see "ahelp chips") provides a way of setting the attributes for any new plots. With the above commands the result is the same plot as previous (a set of points connected as if a histogram with a red line and yellow symbols). The difference is that if another curve is plotted it will also be drawn with the same settings.

  9. chips> chips_clear
    chips> lc = readfile("lc.fits")
    chips> () = curve(lc.time,lc.rate)
    chips> STEP
    chips> RED
    chips> SYMBOL YELLOW

    Here we have read in the contents of "lc.fits" using the Varmm function readfile (see "ahelp readfile") and have used the S-Lang function curve() to plot the time and rate columns of the file. Once the curve has been created it can be manipulated as any other curve.

  10. chips> chips_clear
    chips> chips.curvestyle = _chips->step
    chips> chips.curvecolor = _chips->red
    chips> chips.symbolcolor = _chips->yellow
    chips> lc = readfile("lc.fits")
    chips> () = curve(lc.time,lc.rate)

    The curve() command also follows the settings of the ChIPS state object when creating the plot.

  11. chips> CURVE data/exampleB.dat

    Plots the ASCII data file data/exampleB.dat using the default settings, where column 1 is Xx and column 2 is y. The following commands are equivalent:

    chips> D 1 CURVE data/exampleB.dat
    chips> CURVE data/exampleB.dat X 1 Y 2

  12. chips> CURVE "data/exampleB.fits[cols col1,col2]"

    The $ <$virtual_file_syntax$ >$ argument is used to plot columns col1 and col2 from a FITS file. Again, the default setting are used, i.e. the first column listed in the DM filter (col1) is x and the second (col2) is y. The following commands are equivalent:

    chips> D 1 CURVE "data/exampleB.fits[cols col1,col2]"
    chips> CURVE "data/exampleB.fits[cols col1,col2]" X 1 Y 2

  13. chips> CURVE "data/exampleB.fits[cols col1,col2,col6]" 1 2 3

    Columns named col1, col2, and col6 are plotted from the FITS data file data/exampleB.fits. The first column listed in the DM filter is x, the second is y, and the third is the symmetric error bar in y. The following commands are equivalent:

    chips> D 1 CURVE "data/exampleB.fits[cols col1,col2,col6]" 1 2 3
    chips> CURVE "data/exampleB.fits[cols col1,col2,col6]" X 1 Y 2 E 3
    chips> CURVE "data/exampleB.fits[cols col1,col2,col6]" X 1 Y 2 YERR 3

  14. chips> CURVE data/exampleB.dat X 1 Y 2 YUP 7 YDOWN 8

    The ASCII data file data/exampleB.dat is plotted, with column 1 as x, column 2 as y, column 7 as the positive error in y, and column 8 as the negative error in y. The following commands are equivalent:

    chips> D 1 CURVE data/exampleB.dat X 1 Y 2 YUP 7 YDOWN 8
    chips> CURVE data/exampleB.dat YUP 7 YDOWN 8

  15. chips> CURVE "data.fits[cols col1, col2, col7, col8]" X 1 Y 2 
           YUP 3 YDOWN 4

    The same as the previous example, but the data is read from a FITS file. The following commands are equivalent:

    chips> D 1 CURVE "data.fits[cols col1, col2, col7, col8]" X 1 Y 2 
           YUP 3 YDOWN 4
    chips> CURVE "data.fits[cols col1, col2, col7, col8]" YUP 3 YDOWN 4

  16. chips> CURVE data/exampleB.dat X 1 Y 2 XUP 4 XDOWN 5 YERR 6

    This command plots x, y, the positive and negative errors in x, and the symmetric error in y. The following commands are equivalent:

    chips> D 1 CURVE data/exampleB.dat X 1 Y 2 XUP 4 XDOWN 5 YERR 6
    chips> CURVE data/exampleB.dat XUP 4 XDOWN 5 YERR 6

  17. chips> CURVE data/exampleA.dat
    chips> CURVE data/exampleB.dat

    Two curves are plotted and numbered 1 and 2, respectively.

  18. chips> C 1 DEL
    You have no more curves in this drawing area.
    chips> CURVE data/exampleB.dat 1 2 6

    An existing curve is deleted before the ASCII data is plotted; column 1 is x, column 2 is y, column 6 is the symmetric error bar in Y. The following commands are equivalent:

    chips> D 1 CURVE data/exampleB.dat 1 2 6
    chips> CURVE data/exampleB.dat X 1 Y 2 E 6
    chips> CURVE data/exampleB.dat X 1 Y 2 YERR 6

  19. chips> CURVE data/exampleB.dat
    chips> D 1 C 1 CURVE HISTO

    A single curve is plotted and the curve style is changed to histogram. The following commands are equivalent:

    chips> C 1 CURVE HISTO
    chips> CURVE HISTO
    chips> PLOT HISTO
    chips> HISTO

  20. chips> LONGDASH
    chips> WIDTH 4.0
    chips> RED
    chips> SYMBOL UPTRI
    chips> SYMBOL BLUE
    chips> SYMBOL SIZE 5.0

    Building on the previous example, various attributes to the curve are modified. The histogram line is changed from to a wide (width 4) line of long dashes. RED changes the color of the curve line, and the three SYMBOL commands change the type, color, and size of the plot symbols.

  21. chips> C 1 DEL
    You have no more curves in this drawing area.
    chips> CURVE data/exampleB.dat 1 2 6
    chips> ERRS BAR

    All existing curves are removed, then data with symmetric Y-axis error bars is plotted. The final command modifies these error bars such that they do not have ticks on the top or bottom of the bars.

  22. chips> CURVE data/exampleB.dat X 1 Y 2 XUP 4 XDOWN 5 YUP 7 YDOWN 8
    chips> ERRS X UP
    chips> ERRS X BAR

    Data is plotted with asymmetric x- and y-axis error bars. The command ERRS X UP causes only the positive x errorbars to be plotted. Then the errors are changed so that they do not have ticks on the top or bottom of the bars.

  23. chips> CURVE data/exampleA.dat
    chips> CURVE DATA data/exampleA.dat YUP 5 YDOWN 6
    chips> CURVE data/exampleB.dat
    chips> CLEAR

    The first CURVE command adds curve number 1 to the drawing area, from file data/exampleA.dat. The CURVE DATA command alters the curve so that it includes error bars from the same file. The third command adds curve number 2 to the drawing area, from file data/exampleB.dat. All plotting objects are then deleted, creating a new blank drawing area.

  24. chips> CURVE data/exampleB.dat X 1 Y 2 YERR 6
    chips> D 1 CURVE DATA data/exampleB.dat X 1 Y 2 YUP 7 YDOWN 8

    X, y, and symmetric y errors are plotted from an ASCII data file. The curve is then altered to have separate positive and negative y errors plotted.


The CURVE command (the ChIPS command not the S-Lang function) can take many arguments:

  chips> [D #] [C #] {CURVE | PLOT} DATA <filename> \
        [X #] [Y #]} [{XERR # | XUP # | XDOWN # | XDN #} \
        [{E # | YERR # | YUP # | YDOWN # | YDN #} [SCOL #]

The filename can include the path to the file (either relative or absolute) and - if a FITS file - any virtual file syntax as described in "ahelp dmsyntax". If a Data Model filter is used (i.e. something within "$ [$$ ]$") then the whole file name has to be enclosed in "" characters.

	Argument: ABSOLUTE or ABS
        Description: errors are not relative to the data value,
                     they are plotted as absolute values
	Default: RELATIVE
	Argument: <color>
	Description: Color of the axes
	Default: DEFAULT (appears in ChIPS window as white; prints as black)
	Argument: <coor>
        Description: axis coordinates
	Options: X, Y
	Default: both X and Y
	Argument: <curvestyle>
        Description: style of curve
	Options: NOLINE - no connecting line between data points,
	         SIMPLELINE - line connecting data points, 
	         STEP - stepped connection between data points (alias for HISTO)	 
	Default: NOLINE
	Argument: E #
	Options: column number for the symmetric error on y	  
	Default: integer numbers
	Argument: <errorstyle>
        Description: style for errorbars
	Options: STANDARD - errorbar with top and bottom ticks,
	         BAR - errorbar only (no ticks on top or bottom)	 
	Default: STANDARD
	Argument: <errortick_size_value>
        Description: size of top and bottom errorbar ticks
	Options: real numbers
	Default: 3.0
	Argument: <errortype>
        Description: type of errorbars
	Options: BOTH - both positive and negative errorbars, 
	         NONE - no error bars, 
	         UP - positive errorbar only, 
	         {DOWN | DN} - negative errorbar only	 
	Default: BOTH
	Argument: <linestyle>
        Description: style for lines
	Default: SOLID
	Argument: {RELATIVE | REL}
	Options: errors are relative to the data value	  
	Default: RELATIVE
	Argument: <scale_value>
        Description: plot scaling factor
	Options: real numbers
	Default: 1.0
	Argument: SCOL #
	Options: column number for the symbol specification
	Default: integer numbers (see below for list)
	Argument: <symbol_size_value>
        Description: size of symbols factor
	Options: real numbers
	Default: 3.0
	Argument: <symbolstyle>
        Description: style for symbols
	Default: CROSS
	Argument: <width_value>
        Description: curve thickness
	Options: real numbers
	Default: 1.0
	Argument: X #
	Description: column number for the X axis
	Options: integer numbers
	Default: X 1
	Argument: XERR #
	Description: column number for the symmetric error on x
	Options: integer numbers
	Argument: XUP #
	Description: column number for the positive error on x
	Default: integer numbers
	Argument: {XDOWN | XDN} #
	Description: column number for the negative error on x 
	Options: integer numbers
	Argument: Y #
	Description: column number for the Y axis
	Options: integer numbers
	Default: Y 2
	Argument: YERR #
	Description: column number for the symmetric error on y
	Options: integer numbers
	Argument: YUP #
	Description: column number for the positive error on y
	Options: integer numbers
	Argument: {YDOWN | YDN} #
	Description: column number for the negative error on y
	Options: integer numbers

2.11.7 SCOL values

The following table lists the possible values for the SCOL column.

Value Symbol type
1 - 19 dot
20 - 29 horizontal dash
30 open triangle
31 inverted Y
32 starred triangle
33 solid triangle
40 open square
41 X
42 starred square
43 solid square
AB The two-digit number AB means that the symbol (a polygon) has A sides and that these sides should be connected according the the value of B: 0$ =$open, 1$ =$skeletal, 2$ =$starred, and 3$ =$solid. No symbol will be produced if B is greater than 3.

2.12 D

Defines the current drawing area.

chips> D {# [,#, ...] | #:# | ALL}

where # is an integer argument specifying drawing area number, and #:# specifies an inclusive range of drawing area numbers.

Note that wherever the "D #" is used, the above extended syntax may be utilized to alter multiple drawing areas at once. If a non-existent drawing area is specified, ChIPS will act on the current drawing area.


  1. chips> SPLIT 2
    chips> SPLIT GAP 0.04
    chips> D 1 CURVE data/exampleA.dat
    chips> D 2 CURVE data/exampleB.dat

    The drawing area is first divided into two parts and and separated by a small amount (0.04). The first curve is plotted in drawing area 1, and the second in drawing area 2. Drawing area 2 is now the current drawing area, since it is the most recently created. The command TWOAXESFRAME acts on the current drawing area, changing the style of the axes.

  2. chips> D 2
    chips> TICKS X 10.0

    First, drawing area number is defined as the the current drawing area. The TICKS X 10.0 command acts on drawing area number 2, changing the tick spacing to units of 10.

  3. chips> D 1,2
    chips> AXES BLUE

    "D 1,2" defines drawing areas 1 and 2 as the current drawing areas, so that the following AXES BLUE command acts on both of them. The following commands are equivalent:

    chips> D 1:2 AXES BLUE
    chips> D ALL AXES BLUE

  4. chips> SPLIT 3
    chips> SPLIT GAP 0.1
    chips> D 1 CURVE data/exampleA.dat
    chips> D 2 CURVE data/exampleB.dat
    chips> D 3 CURVE data/example.dat
    chips> D ALL LIMITS X 0 20

    Three drawing areas are created with a large separation between them. A separate curve is plotted in each area, then they are all set to have the same X-axis limits.


Deletes plotting objects (drawing area, curves, lines and labels) from a plot.

chips> [D #] [C #] [LN #] [L #] DELETE
chips> DELETE [DRAWAREA] [#]

The first command deletes various plotting objects within a drawing area. To remove the entire drawing area and its contents, use the second command.

Argument: D #
Description: drawing area number designation
Options: integer number

See the D command for more information about this argument.

Argument: C #
Description: curve number designation
Options: integer number

See the C command for more information about this argument.

Argument: LN #
Description: line number designation
Options: integer number
Argument: L #
Description: label number designation
Options: integer number

Note that if a non-existent plotting object is specified, ChIPS will act on the current plotting object.

The PACK command controls how plotting objects are renumbered after deletions are made.


  1. chips> SPLIT 2
    chips> SPLIT GAP 0.05
    chips> D 1 CURVE data/exampleA.dat
    chips> D 1 CURVE data/exampleB.dat
    chips> D 1 LABEL 2.0 60.0 "Drawing Area 1"
    chips> D 1 LABEL 2.0 20.0 "Curve 1"
    chips> D 1 LABEL 5.5 10.0 "Curve 2"
    chips> D 2 CURVE data/exampleB.dat 
    chips> D 2 LABEL 2.0 3.4 "Drawing Area 2"
    chips> D 1 C 2 DELETE
    Your new Current Curve number is: 1
    chips> D 1 L 3 DELETE
    Your new Current Label number is: 2
    chips> D 2 DELETE
    Your new Current Draw Area number is: 1

    The drawing area is first divided into two parts. Three curves are plotted - two in drawing area 1 and one in drawing area 2 - and labeled. The command D 1 C 2 DELETE deletes the second curve that was plotted in drawing area number 1; the next DELETE command deletes the label for that curve. The final command removes drawing area number 2 enitrely.

  2. chips> CLEAR
    chips> CURVE data/exampleA.dat
    chips> LABEL 4.0 5.0 "Label 1"
    chips> LABEL 2.0 40.0 "Label 2"
    chips> LABEL 4.0 60.0 "Label 3"
    chips> LABEL 3.0 20.0 "Label 4"
    chips> L 2,4 DELETE
    Your new Current Label number is: 2
    chips> L 2:4 DELETE
    Your new Current Label number is: 1

    A single curve is plotted and four labels are created. The command L 2,4 DELETE deletes label numbers 2 and 4. By default, renumbering of plotting objects is turned on, so the remaining labels are renumbered as 1 and 2. Issuing L 2:4 DELETE deletes any labels numbered 2 through 4, i.e. "Label 3" is deleted.

  3. chips> CURVE data/exampleA.dat
    chips> LABEL 4.0 5.0 "Label 1"
    chips> LABEL 2.0 40.0 "Label 2"
    chips> L 2 DEL
    Your new Current Label number is: 1
    chips> L 2 SIZE 4.0

    A curve is plotted and two labels are created. The L 2 DEL command removes label number 2 (i.e. "Label 2"). Since there is no longer a label number 2 upon which to act, the L 2 SIZE 4.0 command is slightly misleading; this command will act on label number 1, as explained in the DESCRIPTION.


Causes the specified 2-D data to be displayed, using the default imaging display tool (i.e. ds9)

chips> DISPLAY <filename>

The $ <$filename$ >$ is the name of an image data file, and may include a directory path. Currently, only 2-D FITS images are supported.


  1. chips> DISPLAY data/example_img.fits

    Displays the image contained in data/example_img.fits.


Specifies the location for a new drawing area.

chips> DRAWAREA <x1> <x2> <y1> <y2>

Argument: <x1>
Description: X coordinate of lower left corner
Options: real numbers between 0.0 and 1.0
Argument: <x2>
Description: X coordinate of upper right corner
Options: real numbers between 0.0 and 1.0
Argument: <y1>
Description: Y coordinate of lower left corner
Options: real numbers between 0.0 and 1.0
Argument: <y2>
Description: Y coordinate of upper right corner
Options: real numbers between 0.0 and 1.0


  1. chips> DRAWAREA 0.25 0.9 0.5 0.9
    chips> D 1 CURVE data/example.dat

    The drawing area location is set and then a curve is plotted.

2.16 ERRS

Specifies the appearance of errorbars.

chips> [D #] [C #] ERRS [<coor>] <color>
chips> [D #] [C #] ERRS [<coor>] <errorstyle>
chips> [D #] [C #] ERRS [<coor>] <errortype>
chips> [D #] [C #] ERRS [<coor>] <linestyle>
chips> [D #] [C #] ERRS [<coor>] {ABSOLUTE | RELATIVE}
chips> [D #] [C #] ERRS [<coor>] SIZE <errortick_size_value>

Argument: {ABSOLUTE | ABS}
Description: errors are not relative to the data value; instead 
             they are plotted as absolute values
Argument: C #
Description: curve number designation
Options: integer numbers
Default: current curve

See the C command for more information about this argument.

Argument: <color>
Description: axes color
Default: DEFAULT (appears in ChIPS window as white; prints as black)
Argument: <coor>
Description: axis coordinates
Options: X, Y
Default: both X and Y
Argument: D #
Description: drawing area number designation
Options: integer numbers
Default: current drawing area

See the D command for more information about this argument.

Argument: <errorstyle>
Description: sytle for errorbars
Options: STANDARD - errorbar with top and bottom ticks
         BAR - errorbar only, no ticks on top or bottom
Argument: <errortype>
Description: type of errorbars
Options: BOTH - both positive and negative errorbars
         NONE - no error bars
         UP - positive errorbar only
         {DOWN | DN} - negative errorbar only
Default: BOTH
Argument: <errortick_size_value>
Description: size of top and bottom errorbar ticks
Options: real numbers
Default: 3.0
Argument: <linestyle>
Description: style for lines
Default: SOLID
Argument: {RELATIVE | REL}
Description: errors are relative to the data value

The command:

chips> [D #] [C #] ERRS [<coor>] {ABSOLUTE | RELATIVE}

affects all subsequent plots, not just the existing plot.

Figure is an illustration of the different $ <$errortype$ >$ options. Figure is an illustration of the different $ <$errorstyle$ >$ options.

Figure 2.2: $ <$errortype$ >$ Options
Figure 2.3: $ <$errorstyle$ >$ Options

CIAO allows some plot attributes to be changed using the ChIPS state object and resource file. See "ahelp chips" for further details.


  1. chips> SPLIT 2
    chips> D 1 CURVE data/exampleA.dat YUP 5 YDOWN 6
    chips> D 1 CURVE data/exampleB.dat YUP 7 YDOWN 8
    chips> D 2 CURVE data/exampleA.dat XUP 3 XDOWN 3
    chips> D 2 CURVE data/exampleB.dat XUP 4 XDOWN 5
    chips> D 2 C 1 ERRS X UP
    chips> D 2 C 1 ERRS BAR

    Two curves with Y error bars are plotted in drawing area number 1, and two curves are plotted in drawing area number 2 with X error bars. The error bars for curve 1 of drawing area 2 are then changed to be positive error bars only, having no tick marks on the tops or bottoms of the bars.

  2. chips> D 1 C 1 ERRS Y UP
    chips> D 1 C 1 ERRS BAR

    Building on the previous example, the Y error bars plotted in drawing area 1 for curve 1 are modified.

  3. chips> ERRS ABS
    chips> D 1 CURVE data/exampleA.dat YUP 5 YDOWN 6
    chips> ERRS REL
    chips> D 1 CURVE data/exampleAa.dat YUP 5 YDOWN 6

    The first CURVE command is preceded by the ERRS ABS command, which will set all errors to be plotted as absolute (instead of relative) to the data points. The second CURVE command is preceded by the ERRS REL command, which will set all errors to plotted as relative to the data.

2.17 EXIT | QUIT

Terminates the program. The command QUIT is equivalent.

chips> EXIT
chips> QUIT


  1. chips> EXIT

    ChIPS has been closed, returning the user to the unix prompt.

2.18 FONT

Changes the default global font.

chips> FONT <font>

Argument: <font>
Description: font type designation
Options: {GREEK | GR} (Greek), {ITALIC | IT} (Italic), 
         {OLDENGLISH | OE} (Old English), {ROMAN | RM} (Roman),
         {TINY | TI} (Tiny)
Default: ROMAN

This command affects all drawing areas.

The $ <$text$ >$ argument of the commands LABEL, XLABEL, YLABEL, ZLABEL, and TITLE may contain TeX syntax for formatting text and creating mathematical expressions. This TeX syntax may include mixed font settings, as shown in one of the EXAMPLES.

CIAO allows some plot attributes to be changed using the ChIPS state object and resource file. See "ahelp chips" for further details.


  1. chips> CURVE data/example.dat
    chips> XLABEL "X-axis"
    chips> YLABEL "Y-axis"
    chips> TITLE "Title"
    chips> LABEL 2.0 2.5 "Plot label"
    chips> XLABEL SIZE 2.0
    chips> YLABEL SIZE 2.0
    chips> TITLE SIZE 2.0
    chips> LABEL SIZE 2.0
    chips> FONT GR
    chips> FONT RM

    After creating a plot and adding labels and a title, the global font is changed first to Greek. The final command changes the global font back to the default Roman. The following commands are equivalent when changing fonts:

    chips> FONT GREEK
    chips> FONT ROMAN

  2. chips> D 1 LABEL 2.0 50.0 "\oe This \rm is \gr Greek"

    This LABEL command utilizes TeX syntax in order to achieve mixed font settings in the same plot. The command produces a label where "This" is in Old English font, "is" is in Roman font, and "Greek" is in the Greek font.

2.19 GRIDS

Adds grid lines to a drawing area and/or changes grid attributes.

chips> [D #] GRIDS [<gridtype>] <color>
chips> [D #] GRIDS [<gridtype>] [<coor>] <boolean>
chips> [D #] GRIDS [<gridtype>] <linestyle>

Argument: <boolean>
Description: drawing area grids on or off
Options: {ON | OFF}
Default: ON
Argument: <color>
Description: axes color
Default: DEFAULT (appears in ChIPS window as white; prints as black)
Argument: <coor>
Description: axis coordinates
Options: X, Y  
Default: both X and Y
Argument: D #
Description: drawing area number designation
Options: integer numbers
Default: current drawing area

See the D command for more information about this argument.

Argument: <gridtype>
Description: type of grid markings
Options: MAJ - grid lines along major tick marks
         MIN - grid lines along minor tick marks
Default: both MAJ and MIN
Argument: <linestyle>
Description: style for lines
Default: SOLID

CIAO allows some plot attributes to be changed using the ChIPS state object and resource file. See "ahelp chips" for further details.


  1. chips> CURVE data/example.dat
    chips> GRIDS ON

    A curve is plotted, then the grid lines are turned on.

  2. chips> GRIDS MAJ Y ON
    chips> GRIDS MIN X ON

    Grid lines along the major Y-axis tick marks are turned on, while the lines along the minor X-axis tick marks are turned on.

  3. chips> GRIDS MAJ BLUE
    chips> GRIDS MIN CYAN

    The major tick marks are changed to the color blue, and the minor tick marks are changed to the color cyan. Finally, all grid line styles are changed from a solid line to a long dash.

2.20 INFO

Prints summary information about the current plotting objects.

chips> INFO


  1. chips> CURVE data/example.dat
    chips> GRIDS ON
    chips> AXES YELLOW
    chips> INFO
    Drawing Area  #1  << CURRENT DRAWING AREA
    (Location: 0.15 0.9 0.1 0.9)
    (Limits  : -0.45 20.45 0.915761 3.99156)
    (Axes    :  fouraxes   color: yellow  width: 1)
            Curve #1  /data/example.dat
                     SYMBOL: defaultcolor  cross
                     CONNECTOR: noline << CURRENT CURVE

    A plot is created and some of the attributes are modified. The plot summary is then printed with the INFO command.

2.21 L

Defines the current label.

chips> [D #] L {# [,#, ...] | #:# | ALL}

where # is an integer argument and #:# specifies an inclusive range of label numbers.

See the D command for more information about this argument.

If a non-existent label is specified, ChIPS will act on the current label.


  1. chips> CURVE data/exampleA.dat
    chips> CURVE data/exampleB.dat
    chips> LABEL 5.0 40.0 "Curve 1"
    chips> LABEL 5.0 5.0 "Curve 2"
    chips> LABEL YELLOW

    Two curves are plotted and labeled; The first label ("Curve 1") is label number 1 and the second label is number 2. Label number 2 is also the current label, since it was most recently created. The command LABEL YELLOW acts on the current label (2), changing the color to yellow.

  2. chips> D 1 L 1
    chips> LABEL BLUE

    The command D 1 L 1 defines label number 1 as the current label, so that the command LABEL BLUE changes the color.

  3. chips> L 2
    chips> LABEL SIZE 2.4

    Label 2 is defined as the current label, then the size is changed to 2.4.

2.22 LABEL

Adds a label to a drawing area and/or changes label attributes.

chips> [D #] LABEL <xcoor> <ycoor> "<text>"

To change label attributes:

chips> [D #] {L # | LABEL} "<text>"
chips> [D #] L # <xcoor> <ycoor>
chips> [D #] {L # | LABEL} ANGLE <rot_angle>
chips> [D #] {L # | LABEL} <color>
chips> [D #] {L # | LABEL} SIZE <size_value>

The LABEL command can take many arguments:

Argument: <color>
Description: label color
Default: DEFAULT (appears in ChIPS window as white; prints as black)
Argument: D #
Description: drawing area number designation
Options: integer numbers
Default: current drawing area

See the D command for more information about this argument.

Argument: L #
Description: label number designation
Options: integer numbers
Default: current label
Argument: <rot_angle>
Description: rotation angle in degrees
Options: real numbers
Default: 0.0
Argument: <size_value>
Description: label size
Options: real numbers
Default: 1.0
Argument: <text>
Description: the text for the label, which must be in quotes 
             (" ").  The <text> may contain TeX syntax
             for formatting text, creating mathematical expressions,
             and mixing font settings.
Options: quoted character string
Argument: <xcoor>
Description: X coordinate of start location for label
Options: real numbers
Argument: <ycoor>
Description: Y coordinate of start location for labels
Options: real numbers

If $ <$xcoor$ >$ and $ <$ycoor$ >$ are not included, the current label is replaced. These arguments must be included when adding the first label.

CIAO allows some plot attributes to be changed using the ChIPS state object and resource file. See "ahelp chips" for further details.


  1. chips> CURVE data/exampleB.dat
    chips> D 1 LABEL 5.0 1.2 "Label"

    After a curve has been plotted, a label is added at position (5.0, 1.2).

  2. chips> D 1 LABEL "NewLabel"

    The text of the label created in the previous example is replaced with "NewLabel".

  3. chips> D 1 LABEL 10.0 3.0 "x = \frac{y+z/2}{y^{2}+3}"

    A mathematical label is added at position (10.0, 3.0) by using TeX syntax.

  4. chips> D 1 LABEL 10.0 1.5 "\oe This \rm is \gr Greek"

    This LABEL command utilizes TeX syntax in order to achieve mixed font settings in the same plot. The command produces a label where "This" is in Old English font, "is" is in Roman font, and "Greek" is in the Greek font.

  5. chips> CLEAR
    chips> CURVE data/exampleB.dat
    chips> D 1 LABEL 5.0 1.2 "Label"
    chips> L 1
    chips> LABEL ANGLE 45.0
    chips> L 1 10.0 1.2
    chips> LABEL SIZE 2.0

    A curve is plotted and labeled. The angle of the label is changed to 45 degrees, then it is moved and increased in size.

  6. chips> LABEL 5.0 3.0 "Label 3"
    chips> LABEL 5.0 1.5 "Label 4"
    chips> L 2,3 ANGLE 45.0
    chips> L 1:3 SIZE 1.5

    Two more labels are added to the plot from the previous example, then the command L 2,3 ANGLE 45.0 changes the angle of both of them to 45 degrees. The final command changes the size of labels numbered 1 through 3 (all labels in this case) to 1.5.


Sets the contour levels in a contour plot.

chips> [D #] [C #] LEVELS <lev1> <lev2> ... <levN>

Argument: D #
Description: drawing area number designation
Options: integer numbers
Default: current drawing area

See the D command for more information about this argument.

Argument: C #
Description: curve number designation
Options: integer number
Default: current curve

See the C command for more information about this argument.

Argument: <lev1> <lev2> ... <levN>
Description: numbers specifying Z axis values of each contour level
Options: real numbers

The $ <$lev1$ >$ value specifies the Z-axis data value of the first contour line, $ <$lev2$ >$ specifies the value of the second contour line, and so on. See the CONTOUR command for information on displaying contour plots.

CIAO allows some plot attributes to be changed using the ChIPS state object and resource file. See "ahelp chips" for further details.


  1. chips> CONTOUR data/example3D.sorted.dat 2 4 20
    chips> LEVELS 3 5 20 100

    The ASCII data file data/example3D.sorted.dat is plotted as a contour plot. The first contour line is drawn along Z-axis data values of 2, the second along values of 4, and the third along values of 20. The LEVELS command changes the contour levels to 3, 5, 20, and 100 for contour lines 1 thru 4, respectively.


Sets the ranges to be displayed in the axes.

chips> [D #] LIMITS [<coor>] {<min> | AUTO | *} {<max> | AUTO | *}
chips> [D #] LIMITS {<xmin> | AUTO | *} {<xmax> | AUTO | *} \
{<ymin> | AUTO | *} {<ymax> | AUTO | *} \
[{<zmin> | AUTO | *} {<zmax> | AUTO | *}]

Argument: <coor>
Description: axis coordinates
Options: X, Y  
Default: X
Argument: D #
Description: drawing area number designation
Options: integer numbers
Default: current drawing area

See the D command for more information about this argument.

Argument: <min>
Description: lower limit for axis range
Options: real numbers
Default: AUTO
Argument: <max>
Description: upper limit for axis range
Options: real numbers
Default: AUTO
Argument: <xmin>
Description: lower limit for X-axis range
Options: real numbers
Default: AUTO
Argument: <xmax>
Description: upper limit for X-axis range
Options: real numbers
Default: AUTO
Argument: <ymin>
Description: lower limit for Y-axis range
Options: real numbers
Default: AUTO
Argument: <ymax>
Description: upper limit for Y-axis range
Options: real numbers
Default: AUTO
Argument: <zmin>
Description: lower limit for Z-axis range
Options: real numbers
Default: AUTO
Argument: <zmax>
Description: upper limit for Z-axis range
Options: real numbers
Default: AUTO

The limit specifications come in pairs, with the first being the lower limit. A limit specification may be a number, an asterisk (*), or the argument AUTO. A '*' indicates no change in the current limit, while AUTO allows the underlying plotting package to select the limit value.

ChIPS converts double-precision numbers to floating-point values before plotting them, which can cause problems for values that are either too large or too small. The allowed range is approximately 1e-38 to 3e38 (for both positive and negative values).

The limits of the x and y axes in a contour plot cannot be modified in the current version of ChIPS.

CIAO allows some plot attributes to be changed using the ChIPS state object and resource file. See "ahelp chips" for further details.


  1. chips> CURVE data/example.dat
    chips> LIMITS X 5.0 15.0
    chips> LIMITS Y 2.0 4.0

    The first two LIMITS commands change the displayed ranges of the X and Y axes, respectively. The final two commands instruct the plotting package to determine the X and Y limits. The two pairs of commands (4 lines) may be reduced to two lines:

    chips> LIMITS 5.0 15.0 2.0 4.0

  2. chips> LIMITS * 15.0 * 4.5

    This command preserves the minimum value of each axis, but changes the maximum of the X-axis to 15.0 and of the Y-axis to 4.5.

2.25 LINE

Adds a line to a drawing area and/or changes line attributes.

chips> [D #] LINE <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2>

To change line attributes:

chips> [D #] LN # <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2>
chips> [D #] {LN # | LINE} <color>
chips> [D #] {LN # | LINE} <linestyle>
chips> [D #] {LN # | LINE} WIDTH <width_value>

The LINE command can take many arguments:

Argument: <color>
Description: line color
Default: DEFAULT (appears in ChIPS window as white; prints as black)
Argument: D #
Description: drawing area number designation
Options: integer numbers
Default: current drawing area

See the D command for more information about this argument.

Argument: <linestyle>
Description: style for line
Default: SOLID
Argument: LN #
Description: line number designation
Options: integer numbers
Argument: <width_value>
Description: line thickness
Options: real numbers
Default: 1.0
Argument: <x1>
Description: X coordinate of start location for line
Options: real numbers
Argument: <x2>
Description: X coordinate of end location for line
Options: real numbers
Argument: <y1>
Description: Y coordinate of start location for line
Options: real numbers
Argument: <y2>
Description: Y coordinate of end location for line
Options: real numbers

CIAO allows some plot attributes to be changed using the ChIPS state object and resource file. See "ahelp chips" for further details.


  1. chips> CURVE data/exampleB.dat
    chips> D 1 LINE 1.0 1.8 3.0 1.8

    After a curve has been plotted, a line is added that begins at (5.0, 1.0) and ends at (10.0, 2.0).

  2. chips> CURVE data/exampleB.dat
    chips> D 1 LINE 1.0 1.8 3.0 1.8
    chips> LINE BLUE
    chips> LN 1 1.0 1.8 10.0 1.8
    chips> LINE DOTDASH
    chips> LINE WIDTH 5.0

    A curve and line are plotted, and the color of the line is changed to blue. Then the LN command changes the endpoint of the line. The final two commands switch the line to a dot-dash style and increase the width to 5.0.


Changes one or more axes to linear scale.

chips> [D #] LINEAR [<coor>]

Argument: D #
Description: drawing area number designation
Options: integer numbers
Default: current drawing area

See the D command for more information about this argument.

Argument: <coor>
Description: axis coordinates
Options: X, Y  
Default: both X and Y

The command LOG is used to return an axis to log scale.

CIAO allows some plot attributes to be changed using the ChIPS state object and resource file. See "ahelp chips" for further details.


  1. chips> CURVE data/example.dat
    chips> LOG X
    chips> LOG
    chips> LINEAR

    The data is plotted, then the X-axis is changed to logarithmic scale. The second LOG command changes both the X and Y axes to logarithmic scale, and the LINEAR command returns both axes to linear scale.

2.27 LIST

Lists the contents of datafiles using the CIAO tool dmlist.

chips> LIST <filename> [<dm_list_parameter_specifications> [| <arg>]]

In addition to the $ <$filename$ >$, the input may specify the dmlist option parameter ($ <$dm_list_parameter_specifications$ >$) and any pipe-supporting Unix command ($ <$arg$ >$, e.g. less).

For more information, see "ahelp dmlist".


  1. chips> acisf01838N001_evt2.fits opt=blocks  
    Dataset: acisf01838N001_evt2.fits
         Block Name                          Type         Dimensions
    Block    1: PRIMARY                        Null        
    Block    2: EVENTS                         Table        14 cols x 78208    rows
    Block    3: GTI7                           Table         2 cols x 1        rows
    Block    4: GTI0                           Table         2 cols x 1        rows
    Block    5: GTI1                           Table         2 cols x 2        rows
    Block    6: GTI2                           Table         2 cols x 1        rows
    Block    7: GTI3                           Table         2 cols x 1        rows
    Block    8: GTI6                           Table         2 cols x 1        rows

    The blocks of the file acisf01838N001_evt2.fits are returned.

  2. chips> LIST primary/acisf01838N001_evt2.fits cols | less
    Columns for Table Block EVENTS
    ColNo  Name                 Unit        Type             Range
       1   time                 s            Real8          84244214.7546979934: 842
       2   ccd_id                            Int2           0:9                  CCD
       3   node_id                           Int2           0:3                  CCD
       4   expno                             Int4           0:2147483647         Exp
       5   chip(chipx,chipy)    pixel        Int2           1:1024               Chi
       6   tdet(tdetx,tdety)    pixel        Int2           1:8192               ACI

    The columns of the data file, which includes a pathname, are piped to "less" and printed to the screen.

2.28 LN

Defines the current line.

chips> [D #] LN {# [,#, ...] | #:# | ALL}

where # is an integer argument and #:# specifies an inclusive range of line numbers.

See the D command for more information about this argument.

Note that if a non-existent line is specified, ChIPS will act on the current line.


  1. chips> CURVE data/example.dat X 1 Y 2
    chips> LINE 2.0 1.0 2.0 4.0
    chips> LINE 1.25 5.0 1.8 5.0
    chips> LINE DASH

    A curve is plotted and two lines are placed on the plot. The first line is designated line number 1 and the second is line number 2; Line 2 is also the current line, since it is the most recently created line. The command LINE DASH acts on the current line, changing it to a dashed line.

  2. chips> D 1 LN 1
    chips> LINE DASH

    The command D 1 LN 1 defines line number 1 as the current line, then the LINE DASH command changes it to a dashed line.

  3. chips> LN 2
    chips> LINE WIDTH 4.0

    Line 2 is defined as the current line. The LINE WIDTH 4.0 command acts on the line, changing it to a width of 4.0.


Specifies the location for an existing drawing area.

chips> LOCATION <x1> <x2> <y1> <y2>
chips> [D #] LOCATION <x1> <x2> <y1> <y2>

Argument: D #
Description: drawing area number designation
Options: integer numbers
Default: current drawing area

See the D command for more information about this argument.

Argument: <x1>
Description: X coordinate of lower left corner
Options: real numbers between 0.0 and 1.0
Default: 0.15
Argument: <x2>
Description: X coordinate of upper right corner
Options: real numbers between 0.0 and 1.0
Default: 0.9
Argument: <y1>
Description: Y coordinate of lower left corner
Options: real numbers between 0.0 and 1.0
Default: 0.1
Argument: <y2>
Description: Y coordinate of upper right corner
Options: real numbers between 0.0 and 1.0
Default: 0.9

The origin - (0,0) - is at the lower left corner.

CIAO allows some plot attributes to be changed using the ChIPS state object and resource file. See "ahelp chips" for further details.


  1. chips> D 1 CURVE data/example.dat
    chips> LOCATION 0.25 0.9 0.5 0.9

    A curve is plotted, then the drawing area location is modified.

2.30 LOG

Changes one or more axes to logarithmic scale.

chips> [D #] LOG [<coor>]

Argument: D #
Description: drawing area number designation
Options: integer numbers
Default: current drawing area

See the D command for more information about this argument.

Argument: <coor>
Description: axis coordinates
Options: X, Y  
Default: both X and Y

Note that a warning is returned when a LOG command is issued for data containing negative or zero values: "Warning: negative and zero values ignored in log scale".

The command LINEAR is used to return an axis to linear scale.

CIAO allows some plot attributes to be changed using the ChIPS state object and resource file. See "ahelp chips" for further details.


  1. chips> CURVE data/example.dat
    chips> LOG X
    chips> LOG
    chips> LINEAR

    The data is plotted, then the X-axis is changed to logarithmic scale. The second LOG command changes both the X and Y axes to logarithmic scale, and the LINEAR command returns both axes to linear scale.

2.31 PACK

Renumbers plotting objects after a delete operation.

chips> PACK
chips> PACK {ON | OFF}
chips> [D #] PACK {CURVE | LABEL | LINE}

See the D command for more information about this argument.

Plotting objects are assigned consecutive number designations, in the order in which they are created. By default, renumbering of plotting objects is turned on. This means that the objects are renumbered whenever one is removed.

Issuing this command with no arguments forces a renumbering of all plotting objects. If an argument is given, however, the specified plotting objects (drawing areas, curves, labels, and lines) are renumbered independently.


  1. chips> SPLIT 2
    chips> D 1 CURVE data/exampleA.dat
    chips> D 2 CURVE data/exampleB.dat
    chips> D 1 DEL
    Your new Current Draw Area number is: 1
    chips> D 1 TWOAXES

    The drawing area is split in two and a curve is plotted in each area. When drawing area number 1 is removed, drawing area number 2 becomes the current drawing area and is renumbered to be 1 (since renumbering is on by default). The command D 1 TWOAXES acts on the remaining drawing area.

  2. chips> SPLIT 2
    chips> D 1 CURVE data/exampleA.dat
    chips> D 2 CURVE data/exampleB.dat
    chips> PACK OFF
    chips> D 1 DEL
    Your new Current Draw Area number is: 2

    Again, two curves are plotted, each in its own drawing area. The PACK OFF command causes plotting objects not to be renumbered, so drawing area number 2 becomes the current drawing area without changing number.

  3. chips> D 1 CURVE data/exampleB.dat
    chips> LABEL 5.0 1.5 "Label 1"
    chips> LABEL 10.0 2.0 "Label 2"
    chips> LABEL 15.0 3.0 "Label 3"
    chips> LABEL 5.0 3.6 "Label 4"
    chips> PACK OFF
    chips> L 2 DEL
    Your new Current Label number is: 3
    chips> L 3 DEL
    Your new Current Label number is: 4
    chips> PACK LABEL
    chips> L 1 ANGLE 45.0
    chips> L 2 SIZE 2.0

    A curve is plotted and four labels are added to the drawing area. The two DEL commands remove labels 2 and 3; since the command PACK OFF was issued, the remaining labels are not renumbered. The PACK LABELS command causes labels 1 and 4 to be renumbered to 1 and 2, which are then modified by the label attribute commands.


Sets the page dimensions for hardcopy plots.

chips> pagesize <width> <length> <unit>

In this context, "hardcopy" refers to both sending the plot directly to a printer and printing it to a postscript file.

Argument: <width>
Description: width of the hardcopy plot
Options: real numbers
Default: 8.0
Argument: <length>
Description: length of the hardcopy plot
Options:  real numbers
Default: 8.0
Argument: <unit>
Description: unit for <width> and <length>
Options: cm, inch, mm
Default: inch

The postscript drivers work well for plots no bigger than 8x8 inch or portrait plots up to about 8x10 inches. Any other setup causes problems due to inconsistant handling of margins that causes errors in calculating the bounding box. The result is that the output of "print postfile" may be clipped even if the pagesize is set correctly; this is most likely to affect plots oriented as "landscape" layout.

If creating a smaller plot is not an option, try one of these workarounds:

$ \bullet$
edit the bounding box by hand in PS file
$ \bullet$
delete the bounding box definition from the PS file
$ \bullet$
gv has the option to change or ignore the bounding box when viewing a PS file

More information on creating hardcopies is available from "ahelp chips print".

CIAO allows some plot attributes to be changed using the ChIPS state object and resource file. See "ahelp chips" for further details.

Unlike most other ChIPS commands, the "pagesize" command modifies the state object. This means that once the desired size has been set, the command does not need to be reissued. The current page size may also be determined by checking the state object, as shown in the EXAMPLES section.


  1. chips> rx = [1:10:0.1]
    chips> ry = sin(rx)
    chips> curve x rx y ry
    chips> pagesize 4.0 4.0      
    chips> print postfile

    First, a simple plot is created. The page size is set to 4x4 with the default unit of inches (note that it is not necessary to include the unit if it is unchanged). Finally, a postscript file is created.

  2. chips> print(chips)
    pagewidth        =  4
    pagelen          =  4
    unit             =  inch
    chips> pagesize 15 15 cm
    chips> print(chips)
    pagewidth        =  15
    pagelen          =  15
    unit             =  cm

    Building on the previous example, the height and width of the plot are modified, with the new dimensions given in cm. This also illustrates that changing the page size on the command line updates the ChIPS state object fields.


Starts the interactive cursor mode, which reads out the cursor position.

chips> [D #] PICKPOINTS
chips> [D #] PICKPOINTS <value>

where $ <$value$ >$ is an integer number of points to pick (defaults to 1 if not given).

See the D command for more information about this argument.

The PICKPOINTS command puts the user into interactive cursor mode. Points may be selected by clicking with the left mouse button or using the spacebar; the coordinates of selected points will be printed to the screen. If the number of points to be selected is not specified with the $ <$value$ >$ argument, then interactive mode will continue until the character q is entered or a right mouse click is given.


  1. chips> CURVE example.dat
    chips> PICKPOINTS 3
    Click LMB or tap spacebar to pick point.
    Click RMB or type 'q' to quit picking points.
    Point picked: (2.336950, 1.447520)
    Point picked: (3.479965, 1.770423)
    Point picked: (4.568552, 2.055780)

    In this example, the PICKPOINTS 3 command allows the user to select three points. After the third click, the user is returned to the ChIPS command line.

  2. chips> PICKPOINTS
    Click LMB or tap spacebar to pick point.
    Click RMB or type 'q' to quit picking points.
    Point picked: (1.466081, 1.184691)
    Point picked: (2.554667, 1.462538)
    Point picked: (3.534395, 1.770423)
    Point picked: (4.568552, 2.055780)
    Point picked: (5.602708, 2.386193)

    In this example, the PICKPOINTS command allows the user to select an indefinite number of points.


Plots a curve in a drawing area, or changes curve attributes.

See the CURVE command, for further information and examples.

2.35 PRINT

Creates a hardcopy of the current plot.

chips> PRINT {[<device>] | POSTFILE <filename>}

If no printer device is specified, the output will be sent to the default printer as specified in the user's environment. The "POSTFILE $ <$filename$ >$" argument creates a PostScript file in the current directory if no pathname is included.

There are two new commands in CIAO 3.0 that may be used to configure the look of the output: COLORSYS sets the color system (RGB, CMYK, grayscale) and PAGESIZE indicates the page dimensions of the hardcopy plot.

Note that the new COLORSYS command deprecates the former method of creating CMYK plots, namely:

  chips> PRINT "postfileCMYK <filename>"

The postscript drivers work well for plots no bigger than 8x8 inch or portrait plots up to about 8x10 inches. Any other setup causes problems due to inconsistant handling of margins that causes errors in calculating the bounding box. The result is that the output of "print postfile" may be clipped even if the pagesize is set correctly; this is most likely to affect plots oriented as "landscape" layout.

If creating a smaller plot is not an option, try one of these workarounds:

$ \bullet$
edit the bounding box by hand in PS file
$ \bullet$
delete the bounding box definition from the PS file
$ \bullet$
gv has the option to change or ignore the bounding box when viewing a PS file

CIAO allows some plot attributes to be changed using the ChIPS state object and resource file. See "ahelp chips" for further details.


  1.   chips> CURVE data/example.dat
      chips> print(chips.colorsys)
      chips> PRINT POSTFILE
      chips> COLORSYS CMYK
      chips> PRINT POSTFILE

    A curve is plotted and written out first as an RGB postscript file, then as a CMYK postscript file; see "ahelp colorsys" for an explanation of the syntax used.

  2.   chips> CURVE example2.dat
      chips> PRINT

    A curve is plotted and a hardcopy is printed on the system's printer.


Launches Prism .

See the BROWSE command, for further information and examples.

2.37 QUIT | EXIT

Terminates the ChIPS program.

See the EXIT command, for an example.

2.38 REDO

Redoes the most recently undone plotting command.

chips> REDO [#]

where # is an integer number of commands to be redone.


  1. chips> CURVE data/example.dat
    chips> LIMITS X 5.0 15.0
    chips> UNDO
    chips> REDO

    A curve is plotted and the limits of the X-axis are changed. The UNDO command restores the limit to their original defaults. The REDO command then redoes the most recently undone command, thus changing the X-axis limits once again.

  2. chips> CURVE data/example.dat
    chips> LIMITS X 5.0 15.0
    chips> LIMITS Y 10.0 15.0
    chips> AXES BLUE
    chips> LIMITS Y 10.0 25.0
    chips> UNDO 3
    chips> REDO 1

    A curve is plotted and the limits of both axes are changed. They are colored blue, then the Y-axis limits are changed again. The UNDO command backtracks through the previous three commands (in the order they are undone: LIMITS Y 10.0 25.0, AXES BLUE, LIMITS Y 10.0 15.0). The REDO command then redoes the most recently undone command (LIMITS Y 10.0 15.0), leaving the final plot with white axes and limits of x$ =$5:15, y$ =$10:15.


Redraws the plot or sets the redraw mode

chips> REDRAW
chips> REDRAW ON

When ChIPS is started the redraw mode is set to "on". This means that any command that changes the plot display - such as adding or deleting a curve or changing the plot title - will have an immediate effect. There are times when this behaviour is undesireable - such as plots of large datasets or when creating a plot from a script - and so it can be turned off by calling BATCH OFF. It can be restored by BATCH ON.

After the redraw mode is turned off, ChIPS commands will appear to have no affect on the current plot. The REDRAW command on its own will force the plot to be displayed with the current contents, or the ChIPS PRINT command can be used to create a postscript version of the current plot.

The default behaviour for Sherpa is to turn automatic redrawing off. This includes loading the Sherpa module into a S-Lang script.


  1. chips> CURVE data/example.dat
    chips> REDRAW OFF
    chips> SYMBOL UPTRI
    chips> SYMBOL BLUE
    chips> SYMBOL SIZE 5.0
    chips> REDRAW

    After the curve is plotted, automatic redrawing is turned off. Therefore, the effect of commands that follow are not displayed until the REDRAW command refreshes the plot.

  2. chips> REDRAW ON
    chips> SIMPLELINE

    Building on the previous example, automatic redrawing is restored. When the SIMPLELINE command is issued, the plot is redrawn with the new curve linestyle.


Alters the relative size of drawing areas. The command RELSIZE is equivalent.

chips> [D #] RELATIVESIZE [<column>] <size>

By default, $ <$size$ >$ is 1.0.

See the D command for more information about this argument.

The RELATIVESIZE command with no $ <$column$ >$ argument will alter the relative sizes of drawing areas created with the SPLIT command. The command changes the size of the drawing area in relation to the other drawing areas.

The RELATIVESIZE command with a $ <$column$ >$ argument will alter the width of a column of drawing areas.

CIAO allows some plot attributes to be changed using the ChIPS state object and resource file. See "ahelp chips" for further details.


  1. chips> SPLIT 2
    chips> D 1 CURVE data/exampleA.dat
    chips> D 2 CURVE data/exampleB.dat
    chips> RELATIVESIZE 2.1

    The curves are first plotted in separate drawing areas. The RELATIVESIZE 2.1 command changes the relative size of the current drawing area (number 2), to be 2.1 times the size of drawing area number 1.

  2. chips> RELATIVESIZE 1.0
    chips> D 1 RELATIVESIZE 3.2

    The relative sizes of the drawing areas from the previous example are returned to the default value of 1.0 (equal sizes). Drawing area 1 is then made 3.2 times the size of drawing area 2.

  3. chips> clear
    chips> split 2 4
    chips> RELSIZE 1 0.5

    The current plot is cleared, then split into two columns of four drawing areas. The RELSIZE command makes the width of column one 50% of the width of column two.


Restores a plot with all attributes.

chips> RESTORE <filename>

The $ <$filename$ >$ is a file previously created with the ChIPS STORE command and may contain a directory path.


  1. chips> RESTORE myplot.chp

    The plot saved in the myplot.chp is restored. See the STORE command for an example of how the plot was saved.

2.42 SKIP

Skips the designated number of lines from subsequent input files.

chips> SKIP <skip_value>

All files plotted after this command is issued will have the specified number of lines skipped.


  1. chips> SKIP 10
    chips> CURVE data/exampleB.dat

    The command SKIP 10 causes the first ten lines of the data file data/exampleB.dat to be skipped when it is read in and plotted.

2.43 SPLIT

Creates multiple drawing areas and/or arranges their locations.

chips> SPLIT <n>
chips> SPLIT <nx> <ny>
chips> SPLIT COLS <nc1> <nc2> ... <ncN>

where $ <$n$ >$, $ <$nx$ >$, $ <$ny$ >$, $ <$ncN$ >$ must be integers greater than zero.

The commands create plots as follows:

$ \bullet$
SPLIT $ <$n$ >$ - a single column containing $ <$n$ >$ rows of drawing areas.

$ \bullet$
SPLIT $ <$nx$ >$ $ <$ny$ >$ - $ <$nx$ >$ columns, each with $ <$ny$ >$ rows of drawing areas. The command SPLIT 1 $ <$ny$ >$ is equivalent to SPLIT $ <$n$ >$.

$ \bullet$
SPLIT COLS $ <$nc1$ >$ $ <$nc2$ >$ ...$ <$ncN$ >$ - a column for each item in the list, with each value indicating how many rows to place in that column.

Drawing areas are numbered sequentially from the upper left corner, top to bottom and left to right.

To arrange drawing area locations:

chips> SPLIT MAJ <coor>
chips> SPLIT GAP [<coor>] <separation>
chips> SPLIT GAP <nc> <separation>
chips> SPLIT LOCATION <x1> <x2> <y1> <y2>


Argument: <coor>
Description: axis on which the split or gap is created
Options: X, Y
Default: both X and Y
Argument: <nc>
Description: column or row number, depending on the current SPLIT MAJ <coor> setting
Options: integer numbers
Argument: <separation>
Description: gap spacing 
Options: real numbers
Default: 0

SPLIT MAJ $ <$coor$ >$ controls whether rows or columns are used when arranging drawing areas. The default setting is SPLIT MAJ X. When SPLIT MAJ Y has been set, the basic SPLIT commands operate using rows instead of columns. Note that this command affects the currently existing plot, as shown in the examples.

SPLIT GAP $ [$$ <$coor$ >$$ ]$ $ <$separation$ >$ changes the gap spacing between drawing areas to the amount specified. If no $ <$coor$ >$ is given, both row (Y axis) and column (X axis) gaps are changed. The coordinate system runs from 0 to 1, so a $ <$separation$ >$ $ <$$ =$ 0.1, is typically appropriate.

When SPLIT MAJ X is set (this is the default), the command SPLIT GAP $ <$nc$ >$ $ <$separation$ >$ changes the row spacing within column $ <$nc$ >$. If SPLIT MAJ Y is set, however, the command SPLIT GAP $ <$nc$ >$ $ <$separation$ >$ changes the column spacing within row $ <$nc$ >$.

The command SPLIT LOCATION $ <$x1$ >$ $ <$x2$ >$ $ <$y1$ >$ $ <$y2$ >$ is analogous to the LOCATION command for drawing areas.

CIAO allows some plot attributes to be changed using the ChIPS state object and resource file. See "ahelp chips" for further details.


  1. chips> SPLIT 3

    Three drawing area are created, arranged in a single column.

  2. chips> SPLIT 3 2

    Three columns are created, each with 2 rows of drawing areas. The following command is equivalent:

    chips> SPLIT COLS 2 2 2

  3. chips> SPLIT COLS 1 2 3

    This command creates 3 columns. The first column contains one row of drawing areas, the second contains two rows, and the third column contains three rows.

  4. chips> SPLIT COLS 4 1 2 3
    chips> SPLIT MAJ Y

    The first command creates four columns. The first column contains four rows of drawing areas, the second contains one, the third contains two, and the fourth contains three. The command SPLIT MAJ Y reverses the columns to rows, so that there are now four rows. The first row contains four columns, the second row contains one column, the third row contains 2 columns, and the fourth row contains three columns.

  5. chips> SPLIT 3
    chips> SPLIT GAP 0.15

    Three drawing area rows are created, arranged in one column. The SPLIT GAP 0.15 command changes the gap spacing between the rows to 0.15. The following command is equivalent:

    chips> SPLIT GAP Y 0.15

  6. chips> SPLIT 3 2
    chips> SPLIT GAP Y 0.12
    chips> SPLIT GAP X 0.10
    chips> SPLIT GAP 0.08

    First, three columns of drawing areas are created, each containing 2 rows. The gap spacing between the rows is changed to 0.12, and the spacing between the columns is changed to 0.10. The final command changes all gap spacings to 0.08.

  7. chips> SPLIT MAJ X
    chips> SPLIT GAP 2 0.19

    The row spacing in column 2 only is changed to 0.19.

  8. chips> SPLIT 3 2
    chips> SPLIT GAP 0.03
    chips> SPLIT MAJ Y
    chips> SPLIT GAP 1 0.2

    First, three columns of drawing areas are created, each containing 2 rows. All gap spacings are then set to 0.03. The SPLIT MAJ Y command reverses the column and row precedences; this changes the drawing area to two columns with three rows. The final command changes the column spacing within row one to 0.2.

2.44 STORE

Saves a plot with all attributes.

chips> STORE <filename>

The STORE command creates an ASCII file which contains all the commands needed to re-create the current plot display. The $ <$filename$ >$ is the name of the file to be created and may contain a directory path. This file can then be read into another ChIPS session using the RESTORE command.

This allows you to create a plot - perhaps in Sherpa - and save it so it can be re-created or modified at a later date.

When storing plots created using the ChIPS CURVE command, the store file will reference the data file by name - including the full path. If the plots were created without an associated data file - for instance a Sherpa plot or data plotted using the the S-Lang curve() function - then the plot data will be written to a FITS file called "$ <$filename$ >$.fits". The one exception to this is for contour plots, when the data for that plot is stored in the /tmp/ directory as an ASCII file.


  1. chips> cd /work
    chips> SPLIT 2
    chips> D 1 CURVE data/data.dat
    chips> D 1 CURVE data/fit.dat
    chips> D 2 CURVE data/residuals.dat
    chips> D 1 C 2 SYMBOL NONE
    chips> D 1 C 2 SIMPLELINE
    chips> D 1,2 LIMITS 0.0 11.0
    chips> D 2 SYMBOL CIRCLE
    chips> D 2 SYMBOL SIZE 1
    chips> D 1 LIMITS Y 1.0 4.5
    chips> D 2 LIMITS Y 0.0 4.5
    chips> XLABEL "Off-Axis (arcmin)"
    chips> D 1,2 YLABEL "SNR"
    chips> TITLE "HRC-I 100ks"
    chips> TITLE CYAN
    chips> XLABEL CYAN
    chips> D 1,2 YLABEL CYAN
    chips> SPLIT GAP y 0.04
    chips> D 1 TICKVALS X OFF
    chips> D 1,2 TICKVALS y "%1.1f"
    chips> STORE myplot.chp

    After plotting some data and customizing the look of the plot, it is stored to the file myplot.chp in the current directory. This is an ASCII file the references the plotted data using full path specifications; it may be restored from any location, as long as the data has not been moved.

    chips> $more myplot.chp
    #This is a ChIPS state file.
    #ChIPS_Version: 2.20
    redraw off
    # Start of a new drawing area.
    drawarea 0.15 0.9 0.52 0.9
    # Start of a new curve.
    skip 0
    curve "/work/data/data.dat"
    # Start of a new curve.
    skip 0
    curve "/work/data/fit.dat"
    symbol  none
    symbol 0 0

  2. chips> x = [0:10:0.02]
    chips> y = tan(x)
    chips> chips.curvestyle = _chips->simpleline
    chips> chips.symbolstyle = _chips->none
    chips> () = curve(x,y)
    chips> limits y -10 10
    chips> store tanplot.chp

    Here we use S-Lang commands to create and plot the curve y$ =$tan(x). As well as creating the file tanplot.chp, the STORE command also creates the file tanplot.chp.fits which contains the data that was plotted.

    Note that the store file does not record the contents of the ChIPS State object. So, when the plot is re-created via a call to RESTORE, it will be drawn with no symbols and with a line connecting the points but the chips.curvestyle and chips.symbolstyle fields will not be set to _chips-$ >$simpleline and _chips-$ >$none respectively.

  3. sherpa> READ DATA 1 data/example1.dat
    Model parameter prompting is off
    sherpa> POLY[modela]
    sherpa> SOURCE 1 = modela
    sherpa> THAW modela.2 modela.3
    sherpa> FIT
    sherpa> LPLOT FIT
    sherpa> STORE myplotfromsherpa.chp
    sherpa> ls myplotfromsherpa.chp*

    Here the STORE command is used from within Sherpa to save a plot generated using the Sherpa command LPLOT. Two files have been generated: the ASCII file with the plot commands and a FITS file that contains the data. The data for each curve is stored in a separate FITS extension:

    chips> list myplotfromsherpa.chp.fits blocks
    Dataset: myplotfromsherpa.chp.fits
         Block Name                          Type         Dimensions
    Block    1: PRIMARY                        Null        
    Block    2: curve0                         Table         6 cols x 12 
    Block    3: curve1                         Table         2 cols x 12

    The $ [$curve0$ ]$ extension contains the input data and the $ [$curve1$ ]$ extension contains the fit.


Adds a surface plot to a drawing area.

chips> [D #] SURFACE <filename>[<virtual_file_syntax>] <zmin> <zmax>

Argument: D #
Description: drawing area number designation
Options: integer numbers
Default: current drawing area

See the D command for more information about this argument.

Argument: <filename>
Description: name of datafile and path, if necessary.  If the file 
             contains tabulated data, it must be sorted with row
             precedence (see below).  May be filtered data from a
             FITS image file, as shown in the EXAMPLES.
Argument: <virtual_file_syntax>
Description: A filtering and/or binning command argument.  The
             <virtual_file_syntax> must be surrounded by
             quotes (" ").

See the CURVE command for more information on this argument.

Argument: <zmin>
Description: minimum Z-axis value
Options: real numbers
Argument: <zmax>
Description: maximum Z-axis value
Options: real numbers

Surface are considered variants of curves, and therefore the attributes of contours (color, linestyle, scale, width) may be changed in the same manner. However, the limits of the x and y axes in a surface plot cannot be modified.

The VIEWPOINT command has information on controlling the rotation angle of a surface plot.


The input data file must be sorted with row precedence. For example, the following data:

1 1 1
2 1 -4.97206e-24
3 1 2
4 1 1
5 1 2
1 2 -6.79138e-24
2 2 -2.23247e-23
3 2 1
4 2 -2.1879e-22
5 2 1

Would have to be re-ordered for use in ChIPS:

1 1 1
1 2 -6.79138e-24
2 1 -4.97206e-24
2 2 -2.23247e-23
3 1 2
3 2 1
4 1 1
4 2 -2.1879e-22
5 1 2
5 2 1


  1. chips> SURFACE data/example3D.sorted.dat 0.0 10.0

    The ASCII data file data/example3D.sorted.dat is plotted as a surface, where the minimum Z-axis value is 0.0 and the maximum Z-axis value is 10.0.

  2. chips> SURFACE data/exampleImage.fits[10:100,10:100] 0.0 10.0

    A surface plot is created from the data in the FITS file which falls into the specified ranges. Again, the minimum Z-axis value is 0.0 and the maximum Z-axis value is 10.0.

  3. chips> CLEAR
    chips> SURFACE "data/example3D.sorted.fits[cols col1, col2, col3]" 
              0.0 10.0

    The data in columns col1, col2, and col3 of data/example3D.sorted.fits are plotted as a surface plot.

  4. chips> SURFACE s3_img.fits 20 30

    A surface plot is created from the filtered data stored in "s3_img.fits".


Specifies the appearance of symbols in a curve.

chips> [D #] [C #] SYMBOL <color>
chips> [D #] [C #] SYMBOL <symbolstyle>
chips> [D #] [C #] SYMBOL [SIZE] <size_value>

Argument: C #
Description: curve number designation
Options: integer numbers
Default: current curve

See the C command for more information about this argument.

Argument: <color>
Description: axes color
Default: DEFAULT (appears in ChIPS window as white; prints as black)
Argument: D #
Description: drawing area number designation
Options: integer numbers
Default: current drawing area

See the D command for more information about this argument.

Argument: <size_value>
Description: symbol size; affects all subsequent symbol styles.  
             Has no effect when the current symbol style is POINT.
Options: real numbers
Default: 3.0
Argument: <symbolstyle>
Description: style for symbols
Default: CROSS

Note the the "POINT" symbol is not scalable (it is always tiny). As an alternative, the "BIGPOINT" shape can be set to any size.

The Figure is an illustration of the different $ <$symbolstyle$ >$ options.

Figure 2.4: $ <$symbolstyle$ >$ Options

CIAO allows some plot attributes to be changed using the ChIPS state object and resource file. See "ahelp chips" for further details.


  1. chips> CURVE data/exampleA.dat
    chips> CURVE data/exampleB.dat
    chips> C 1 SYMBOL UPTRI
    chips> C 2 SYMBOL DIAMOND

    First, two curves are plotted into a single drawing area. Curve 1 is changed to UPTRI and curve 2 is changed to DIAMOND.

  2. chips> C 1 SYMBOL CYAN
    chips> C 2 SYMBOL RED

    Curves 1 and 2 are changed to be cyan and red, respectively.

  3. chips> C 1,2 SYMBOL SIZE 2.0

    The symbol size for both curves is increased to 2.0.

  4. chips> CLEAR
    chips> CURVE data/exampleA.dat
    chips> SYMBOL SIZE 2.0

    The first two SYMBOL commands illustrate the DIAMOND and DOWNTRI symbols at their default size of 3.0. The SYMBOL SIZE 2.0 command then changes the size of the current DOWNTRI symbols. The final SYMBOL DIAMOND command shows that changing the new style retains the last SYMBOL SIZE instruction.

2.47 TICKS

Specifies the spacing of tick marks.

chips> [D #] TICKS [<ticktype>] [<coor>] <interval>

Argument: <coor>
Description: axis
Options: X, Y  
Default: both X and Y
Argument: D #
Description: drawing area number designation
Options: integer numbers
Default: current drawing area

See the D command for more information about this argument.

Argument: <interval>
Description: interval between tick marks
Options: real numbers
Default: automatically determined
Argument: <ticktype>
Description: type of grid markings
Options: MAJ - major tick marks only
         MIN - minor tick marks only
Default: both MAJ and MIN

CIAO allows some plot attributes to be changed using the ChIPS state object and resource file. See "ahelp chips" for further details.


  1. chips> SPLIT 2
    chips> D 1 CURVE data/fit.dat
    chips> D 2 CURVE data/residuals.dat
    chips> D 1 TICKS 1.0

    The curves are plotted in two drawing areas, then the tick spacing of drawing area 1 is changed to 1.0 for both axes.

  2. chips> D 2 TICKS X 2.0
    chips> D 2 TICKS Y 0.5

    The first command changes the interval between tick marks on the X-axis of drawing area 2 to 2.0. The Y-axis tick marks are changed to have a spacing of 0.5.

  3. chips> SPLIT GAP 0.05
    chips> D 1 TICKS MIN X 0.5
    chips> D 1 TICKS MAJ Y 0.5
    chips> D 2 TICKS MAJ X 1.0
    chips> D 2 TICKS MIN X 0.5

    The drawing areas are first separated by a small amount (0.05). The command D 1 TICKS MIN X 0.5 adds minor tick marks with spacing 0.5, to the X-axis of drawing area 1. The interval between the Y-axis major tick marks of that area are then changed to 0.5. Similar commands are applied to drawing area 2.


Controls the appearance of numerical tick mark labels.

chips> [D #] TICKVALS [<coor>] {AUTO | <format>}
chips> [D #] TICKVALS [<coor>] {ON | OFF}
chips> [D #] TICKVALS [SIZE] <size_value>

Argument: D #
Description: drawing area number designation
Options: integer numbers
Default: current drawing area

See the D command for more information about this argument.

Argument: <coor>
Description: axis
Options: X, Y  
Default: both X and Y
Argument: <format>
Description: format of the numeric tick mark labels; must be contained
             within quotes (" ").
Options: any standard FORTRAN or C format string
Argument: <size_value>
Description: tick size
Options: real numbers
Default: 1.0

CIAO allows some plot attributes to be changed using the ChIPS state object and resource file. See "ahelp chips" for further details.


  1. chips> SPLIT 2
    chips> D 1 CURVE data/fit.dat
    chips> D 2 CURVE data/residuals.dat
    chips> D 1 TICKVALS X OFF

    After two curves are plotted, each within a separate drawing area, the tick mark labels are removed from the X-axis of drawing area number 1.

  2. chips> D 1 TICKVALS SIZE 0.95
    chips> D 2 TICKVALS SIZE 0.75

    The size of the tick marks on drawing areas 1 and 2 are changed to 0.95 and 0.75, respectively.

  3. chips> D 1 TICKVALS Y "%1.1f"
    chips> D 2 TICKVALS "%1.1f"
    chips> D 2 TICKVALS X AUTO

    The format of the tick mark labels on the Y axis of drawing area 1, where "%1.1f" is a C formatting string. The second command applies the same format to both axes of drawing area 2. Finally, the tick mark labels on the X-axis of area 2 are restored to the default setting.

2.49 TITLE

Adds a title and/or changes the title attribute.

chips> TITLE <color>
chips> TITLE ["<title_text>"]
chips> TITLE SIZE ["<size_value>"]

Argument: <color>
Description: title color
Default: DEFAULT (appears in ChIPS window as white; prints as black)
Argument: <title_text>
Description: the text for the title, which must be in quotes 
             (" ").  The <text> may contain TeX syntax for 
             formatting text, creating mathematical expressions,
             and mixing font settings.
Options: quoted character string

The FONT command has more information about font options.

Argument: <size_value>
Description: title size 
Options: real numbers
Default: 1.0

Issuing this command with no argument will delete the current title.

CIAO allows some plot attributes to be changed using the ChIPS state object and resource file. See "ahelp chips" for further details.


  1. chips> D 1 CURVE data/example.dat X 1 Y 2
    chips> TITLE "My Title"
    chips> TITLE YELLOW

    A data file is plotted and a title is added to a plot. The color of the title is then changed to yellow.

  2. chips> TITLE "x = \frac{y+z/2}{y^{2}+3}"

    A title that contains a mathematical expression is added to a plot by using TeX syntax.

  3. chips> D 1 LABEL 2.0 50.0 "\oe This \rm is \gr Greek"

    This LABEL command utilizes TeX syntax in order to achieve mixed font settings in the same plot. The command produces a label where "This" is in Old English font, "is" is in Roman font, and "Greek" is in the Greek font.

2.50 TYPE

Reports the data that are associated with a curve.

chips> [D #] [C #] TYPE

where D # is a drawing area number designation and C # is a curve number designation.

See the C and D commands for more information about these arguments.


  1. chips> D 1 CURVE data/exampleA.dat
    chips> D 1 CURVE data/exampleB.dat
    chips> D 1 C 1 TYPE
                  X              Y
                  1              1
                  2              5
                  3              8
                  4             17
                  5             24
                  6             37
                  7             48
                  8             65

    Two curves are plotted in drawing area 1. The TYPE command reports the data that are associated with curve number 1.

2.51 UNDO

Undoes the most recently executed plotting command.

chips> UNDO
chips> UNDO n

The UNDO command undoes the previous ChIPS command or - if a number is supplied ("m" above) - undoes that number of commands. There is a limit of 10 commands that can be undone.


  1. chips> CURVE data/example.dat
    chips> LIMITS X 5.0 15.0
    chips> UNDO

    A curve is plotted, then the limits of the X-axis are changed. The UNDO command restores the limit to their original defaults.

  2. chips> CURVE data/example.dat
    chips> LIMITS X 5.0 15.0
    chips> LIMITS Y 10.0 15.0
    chips> AXES BLUE
    chips> LIMITS Y 10.0 25.0
    chips> UNDO 3

    A curve is plotted and the limits of both axes are changed. They are colored blue, then the Y-axis limits are changed again. The UNDO command backtracks through the previous three commands (in the order they are undone: LIMITS Y 10.0 25.0, AXES BLUE, LIMITS Y 10.0 15.0).


Regulates reporting of error and informational messages.

chips> VERBOSE <integer>

where $ <$integer$ >$ is 1 for maximum reporting and 0 for reduced reporting.

By default, maximum reporting is turned on.


  1. chips> VERBOSE 0

    The verbosity is reduced for this session.


Controls the rotation angle of a surface plot.

chips> [D #] [C #] VIEWPOINT <theta> <phi> <l>

Argument: D #
Description: drawing area number designation
Options: integer numbers
Default: current drawing area

See the D command for more information about this argument.

Argument: C #
Description: curve number designation
Options: integer number
Default: current curve

See the C command for more information about this argument.

Argument: <l>
Description: angle l in degrees
Options: real numbers
Default: -1.0
Argument: <phi>
Description: angle phi in degrees
Options: real numbers
Default: -10.0
Argument: <theta>
Description: angle theta in degrees
Options: real numbers
Default: 30.0

The angles $ <$theta$ >$, $ <$phi$ >$, and $ <$l$ >$ are defined in ChIPS the same way as they are defined in the SM engine: Surfaces are drawn from a direction ($ <$theta$ >$,$ <$phi$ >$), and projected onto a surface passing through the origin. The projection is from a point $ <$l$ >$ away from the nearest corner of the cube containing the image. If $ <$l$ >$ is:

$ \bullet$
positive - a perspective projection is used

$ \bullet$
zero (0) - the viewpoint is taken to be infinitely far from the surface

$ \bullet$
negative - an axonometric projection is used (i.e. the surface is projected from infinity onto the X-Z plane)

The coordinate system is right-handed and is oriented such that the Z-axis is $ <$theta$ >$ $ =$ 90 and ($ <$theta$ >$,$ <$phi$ >$)$ =$(0,0). Angles are taken to be in degrees, with theta lying in (-90,90) and $ <$phi$ >$ lying in (-180,180). The nearest corner of the cube containing the surface is projected onto the point (0,0).


  1. chips> D 1 SURFACE data/example3D.sorted.dat 0.0 10.0
    chips> VIEWPOINT 10.0 10.0 10.0

    The data file data/example3D.sorted.dat is plotted as a surface plot. The VIEWPOINT command then changes the rotation angle and distance at which the surface plot is viewed.


Adds a label along the X-axis of a drawing area and/or changes X-axis label attributes.

chips> [D #] XLABEL ["<text>"]

To change X-axis label attributes:

chips> [D #] XLABEL <color>
chips> [D #] XLABEL [SIZE] <size_value>

The XLABEL command can take many arguments:

Argument: D #
Description: drawing area number designation
Options: integer numbers
Default: current drawing area

See the D command for more information about this argument.

Argument: <color>
Description: label color
Default: DEFAULT (appears in ChIPS window as white; prints as black)
Argument: <size_value>
Description: label size
Options: real numbers
Default: 1.0
Argument: <text>
Description: the text for the label, which must be in quotes 
             (" ").  The <text> may contain TeX syntax for 
             formatting text, creating mathematical expressions,
             and mixing font settings.
Options: quoted character string

The FONT command has more information about font options.

Issuing this command with no arguments will delete the current X-axis label.

CIAO allows some plot attributes to be changed using the ChIPS state object and resource file. See "ahelp chips" for further details.


  1. chips> CURVE data/example.dat
    chips> XLABEL "This is the X-axis"

    After a curve has been plotted, a label is added to the X-axis.

  2. chips> XLABEL " "
    chips> XLABEL "\oe This \rm is \gr Greek"

    The command XLABEL " " removes the previous X-axis label. The second XLABEL command utilizes TeX syntax in order to achieve mixed font settings in the same plot. The command produces a label where "This" is in Old English font, "is" is in Roman font, and "Greek" is in the Greek font.

  3. chips> XLABEL YELLOW
    chips> XLABEL SIZE 1.5

    An existing label is changed to the color yellow, then increased in size to 1.5.


Adds a label along the Y-axis of a drawing area and/or changes Y-axis label attributes.

chips> [D #] YLABEL ["<text>"]

To change Y-axis label attributes:

chips> [D #] YLABEL <color>
chips> [D #] YLABEL [SIZE] <size_value>

The YLABEL command can take many arguments:

Argument: D #
Description: drawing area number designation
Options: integer numbers
Default: current drawing area

See the D command for more information about this argument.

Argument: <color>
Description: label color
Default: DEFAULT (appears in ChIPS window as white; prints as black)
Argument: <size_value>
Description: label size
Options: real numbers
Default: 1.0
Argument: <text>
Description: the text for the label, which must be in quotes 
             (" ").  The <text> may contain TeX syntax for 
             formatting text, creating mathematical expressions,
             and mixing font settings.
Options: quoted character string

The FONT command has more information about font options.

Issuing this command with no arguments will delete the current Y-axis label.

CIAO allows some plot attributes to be changed using the ChIPS state object and resource file. See "ahelp chips" for further details.


  1. chips> CURVE data/example.dat
    chips> YLABEL "This is the Y-axis"

    After a curve has been plotted, a label is added to the Y-axis.

  2. chips> YLABEL " "
    chips> YLABEL "\oe This \rm is \gr Greek"

    The command YLABEL " " removes the previous Y-axis label. The second YLABEL command utilizes TeX syntax in order to achieve mixed font settings in the same plot. The command produces a label where "This" is in Old English font, "is" is in Roman font, and "Greek" is in the Greek font.

  3. chips> YLABEL YELLOW
    chips> YLABEL SIZE 1.5

    An existing label is changed to the color yellow, then increased in size to 1.5.


Adds a label along the Z-axis of a drawing area and/or changes Z-axis label attributes.

chips> [D #] ZLABEL ["<text>"]

To change Z-axis label attributes:

chips> [D #] ZLABEL <color>
chips> [D #] ZLABEL [SIZE] <size_value>

The ZLABEL command can take many arguments:

Argument: D #
Description: drawing area number designation
Options: integer numbers
Default: current drawing area

See the D command for more information about this argument.

Argument: <color>
Description: label color
Default: DEFAULT (appears in ChIPS window as white; prints as black)
Argument: <size_value>
Description: label size
Options: real numbers
Default: 1.0
Argument: <text>
Description: the text for the label, which must be in quotes 
             (" ").  The <text> may contain TeX syntax for 
             formatting text, creating mathematical expressions,
             and mixing font settings.
Options: quoted character string

The FONT command has more information about font options.

Issuing this command with no arguments will delete the current Z-axis label.

CIAO allows some plot attributes to be changed using the ChIPS state object and resource file. See "ahelp chips" for further details.


  1. chips> CURVE data/example.dat
    chips> ZLABEL "This is the Z-axis"

    After a curve has been plotted, a label is added to the Z-axis.

  2. chips> ZLABEL " "
    chips> ZLABEL "\oe This \rm is \gr Greek"

    The command ZLABEL " " removes the previous Z-axis label. The second ZLABEL command utilizes TeX syntax in order to achieve mixed font settings in the same plot. The command produces a label where "This" is in Old English font, "is" is in Roman font, and "Greek" is in the Greek font.

  3. chips> ZLABEL YELLOW
    chips> ZLABEL SIZE 1.5

    An existing label is changed to the color yellow, then increased in size to 1.5.