Next: The X-ray Source
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Previous: Facility overview
AXAF calibration at the XRCF comprises measurements of the following:
- alignment
- focus
- point or line response function
- encircled energy
- effective area/quantum efficiency
- wavelength scale
- spatial conversion
- count rate linearity
- molecular contamination search
- fluorescence source search
- ghost image search
- background
Several of these measurement involve mapping a large parameter space.
For example, the effective area needs to be calibrated as a function
of energy, off-axis angle, detector position, grating order, etc. An
XRCF calibration-test database has been set up by the ASC with inputs
from the SAO Mission Support Team, the Science Instrument teams, and
MSFC Project Science. This database now contains over 6000 entries.
To deal with its size and complexity, and reduce the chance of error,
the ASC will use a macro language to populate the database from at
most a few hundred human-readable and checked inputs. In addition,
the calibration test plan can be updated and revised easily. The ASC
is using Sybase to store the calibration planning information. With
sophisticated Sybase query tools, a variety of reports can be
generated from the database for scientific review, error checking, and
further calibration planning.
Figure 2.
An aerial view of the X-ray Calibration Facility (XRCF) at
the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), Huntsville, Alabama.
[Photo courtesy of MSFC]
Figure 3.
A sketch of the XRCF layout. The X-ray Source System (XSS) is located in
Building 600. One of the two beam normalization detector systems
(BND-500) is about 125 feet away from the XSS, and it is
located in Building 500; the other (BND-H) is at the
HRMA entrance. The BND-H, HRMA, and the focal plane detectors (HXDA and
SIs) are all housed in an instrument chamber, which is about 1700 feet
from the XSS and in a three story control build. The test
control center is on the 2nd floor of the control building, and a data
analysis center is on the 3rd floor.
I will next summarize the two important subsystems, XSS and HXDS.

Next: The X-ray Source
Up: AXAF at the
Previous: Facility overview
Wed Sep 13 12:40:01 EDT 1995