Rotation/saturation/dynamos -- Oral Presentation

Rotational modulation of X-ray emission in Orion Nebula young stars

Ettore Flaccomio, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo

G. Micela (INAF), S. Sciortino (INAF), E. D. Feigelson (Penn State University), W. Herbst (Wesleyan University), F. Favata(ESA), F.R. Harnden Jr. (SAO, NASA) S. D. Vrtilek(SAO) Harnden Jr. (SAO, NASA) S. D. Vrtilek(SAO)

I will present results of a search for rotational modulation of X-ray light-curves in a sample of young Orion Nebula Cluster stars. The study, aiming at understanding the spatial distribution of X-ray emitting plasma on pre-main sequence stars, is part of the Chandra Orion Ultradeep Project (COUP) and was made possible by the exceptional length of the observation: 10 days of ACIS integration during a time span of 13 days, yielding a total of 1616 detected sources in the 17x17 arcmin field of view. I will focus on a subsample of 233 X-ray-bright stars with known rotational periods. X-ray modulation related to the rotation period is detected in at least 23 stars with periods between 2 and 12 days and relative amplitudes ranging from 20\% to 70\%. In 16 cases, the X-ray modulation period is similar to the stellar rotation period while in seven cases it is about half that value, possibly due to the presence of X-ray emitting structures at opposite stellar longitudes. These results constitute the largest sample of low mass stars in which X-ray rotational modulation has been observed. The detection of rotational modulation indicates that the X-ray emitting regions are distributed inhomogeneneously in longitude and do not extend to distances significantly larger than the stellar radius. Modulation is observed in stars with saturated activity levels (L$_X$/L$_{bol} \sim 10^{-3}$) showing that saturation is not due to the filling of the stellar surface with X-ray emitting regions.