Joint NRAO/Chandra Accepted Cycle 21 Targets and Abstracts

Proposal NumberSubject CategoryPI NameChandra TimeTitle
21700598ACTIVE GALAXIES AND QUASARSE. Behar22.00ksRevealing the Inner Core Behavior of a NLS1


Proposal Number: 21700598

Title: Revealing the Inner Core Behavior of a NLS1

PI Name: E. Behar

A correlation in luminosity suggests a physical connection between the radio emission from radio-quiet (RQ) AGN and the X-ray accretion disk corona. Seyfert galaxies vary at high radio frequencies, where synchrotron absorption is diminished, on inter-day time scales. However, intra-day variability, typical in X-rays, has never been measured in the radio. We propose to measure flux variability of Ark 564 at 45 GHz continuously over 6 hrs, simultaneously with Chandra X-ray monitoring. Ark 564 is chosen owing to its well-documented X-ray variability over time scales as short as 20 minutes. The radio light curve will be compared and cross-correlated with the X-ray light curve.