Optical identifications of Chandra and XMM-Newton sources

Kajal Ghosh (USRA, NASA/MSFC/NSSTC) , Carlos M Gutierrez de la Cruz (IAC, Spain), Sergei Fabrika (SAO, Russia),

We have initiated a program to identify the optical counterparts of Chandra and XMM-Newton sources, using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey database and our optical follow-up observations. We have detected Ultra-Luminous X-ray sources, which are brighter than E+41 ergs/s in merging/interacting galaxies at redshifts up to 0.2. In addition, we have detected a varieties of objects: (i) optically faint, X-ray bright sources, (ii) X-ray bright, optically normal galaxies, (iii) different types of Active Galactic Nuclei (lost low luminosity AGNs, radio-loud and radio-quiet, narrow- and broad-line AGNs, Ultrasoft broad-emission-line quasars, X-ray weak AGNs, X-ray luminous BAL-QSOs, highly ionized BAL-QSOs, state transitions of AGNs), (iv) new groups and clusters of galaxies and (v) new gravitational lenses/Einstein Rings. Here we will present these results to demonstrate that exciting science can be carried out using the results of the proposed survey.