Download Chandra Observations

This version should not be used. It has been replaced by the download_chandra_obsid script that is part of the CIAO contributed scripts package.

Both PDF and plain text versions of this document are available.


download_chandra_obsid is a simple command-line script that allows a user to download public data from Chandra by giving a list of Observation Ids. The files are downloaded to the current working directory, and stored using the same layout as the Chandra archive; for example, ObsId 1843 would be stored in


An optional list of file types can be given, which restricts the data to be downloaded (by default all available data for the Observation Id is downloaded).


As described below, this script is not an official product of the CXC and is provided with no support. Please use the version provided with CIAO as part of the contributed scripts package.


This is version 2010.05.04 of download_chandra_obsid. It should not be used as it has been replaced by a version provided with CIAO.

Individual files

Tar file

The only file you need to download is the script itself, namely download_chandra_obsid.


The script is written in Python and should work using the CIAO-provided version (CIAO 4.2 provides version 2.6.2). There has been limited testing of the script using version 2.5.1 of Python.

If it is given the executable bit - e.g.

unix% chmod u+x download_chandra_obsid

then it can be run as a normal UNIX command, or you can say

unix% python download_chandra_obsid

The script can be renamed if you object to typing such a long name; for instance to get_obsid.

The examples below assume that the script is in the current working directory, but it can be placed anywhere, such as one of the directories in your $PATH.


Download a single ObsId

unix% ./download_chandra_obsid 1843

The data will be stored in the directory 1843/ and will contain all available data.

Download multiple ObsIds

unix% ./download_chandra_obsid 1842,1843

To download multiple ObsIds you can run the tool multiple times or use a comma-separated list as shown above. In this example the data will be stored in the directories 1842/ and 1843/.

Note that the ObsId values do not need to be listed in ascending order.

Restrict the download

unix% ./download_chandra_obsid 1843 fov,bpix,evt1,flt

Here only the FOV, BPIX, EVT1 and FLT files will be downloaded. The data will be stored in the relevant directores within 1843/ (they will be created if need be).

Restrict the download (II)

unix% ./download_chandra_obsid 1843,1842 fov,bpix,evt1,flt

Here we download the FOV, BPIX, EVT1 and FLT files for the Observation Ids 1842 and 1843.


A help message will be displayed if the --help option is used, or the script is called with either no arguments or invalid input. The message is shown below:

unix% ./download_chandra_obsid
Usage: download_chandra_obsid <obsid1>,..,<obsidN> [<type1>,..,<typeN>]

 Download public Chandra observations.  The observations to download are given
as a comma-separated list of ObsId numbers, and an optional comma-separated
list of file "types" can also be given, which will only download files that
contain the type strings. So an argument of '1842,1843' will download all data
for the obs ids 1842 and 1843, whereas '1842,1843 fov,vv,evt2' will only
download the V&V, fov, and evt2 files for these observations.  The data is
written to the current directory, with each obsid being saved to its own
directory (following the layout used by the Chandra archive).

  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -q, --quiet      Download the files without any screen output? [default:
  -v, --version    List the version of the script and exit.
  -c, --copyright  List the copyright for the script and exit.
  -t, --filetypes  List the valid file types and exit.
  -d, --debug      Display diagnostic output? [default: False]

In this document the long names of the options will be used, such as --help, although the short versions listed above (e.g. -h) can also be used.

Supported file types

The --filetypes option lists the valid names for the optional type argument:

unix% ./download_chandra_obsid --filetypes
The list of valid file types is:

   aoff aqual asol bias bpix cntr_img dtf eph0 eph1 evt1 evt2 flt fov
   full_img msk mtl oif osol pbk pha2 plt soff src2 src_img stat sum vv

The Chandra Data Products guide provides more information on these files, including their uses (although there is no guarantee that the names agree exactly).


The --version option displays the version of the script, which is the release date in YYYY.MM.DD format:

unix% ./download_chandra_obsid --version

Screen output

The default behavior is to display output as each file is downloaded, as shown below. To turn this off use the --quiet flag, which will restrict screen output to error messages.

When run, the tool will appear to pause as it checks what data is available in the archive for the ObsId value, and then print a banner listing the total size available before listing each file as it is downloaded:

unix% ./download_chandra_obsid 1842
Downloading files for ObsId 1842, total size is 69 Mb.

  Type     Format      Size  0........H.........1  Download Time Average Rate
  vv       pdf        88 Kb  ####################          < 1 s  1910.5 kb/s
  oif      fits       23 Kb  ####################          < 1 s  744.5 kb/s
  sum      html        2 Kb  ####################          < 1 s  58.1 kb/s
  sum      ps          2 Mb  ####################            4 s  655.9 kb/s
  sum      html        4 Kb  ####################          < 1 s  199.2 kb/s
  sum      html        3 Kb  ####################          < 1 s  215.1 kb/s
  cntr_img fits      229 Kb  ####################          < 1 s  5794.9 kb/s
  cntr_img jpg       826 Kb  ####################          < 1 s  7064.9 kb/s
  evt2     fits       19 Mb  ####################            3 s  5504.3 kb/s
  full_img fits       90 Kb  ####################          < 1 s  2964.0 kb/s
  full_img jpg        68 Kb  ####################          < 1 s  1613.4 kb/s
  src2     fits       14 Kb  ####################          < 1 s  595.3 kb/s
  src_img  jpg        70 Kb  ####################          < 1 s  1417.6 kb/s
  bpix     fits       10 Kb  ####################          < 1 s  692.3 kb/s
  fov      fits        6 Kb  ####################          < 1 s  414.4 kb/s
  eph1     fits      281 Kb  ####################          < 1 s  6248.2 kb/s
  asol     fits        2 Mb  ####################          < 1 s  2878.2 kb/s
  aoff     fits      889 Kb  ####################          < 1 s  7823.0 kb/s
  evt1     fits       36 Mb  ####################            6 s  5826.7 kb/s
  flt      fits       16 Kb  ####################          < 1 s  953.1 kb/s
  msk      fits        5 Kb  ####################          < 1 s  247.2 kb/s
  mtl      fits      334 Kb  ####################          < 1 s  5525.9 kb/s
  soff     fits        4 Kb  ####################          < 1 s  296.1 kb/s
  stat     fits      276 Kb  ####################          < 1 s  6394.4 kb/s
  bias     fits      426 Kb  ####################          < 1 s  7284.0 kb/s
  bias     fits      494 Kb  ####################          < 1 s  7877.3 kb/s
  bias     fits      430 Kb  ####################          < 1 s  7451.4 kb/s
  bias     fits      423 Kb  ####################          < 1 s  7303.9 kb/s
  bias     fits      427 Kb  ####################          < 1 s  6923.7 kb/s
  bias     fits      427 Kb  ####################          < 1 s  7491.6 kb/s
  pbk      fits        4 Kb  ####################          < 1 s  280.3 kb/s
  vv       pdf         2 Mb  ####################          < 1 s  3041.0 kb/s
  eph1     fits        6 Kb  ####################          < 1 s  312.2 kb/s
  eph1     fits      274 Kb  ####################          < 1 s  601.0 kb/s
  eph1     fits      258 Kb  ####################          < 1 s  5872.6 kb/s
  osol     fits      356 Kb  ####################          < 1 s  5526.5 kb/s
  aqual    fits      132 Kb  ####################          < 1 s  3816.4 kb/s
  osol     fits      360 Kb  ####################          < 1 s  5935.3 kb/s

      Total download size for ObsId 1842 = 69 Mb
      Total download time for ObsId 1842 = 17 s

The first three columns give the filetype, format and file size of the file. The fourth column indicates the fraction of the file that has been downloaded (each # mark is 5% of the file size, with the H symbol in the column header indicating the 50% point) and is updated as the file is downloaded. The last two columns are added once the file size and list the download time and average download rate for that file. A summary of the download is provided once all the files for an ObsId are downloaded.

Previous downloads

The tool will skip any files that have previously downloaded, so it is safe to halt the download during a run (using control-c) and then re-start it. Any partially-downloaded files will resume, so you do not need to re-download data you already have.

This allows you to do partial downloads, for example:

unix% ./download_chandra_obsid 1843 evt2,fov
Downloading files for ObsId 1843, total size is 17 Mb.

  Type     Format      Size  0........H.........1  Download Time Average Rate
  evt2     fits       17 Mb  ####################            6 s  2905.2 kb/s
  fov      fits        6 Kb  ####################          < 1 s  428.0 kb/s

      Total download size for ObsId 1843 = 17 Mb
      Total download time for ObsId 1843 = 6 s

unix% ./download_chandra_obsid/download_chandra_obsid 1843 bpix,evt2
Downloading files for ObsId 1843, total size is 17 Mb.

  Type     Format      Size  0........H.........1  Download Time Average Rate
  evt2     fits       17 Mb    already downloaded
  bpix     fits       11 Kb  ####################          < 1 s  779.5 kb/s

      Total download size for ObsId 1843 = 11 Kb
      Total download time for ObsId 1843 = < 1 s

and then just download the whole observation - e.g. ./download_chandra_obsid 1843 - without having to worry about wasting time on files that you already have.

Compressed files

The tool does not check that you have an uncompressed version of an archive file, so in the 1843 output above, if you uncompress the evt2 file and then re-run the script the compressed version of the file will be re-downloaded.

File corruption

There is no check that files have been corrupted during the download.