CON-X Observation Design Reference Mission Proposal Template.

Please answer as many of the following questions as possible for the scientific category of your choice. The members of the Constellation-X project team will use these responses to produce a Design Reference Mission document for use by industry. Although your response may be posted on our web site, we will not post the scientific justification. However, please consider writing a science justification to help the project team fully understand your science requirements.

1. Title of Investigation:

2.Science Category:

3. Abstract:

4. Scientific Justification:

5. Objects:

6. Technical Feasibility Discussion:

Please describe any feasibility issues, especially with respect to the baseline mission

7. Energy Range

For calibration purposes, what energy range is most important for this observation (in keV):

8. Flux (cgs), Count Rates (counts per second):

8a. SXT/Calorimeter: Total Flux, 2.0-10.0 keV (ergs/cm^2/sec):
8b. SXT/Calorimeter: Total Count rate:
8c. SXT/Calorimeter: Peak flux per pixel, 2.0-10.0 keV (ergs/cm^2/sec):
8d. SXT/Calorimeter: Peak count rate per pixel:

9. Primary instrument?

9a. What is the primary instrument for your science?
9b. What is the required S/N in the primary instrument?

10. Variability and Timing Issues:

10a. Is this a variable source? Yes No
If yes, approximately how much does the source vary?
10b. Do you require monitoring observations? Yes No
If yes, fill in table 2 (below).
10c. Is there a preferred sequence for the observations? Yes No
10d. Do you require precision timing? Yes No
If yes, at which of the following levels (in absolute UT)? 100 microsec 500 microsec 1 millisecond

11. Extended Sources/Crowded Fields

11a. Is the source in a crowded field (ie., confusing X-ray source within 20'') Yes No
If yes, please answer Questions 12a.
11b. Is this an extended source? Yes No
If yes, please answer Questions 12b.

12. Observing strategy, Pointing Issues:

12a. Do you require a roll angle constraint? Yes No
If yes, specify the angle and acceptable tolerance in Table 1 below.
12b. If extended, do you require a raster scan? Yes No
If yes, list offsets and exposures times per offset in Table 2 below.
12c. Do you require simultaneous and/or multi-wavelength observations? Yes No
If yes, list observatories and/or wavelengths below.

12d. It this a phase dependent observation? Yes No
If yes, list period and phase interval below

13. Target of Opportunity (TOO)

13a. Is this observation a TOO? Yes No
13b. If yes what response time is required? (hours):

14. Target Coordinates

Please specify target coordinates in J2000 including known proper motions 2E The exposure time should be the total time for each pointing. If raster scans, or multiple observations are required (ie., monitoring or phase dependent observations) the times for individual exposures should be provided in Table 2, not here in Table 1. Lx should be estimated for the bandpass of 0.2 -- 2keV.

TABLE 1: Target Info
Target #TargetMvLxLoptRA(J2000)Dec(J2000)
ExpTime(total,ksec) Roll AngleTolerance

Target #TargetMvLxLoptRA(J2000)Dec(J2000)
ExpTime(total,ksec) Roll AngleTolerance

If you have more than 2 sources, please enter the information for the additional sources in Section 15.

TABLE 2: Exposure Constraints, Rasters
Target #TargetExposure #Delta RA''Delta Dec''
Exposure Time (ksec *) Window:StartWindow:DeltaDelta T between

Target #TargetExposure #Delta RA''Delta Dec''
Exposure Time (ksec *) Window:StartWindow:DeltaDelta T between

* Exposure time for each individual exposure, not the sum of all exposures.

15. Request for additional information from proposers:

15a. After looking at the baseline requirements for this mission, are there observing capabilities that you still require for your science? (e.g., Would a non-square calorimeter array be an advantage for your science?)

15b. Do you have special calibration requirements for your observation (wavelength and intensity, etc.) that are not currently available?

15c. Do you have special needs for simulation tools and software, and what are they?

Proposer email address: