CXC Users' Guide
The CXC Users' Guide is directed to users of scientific data produced
by the Chandra X-ray Observatory. The purpose of the Guide is to
provide users with information about the data, data products, data
analysis tools and facilities provided by the Chandra X-ray Center
(CXC), and to facilitate the use of these data and facilities.
Chandra X-ray Center (CXC)
2.1 CXC home page
Main CXC web page; links to all aspects of CXC activities and user services
2.2 CXC organization
Describes organization and purpose of the CXC, with links to
activities of its divisions
2.3 Dictionary of terms
Extensive dictionary of terms used for Chandra and CIAO. Contains links to further definitions and explanations
2.4 Proposers' Observatory Guide
Source for Proposers' Observatory Guide version 3. It contains a detailed overview of the spacecraft and Science Instruments, general
information required to write a proposal, and instructions for using proposal tools and simulating data.
2.5 User Support for Observation Planning
Describes the process by which CXC scientists assist users to confirm their observation configurations in advance of releasing the
observations for scheduling on the satellite.
Pipeline Data Processing
Pipeline tool descriptions
Describes tools distributed with CIAO (and which are also part of the standard data processing pipelines). Includes nature
of input data, actions of tools, and format of output.
Data products
4.2 Data product files
Guide to names and types of data product files in the Chandra archive.
4.3 Data product caveats and information
Contains information on the quality of archived data products, including problems with reprocessed data, and the accuracy of
quantities such as astrometric measurements and instrument calibrations.
4.4 Coordinate system
4.4 (b) Tex
Definitions of coordinate systems used by the CXC data system.
Chandra Data Archive
5.1 Chandra archive
Chandra data archive information page - links to information on processing status, browsing the archive, retrieving data
5.3 Archive data product classes
Master list of all classes of data product files in the archive, with definitions of the values of FITS header keywords.
5.4 FITS Definitions for Chandra Data (postscript files)
5.4.3 Region definitions
Description of allowed shapes of geometric regions stored in FITS files
User-oriented data analysis system (CIAO)
The Chandra Interactive Analysis of Observations (CIAO) system is a
set of flexible, multidimensional, mission independent software
tools, accompanied by scripts, pre-defined threads and documentation,
that enable users to analyze data from the Chandra Observatory and
other, X-ray and non-X-ray, missions.
6.1 Main CIAO page
Links to a wide range of information about CIAO and Chandra.
6.4 Scripts
Scripts for repetitive activities involving CIAO
6.5 CIAO instruction manuals
Main page for CIAO instruction manuals. Links to manuals for:
ACIS Events Data
Data Model
Data Products Guide
Exposure Maps
PSF Library
TG Analysis Guide
Transformation, Convolution, and Deconvolution Variables, Math, and Macros
7.1 Main calibration page
Includes links to detailed information on calibration of:
High Resolution Mirror Assembly (HRMA)
High Resolution Camera (HRC)
Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS)
Low Energy Transmission Grating (LETG)
High Energy Transmission Grating (HETG)
Aspect Information
Calibration Status Report
7.2 Calibration database
Calibration database (CalDB) page. Links to information on accessing the CalDB, CalDB files, and calibration error estimates.