Observation Design Reference Mission Proposal Template.
- Please
fill out this form fully before submitting.
- The
most efficient way to fill out the Abstract
and Science Justification may be to cut and paste from text files.
- Intermediate versions may be saved to disk with the SAVE
button at the bottom, and reloaded with your browers 'open file' button.
- When completed please enter your email address and hit
the 'SUBMIT' bottom at the bottom. This will email a text and HTML
version to you and to us.
Please answer as many of the following questions as possible for
the scientific category of your choice. The members of the
Constellation-X project team will use these responses to produce
a Design Reference Mission document for use by industry. Although
your response may be posted on our web site, we will not post the
scientific justification. However, please consider writing a
science justification to help the project team fully understand
your science requirements.