Clustering/Populations -- Poster Presentation

Coronal emission in the youngest stars: a Deep Chandra X-ray observation of NGC 2362

Francesco Damiani, INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo, ITALY

G.Micela (INAF-OAPA, Italy), S.Sciortino (INAF-OAPA, Italy), N.Huelamo (ESO, Chile), F.R.Harnden (SAO), S.S.Murray (SAO)

We present a deep Chandra ACIS-I imaging observation of the very young cluster NGC 2362. This cluster, only 5 Myr old, is exceptionally free of dust and differential reddening for its age, and offers a unique opportunity of studying its pre-main-sequence stellar population with minimal disturbance from a dense interstellar medium. In this observation of NGC 2362 we detect almost 400 X-ray sources, most of which identified optically with low-mass pre-main-sequence stars. The quiescent X-ray emission of low-mass cluster stars is found to be rather strictly correlated with the stellar bolometric luminosity, with a spread much smaller (a factor of 2 rms) than that found in other young clusters. Such a small spread in the correlation leaves very little room for variability of the X-ray emission, on timescales of either the stellar rotation, or longer (e.g., activity cycles). This puts a strong upper limit on the maximum amplitude of possible activity cycles in very young coronal sources.