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Last modified: 1 Dec 2006
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Advanced customization of Sherpa plots


Last Update: 1 Dec 2006 - reviewed for CIAO 3.4: no changes


Sherpa provides a number of plots suitable for data analysis, and the Data Visualization thread shows you how you can use ChIPS commands to modify the plots once they are created.

It is also possible to customise the appearances of these plots automatically using the plot configuration variables in Sherpa. In this thread we provide an example of this functionality by changing the look of "lplot 2 fit resid" style plots.

Read this thread if:

You want to change the look of a plot every time it is created but the options in the Sherpa configuration variables do not provide the control you need.

Related Links:

Proceed to the HTML or hardcopy (PDF: A4 | letter) version of the thread.


Getting Started

Downloading the data

The data used in this thread is available in the sherpa.tar.gz file, as described in the "Getting Started" thread.

Downloading the sherpa_plotfns.sl script

The thread uses the sherpa_plotfns.sl script; for information about the script, consult the help file ("ahelp sherpa_plotfns"). The most recent version of sherpa_plotfns.sl is version 1.29 (02 Nov 2004):

unix% grep Id $ASCDS_CONTRIB/share/slsh/local-packages/sherpa_plotfns.sl
% $Id: sherpa_plotfns.sl,v 1.29 2004/11/02 15:59:14 dburke Exp $

Note that $ASCDS_CONTRIB/share/slsh/local-packages/ is the default path in the standard CIAO scripts installation; see the Scripts page for more information. Please check that you are using the most recent version before continuing. If you do not have the script installed or need to update to a newer version, please refer to the Scripts page.

Loading the sherpa_plotfns.sl script into Sherpa

The sherpa_plotfns.sl script is loaded into a Sherpa session with the evalfile function:

sherpa> () = evalfile("sherpa_plotfns.sl");

The version may also be found by viewing the _sherpa_plotfns_version or _sherpa_plotfns_version_string variables once the file is loaded:

sherpa> _sherpa_plotfns_version
sherpa> _sherpa_plotfns_version_string

If you wish the functions to always be available to Sherpa add the following line to your ~/.sherparc file:

() = evalfile("sherpa_plotfns.sl");

For more information on configuring Sherpa, see the Customizing Sherpa with a Resource File thread.

Using the new plots

Once the sherpa_plotfns.sl script is loaded then you do not need to do anything: the "fit + residual" style plots will automatically use the new style. In fact, any plot in which the second plot area contains a "residual" plot - so residuals, delchi, or ratio - will use the new settings.

Fitting the data

First we load in a dataset and fit it. For this example we use the same dataset and model as used in the Estimating Errors and Confidence Levels thread.

sherpa> data source_grouped_pi.fits
The inferred file type is PHA.  If this is not what you want, please
specify the type explicitly in the data command.
WARNING: statistical errors specified in the PHA file.
         These are currently IGNORED.  To use them, type:
         READ ERRORS "<filename>[cols CHANNEL,STAT_ERR]" fitsbin
RMF is being input from:
ARF is being input from:
sherpa> ignore energy :0.5,8:
sherpa> paramprompt off
Model parameter prompting is off
sherpa> source = xswabs[abs] * powlaw1d[p1]
sherpa> fit
 LVMQT: V2.0
 LVMQT: initial statistic value = 4583.05
 LVMQT: final statistic value = 83.2873 at iteration 8
           abs.nH  2.4061  10^22/cm^2  
            p1.gamma  1.51851     
            p1.ampl  0.000241434     

Plotting the data

sherpa> set_log
sherpa> lp fit

We call set_log first to ensure that the X and Y axes of the plot are drawn with logarithmic scales, as can be seen in the plot created by lplot fit [Link to Image 1: The plot produced by LP FIT].

sherpa> lp 2 fit delchi

When we come to plot the fit with residuals [Link to Image 2: The plot produced by LP 2 FIT DELCHI] the customisations made in sherpa_plotfns.sl can be seen. Note that the y axis of the residual plot is always drawn with a linear scale, even though set_log has been used (this is again due to the customisations and is described below).

The customised form of the plot will occur whenever a residual plot is draw in the second plot: for instance

sherpa> lp 2 ufit ratio

shows the "unfolded" fit together with the ratio of data to fit [Link to Image 3: The plot produced by LP 2 UFIT RATIO]. Similarly

sherpa> lp 2 arf resid
Warning: negative and zero values ignored in log scale

shows the ARF together with the residuals of the fit [Link to Image 4: The plot produced by LP 2 ARF RESIDUALS]. These two examples also demonstrate another customisation: the X-axis of the two plots is set to cover the same range. Without this the plots could become confused as shown below:

sherpa> lp 2 fit arf
sherpa> d 1 location 0.15 0.9 0.4 0.9
sherpa> d 2 location 0.15 0.9 0.1 0.4
sherpa> redraw

which creates this plot [Link to Image 5: The plot produced by LP 2 FIT ARF], where it is not easily possible to relate features in one plot to those in another because their X-axes do not match.

How the customisations work

There are two parts to the plot customisations:

We discuss each part in turn below. Please also review the comments in the script itself.

Changing sherpa.resplot

The look of Sherpa plots is controlled by the settings of fields in the Sherpa state object. These fields are indicated by the bold text below:

sherpa> print(sherpa)
plot             =  sherpa_Plot_State
dataplot         =  sherpa_Plot_State
fitplot          =  sherpa_FitPlot_State
resplot          =  sherpa_Plot_State
multiplot        =  sherpa_Draw_State
output           =  sherpa_Output_State
regproj          =  sherpa_VisParEst_State
regunc           =  sherpa_VisParEst_State
intproj          =  sherpa_VisParEst_State
intunc           =  sherpa_VisParEst_State
proj             =  sherpa_Proj_State
cov              =  sherpa_Cov_State
unc              =  sherpa_Unc_State
con_levs         =  NULL
modeloverride    =  0
multiback        =  0
deleteframes     =  1
clobber          =  0

and are described in the sherpa.plot, sherpa.dataplot, sherpa.fitplot, sherpa.resplot, and sherpa.multiplot documentation.

The field to use depends on the plot type you want to change. Here we want to change residual plots so we use sherpa.resplot and change it so that there are no error bars drawn along the X axis, that symbols are drawn using the "bigpoint" style (this is a circle whose size can be scaled), and ensure that the symbols are not drawn too large. This is accomplished by the following three lines.

sherpa.resplot.x_errorbars = 0;
sherpa.resplot.symbolstyle = "bigpoint";
sherpa.resplot.symbolsize  = 1;

Using the pre/postfunc hooks

While the sherpa.resplot and related variables allow you to change the look of much of the plots, they do not allow us to make all the changes we want. In order to change the size of the two plots and change the title we use the pre- and post- hooks which allows us to write functions that will be called whenever a plot is about to be created or has just been created.

sherpa.resplot.prefunc  = &_sherpa_resid_prefunc;
sherpa.resplot.postfunc = &_sherpa_resid_postfunc;

These two lines tell Sherpa to call the function _sherpa_resid_prefunc just before drawing a "residual" plot and the function _sherpa_resid_postfunc just after creating the plot. The two fields are normally set to NULL which means that no function will be called. If not NULL then they need to contain a S-Lang reference to a function which is what the syntax "&function_name" does. See the Referencing and Dereferencing section of the "Guide to the S-Lang Language" for more information.

It is in these two functions that we make the additional changes to create the desired plot. A simplified listing of the two functions follows; see the script for the full version.

The function called before the residual plot has been created is:

%%% A - define the function
static define _sherpa_resid_prefunc(data, label, dataset, type) {

  %%% B - check status
  if ( 2 != chips_get_pane ) return;

  %%% C - set up the title
  variable model  = get_source_expr(dataset);
  variable fitres = get_goodness(dataset);
  variable title;
  if ( NULL != fitres.rstat )
    title = sprintf( "title '%s \\chi^2_r= %f'", model, fitres.rstat );
    title = sprintf( "title '%s'", model );
  () = chips_eval( title );

  %%% D - change the plot locations
  () = chips_eval( "d 1 location 0.15 0.9 0.4 0.9" );
  () = chips_eval( "d 2 location 0.15 0.9 0.1 0.4" );

  %%% E - change the X axis of the first plot
  () = chips_set_pane(1);
  () = chips_eval( "tickvals x off" );

  %%% F - ensure we are back in the correct pane
  () = chips_set_pane(2);

A - define the function

The function can have any name and we chose to mark it as static so that it is not easily accessible from outside this file (see the Namespaces section of the S-Lang Guide for more information).

B - check status

This function will only alter the plot if the residual plot is in the second "pane" (also called "drawing area") of ChIPS. This ensures that "lp resid" will still behave sensibly; however it does not catch the cases when you have more than two plots, such as "lp 3 fit resid arf".

C - set up the title

Here we change the title of the plot to be the source expression and - if the statistic used is based on chi square - the reduced chi-square value of the fit. See the Accessing fit results using S-Lang thread for more information.

Since there is currently no S-Lang function in ChIPS to set the plot title, we have to create a string containing the ChIPS command and evaluate it using chips_eval().

D - change the plot locations

This section performs the main part of the customization: it changes the size and location of the two panes so that the first plot takes up a larger part of the window. Again we use chips_eval() to execute a set of ChIPS commands.

E - change the X axis of the first plot

Since the two plots now meet - i.e. have a common X axis - we want to remove the axis values from the first plot, otherwise they would appear in the top part of the residual plot. We do this with the tickvals command.

F - ensure we are back in the correct pane

Since this function is called before the plot is created we need to ensure that we leave the selected pane (drawing area) as we left it; in this case to number 2.

The function called after the residual plot has been created is:

%%% A - define the function
static define _sherpa_resid_postfunc() {

  %%% B - check status
  if ( 2 != chips_get_pane ) return;

  %%% C - set the y axis of the residual plot
  () = chips_set_yscale(1);

  %%% D - what are the X axes ranges of the first two plots?
  () = chips_set_pane(1);
  variable xs1 = chips_get_xscale;
  variable xlo1, xhi1;
  ( xlo1, xhi1 ) = chips_get_xrange();
  if ( 0 == xs1 ) {
    xlo1 = 10^xlo1;
    xhi1 = 10^xhi1;

  () = chips_set_pane(2);
  variable xs2 = chips_get_xscale;
  variable xlo2, xhi2;
  ( xlo2, xhi2 ) = chips_get_xrange();
  if ( 0 == xs2 ) {
    xlo2 = 10^xlo2;
    xhi2 = 10^xhi2;

  %%% E - do the X axes ranges match?
  variable xlo = max([xlo1,xlo2]);
  variable xhi = min([xhi1,xhi2]);
  () = chips_set_pane(1);
  () = chips_set_xrange(xlo,xhi);
  () = chips_set_pane(2);
  () = chips_set_xrange(xlo,xhi);
  () = chips_set_xscale(xs1);

A - define the function

This is similar to the "pre" function, except that this function is not sent any arguments.

B - check status

Again we only want to make any changes if the residual plot is the second plot in the series.

C - set the y axis of the residual plot

As it generally does not make sense to plot the residuals on a logarithmic scale we ensure that the Y axis is linear. This means that we are effectively ignoring the value of the sherpa.resplot.y_log field. This is done so that people can use the set_log or set_ylog command and still get a linear scale on the residuals plot.

D - what are the X axes ranges of the first two plots?

Here we find out what the limits are on the X axes of the first two plots. Note that this is slightly complicated because the chips_get_xrange() function returns the logarithm of the limits if the axis scale is logarithmic. Hence we have to check for this condition and change the values accordingly.

E - do the X axes ranges match?

Here we ensure that the two plots have a common X-axis range by setting both of them to the minimum overlap between xlo1-xhi1 and xlo2-xhi2. This is all to avoid plots looking like this [Link to Image 5: The plot produced by LP 2 FIT ARF].

We also force the X axis of the residual plot to have the same scaling - i.e. logarithmic or linear - as the main plot. In most plots this is likely not to make a difference (since they will already match).


14 Dec 2004 updated for CIAO 3.2: script version and path
21 Dec 2005 reviewed for CIAO 3.3: no changes
01 Dec 2006 reviewed for CIAO 3.4: no changes

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Last modified: 1 Dec 2006

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