September 21, 2009, 10 AM - 6 PM
Seaport World Trade Center
Boston, MA
9:00 Registration opens
10:00 - 10:15 State of the Spacecraft - Harvey Tananbaum
10:15 - 12:35 Session I: HRC, LETG, HRMA (Chair: Stephen O'Dell)
1:40 - 3:00 Session II: ACIS, HETG (Chair: Paul Plucinsky)
4:15 - 5:35 Session III: Cross Calibration (Chair: Vinay Kashyap)
We have allotted 20 minutes for each talk, so plan to speak for about 10-15
minutes, with a few minutes for questions at the end. All presentations will
be in the Amphitheater. There will be a table by the speaker's podium with two laptops:
All Calibration Review speakers have a Chandra's First Decade of Discovery poster space available for a poster version of their talk.
Posters should be put up after 1 PM in the Cityview Ballroom. Prior to the afternoon coffee break, there will be a poster haiku session. Poster presenters should prepare a 1 minute / 1 slide blurb. We will not have an overhead projector available, so your slide should be an electronic one (PDF, PowerPoint, Keynote), not a transparency.
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24 August 2010 |
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