
Shift L9189.  
    Start at 261:12:55 GMT 


Finish: 2024:261:12:01:49   Obsid: 30074 SI: HRC-I (10 ksec) Target: G29-38  

2024:261:15:23:44   Obsid: 27055 SI: ACIS-I (31 ksec) Target: GAL 034.8-00.6  
2024:262:00:49:29   Obsid: 30075 SI: HRC-I (10 ksec) Target: G29-38  
2024:262:04:19:19   Obsid: 26785 SI: ACIS-S (20 ksec) Target: PS16dtm  
2024:262:10:27:30   Obsid: 26565 SI: ACIS-S (26 ksec) Target: SMC 981  

From the 9am status meeting:

2 Supports Completed in the last 24 hours (Total time: 4.3 hours)  
2 SSR dumps

CAP's / Procedures Run:  
CAP # | Time | Title / Description / Notes  
| 260/1808z | Disable SCS 29  
SCS 29 controls the spacecraft loads during eclipse operations and will only
be active during the entire eclipse season. SCS 107 enables and actives SCS 29
as a contingency operation. SCS 29 should be disabled when outside of the
eclipse season. This CAP should be executed after the last eclipse of the
season, as directed by the EPS engineer. 

| 260/1811z | Clear EPS Glitch Counters  
The EPS glitch counters will increment if there is an issue found within the
EPS subsystem. For example, a known problem with Battery Disconnect Circuit
timing may cause occasional glitches when a disconnect pulse is detected in
the charge cycle. This CAP will dump all glitch counter values, and if a
counter increment has occurred all EPS glitch counters will be cleared.  

DSN DR's Created: DR Number| Station| Problem| Cause| Action  
DSS-26| No TLM at BOT| DSS-26 Receiver Issue| DSS-26 Reset the Receiver  

Solar activity is likely to be moderate with a slight chance for an X-class
flare on day one (17 Sep) and expected to be low with a chance for M-class
flares and a slight chance for an X-class flare on days two and three (18 Sep,
19 Sep).

No issues.

No issues.

No issues.

Quick look data:  
OBSID Target             Instr  Grat  
----- ------             -----  ----  
30077 SWIFT J2037.2+4151 ACIS-S HETG  

Next Comms:  

Support (GMT)   BOT  EOT  Station   Site       Track time (local)  
--------------- ---- ---- --------- ---------  -------------------------  
261/1705-1920   1750 1830 DSS-54    MADRID     1350-1430 EDT, Tue 17 Sep  
262/0930-1145   1030 1130 DSS-36    CANBERRA   0630-0730 EDT, Wed 18 Sep  
262/1600-1805   1700 1750 DSS-54    MADRID     1300-1350 EDT, Wed 18 Sep  
262/2240-0045   2340 0030 DSS-54    MADRID     1940-2030 EDT, Wed 18 Sep  

SNAPSHOT summary:  

    UTC 2024:261:01:48:02 (Sep17) f_ACE 6.94e+02 F_CRM 0.00e+00 Kp 5.7 R km 125114A  
    OBT 2024:261:01:45:06  CTUVCDU 10313727  OBC s/w NRML  FMT1_NORM   CPEstat NORM  
    OBT      842924706.58  ONLVCDU 10313720  OBC Errs   0  
                                                         OBSID  26503  EPState  SUN  
    SIM TTpos  -50504  HETG Angle 77.96  PCADMODE NPNT   RA   352.215  Bus V  27.11  
    SIM FApos    -715  LETG Angle 76.09  PCONTROL NPNT   Dec    5.267  Bus I  22.63  
                                         AOFSTAR  GUID   Roll 198.134  
    ACA Object FFFSSSSS    Dither  ENAB                                HRC-I HV  ON  
    ACA ImFunc TTTTTTTT    Dith Yang -11.87    Yaw Rate      0.22      HRC-S HV OFF  
    ACA CCD Temp   -5.4    Dith Zang  14.56    Pitch Rate    0.16      SHLD HV  8.0  
    ACA Int Time  1.698                        Roll Rate     0.02      EVT RT  4079  
    AOACSTAT         OK    FSS SunBeta NSUN                            SHLD RT 5609  
                           FSS Alfa  -49.57    Batt 1 SOC  100.00%  
    Avg HRMA Temp 74.00    FSS Beta  -49.72    Batt 2 SOC  100.00%   A -15 V -14.45  
    Avg OBA Temp  82.73    SA Resolv 172.24    Batt 3 SOC  100.00%   A +15 V  14.53  
    OBA Tavg Fault NFLT    SA Sun Pres ILLM                          A  +5 V   4.84  
    OBA Trng Fault NFLT                        +Y SA Amps   11.21    A +24 V   0.00  
    HRMA power    29.90    SCS 128   ACT       -Y SA Amps   11.21    
    OBA power      0.00    SCS 129   ACT       +Y SA Temp  112.66    
                           SCS 130   ACT       -Y SA Temp  111.74   ACIS Stat7-0 6  
    Roll Mom.    13.979    SCS 131   ACT                            Cold Rad -115.  
    Pitch Mom.    7.453    SCS 132   ACT       Ephin Temp  0.0000   Warm Rad  -77.1  
    Yaw Mom.     -3.583    SCS 133   ACT       EIO Temp    0.0000   RadMon     ENAB  
    PMTANKP     138.942    SCS 107  INAC       EPH temp    144.33     
                                                                    UpLCmdAcc  2660     
    IRU2G2 curr   112.80                       M Unload     MON     Cmd Rej A    15     
    IRU2G1 curr    96.00   Roll Bias   1.6082  TSC Move    STOP  
    Prop. line 03 100.68   Pitch Bias -3.7377  FA Move     STOP   CTX A PWR   36.32  
    Prop. line 04 101.95   Yaw Bias   -1.7637  OTG Move    DISA   CTX A Volts  3.52  

    UTC 2024:261:12:55:02 (Sep17) f_ACE 2.52e+04 F_CRM 0.00e+00 Kp 4.7 R km 149275A  

                        Currently scheduled FPSI, OTG : HRC-I NONE  
                                         Estimated Kp : 4.7  
            ACE EPAM P3 Proton Flux (p/cm^2-s-sr-MeV) : 2.52e+04  
                GOES-R P4 flux, in RADMON P4GM  units : 40.260  
                GOES-R P7 flux, in RADMON P41GM units : 0.061  
                GOES-R E > 2.0 MeV flux (p/cm^2-s-sr) : 4.0  
                                     Orbit Start Time : 0.067  
                  Geocentric Distance (km), Orbit Leg : 149259 A  
                                           CRM Region : 3 (Magnetosphere)  
               External Proton Flux (p/cm^2-s-sr-MeV) : 1.7580e+04  
             Attenuated Proton Flux (p/cm^2-s-sr-MeV) : 0.0000e+00  
      External Proton Orbital Fluence (p/cm^2-sr-MeV) : 5.2915e+06  
    Attenuated Proton Orbital Fluence (p/cm^2-sr-MeV) : 0.0000e+00