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Last modified: 1 Dec 2006
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Fitting FITS Image Data


Last Update: 1 Dec 2006 - reviewed for CIAO 3.4: no changes


This thread models image data of the supernova remnant G21.5-0.9 using a source model expression that involves multiple model components. While the sample datafile used in this thread is available as sherpa.tar.gz, the Reading FITS Image Data into Sherpa section shows how it was created.

Related Links:

  • The Fitting data in Sherpa section of the "Introduction to Sherpa" thread describes the concepts used in Sherpa to describe the fitting process.

Proceed to the HTML or hardcopy (PDF: A4 | letter) version of the thread.


Getting Started

Downloading the data

The data used in this thread is available in the sherpa.tar.gz file, as described in the "Getting Started" thread.

Downloading the sherpa_plotfns.sl script

The thread uses the plot_rprofr() function which is included as part of the sherpa_plotfns.sl script. The most recent version of sherpa_plotfns.sl is version 1.29 (02 Nov 2004):

unix% grep Id $ASCDS_CONTRIB/share/slsh/local-packages/sherpa_plotfns.sl
% $Id: sherpa_plotfns.sl,v 1.29 2004/11/02 15:59:14 dburke Exp $

Note that $ASCDS_CONTRIB/share/slsh/local-packages/ is the default path in the standard CIAO scripts installation; see the Scripts page for more information. Please check that you are using the most recent version before continuing. If you do not have the script installed or need to update to a newer version, please refer to the Scripts page.

Loading the script into Sherpa

The sherpa_plotfns.sl script is loaded into a Sherpa session with the evalfile function:

sherpa> () = evalfile("sherpa_plotfns.sl");

The version may also be found by viewing the _sherpa_plotfns_version or _sherpa_plotfns_version_string variables once the file is loaded:

sherpa> _sherpa_plotfns_version
sherpa> _sherpa_plotfns_version_string

If you wish the functions to always be available to Sherpa add the following line to your ~/.sherparc file:

() = evalfile("sherpa_plotfns.sl");

For more information on configuring Sherpa, see the Customizing Sherpa with a Resource File thread.

Reading FITS Image Data into Sherpa

Sample ObsID used: 1838 (ACIS-S, G21.5-0.9)

File types needed: evt2

First, an image of the region of interest is created:

unix% punlearn dmcopy
unix% dmcopy \
      "acisf01838N001_evt2.fits[sky=box(4059.25,4235.75,521.5,431.5)][bin x=::2,y=::2]" \

We use a binning factor of 2 in order to reduce the number of pixels in the image, and hence shorten the time taken to fit the image. The actual choice of binning scale depends on the quality of the data and the models you wish to fit.

After starting a Sherpa session, the dataset is input using the READ DATA command. It can be shortened to just DATA and, once the image is read in, it can be displayed using the IMAGE command:

sherpa> DATA image2.fits
sherpa> IMAGE DATA

which creates this image [Link to Image 1: Image of the data]. The default imager is ds9; see the Using SAOImage ds9 CIAO thread for more information.

Changing the default coordinate setting

The default coordinate system for fitting images is that of logical (also called image) which uses the FITS convension for numbering pixels: the first pixel is centered at (1,1) with the bottom-left corner being at (0.5,0.5) and the top-right corner being at (1.5,1.5).

Although a simple system, it can be difficult when converting the best-fit parameters, such as source location, back to more-meaningful coordinate systems. For this reason we choose to use the physical coorinate system for fitting. This is done with either the COORD command or the set_coord() function:

sherpa> COORD physical

Changing the default statistic

When fitting Chandra or XMM-Newton imaging data it is almost certain that many pixels will only contain a small number of counts. For this reason we use the Cash statistic to fit the source model. This choice means that we can not subtract a background dataset but have to fit it instead - as we do below - or ignore the background signal.

sherpa> STATISTIC cash

You can try increasing the binning factor when creating the image - which may mean that you can use one of the chi-square statistics available in Sherpa - but this is likely to lose small-scale information present in the image.

Changing the default fit method

The default fitting method (Levenberg-Marquardt) is not well suited for use with the Cash statistic, so we choose to use the simplex optimiser instead. The Powell method is another choice but it tends to be slower than Simplex.

sherpa> METHOD simplex

Please consider using a variety of methods to ensure you have found the global best-fit rather than a local one.

The current Sherpa status may also be reviewed:

sherpa> SHOW

Optimization Method: Simplex
Statistic:           Cash

Input data files:

Data 1: image2.fits fits.
Total Size: 56376 bins (or pixels)
Dimensions: 2
Size: 261 x 216
Coordinate setting: physical
Total counts (or values): 32300

Filtering Image Data

Here we illustrate several ways of filtering image data within Sherpa.

Interactively filter the data

After the data has been displayed, use the "Region -> Shape" menu in ds9 to choose a region shape; in this example, we use the circle shape. Left-click on the display to draw the desired shape; for further instructions on how to create regions in ds9, see the Using CIAO Region Files thread.

After the desired region size is set, as shown in Figure 2 [Link to Image 2: Filter region defined on the image], the region can be used to filter the data:

sherpa> IGNORE ALL

The NOTICE IMAGE command will include the specified pixels in the filter.

Define the filter on the command line

The same filter can be set on the command line with the region definition:

sherpa> IGNORE ALL
sherpa> NOTICE PHYSICAL "circle(4071,4250,135)"

One may also specify a file which contains the region definition:

sherpa> NOTICE PHYSICAL "region(sherpa.reg)"

Using the S-Lang functions

Sherpa provides several S-Lang functions which can be used to filter the data. The set_notice2d() and set_ignore2d() are S-Lang analogues of the NOTICE and IGNORE commands (the values printed to the screen - namely 0 and 1 - indicate that the routines worked correctly).

sherpa> sherpa_eval("ignore all")
sherpa> set_notice2d(1,"circle(4071,4250,135)","physical")

The set_filter() function allows you to use an array of values to specify which pixels are to be included. This allows you to filter your data in ways not expressible using the available region shapes. For example you could remove all pixels with a value less than 20.

The NOTICE help file has details on using filter expressions in other coordinate systems. The SHOW command will list the current set of filters as well as how many pixels are left after filtering.

sherpa> SHOW

Optimization Method: Simplex
Statistic:           Cash

Input data files:

Data 1: image2.fits fits.
Total Size: 56376 bins (or pixels)
Dimensions: 2
Size: 261 x 216
Coordinate setting: physical
Total counts (or values): 32300

Current filters for dataset 1:
ignore source 1 all
notice source 1 physical circle(4071,4250,135)
Noticed filter size: 14317 bins

Sum of data within filter: 25619

An image of the filter can be displayed in ds9 by saying


The resulting image for the applied filter is shown here [Link to Image 3: Image of the filter]. The pixels which are displayed as white (and have a value of 1) are those that pass the filter and those in black (with a value of 0) are those that do not.

If you display an image following filtering, what will be displayed is the product of the data and filter mask, over the entire range of the input dataset. You may then need to zoom in, such as when the noticed region is relatively small compared with the full dataset. Therefore to display the filtered data, you just need to say:

sherpa> IMAGE DATA

as shown in this image [Link to Image 4: Filtered data].

Defining a Source Model

We wish to fit the image using a source model expression that involves multiple model components. By the end of the thread we will use two two-dimensional Gaussian functions together with a constant, but for now we begin with only one Gaussian. Since this is an example these choices are not physically motivated but just an empirical choice to describe the emission.

Model parameter prompting is off
sherpa> SOURCE = GAUSS2D[g1]
sherpa> SHOW source
Source 1: g1
gauss2d[g1]  (integrate: off)
    Param   Type      Value        Min        Max                 Units
    -----   ----      -----        ---        ---                 -----
 1   fwhm thawed         20        0.2       2000
 2   xpos thawed     4068.5     3936.5     4206.5
 3   ypos thawed     4249.5     4115.5     4385.5
 4  ellip frozen          0          0      0.999
 5  theta frozen          0          0     6.2832
 6   ampl thawed        263       2.63      26300

Note that the default integrate setting for the GAUSS2D model is off. We will keep it turned off whilst investigating the best-fit solution since the fits will be faster.

Sherpa makes initial guesses for the parameters, but they may not be too sensible. The IMAGE FIT command will display a montage of the data, current model, and residuals that can be used to see how well the model describes the data. This can be hard to interpret, so we make use of the plot_rprofr() function provided by the sherpa_plotfns.sl script.

This plots a radial profile of the data and model (points and solid line respectively) in the top plot and a radial profile of the residual image in the bottom plot. The plot for the initial parameter values looks like this [Link to Image 5: Radial profile of the initial parameter values]. The arguments in the function call refer to the minimum (0) and maximum (150) radii of the profile and the third value (5) is the bin width (the coordinate system matches that set by the COORD command). The center is found from the source component which contains parameters called xpos and ypos (here it is the g1 model).

The initial values are way off, so we chose values that better fit the data (by trial and error). Note that this step can greatly reduce both the time needed to fit the data and the chance that the optimiser will end up stuck in a local minimum. We also chose to use a log-log display since the dynamic range along both axes is large.

sherpa> g1.ampl = 20
sherpa> g1.fwhm = 60
sherpa> set_log
sherpa> plot_rprofr(0,150,5)

The resulting plot [Link to Image 6: Radial profile of component g1] shows that the background needs to be included, and that it appears that a single gaussian component is not sufficient to account for both the extended emission and the core. We decide to consider the background component first and so add in a constant model to the source expression:

sherpa> SOURCE = g1 + CONST2D[bgnd]
sherpa> bgnd INTEGRATE OFF
sherpa> bgnd.c0 = 0.2

We turn off the integration setting on this component to match the gaussian component, and then set the background model to a level estimated (by eye) from the radial profile. Try "plot_rprofr(0,150,5)" to see the difference.

Source 1: (g1 + bgnd)
gauss2d[g1]  (integrate: off)
    Param   Type      Value        Min        Max                 Units
    -----   ----      -----        ---        ---                 -----
 1   fwhm thawed         60        0.2       2000
 2   xpos thawed     4068.5     3936.5     4206.5
 3   ypos thawed     4249.5     4115.5     4385.5
 4  ellip frozen          0          0      0.999
 5  theta frozen          0          0     6.2832
 6   ampl thawed         20       2.63      26300
const2d[bgnd]  (integrate: off)
    Param   Type      Value        Min        Max                 Units
    -----   ----      -----        ---        ---                 -----
 1     c0 thawed        0.2          0        263

Fitting the model

We are now ready to fit the data:

sherpa> FIT
 smplx: v1.3
 smplx:  initial statistic value =    -4.32350E+04
 smplx:     converged to minimum =    -4.37074E+04 at iteration =    322
 smplx:    final statistic value =    -4.37074E+04
            g1.fwhm  58.8448     
            g1.xpos  4070.5     
            g1.ypos  4251.16     
            g1.ampl  22.9853     
          bgnd.c0  0.214633     

As can be seen the best-fit values for the gaussian FWHM and amplitude and the background level are close to the values we guessed previously. Since we are using the PHYSICAL coordinate system the xpos, ypos, and fwhm parameters are given in the physical system. For this ACIS image this is the SKY coordinate system, which means the FWHM corresponds to 58.8 * 0.492 = 28.9 arcseconds.

The fit can be visualised using 'IMAGE FIT' - which displays the data, model, and residual image. Here we are interested in the residuals and so do:

sherpa> plot_rprofr(0,150,5)

The resulting image looks like this [Link to Image 7: Residuals of the best-fit model using: g1+bgnd] and the radial profile like this [Link to Image 8: Radial profile of the best-fit model using: g1+bgnd]. Although the gaussian does a reasonable job at describing the radial profile of the large-scale emission, the residuals do appear to be spatially correlated. This suggests that the model used here is not sufficient to describe all the structure in the source; however it will suffice for this example.

Examining the residual image

It is possible to write out the residual image - using the WRITE RESID command - for further analysis. For example, the resulting image could be smoothed using aconvolve to enhance any structure in the residuals.

Calculating errors on the fit parameters

Note that the statistic value is negative because we are using the Cash statistic - which is a maximum-likelihood statistic - rather than a chi-square statistic. This means that we can not use the GOODNESS command to get an "absolute" measure of the fit - i.e. how well the model actually fits the data. However, we can still use the PROJECTION command to estimate errors on these parameters:

Projection complete for parameter: g1.fwhm
Projection complete for parameter: g1.xpos
Projection complete for parameter: g1.ypos
Projection complete for parameter: g1.ampl
Projection complete for parameter: bgnd.c0

Computed for sherpa.proj.sigma = 1
        Parameter Name      Best-Fit Lower Bound     Upper Bound
            g1.fwhm          58.8448  -0.259457       +0.252193     
            g1.xpos           4070.5  -0.178803       +0.180389     
            g1.ypos          4251.16  -0.177393       +0.17923      
            g1.ampl          22.9853  -0.230724       +0.23693      
          bgnd.c0           0.214633  -0.00512331     +0.00541841   

See the Statistics section of the Sherpa threads for more information on calculating errors and confidence regions.

Adding an extra component

The residual image and profile of the fit show excess emission at the center of the source. We will add another gaussian component to try and account for this emission; the FWHM and amplitude were chosen to provide a qualitively reasonable fit to the radial profile of the source (using plot_rprofr()).

sherpa> SOURCE = gauss2d[g2] + g1 + bgnd
sherpa> g2.fwhm = 10
sherpa> g2.ampl = 100
sherpa> FIT
 smplx: v1.3
 smplx:  initial statistic value =    -4.75742E+04
 smplx:     converged to minimum =    -4.94900E+04 at iteration =   1480
 smplx:    final statistic value =    -4.94900E+04
            g2.fwhm  6.7109     
            g2.xpos  4070.79     
            g2.ypos  4249.31     
            g2.ampl  215.17     
            g1.fwhm  64.4178     
            g1.xpos  4070.62     
            g1.ypos  4251.52     
            g1.ampl  17.1613     
          bgnd.c0  0.188668     

To see if the central component is elliptical - as suggested by the earlier residual image [Link to Image 7: Residuals of the best-fit model using: g1+bgnd] - we "thaw" the ellipticity and position-angle parameters of the second gaussian. They are set to non-zero values to move them away from their minimum values (which helps the fit). We increase the iters parameter of the simplex optimisation method since this particular fit requires more than the default 2000 iterations.

sherpa> THAW g2.ellip g2.theta
sherpa> g2.ellip = 0.1
sherpa> g2.theta = 1
sherpa> simplex.iters = 3000
sherpa> fit
 smplx: v1.3
 smplx:  initial statistic value =    -4.95371E+04
 smplx:     converged to minimum =    -4.96677E+04 at iteration =   2364
 smplx:    final statistic value =    -4.96677E+04
            g2.fwhm  8.313     
            g2.xpos  4070.74     
            g2.ypos  4249.28     
            g2.ellip  0.332344     
            g2.theta  0.789361     
            g2.ampl  215.838     
            g1.fwhm  64.5789     
            g1.xpos  4070.63     
            g1.ypos  4251.54     
            g1.ampl  17.0184     
          bgnd.c0  0.188113

sherpa> plot_rprofr("g1",0,150,5) 

The residual profile looks like this [Link to Image 9: Residuals of the best-fit model using: g1+g2+bgnd]. Since there are now two components with xpos and ypos parameters (the "g1" and "g2" compoenents), we now have to include the name of the component when calling plot_rprofr().

To see how reliable the ellipticity and theta values are we calculate the one-sigma errors using the PROJECTION method:

sherpa> PROJECTION g2.ellip g2.theta
Projection complete for parameter: g2.ellip
Projection complete for parameter: g2.theta
Computed for sherpa.proj.sigma = 1
        Parameter Name      Best-Fit Lower Bound     Upper Bound
            g2.ellip        0.332344  -0.0206705      +0.0194327    
            g2.theta        0.789361  -0.0360199      +0.0349404    

What difference does the integration setting make?

In the fits above we turned off the integrate setting of the CONST2D model (the default for the GAUSS2D model is off). With integrate set to off the models are evaluated at a single point in each pixel; this is the center of each bin. If set to on the model is evaluated across all the pixel - this may be analytic for simple cases such as the constant model or estimated numerically for more complex cases such as the gaussian model - which takes into account the variation of the model across the pixel but takes longer to evaluate, and hence fit.

If the model does not change significantly across the pixel then this difference is unlikely to make a difference, other than for the normalisation parameters. For this observation we obtained a FWHM of the second gaussian of close to 8 physical pixels, which is 4 logical (or image) pixels. To see if we are under-sampling the image we try re-fitting the data after changing the integrate setting to on for all of the components. Since the pixel size is four physical pixels (due to the 2x2 binning used to create the image) we divide the model amplitudes by four (or close to this number) before re-fitting.

sherpa> g1 integrate on
sherpa> g2 integrate on
sherpa> bgnd integrate on
sherpa> g1.ampl = 4
sherpa> g2.ampl = 50
sherpa> bgnd.c0 = 0.05
sherpa> simplex.iters = 3000
sherpa> FIT
 smplx: v1.3
 smplx:  initial statistic value =    -4.95589E+04
 smplx:     converged to minimum =    -4.96666E+04 at iteration =   1564
 smplx:    final statistic value =    -4.96666E+04
            g2.fwhm  7.95973     
            g2.xpos  4070.74     
            g2.ypos  4249.28     
            g2.ellip  0.371972     
            g2.theta  0.787842     
            g2.ampl  62.421     
            g1.fwhm  64.5579     
            g1.xpos  4070.63     
            g1.ypos  4251.54     
            g1.ampl  4.25945     
          bgnd.c0  0.0470197     

In this particular case the results for the second gaussian (g2) do change slightly - with the most significant change being the increase in the ellipticity - whilst the values for the large-scale emission (g1) are unaffected. Whether such changes are important depends on the science aims of your analysis and the quality of the data.

In this case we could also re-do the analysis using an image created using a binning factor of 1 instead of 2. This would take longer since there are more pixels, but we may not need to set the integrate setting to on since the pixel size is smaller. If you are concerned about such issues then the best suggestion is to try the fit using the various settings and see what difference it makes.

Saving, restoring, and checking the Sherpa settings

The SAVE command allows you to save the current state of Sherpa - e.g. the names of loaded data files, filter settings, defined models, and current parameter settings - to a file. This file can then be used to restore this state with the USE command. This allows you to continue your analysis at a later date, or try out different ideas - such as using a different optimiser or adding another component - without having to re-do all the fits. The Introduction to Sherpa thread contains a discussion of how to save and restore the Sherpa session.

The final overall status of this Sherpa session may be viewed as follows:

sherpa> SHOW

Optimization Method: Simplex
Statistic:           Cash

Input data files:

Data 1: image2.fits fits.
Total Size: 56376 bins (or pixels)
Dimensions: 2
Size: 261 x 216
Coordinate setting: physical
Total counts (or values): 32300

Current filters for dataset 1:
ignore source 1 all
notice source 1 physical "circle(4071,4250,135)"
Noticed filter size: 14317 bins

Sum of data within filter: 25619

Defined analysis model stacks:

source 1 = ((g2 + g1) + bgnd)

Defined source/background model components:

gauss2d[g1]  (integrate: on)
    Param   Type      Value        Min        Max                 Units
    -----   ----      -----        ---        ---                 -----
 1   fwhm thawed    64.5579        0.2       2000                      
 2   xpos thawed  4070.6299     3936.5     4206.5                      
 3   ypos thawed  4251.5433     4115.5     4385.5                      
 4  ellip frozen          0          0      0.999                      
 5  theta frozen          0          0     6.2832                      
 6   ampl thawed     4.2595       2.63      26300                      

const2d[bgnd]  (integrate: on)
    Param   Type      Value        Min        Max                 Units
    -----   ----      -----        ---        ---                 -----
 1     c0 thawed  4.702e-02          0        263                      

gauss2d[g2]  (integrate: on)
    Param   Type      Value        Min        Max                 Units
    -----   ----      -----        ---        ---                 -----
 1   fwhm thawed     7.9597        0.2       2000                      
 2   xpos thawed  4070.7413     3936.5     4206.5                      
 3   ypos thawed    4249.28     4115.5     4385.5                      
 4  ellip thawed      0.372          0      0.999                      
 5  theta thawed     0.7878          0     6.2832                      
 6   ampl thawed     62.421       2.63      26300                      


In this thread we have shown you how you can fit a two-dimensional model to your image data. As with fitting one-dimensional data, care must be taken to avoid reaching a local, rather than global, minimum. It is suggested that you fit your data using different optimisation methods - for instance the fit above could be re-done with the POWELL method - and to try different initial parameter values when fitting.

In the example above the fit was not very complex: possible additions would have been to link the centers of the two gaussians to be the same; simultaneously fit the same model to more than one dataset (e.g. for multiple observations of a source or when analysing the data from the three imaging cameras in XMM-Newton); include an exposure map in the fit to account for instrumental features such as chip gaps and bad columns; or convolve the model by the PSF during fitting.


14 Dec 2004 updated for CIAO 3.2: script version and path
21 Dec 2005 reviewed for CIAO 3.3: no changes
01 Dec 2006 reviewed for CIAO 3.4: no changes

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Last modified: 1 Dec 2006

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