HRC-I QE measurements

M. Juda
January 10, 1997

1  Introduction

During October 1996 the HRC IPI team performed a series of QE measurements on what was considered at the time to be the HRC-I flight unit. This assembly consisted of a CsI coated MCP stack from GEOC (SN 94M0051-23 and 94M0051-28) and an Al/polyimide/C UV/ion shield (Luxel SN 010). During November 1996, the UV/ion shield was found to be too transmitting in the FUV and was replaced. The MCPs also developed a dead spot in the central portion and as a result were also replaced. The new MCP stack was also from GEOC and CsI coated (SN 94M0051-17 and 94M0051-19). The UV/ion shield was Al coated polyimide (Luxel SN 016). QE measurements were performed on this assembly in late November. This memo is a presentation of the first look at the QE vs energy in the ``sweet spot'' of the HRC-I.

2  Measurement Setup and Procedure

The QE measurements described here were all performed on Pipe #1 in the HRC lab in Porter Exchange. The laboratory set-up and procedures are described in detail in ref [1]; the following is a summary. The HRC-I assembly was mounted on rotational stages in a vacuum chamber at the opposite end of the x-ray pipe from the x-ray source. The source to MCP distance was ~ 705 cm. A gas flow proportional counter, referred to as the BND, was also installed in the chamber with the MCPs. At the source end of the pipe, a second gas flow proportional counter, referred to as the Monitor, was mounted on a short arm perpendicular to the pipe. Sets of filters could be inserted between the source and the pipe and between the source and the Monitor.

The BND and the MCPs were never operated simultaneously, so as to avoid the possibility that a BND window leak would cause a break-down that would damage the MCPs. A QE measurement would start with the MCP HV turned off and the BND and Monitor both filled with gas. The x-ray source would be turned on and operating HV set for both the BND and Monitor. Pulse height distributions would then collected simultaneously from the BND and Monitor. The x-ray source would then be shut off and simultaneous background pulse height distributions collected from the BND and Monitor. The BND HV would then be turned off and the gas pumped out; the Monitor was left on. The MCP HV was then turned on and simultaneous backgrounds collected with the HRC-I assembly and the Monitor. Finally, the x-ray source would be turned on and data collected from the HRC-I assembly and the Monitor.

3  Data Reduction

Data for the QE measurements comes primarily from three sources: the HRC-I, the BND, and the Monitor. Other sources of data are temperature and pressure monitors and mechanical measurements.

The QE of the HRC-I is calculated by comparing the rate in the HRC-I to that in the BND, which has a known QE:


QEBND is the QE of the BND
RHRC is the net rate due to the source in the HRC-I
WHRC is the solid angle subtended by the HRC-I region
RBND is the net rate due to the source in the BND
WBND is the solid angle subtended by the BND
RMonBND is the net rate in the Monitor during the BND observation
RMonHRC is the net rate in the Monitor during the HRC observation

3.1  MCP Data

MCP data in the lab are generated in a pseudo-telemetry format. The ASCDS decom tool was used to convert these to QPOE files so that tools available in the ASCDS could be used for analysis. No degapping was performed when converting from raw data to QPOE files. Instrument ``on-time'' was determined from the number of raw data frames that were successfully processed. A deadtime correction based on the detected event rates was applied to generate a livetime; during the x-ray illuminations the deadtime correction was typically ~ 5%. Only counts in a square box, 5120 pixels on a side, centered on the HRC-I (centered at pixel 7680, 7680) were used for the QE calculation. This region has an area of 10.836 cm2 and at a distance of 704.9 cm subtends 2.181×10-5 steradians. For each QE measurement the net HRC-I rate (difference of the x-ray illuminated rate and background rate) is calculated for the region.

3.2  BND Data

The BND data are pulse height distributions. I am using counts in a region of interest rather than trying to fit the distributions. As a first cut, I have assumed that the spectra fairly clean (a single line with limited continuum) and use the total rate detected in the BND for calculation. (This is not valid for the QE measurement at Be-K so I am ignoring it for this memo). The net BND rate due to x-rays is calculated and converted to photons/sec incident on the detector using models for the BND window and mesh transmission and gas stopping efficiency. The is a circular aperature (dia. = 2.2225 cm) in front of the BND that defines the solid angle it subtends.

3.3  Monitor Data

The Monitor data are also pulse height distributions. Once again, I use the total counts in the detector to determine the rates. The ratio of net Monitor rate observed during the HRC-I data collection to the net Monitor rate observed during the BND data collection is used to correct for variation in the flux from the x-ray source with with time.

4  Results

The tables 1 and 2 give summaries the QE vs energy for the two versions of the HRC-I as well as the derived QE of the CsI coated MCP assemblies accounting for the UV/ion shield transmission. The derived QE of the MCP assembly in the new HRC-I are higher at all of the energies at which the measurements were made but not by the same factor ( ~ 30% at 0.277 keV to ~ 8% at 6.4 keV). Tables 3 to 14 give more detailed information about each of the QE derivations.

Table 1: QE of October HRC-I
Energy (keV) HRC-I QE Tranmission MCP QE
0.183 0.055 0.173 0.316
0.277 0.207 0.461 0.448
0.525 0.083 0.403 0.205
0.852 0.267 0.694 0.385
1.487 0.255 0.921 0.276
2.984 0.151 0.980 0.155
4.511 0.122 0.994 0.123
6.404 0.152 0.998 0.152

Table 2: QE of November HRC-I
Energy (keV) HRC-I QE Tranmission MCP QE
0.277 0.244 0.408 0.598
0.525 0.094 0.387 0.242
1.487 0.298 0.931 0.321
6.404 0.166 1.000 0.166

Table 3: 0.183 keV QE Measurement - 18 October 1996
File Counts Livetime Rate
MCP (x-ray) P1961018b_evt.qp 218354 9924.02 s 22.00 s-1
MCP (background) P1961018a_evt.qp 1184 949.81 s 1.25 s-1
Monitor with HRC (x-ray) 961018bm.chn 872232 10000.0 s 87.22 s-1
Monitor with HRC (background) 9610186m.chn 480 1000.0 s 0.48 s-1
BND (x-ray) 9610184b.chn 40900 1000.0 s 40.90 s-1
BND (background) 9610185b.chn 453 300.0 s 1.51 s-1
Monitor with BND (x-ray) 9610184m.chn 72073 1000.0 s 72.07 s-1
Monitor with BND (background) 9610185m.chn 161 300.0 s 0.54 s-1
HRC-I region area (pixels) 26214400
HRC-I region area 10.836 cm2
Source to MCP distance 704.9 cm
HRC-I region solid angle 2.181×10-5 sr
BND aperture area 3.879 cm2
Source to BND distance 655.0 cm
BND solid angle 9.043×10-6 sr
BND window transmission 0.3859
BND mesh transmission 0.815
BND effective depth 6.25 cm
BND fill gas CH4
BND gas pressure 100 torr
BND gas temperature 297 K
BND gas stopping efficiency 0.9654
QEBND 0.3036
QEHRC 0.055

Table 4: 0.277 keV QE Measurement - 17 October 1996
File Counts Livetime Rate
MCP (x-ray) P1961017b_evt.qp 1406816 9537.57 s 147.50 s-1
MCP (background) P1961017a_evt.qp 1119 951.87 s 1.18 s-1
Monitor with HRC (x-ray) 961017am.chn 406231 10000.0 s 40.62 s-1
Monitor with HRC (background) 9610174m.chn 932 2000.0 s 0.47 s-1
BND (x-ray) 9610171b.chn 288147 1000.0 s 288.15 s-1
BND (background) 9610172b.chn 458 300.0 s 1.53 s-1
Monitor with BND (x-ray) 9610171m.chn 67836 1000.0 s 67.84 s-1
Monitor with BND (background) 9610172m.chn 148 300.0 s 0.49 s-1
HRC-I region area (pixels) 26214400
HRC-I region area 10.836 cm2
Source to MCP distance 704.9 cm
HRC-I region solid angle 2.181×10-5 sr
BND aperture area 3.879 cm2
Source to BND distance 655.0 cm
BND solid angle 9.043×10-6 sr
BND window transmission 0.7486
BND mesh transmission 0.815
BND effective depth 6.25 cm
BND fill gas CH4
BND gas pressure 304 torr
BND gas temperature 304 K
BND gas stopping efficiency 0.9544
QEBND 0.5823
QEHRC 0.207

Table 5: 0.525 keV QE Measurement - 17 October 1996
File Counts Livetime Rate
MCP (x-ray) P1961017f_evt.qp 1010839 6276.64 s 161.05 s-1
MCP (background) P1961017c_evt.qp 1291 998.08 s 1.29 s-1
Monitor with HRC (x-ray) 610147m.chn 1031716 6600.0 s 156.32 s-1
Monitor with HRC (background)
BND (x-ray) 6101744b.chn 15426 200.0 s 77.13 s-1
BND (background) 6101745b.chn 199 100.0 s 1.99 s-1
Monitor with BND (x-ray) 6101744m.chn 20373 200.0 s 101.8 s-1
Monitor with BND (background) 6101745m.chn 64 100.0 s 0.64 s-1
HRC-I region area (pixels) 26214400
HRC-I region area 10.836 cm2
Source to MCP distance 704.9 cm
HRC-I region solid angle 2.181×10-5 sr
BND aperture area 3.879 cm2
Source to BND distance 655.0 cm
BND solid angle 9.043×10-6 sr
BND window transmission 0.1768
BND mesh transmission 0.815
BND effective depth 6.25 cm
BND fill gas CH4
BND gas pressure 210 torr
BND gas temperature 297 K
BND gas stopping efficiency 1.0
QEBND 0.1441
QEHRC 0.083

Table 6: 0.852 keV QE Measurement - 19 October 1996
File Counts Livetime Rate
MCP (x-ray) P1961019g_evt.qp 1500935 9480.39 s 158.32 s-1
MCP (background) P1961019e_evt.qp 1217 966.14 s 1.26 s-1
Monitor with HRC (x-ray) 9610201m.chn 1270361 10000.0 s 127.04 s-1
Monitor with HRC (background)
BND (x-ray) 9610202b.chn 23859 200.0 s 119.29 s-1
BND (background) 610196b.chn 416 200.0 s 2.08 s-1
Monitor with BND (x-ray) 610202m.chn 25450 200.0 s 127.25 s-1
Monitor with BND (background) 610196m.chn 97 200.0 s 0.48 s-1
HRC-I region area (pixels) 26214400
HRC-I region area 10.836 cm2
Source to MCP distance 704.9 cm
HRC-I region solid angle 2.181×10-5 sr
BND aperture area 3.879 cm2
Source to BND distance 655.0 cm
BND solid angle 9.043×10-6 sr
BND window transmission 0.6103
BND mesh transmission 0.815
BND effective depth 6.25 cm
BND fill gas CH4
BND gas pressure 202 torr
BND gas temperature 297 K
BND gas stopping efficiency 0.9648
QEBND 0.4799
QEHRC 0.267

Table 7: 1.487 keV QE Measurement - 16 October 1996
File Counts Livetime Rate
MCP (x-ray) P1961016b_evt.qp 1600447 9481.09 s 168.80 s-1
MCP (background) P1961016a_evt.qp 1179 949.81 s 1.24 s-1
Monitor with HRC (x-ray) 961016cm.chn 912909 10000.0 s 91.29 s-1
Monitor with HRC (background) 961016dm.chn 552 1000.0 s 0.55 s-1
BND (x-ray) 961016ab.chn 200211 1000.0 s 200.21 s-1
BND (background) 961016bb.chn 619 300.0 s 2.06 s-1
Monitor with BND (x-ray) 961016am.chn 91592 1000.0 s 91.59 s-1
Monitor with BND (background) 961016bm.chn 214 300.0 s 0.71 s-1
HRC-I region area (pixels) 26214400
HRC-I region area 10.836 cm2
Source to MCP distance 704.9 cm
HRC-I region solid angle 2.181×10-5 sr
BND aperture area 3.879 cm2
Source to BND distance 655.0 cm
BND solid angle 9.043×10-6 sr
BND window transmission 0.9024
BND mesh transmission 0.815
BND effective depth 6.25 cm
BND fill gas P-10
BND gas pressure 250 torr
BND gas temperature 297 K
BND gas stopping efficiency 0.9857
QEBND 0.7249
QEHRC 0.255

Table 8: 2.984 keV QE Measurement - 19 October 1996
File Counts Livetime Rate
MCP (x-ray) P1961019d_evt.qp 1713503 9447.39 s 181.37 s-1
MCP (background) P1961019c_evt.qp 1093 935.51 s 1.17 s-1
Monitor with HRC (x-ray) 6101911m.chn 1735480 10000.0 s 173.55 s-1
Monitor with HRC (background)
BND (x-ray) 9610199b.chn 258005 1000.0 s 258.01 s-1
BND (background) 6101910b.chn 593 300.0 s 1.98 s-1
Monitor with BND (x-ray) 9610199m.chn 141704 1000.0 s 141.70 s-1
Monitor with BND (background) 6101910m.chn 159 300.0 s 0.53 s-1
HRC-I region area (pixels) 26214400
HRC-I region area 10.836 cm2
Source to MCP distance 704.9 cm
HRC-I region solid angle 2.181×10-5 sr
BND aperture area 3.879 cm2
Source to BND distance 655.0 cm
BND solid angle 9.043×10-6 sr
BND window transmission 0.9869
BND mesh transmission 0.815
BND effective depth 6.25 cm
BND fill gas P-10
BND gas pressure 600 torr
BND gas temperature 297 K
BND gas stopping efficiency 0.7909
QEBND 0.6361
QEHRC 0.151

Table 9: 4.511 keV QE Measurement - 16 October 1996
File Counts Livetime Rate
MCP (x-ray) P1961016d_evt.qp 1504650 9513.05 s 158.17 s-1
MCP (background) P1961016c_evt.qp 1143 957.99 s 1.19 s-1
Monitor with HRC (x-ray) 961016jm.chn 1439640 10000.0 s 143.96 s-1
Monitor with HRC (background)
BND (x-ray) 961019kb.chn 399344 1000.0 s 399.34 s-1
BND (background) 961019ib.chn 695 300.0 s 2.32 s-1
Monitor with BND (x-ray) 961019km.chn 143282 1000.0 s 143.28 s-1
Monitor with BND (background) 961019im.chn 155 300.0 s 0.52 s-1
HRC-I region area (pixels) 26214400
HRC-I region area 10.836 cm2
Source to MCP distance 704.9 cm
HRC-I region solid angle 2.181×10-5 sr
BND aperture area 3.879 cm2
Source to BND distance 655.0 cm
BND solid angle 9.043×10-6 sr
BND window transmission 0.9963
BND mesh transmission 0.815
BND effective depth 6.25 cm
BND fill gas P-10
BND gas pressure 301.5 torr
BND gas temperature 297 K
BND gas stopping efficiency 0.9191
QEBND 0.7463
QEHRC 0.122

Table 10: 6.404 keV QE Measurement - 19 October 1996
File Counts Livetime Rate
MCP (x-ray) P1961019b_evt.qp 1432566 9537.91 s 150.20 s-1
MCP (background) P1961019a_evt.qp 1113 953.95 s 1.17 s-1
Monitor with HRC (x-ray) 961019bm.chn 1122736 10000.0 s 112.27 s-1
Monitor with HRC (background) 9610196m.chn 558 1000.0 s 0.56 s-1
BND (x-ray) 9610194b.chn 363552 1000.0 s 363.55 s-1
BND (background) 9610195b.chn 671 300.0 s 2.24 s-1
Monitor with BND (x-ray) 9610194m.chn 142948 1000.0 s 142.95 s-1
Monitor with BND (background) 9610195m.chn 152 300.0 s 0.51 s-1
HRC-I region area (pixels) 26214400
HRC-I region area 10.836 cm2
Source to MCP distance 704.9 cm
HRC-I region solid angle 2.181×10-5 sr
BND aperture area 3.879 cm2
Source to BND distance 655.0 cm
BND solid angle 9.043×10-6 sr
BND window transmission 0.9988
BND mesh transmission 0.815
BND effective depth 6.25 cm
BND fill gas P-10
BND gas pressure 600.5 torr
BND gas temperature 297 K
BND gas stopping efficiency 0.8550
QEBND 0.6959
QEHRC 0.152

Table 11: 0.277 keV QE Measurement - 25 November 1996
File Counts Livetime Rate
MCP (x-ray) P1961017eg_evt.qp 1482773 9551.02 s 155.25 s-1
MCP (background) P1961017ef_evt.qp 1019 998.10 s 1.02 s-1
Monitor with HRC (x-ray) 61125m7.chn 568106 10000.0 s 56.81 s-1
Monitor with HRC (background) 61125m6.chn 511 1000.0 s 0.51 s-1
BND (x-ray) 61125b4.chn 46532 300.0 s 155.11 s-1
BND (background) 61125b5.chn 87 100.0 s 0.87 s-1
Monitor with BND (x-ray) 61125m4.chn 16668 300.0 s 55.56 s-1
Monitor with BND (background) 61125m5.chn 50 100.0 s 0.50 s-1
HRC-I region area (pixels) 26214400
HRC-I region area 10.836 cm2
Source to MCP distance 704.9 cm
HRC-I region solid angle 2.181×10-5 sr
BND aperture area 3.879 cm2
Source to BND distance 643.9 cm
BND solid angle 9.357×10-6 sr
BND window transmission 0.7486
BND mesh transmission 0.815
BND effective depth 6.25 cm
BND fill gas CH4
BND gas pressure 300 torr
BND gas temperature 297 K
BND gas stopping efficiency 0.9526
QEBND 0.5812
QEHRC 0.244

Table 12: 0.525 keV QE Measurement - 25 November 1996
File Counts Livetime Rate
MCP (x-ray) P1961125ej_evt.qp 1545319 9543.53 s 161.92 s-1
MCP (background) P1961125ei_evt.qp 959 942.89 s 1.02 s-1
Monitor with HRC (x-ray) 61125m15.chn 971618 10000.0 s 97.16 s-1
Monitor with HRC (background) 61125m14.chn 552 1000.0 s 0.55 s-1
BND (x-ray) 61125b12.chn 21299 200.0 s 106.50 s-1
BND (background) 61125b13.chn 198 100.0 s 1.98 s-1
Monitor with BND (x-ray) 61125m12.chn 19145 200.0 s 95.73 s-1
Monitor with BND (background) 61125m13.chn 54 100.0 s 0.54 s-1
HRC-I region area (pixels) 26214400
HRC-I region area 10.836 cm2
Source to MCP distance 704.9 cm
HRC-I region solid angle 2.181×10-5 sr
BND aperture area 3.879 cm2
Source to BND distance 643.9 cm
BND solid angle 9.357×10-6 sr
BND window transmission 0.1768
BND mesh transmission 0.815
BND effective depth 6.25 cm
BND fill gas CH4
BND gas pressure 100 torr
BND gas temperature 297 K
BND gas stopping efficiency 0.9970
QEBND 0.1437
QEHRC 0.094

Table 13: 1.487 keV QE Measurement - 26 November 1996
File Counts Livetime Rate
MCP (x-ray) P1961126c_evt.qp 1833059 9448.54 s 194.00 s-1
MCP (background) P1961126b_evt.qp 1075 949.89 s 1.13 s-1
Monitor with HRC (x-ray) 61126mc.chn 1235859 10000.0 s 123.59 s-1
Monitor with HRC (background) 61126mb.chn 569 1000.0 s 0.57 s-1
BND (x-ray) 61126b4.chn 41549 200.0 s 207.74 s-1
BND (background) 61126b5.chn 383 200.0 s 1.91 s-1
Monitor with BND (x-ray) 61126m4.chn 25312 200.0 s 126.56 s-1
Monitor with BND (background)
HRC-I region area (pixels) 26214400
HRC-I region area 10.836 cm2
Source to MCP distance 704.9 cm
HRC-I region solid angle 2.181×10-5 sr
BND aperture area 3.879 cm2
Source to BND distance 6439 cm
BND solid angle 9.357×10-6 sr
BND window transmission 0.9024
BND mesh transmission 0.815
BND effective depth 6.25 cm
BND fill gas P-10
BND gas pressure 250 torr
BND gas temperature 297 K
BND gas stopping efficiency 0.9857
QEBND 0.7249
QEHRC 0.298

Table 14: 6.404 keV QE Measurement - 26 November 1996
File Counts Livetime Rate
MCP (x-ray) P1961126e_evt.qp 1556200 9525.82 s 163.37 s-1
MCP (background) P1961126d_evt.qp 1015 937.66 s 1.08 s-1
Monitor with HRC (x-ray) 61126m11.chn 1024346 10000.0 s 102.43 s-1
Monitor with HRC (background) 61126m10.chn 596 1000.0 s 0.60 s-1
BND (x-ray) 61126b8.chn 118767 400.0 s 296.92 s-1
BND (background) 61126b9.chn 185 100.0 s 1.85 s-1
Monitor with BND (x-ray) 61126m8.chn 41441 400.0 s 103.60 s-1
Monitor with BND (background) 61126m9.chn 56 100.0 s 0.56 s-1
HRC-I region area (pixels) 26214400
HRC-I region area 10.836 cm2
Source to MCP distance 704.9 cm
HRC-I region solid angle 2.181×10-5 sr
BND aperture area 3.879 cm2
Source to BND distance 643.9 cm
BND solid angle 9.357×10-6 sr
BND window transmission 0.9988
BND mesh transmission 0.815
BND effective depth 6.25 cm
BND fill gas P-10
BND gas pressure 597 torr
BND gas temperature 297 K
BND gas stopping efficiency 0.8533
QEBND 0.6946
QEHRC 0.166


P-HRC-302 Rev. A, ``Verification Test Procedure for the HRC Imaging Detector'', 27 September 1996.

Dr. Michael Juda
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
60 Garden Street, Mail Stop 70
Cambridge, MA 02138, USA
Ph.: (617) 495-7062
Fax: (617) 495-7356

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