The Cosmic X-ray Background and the Chandra Southern Deep Field
R. Giacconi(Johns Hopkins University and Associated Universities, Inc.)
[Invited Review Talk, 30 min.]
The Chandra Observatory has obtained the deepest
observations so far in x-ray astronomy in selected regions of the sky.
The Chandra Deep Field South (CDFS) has been observed for a total of
940 ks. The CDFS team has completed a catalogue of sources to limiting
fluxes of 6
10-17, 4.5
10-15 and 1.2
10-15 erg cm-2 s-1 in the energy ranges .5 to 2
kev, 2 to 10 kev and 5 to 10 kev, respectively. We utilize two
detection techniques (sextractor and wavelet) and obtain 300 sources
which are detected by both techniques. We compare the Log N-Log S
obtained in the three energy bands with previous results and model
predictions for the x-ray background. We measure the hardness ratio
(H/R) for all the sources and the stacked spectrum of the total sample.
We obtained finding charts for all the detected sources and measured
optical spectra for some 100 of them. For the 50 best-observed sources
we obtain spectroscopic redshifts. We present results on x-ray versus
optical R band flux ratio, H/R versus redshift and Lx versus redshift.
We discuss the classification of the securely identified point sources.
We have observed a number of extended sources which constitute a
separate catalogue. We discuss the observed number as compared to the
model expectations for groups and clusters.