
Shift L9141.  
    Start at 213:13:00 GMT 

Finish:   Obsid: 27209 SI: ACIS-I (27 ksec) Target: zwcl 1856.8+661  
2024:213:16:48:21   Obsid: 26930 SI: ACIS-I (17 ksec) Target: A2384  
2024:213:22:13:33   Obsid: 26933 SI: ACIS-I (33 ksec) Target: zwcl 1856.8+661  
2024:214:08:05:31   Obsid: 29493 SI: ACIS-I (17 ksec) Target: A2384  

From the 9am status meeting:

3 Supports Completed in the last 24 hours (Total time: 6.9 hours)  
4 SSR dumps

- 1372B, 213/0515z | Swap Prime SSR to Backup  
Every 6 months the prime SSR will be switched to the backup position. This is
being done to maintain health and trending data on both SSRs for the remainder
of the mission. The swap will typically be aligned with the bi-annual report
periods: Feb – July = SSR-A prime Aug – Jan = SSR-B prime However, operational
conditions may dictate SSR swaps at other times as well.  
- G124604, DSS-24, Station unable to lock Reed-Solomon at BOT, Station
  attempted using another DCC (1) and the same issue presented. The station was
  able to lock up about 10 minutes into the support with the original DCC (11)    

Space weather and the ACE rates have been settling down. Another near X class flare
which produced a CME was observed yesterday near the East limb. The CME appears
to be directed away from us so no mission impact is expected. Solar activity is
expected to be moderate with a chance for X-class flares on days one, two, and
three (31 Jul, 01 Aug, 02 Aug).

Aug0524 loads are in work.

A telemetry corruption event was observed while turning on SSR-B. Checks will
be performed to see if this was related to SSR-B or if it was a coincidental
single upset event.

No issues.

Quick look data:  
OBSID Target           Instr  Grat  
----- ------           -----  ----  
26614 PSR J1539-5626   ACIS-I NONE  
27092 1E 161348-5055.1 ACIS-I NONE  
29492 PSR J1539-5626   ACIS-I NONE  

Next Comms:  

Support (GMT)   BOT  EOT  Station   Site       Track time (local)  
--------------- ---- ---- --------- ---------  -------------------------  
214/0200-0515   0300 0500 DSS-26    GOLDSTONE  2300-0100 EDT, Wed 31 Jul  
214/0915-1130   1015 1115 DSS-24    GOLDSTONE  0615-0715 EDT, Thu  1 Aug  
214/1645-1900   1745 1845 DSS-56    MADRID     1345-1445 EDT, Thu  1 Aug  

SNAPSHOT summary:  
    UTC 2024:213:05:55:02 (Jul31) f_ACE 1.07e+03 F_CRM 0.00e+00 Kp 1.0 R km 101639A  
    OBT 2024:213:05:52:45  CTUVCDU 10964735  OBC s/w NRML  FMT1_NORM   CPEstat NORM  
    OBT      838792365.43  ONLVCDU 10964728  OBC Errs   0  
                                                         OBSID  26578  EPState  SUN  
    SIM TTpos  -50504  HETG Angle 77.96  PCADMODE NPNT   RA   287.964  Bus V  27.26  
    SIM FApos    -715  LETG Angle 76.09  PCONTROL NPNT   Dec    4.994  Bus I  21.60  
                                         AOFSTAR  GUID   Roll 223.275  
    ACA Object FFFSSSSS    Dither  ENAB                                HRC-I HV  ON  
    ACA ImFunc TTTTTTTT    Dith Yang  12.96    Yaw Rate      0.00      HRC-S HV OFF  
    ACA CCD Temp   -5.1    Dith Zang -18.82    Pitch Rate    0.44      SHLD HV  8.0  
    ACA Int Time  1.698                        Roll Rate    -0.11      EVT RT  3824  
    AOACSTAT         OK    FSS SunBeta NSUN                            SHLD RT 5609  
                           FSS Alfa  -42.40    Batt 1 SOC  100.00%  
    Avg HRMA Temp 74.00    FSS Beta  -50.01    Batt 2 SOC  100.00%   A -15 V -14.45  
    Avg OBA Temp  87.24    SA Resolv 148.18    Batt 3 SOC  100.00%   A +15 V  14.53  
    OBA Tavg Fault NFLT    SA Sun Pres ILLM                          A  +5 V   4.84  
    OBA Trng Fault NFLT                        +Y SA Amps   11.02    A +24 V   0.00  
    HRMA power     0.00    SCS 128   ACT       -Y SA Amps   10.63    
    OBA power     35.10    SCS 129  INAC       +Y SA Temp  110.82    
                           SCS 130   ACT       -Y SA Temp  109.89   ACIS Stat7-0 6  
    Roll Mom.     3.910    SCS 131   ACT                            Cold Rad -120.  
    Pitch Mom.    3.443    SCS 132  INAC       Ephin Temp  0.0000   Warm Rad  -77.1  
    Yaw Mom.      3.349    SCS 133   ACT       EIO Temp    0.0000   RadMon     ENAB  
    PMTANKP     137.343    SCS 107  INAC       EPH temp    152.81     
                                                                    UpLCmdAcc 44746     
    IRU2G2 curr   110.40                       M Unload     MON     Cmd Rej A   248     
    IRU2G1 curr    98.40   Roll Bias   1.5789  TSC Move    STOP  
    Prop. line 03 148.52   Pitch Bias -3.7069  FA Move     STOP   CTX A PWR   36.38  
    Prop. line 04 129.74   Yaw Bias   -1.7574  OTG Move    DISA   CTX A Volts  3.52  
    UTC 2024:213:12:56:02 (Jul31) f_ACE 1.57e+03 F_CRM 0.00e+00 Kp 0.3 R km 130883A  
                        Currently scheduled FPSI, OTG : ACIS-I NONE  
                                         Estimated Kp : 0.3  
            ACE EPAM P3 Proton Flux (p/cm^2-s-sr-MeV) : 1.57e+03  
                GOES-R P4 flux, in RADMON P4GM  units : 0.039  
                GOES-R P7 flux, in RADMON P41GM units : 0.014  
                GOES-R E > 2.0 MeV flux (p/cm^2-s-sr) : 4.0  
                                     Orbit Start Time : 0.006  
                  Geocentric Distance (km), Orbit Leg : 130780 A  
                                           CRM Region : 3 (Magnetosphere)  
               External Proton Flux (p/cm^2-s-sr-MeV) : 9.4282e+02  
             Attenuated Proton Flux (p/cm^2-s-sr-MeV) : 9.4282e+02  
      External Proton Orbital Fluence (p/cm^2-sr-MeV) : 2.8381e+05  
    Attenuated Proton Orbital Fluence (p/cm^2-sr-MeV) : 2.8381e+05