Average of ACIS-I CCDs (MnKa) slope 1.947e-8 CTI/day
Detrended slope 1.401e-8 CTI/day
Day (DOY) Temp (C) Width (DAY) ------------------------------------------- 68.67 -111.5 0.39 71.30 -111.1 0.57 73.17 -119.1 ????
The peak of day 71 has a shoulder at the razing side, and made the width much wider than usual.
No new or reopened problems were reported in this period
Around 3/9/2001, 19:30, many gradients showed a sharp peak (e.g., see OBA Cone).
Similarly, computed values: OBACONEAVG (OBA CONE AVG TEMP) and OBAAVG (OBA/TFTE TEMP)
displayed a peak with long trailing tails around at the time.
OOBAPWR (OBA COMPUTED TOTAL PWOER) and ELBI (LOAD BUS CURRENT) also displayed a sharp peak at the same time (766.4 for red limit 400, and 93.44 for 89 red limit, respectively).
2092 | ACIS-S | HETG | NGC3783 | OK /OK | PROBLEM |
1559 | ACIS-S | NONE | RXJ1242-1119 | OK | PROBLEM |
1551 | ACIS-I | NONE | G21.5-09,I3,AO2A | OK | OK |
1557 | HRC-S | NONE | G21.5-09,HRC-S,AO2A | OK | OK |
1555 | HRC-I | NONE | G21.5-09,HRC-I,AO2A | OK | OK |
MSID DESCRIPTION COMMENTS 1CRAT COLD RADIATOR TEMP. A flat @145, some scatter, max is rising after DOM 500 1CRBT COLD RADIATOR TEMP. B flat @145, some scatter, max is rising after DOM 500 1DACTBT DA COLLIMATOR TEMP. B slightly upward trend,between 254 and 258 1DPAMYT DPA -Y PANEL TEMP slightly upward trend between 281 and 284 1DPAMZT DPA -Z PANEL TEMP slightly upward trend between 285.5 and 287.0 1MAHCAT DOOR CLOSE ACTUATOR TEMP A around 714.3, about 0.5 drop around DOM 450 1MAHOAT DOOR OPEN ACTUATOR TEMP A around 714, about 0.5 drop around DOM 450 1MAHOBT DOOR OPEN ACTUATOR TEMP B around 712.7, about 0.5 drop around DOM 450 1PDEAAT PSMC DEA PS A TEMP upward trend, scattered between 294 and 306 1PDEABT PSMC DEA PS B TEMP upward trend, scattered between 286 and 296 1PIN1AT PSMC TEMP 1A slightly upward trend, scattered between 282 and 290 1DE28AVO DEA +28V INPUT A sinusoidal curve bottomed around DOM 525 (between 29.0-30.2) 1DEP3AVO DEA +28V ANALOG A scattered between 30.5 and 30.7, slightly upward trend 1DP28AVO DPA +28V INPUT A sinusoidal curve bottomed around DOM 525 (between 29.0-30.2) 1DPICACU DPA INPUT CURRENT A around 1.40, slight upward shift around DOM 450 1DAHBCU DA HEATER CURRENT B around 0.55, slightly downward trend 1DAHBVO DA HEATER VOLTAGE B scattered between 7.6 and 8.5, slightly downward trend 1DAHHBVO DA HOUSING HEATER INPUT VOLTAGE B sinusoidal curve bottomed around DOM 540, lowest point is lower than the last (DOM 180) 1DE28BVO DEA +28V INPUT B sinusoidal curve bottomed around DOM 540, lowest point is lower than the last (DOM 180) 1DP28BVO DEA +28V ANALOG B sinusoidal curve bottomed around DOM 540, lowest point is lower than the last (DOM 180) 1DPICBCU DPA INPUT CURRENT B around 1.20, min is slightly rising
MSID DESCRIPTION COMMENTS 1CBAT CAMERA BODY TEMP. A flat @210.79 1CBBT CAMERA BODY TEMP. B flat @213.26 1CRAT COLD RADIATOR TEMP. A flat @145, some scatter, max is rising after DOM 500 1CRBT COLD RADIATOR TEMP. B flat @145, some scatter, max is rising after DOM 500 1DACTBT DA COLLIMATOR TEMP. B slightly upward trend,between 254 and 258 1DEAMZT DEA -Z PANEL TEMP scattered around 28.1 between 279 and 283 1DPAMYT DPA -Y PANEL TEMP slightly upward trend between 281 and 284 1DPAMZT DPA -Z PANEL TEMP slightly upward trend between 285.5 and 287.0 1MAHCAT DOOR CLOSE ACTUATOR TEMP A around 714.3, about 0.5 drop around DOM 450 1MAHCBT DOOR CLOSE ACTUATOR TEMP B around 713.8 1MAHOAT DOOR OPEN ACTUATOR TEMP A around 714, about 0.5 drop around DOM 450 1MAHOBT DOOR OPEN ACTUATOR TEMP B around 712.7, about 0.5 drop around DOM 450 1OAHAT OPEN ACTUATOR HOUSING TEMP. A lower boundary at 243.1, scatter upward of 244.5 1OAHBT OPEN ACTUATOR HOUSING TEMP. B concentrate around 240.6, but scattered between 239.8 and 241.0 1PDEAAT PSMC DEA PS A TEMP upward trend, scattered between 294 and 306 1PDEABT PSMC DEA PS B TEMP upward trend, scattered between 286 and 296 1PIN1AT PSMC TEMP 1A slightly upward trend, scattered between 282 and 290 1WRAT WARM RADIATOR TEMP. A @191.15, some scatter upward 1WRBT WARM RADIATOR TEMP. B @191.15, some scatter 1DAHACU DA HEATER CURRENT A @0.0 1DAHAVO DA HEATER VOLTAGE A @0.0 1DAHHAVO DA HOUSING HEATER INPUT VOLTAGE A @0.0 1DE28AVO DEA +28V INPUT A sinusoidal curve bottomed around DOM 525 (between 29.0-30.2) 1DEICACU DEA INPUT CURRENT A scattered between 1.0 and 1.8 1DEN0AVO DEA -6V VOLTAGE A scattered between -6.4 and -6.2 1DEN1AVO DEA -15V VOLTAGE A scattered between -16.2 and -15.6 1DEP0AVO DEA +6V VOLTAGE A scattered between 6.15 and 6.2 1DEP1AVO DEA +15V ANALOG A scattered between 15.5 and 16.2 1DEP2AVO DEA +24V ANALOG A scattered between 25. and 25.2 1DEP3AVO DEA +28V ANALOG A scattered between 30.5 and 30.7, slightly upward trend 1DP28AVO DPA +28V INPUT A sinusoidal curve bottomed around DOM 525 (between 29.0-30.2) 1DPICACU DPA INPUT CURRENT A around 1.40, slight upward shift around DOM 450 1DPP0AVO DPA +5V ANALOG A around 5.30 1DAHBCU DA HEATER CURRENT B around 0.55, slightly downward trend 1DAHBVO DA HEATER VOLTAGE B scattered between 7.6 and 8.5, slightly downward trend 1DAHHBVO DA HOUSING HEATER INPUT VOLTAGE B sinusoidal curve bottomed around DOM 540, lowest point is lower than the last (DOM 180) 1DE28BVO DEA +28V INPUT B sinusoidal curve bottomed around DOM 540, lowest point is lower than the last (DOM 180) 1DEICBCU DEA INPUT CURRENT B around 16.38 1DEN0BVO DEA -6V VOLTAGE B @-0.16 1DEN1BVO DEA -15V VOLTAGE B @-0.39 1DEP0BVO DEA +6V VOLTAGE B around 0.07/8 1DEP1BVO DEA +15V ANALOG B around 0.19 1DEP2BVO DEA +24V ANALOG B around 0.29/0.30 1DEP3BVO DEA +28V ANALOG B around 0.37 1DP28BVO DEA +28V ANALOG B sinusoidal curve bottomed around DOM 540, lowest point is lower than the last (DOM 180) 1DPICBCU DPA INPUT CURRENT B around 1.20, min is slightly rising 1DPP0BVO DPA +5V ANALOG B around 5.26/5.27 1HOPRAPR DIFFERENTIAL HOUSING PRESSURE A @ -2.83 1HOPRBPR DIFFERENTIAL HOUSING PRESSURE B @ -2.55