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Overview: Jul 02 - Dec 02 (Press)
19 Sept. Crab Nebula Time-lapse Movie
03 Oct. XTE J1550-564 Evolution of Large-scale X-ray jets
19 Nov. NGC6240 Colliding Supermassive Black Holes
Additionally, 5 science press releases, 5 image releases
National & International Media results
110 articles in major national and international press including Washington Post (3), NY Times (3), front page of International Herald Tribune, Le Monde, Toronto Star, Sueddeutsche, Frankfurter Allgemeine, presswires (Reuters, AP, UPI).
Coverage on major news web sites (NY Times, Florida Today, BBC, Der Siegel,, etc.)
TV/Radio coverage - CNN: Headline News, Aaron Brown NewsNight, Lou Dobbs Moneyline (interview with Anne Kinney); PBS: Jim Lehrer News Hour (interview with Giacconi), The Weather Channel, Voice of America, National Public Radio, BBC radio.
Magazines: National Geographic (Dec.), Der Speigel, Science, Physics Today, Space Log
9 Astronomy Pict of the Day (APOD), 8 HEASARC Pict of the Week