The CXC has released a new version of the web search and retrieval
interface to the Chandra Data Archive, known as WebChaSeR.
The URL has remained the same and it is linked to the same pages as
before, e.g., the CDA home page:
There are a large number of improvements and new features - more (and more flexible) search options and access to much detailed information about observations, including quick-look images and literature links. As such, it includes a number of features that used to be only available in ChaSeR, the application. WebChaSeR downloads are still restricted to primary and/or secondary data products packages.
Please give it a try; it is not the old WebChaSeR that you knew!
WebChaSeR does allow downloading of proprietary data, using authorized archive accounts. The account information, for PI accounts as well as proposal accounts, was e-mailed in December to AO-4 PIs.
Arnold Rots, CDA Operations