The Origin of Soft X-rays in DQ Herculis
Koji Mukai, Martin Still (NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center and Universities Space Research Association) Fred Ringwald (California State University, Fresno)
DQ Herculis (=Nova Herculis 1934) is a deeply eclipsing cataclysmic
variable containing a magnetic white dwarf primary. The spin of
the white dwarf is indirectly detected in the optical as a 71-s
oscillation, which is believed to be due to reprocessing of X-ray
and EUV radiations from the poles in the accretion disk.
The accretion disk is thought to block our line of sight
to the white dwarf at all orbital phases. Nevertheless,
soft X-rays have been detected from DQ Her with ROSAT
PSPC (Silber et al 1996), at an inferred (0.1-2.0 keV) luminosity
ergss-1. Since the white dwarf
is excluded as its origin by the viewing geometry, and the luminosity
is too high for the secondary, we consider two scenarios.
(1) Reprocessing of primary X-rays in an accretion disk wind;
and (2) Emission from nova shell, as has been seen for GK Per
(=Nova Persei 1901). To choose between these possibilities, we have
secured a Chandra ACIS-S observation of DQ Her, to be performed
in July, 2001, as well as supporting optical observations. We hope
to report our preliminary analysis of these observations.